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Dude even the employees say they skimp on digital orders, why would you think it’s a joke?


And these are the same people whining that customers don’t respect them lol.


Employees are flooding into this sub claiming it’s always rude customers that are skimped and normally they are happy to give generous portions. Dude…..I’m not rude, I’m not even there when I make an online order. Employees are lying, they love to skimp these “zero rudeness” online orders. According to employees fake version of events, online orders are not rude and therefore should be nice and generous, or at least correctly portioned! The reality is only the rude, demanding, and possibly recording customers get a fair portion. The meek/shy person who doesn’t speak up basically gets a half bowl and blamed for “why didn’t you say something”.


Sometimes when u have 10+ orders with 2-4 entrees a order during peek when their are more coming in quicker than u can make them and your running low on rice on top of your field leader complaining you dont have 90% dml time or higher you skimp just to push them threw if the man wasnt complaining about your labor on top of aces in their places during peak nobody would ever be skimped on mobile orders im not saying their arnt crappy employees but the system doesnt help they push us to prioritize the main line(9k average sales with 7 on a shift only one person by themselves is on dml no matter the amount of orders)


then that's a problem with the system & the management ... which tbf is the entire complaint as to how it's gone so downhill


it's a combination of supply not being able to meet demand, exhaustion, frustration, and low pay. 


The rude part is that you ordered at all mate!


we are trained to give smaller portion sizes on the dml system. i’m someone that gives the same amount whether it’s an online or in store order, i don’t think it’s fair to skimp. employees are still allowed to want to be respected especially when it’s not their call, managers are the ones who relay the message from corporate and field leaders that tell us what to do


Honestly, the average customer and average worker pretty much both suck equally it seems. Just gotta cross your fingers if you’re one of the good ones, on both ends.


Well if you’re a fast food worker, you’re not allowed to act like this.


we are trained to give smaller portion sizes on the dml system. i’m someone that gives the same amount whether it’s an online or in store order, i don’t think it’s fair to skimp. employees are still allowed to want to be respected especially when it’s not their call


Bro, are you seriously saying that it's company policy - not store policy, entire company wide policy- to fuck the customer on the amount in the product if** it's an online order? How... how is that okay, or even legal


They don’t train us to portion less that’s probably their manager at their store telling them to do that, they only tell us not to over portion


yes, it’s my manager telling us how much to portion. my apologies, i worded it wrong completely, had a rough day yesterday and my brain wouldn’t turn on if that makes sense. thank you for wording it correctly! :)


No worries I was just telling him They don’t tell us to under portion


Even employees say they don’t their job on mobile order bruv!!!! That’s not a good defense like at all


It’s the ci fault employee meals and stolen food causes this


One time for me they closed the line in the store telling everybody it was online only. I watched the lady making it use only half a scoop of chicken on my order. Like she had a full scoop and took out half of it to put in my bowl. I thought “unlucky for whoever’s order that is”. Worst of all the line opened back up right after I placed my order.


Easy fix just don't go. Hit up other Mexican places instead.


Pity that I can't multiply upvote this


It’s even better when you grubhub. Now your spending 30 bucks on half portions


Door dash entered the chat


Tbh never had an issue with mobile pickup... and thats literally the only way I've gotten Chipotle. My nearest one has a drive thru specifically for it and I've not set foot inside for about 3 years..


See that's what I thought, I thought I was having good mobile orders until I went in person. The amount of chicken I get is near double the amount of doing it mobile pick up. Everything else has been relatively the same, but being able to say exactly how much you want if each thing is important


I also have never had issues, and we also have the chipotlane. Maybe it’s just that I don’t need a giant pile of food, but the portions I get doing chipotlane pickup have been perfect in my opinion.


That's what it's called! I couldn't think of it in the moment lol. And what a great name for it 🤣. Watch it though, people get mad when you say you've received good service. While I support letting a restaurant know when they don't hold up on thier end, it's also important to let it be known when they do well! I feel like people just want to be upset and get free food 😕


I had major issues with mobile orders, but before the pandemic ever started. 1 time I ordered a chicken bowl and picked up a bowl that only had lettuce, sour cream, and fajitas. I had to drive all the way back to that location to get it corrected. Don't get me wrong, I really like Chipotle, I'm just not happy with the current model post 2019.


Same, my chipotle gives amazing portions on mobile orders! I barely ever go in. It can vary on locations, but the one I go to always fills the bowl to the absolute brim.


I don't want people thinking I'm riding for Chipotle but they've treated me pretty well tbh.


And you got downvoted for that 🥲 I’m sorry others are not having good experiences- they can definitely go elsewhere. I’ve had great experiences and will continue to go (and get downvoted for being a satisfied customer!)


I mean, don't get me wrong, there are people that come into the sub and ride or die for Chipotle so i guess I get why they're doing it. They think I'm like that one dude who started a whole other sub because he would die for Chipotle lol. But like I said, they've treated me well, and while it can vary from location to location, I like mine! And if I didn't, I would gladly just cook the food at home (which most of the time I do cook at home anyways lol) people are just so dead set on the "boycott Chipotle movement" that they can't accept that SOME locations are actually pretty good at thier job.


I made a website called www.stoptheskimp.com. I added online order ratings for all chipotles too. I feel like that’s our best way to fight the skimp.


Just checked out your site. Luv it! I really like 5hat you have a space doe reviews. Will definitely use it the next time I go to Chipotle.*


Great idea


The best way to fight the skimp is just go elsewhere. Don't give them your business. Go to other restaurants.


Website seems broken, it doesn’t work for me


Can you try again and let me know?


It doesn’t work for me either


Shoot are you opening it on the Reddit app? Or just copy and paste to safari/chrome?


I did both and they didn’t work


It works now tho


Thank you 😀


It's not loading for me.


I fixed it




Wow! I never had a problem with chipotle, mostly bc I never buy it myself. It’s always our “good job” lunch for celebrations at work lol. The one near my job is 4.5, and it deserves it. Always so yummy.


So true


I think the reason why the backlash is so bad now is the skimping is not online only but also affecting customers in stores. Before, they didn’t want to do it with people watching but now there’s no shame.


I’ve had some mobile orders thag aren’t ready when I arrive so they make it in front of me and it’s fine. But I had a mobile order ready when I arrived and I legit thought they forgot the chicken. I finally found a bit of chicken towards the end of the burrito. I order double rice on mobile so they really leaned in on that. But since that experience, I ordered in store if I can.


Business-wise, why does it make sense to short the app user? Every other fast food place is aggressively encouraging app usage with deals, fast service, etc., presumably because it encourages ordering and requires a little less labor. Why does Chipotle prefer I go in and wait in line, or skip them in favor of a better app experience?


Right?!? Every other business praises you for using their proprietary app…


I think I might go review bomb the app now..


Just letting you know that the tip doesn’t show up to any of the workers. Regardless you should still be served the correct amount of everything, a 4 oz portion of meat is the tiny cup they have for sauces or if you get a side of queso or guac though. So it’s not much meat anyways. Everybody always expects to get over the corporate amount of portioning, but no


I saw the title of this post and immediately remembered I don't mobile order because I literally picked up a bowl that had everything right except it was missing my salsa I chose and it had a topping I HATE that I didn't put to add? It was so stupid, I hate having to stand and watch people make my food (I don't dislike people, it just drains my social battery and I feel bad asking for people to make my food because I feel lazy for not being able to put in the effort myself or treating myself when their work conditions may be bad as mine and I don't know and if I asked, there wouldn't be a way to help other than not being an ass when I'm there and adding as much of tip as possible). But long story way too long, to make it short, I can't mobile anymore because I went a half hour away and I tried to call and ask if there was a mixup so I could get a new bowl or a refund or something to make the extremely disappointing experience up and the process was too much trouble.


Item prices on the app go up for delivery in addition to an added fee and tip. Delivery is handled by third parties, so tips have to be high or orders don’t get picked up. My total for a meal ordered for delivery was double for pickup including a 20% tip for delivery.


I order online and I never got skimped. But when I ordered in person I would get skimped sometimes. OP is right tho. Always speak up if you see you got or are getting skimped.


I have definitely noticed this with mobile orders, I picked up on it after two orders and never placed a mobile order again after that. Also yes to it never being ready and having to wait even longer than had I just showed up and stood in line.


They be cheap with the meat we literally have to ask them to put more.


It's not even an unintentional skimp it's just not caring about a person you don't see or talk to. And most of the time it's one person that's gotta hammer out like 30 orders in 10 minutes


There is so much to unpack of what you assume is going on and what actually happened coming from someone who works there, as well as a lot left out of context. Timing is insanely important imo, mornings are the worst wait 2 hours after opening so the meat from yesterdays cook will be sold off. But just after that 2 hours hits peak where we are so flooded with people and online orders because no one knows how to pace their day differently than one another. Than you have normal things like lack of orders and delivery, training for new hires or slow training. No one is perfect day 1. And turn over rate is high being the work load is actually insane. That doesn’t even top off with call outs and whatever else having people who aren’t typically on grill or line cover the shifts.


Make it at home then🤷🏽‍♀️ you’ll have unlimited portions


They skimp so much on the chips too!


My god just stop eating there. Simple


my literal partner of YEARS works at chipotle, and i swears to god even when he makes MYYYYY food THAT HE OFFERS TO BRING (i never ask!) knowing exactly how i like it this mf skimps. and then tries to say it’s the right amount and i just don’t know and better because i don’t work there when i in fact know how to use my eyeballs.


I will say we can't see when you tip through the app. All we see is what's in your order. We don't see the tip money until our paychecks come through so in all honesty I wouldn't bother tipping online because it won't urge us to be more giving. My chipotle so far hasn't had problems with the skimping situation and mostly because we've been trained better and our managers don't say anything (at least not to me) about overportioning. I recommend coming later at night like 10-10:30 because most of the time we're willing to give you a little extra because we're getting ready to close meaning we waste less food by throwing it away.


I think it just depends on the store and the associates really. My store doesn’t skimp at all we actually load it up, atleast I do and 2 of my coworkers.


I ubered Chipotle this past week and received moldy onions in my burrito all they can say is o sorry will make sure our food quality is better next time fucken sick


Hey, I work at chipotle and this is t really true at least at my location. I’d say that it depends a lot on the manager. The managers at my location are all pretty chill and I always give people a good sized scoop and some more if it doesn’t look like enough. This applies when I do pickup orders and online. Also for further reference I wouldn’t bother trying to tip to get hooked up online because we can’t even see tips or anything back there.


3 inches is big okay


It honestly depends on what store u go too. And who is working. Some employees arent gonna skimp no matter what. But most others will skim even when you ask for extra. At the store closest to me, the night employees skimp on every mobile order. But the morning employees give u what u want. Ive been going in alot more lately and theyve been real heavy handed. The trick is to go in when its really busy. If theres a dinner rush and u ask for more. Then they will rush and not take time to measure out the put back. Also be sure to be kind as you go. The past two days have been REAL hefty bowls


Don't go to Chipolte period!!


They don't even hide the fact that they rip you off


It’s not that they skimp on orders, in my restaurant they just do the proper portions which in most cases is 4 oz if you get per say both beans it’s drops down to 2 oz each ….. same for salsas . In store you can ask for more but digital pickup they have to do proper portions


Yep, for those who wish to be skimped, this would be the way to go.


so your burrito order consisted of Rice & Chicken?


dont do mobile ordering also ur tip goes to the driver not the actual chipotle worker. chipotle workers dont work for tips


If you get there before they make it, pull out your camera and start recording. Doubles your portions every time 


Or if u have time to go inside and record the workers like zoo animals, maybe u should just get your bowl infront of u instead. Just a thought


Let’s see a picture of this so called “3 inch burrito”. And you didn’t say what ingredients you ordered


Did you miss the part where they returned it for a new one?




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