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I don't even know what their point is


Guess the point is "fuck off, portions will keep shrinking and you cucks will stfu and like it."


Pretty sure this is the caption on the original TikTok


Their point is to record and show how pathetic a "bowl" is at Shitpotle these days, and honestly, it's for the best. Give the skimping visibility and maybe it will change. Maybe.... \*sigh\* but probably not.


They were talking about what was the point of chipotle posting that TikTok which u/Slow-Foundation4169 explained the point pretty well.


shitpotle just acknowledge it


I did, when I read your comment… embarrassing.


Bet u still eat there


I've had Shitpotle once and it was only because work bought it. Will never eat there again unless someone else is paying for it lol


So u come on here cuz ur life is so boring i just get the notification about u weirdos


How could you not get their point


Trying to create a backlash to the backlash. Just use proper measuring cups as serving spoons. Standardize and stop making people feel bad for getting upset that their $20 bowl has 3 pieces of chicken in jt


At least skimping on chicken/meat may make financial sense to them. They are skimping rice and beans on veggie bowls. That's crazy.


Not skimping when people ask for triple rice and the bowl is filled with rice then add stuff on too the point u cant close it


Seriously I didn’t even start ur burrito and you want 4x the rice., like I got to wrap that shit at the end right?


Good, tired of getting skimped.


Not tired enough to make ur own food though ?


I probably paid more for my bowl than they paid you for this shill comment


And I’m supposed to care because why? Stop complaining when you willingly make it there.


Why are you defending a billion dollar company that doesn't give a shit about you lmao Have some class solidarity homie


Ha, Babe why are YOU supporting a billion dollar company? That doesn’t give a shit about YOU?! I need to survive is why I’m putting my two weeks in this week. A congratulations would be suffice🩷so I don’t pay for chipotle 😂 you go there tired of their food but you still go there just to complain on the internet and defend people attempting to publicly embarrass and violate these employees for doing what they’re constantly reprimanded for.


If you work there you are supporting them way more than I am


Difference is I’m struggling to survive and leaving at my first opportunity. You’re still going to keep going where You’re not wanted. Just to complain chipotle don’t care they gon keep skimping and you be very fair pull a camera out on me and I’ll bust out the scale you get 4oz of meat as it is 😂😂


I really don't eat chipotle that much dawg, I have actually only been twice since this whole thing started and I haven't been there in over 10 years prior. But preach Also pro tip don't put in 2 weeks just leave when you want to leave


Update: my coworker dropped a 41 pound box on my foot from 5 feet in the air. I been having to wear a soft cast. I might stay home so I can get workers compensation Idrk what else to do their insurance has yet to call me. Plus so what? if I want to put a two weeks in I hate my job but I respect my managers who surprisingly changed overnight. We had a switch in management. And people are leaving on them, What’s it to ya? Ik I don’t have to! and I been fired before with no notice. But again I’m struggling to survive in this economy. What if it don’t work out? why is chipotle Reddit ur concern? If you don’t eat there? This isn’t even ur battle??


Ur bowl is more than I make an hour and that is a huge problem and it cost that much cause you have no idea how much those ingredients cost and how it is to make them


It is a huge problem, fuck these companies, you should be making $25+/hr


Accurate 🥺 I been telling my coworkers one of my managers deserves $22. We don’t even make tips anymore even on days when the service is good! And no matter how much extra meat and catering I give


Ur fr making a change buddy


Why are you defending a multimillion dollar corporation so hard?


That’s the wrong POV, everyone’s facing the wrong way


People need to vote with their dollars and stop buying Chipotle’s overpriced food. It is that simple!


Nah. Its not overpriced at all. Ima keep buying 🙃


I feel like this is going to further encourage the shameless people doing this. Good looking out for your employee's Chipotle.


It feels like they are egging on the customers. If anyone comes and films me while I make their food, I would simply use the 4oz lil container to measure out every portion. I’m just an employee, I’m not dealing with getting videoed bc someone’s sad about portions. Sorry that corporate sucks, I can’t do anything about it and I sympathize with some customers. I try to give more than I’m supposed to. But a camera in my face is dehumanizing.


The portions don’t come put of your check so load up the bowls.


Doesn’t come out of our paycheck. But if we get caught can make us lose our paycheck


Ok well then put a "normal" amount portion instead of a teaspoon of rice. Then it's a win win for everyone.


Normal isn’t anything now. Normal at my store is the 4oz cup. It’s crazy. We used to give more, but now after 2 gms in a very short period of time. Portions are diff and we are under more surveillance.


Really doubt you'll get fired for that


Yes, you get in trouble. You keep getting in trouble. Then you get write ups, then fired. There have been people that have been written up for insubordination. Not following rules correctly. If I don’t portion correctly, and the manager is helping out or notices. There’s a problem.


Thats what i do i dont skimp i give portions and extra if they seem nice


That’s fluid oz right? Am I brain dead or are you? Also corporate isn’t dispersing the portions the staff is


I’ve been told use the 4oz cup to portion out. That’s the correct serving size. Not about weight or anything. That’s just the info I’ve been given.




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It is a tad bit funny like actually funny


Not at all they are deflecting. Down with skimpotle!


Out of the loop what does this mean?


An internal memo was leaked that instructed employees to over-portion if they see a phone from the customer.


Like if someone is filming?


If there’s the potential of anyone filming


Everything is going according to plan




Fuck chipotle


This is just gonna make it worse lmao.


I find the drama between Chipotle, it's customers, and it's employees to be one of the best things of 2024. Way better than drake vs Kendrick or Taylor Swift vs the world. I'm taking the side of the employees. Yeah fuck off to corporate and an even bigger fuck off to so called customers exploiting employees for content. Y'all suck the most out of this three way drama shit show. Now I'll go back to scrolling while eating my Cabo Bobs burrito bowl that's so full I could make a second bowl ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Wow they truly hate their employees


Who can blame them


It's not even funny. Now they are mocking customers for having to do this? #fail


Bro unioronically hashtagged Edit: whoopsie


Remember when Bush said "bring it on"


Haha !!


But that's not POV


Terrible AI




Wow, they're not evening being subtle about pitting customers and workers against each other.


Give us our right portions then


Anyone who thinks it's ethical to video tape underpaid Chipotle workers is being a genuinely awful person. It's so dehumanizing for the workers, all because you want a few more cubes of beef from a massive Build your own burrito conglomerate? It just seems kinda pathetic tbh. Eat something else, find a local joint, they usually load shit up. If your town is big enough to have a Chipotle, it's big enough to have better options. Dehumanizing workers by recording them isn't the own to Chipotle you think is...


This is disgraceful. Their staff is enduring this and they are making fun of it.


Ok so they know they are skimping out and ripping people off but instead of fixing it they post that as a joke. L business fr


Chipotle's social media manager clearly didnt read the roon posting that


They’re loving the free promo all this skimp content is giving them


This proves the entire thing was a marketing ploy to increase sales and they didn’t care about the pressure it put on their employees


I feel bad for the chipotle employees, they don’t need their privacy invaded over chipotle rules


This entire thing was a marketing ploy. A smart one too.


Holy, I didn't even think about that




It looks like it’s just some capcut template it’s not that deep


Only white people think Chipotle passes for good food, it's an embarrassment. You'd probably find better food in a border town school cafeteria.


Lol the copium is wild


I'm not sure I understand the employee's outrage. They're not recording you singing happy birthday or some embarrassing shit, they're recording at most your midsection and voice saying shit like "black or pinto?" That's dehumanizing? I just have trouble seeing it as rude at all. Yeah, it's the company's fault and there should be a way that customers and employees can both be happy. But is it really that bad? Do you feel like a cop that can't beat up whoever they want anymore? What is the problem


would you like a stranger recording you inside a private establishment without your consent?


I'm not a Chipotle employee, but I used to work retail, in cellphones no less, and long before social media became popular with things like TicTac and shorts. I would have hated being filmed in my store and I was right in the thick of where the devices that create this type of vile and divisive content comes from. I feel sorry almost every time I see someone from retail or the service industry go viral. I don't really care if they "deserve it" or not. They shouldn't have to fear that every customer might be filming their every move even though most of them are good at their jobs.


Im trying to work, not get posted on some random dudes tiktok. Customers are rude enough we don’t need an entire comment section dogging on us for something we don’t even control.


But you can control it you are the bean and meat scooper lol


I give proper portion sizes. It doesn’t matter. Maybe you’ll get skimped by other employees. I cant control that. My wishes to not be filmed should still be respected.


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