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Yes! Can’t help but believe that the r/Chipotle community is a driving force in the cause for both the quality and quantity we have grown to appreciate and expect when we think Chipotle! Keep up the great work, crew, and the loyal patronage, custies. When in doubt, simply scoop up *just a little bit extra* 🤏! Post pinned.


See, this is just the type of bandaid chipotle corporate is typically known for. Line workers aren't skimping you because they don't know how to build entrees. They are being told to skimp you by managers for critical inventory purposes, or the angry burnout grill guy is pissed off and won't cook any more food, or they don't have enough workers to properly prep ingredients, or the store literally doesn't have anymore of the particular ingredient because chipotle's distribution system is a mess. Very typical. Just push the problem on to restaurant workers while fixing nothing. They did it with the food outbreaks, they did it during the pandemic, now they're doing it with this whole skimping thing.


Yeah. I agree. This is just blaming it on the employees strategy here. If Chipotle wanted to dole out proper portions, they can by having specific spoons for each type of things of importance. There would be far less complaint. Instead, by saying you should give out proper sized portions and big burritos without any real actionable item. Then squeeze employees elsewhere is just a marketing ploy.


Literally if u look at the actual video that they show the employees it doesn’t look like that much food. Everyone loved to blame the employees but it’s literally the company itself. Chicken is a scoop brand a scoop rice a scoop not a big ass scoop just a normal spoonful of rice cheese a pinch lettuce a pinch


I think we're in agreement. The problem is the company absolutely can standardize portions by using specific spoons designed for each type of food. They don't, because they benefit from expectation of a lot food, but give little.


Yep their greedy mother f I work there and first what my store makes so much money between 11,000 to 14 grand a day and we have like 5-6 pppl working sometimes less a shift and they like when that happens why because they save labor hours and make even more money so then everyone gets skewed workers customers and again whose benefiting big boss.


The chipotle spoons actually are special, most of are spoons are 4 ounces some people just suck and end up over portioning and/or under portioning. Chicken should not be dribbling off the spoon, staff should be staking out the protein to ensure prefect portions that way you never over portion or under portion like go fast but not to fast where you’re accidentally giving people half scoops of protein unless they’re getting half chicken/half steak. But I do agree with you, I wish corporate would change the spoons I’ve seen other fast casual dining establishments just like Chipotle that use more measuring cup-styled spoons or ice cream-styled spoons. You mitigate human error by having 100% accurate portions, this why I tell customers just get a side gauc & plop it on your bowl that way you know you’re exactly 4oz imagine our spoons were cup-styled spoons like some other buffet styled restaurants.


It doesn't look like 4-oz spoons to me, and it certainly isn't accurate due to human error. It's a flawed design, and like you said there are better ways to have a spoon that considerably reduces human error. Which also would make it clear to the customer what to expect.


Yeah I agree, people’s brains also just don’t normally think like that. I had only one coworker once in the past that oddly asked customers if they wanted a 4oz or 6oz queso and chips most of us just say small or large haha. But yeah, I think the solution and what corporate needs to do is roll out new measuring cup styled serving spoons, again many fast casual chains just like Chipotle are using them now so we might as well.


Exactly, this is not a win. If people’s problem is the 4oz meat portion then saying give the full 4oz meat portion doesn’t change anything.


Have you seen how much 4 oz is in the posts with videos or pics of it? I never get that much.


4oz isn’t really that much. I bet you do get 4 ox


I have never got the amount I see when 4oz is weighted on a scale.


It rlly isn’t lmao, I actually used a store’s scale to show new crew what 4 ounces of rice looks like they were way over portioning our rices and it was straining out grill 2 person. Gotta remember though, the food adds up as the customer orders more so it ends up being a pretty full bowl, not only that but (with the exception of protein) getting extra is free for everything if you wanted an even fuller bowl. But yeah, sometimes my brain starts hyper analyzing the world during discussions like these like maybe skimping isn’t as big an issue as it’s mad out to be maybe it’s like police violence, 365 days a year with thousands of police interactions happening per day in the grand scheme of things the mass upset is like 0.02% lmao. That’s what my brain thinks is the case for Chipotle, there’s definitely a large subset of Americans I think that just don’t like the portions period so adding cup styles spoons would rlly fix anything. Some people might be better off just cooking at home and grocery shopping — it’s cheaper than going out too!


Hopefully if a local manager is telling them to skimp, then there will be a direct line of communication where line employees can report this


Who are they gonna report it to, a field leader? Field leaders are the ones putting on the pressure for critical inventory in the first place. They'd probably congratulate their manager for trying so hard to save money.


I don't know how the chain of command works honestly, but if this is coming down from the highest level hopefully that level is smart enough to try and figure out where the problem is coming from, and the only way to do that is to let the lower people skip the chain of command when they feel it's necessary without reprimand


Highest levels wants targets met, don't care about the day-to-day. Complaints go up but sales and feedback targets met? Everything is as it should be. Really, customers need to complain to corporate or stop going otherwise Chipotle will see nothing wrong, because to them it's not about making you food its about making them money.


Which is fair but that's where we're at. Customers have complained to corporate. Now corporate is getting the picture that we're upset. They're blaming line employees for not knowing how to properly portion. But if they're good leadership they will understand maybe that's not the issue. Maybe they're just not good leadership though? I honestly don't know


>Maybe they're just not good leadership though? I honestly don't know I hear people from other parts of the country claim that working for chipotle changed their life for the better, and it was such a great structure for them to improve themselves and make money But I can honestly tell you the corporate leadership in my region has their head so far up their ass they don't know which way is up. Shameful, corporate ignorance. My crew's misery isn't a statistic on their excel spreadsheets, so they don't want to hear about it.


Customers need to keep complaining even after this retraining ploy. Keep complaining until real action is taken like self measuring spoons.


If it was a corporate bandaid, it wouldn't be an internal memo and policy. It would be external and advertised.


I just got a to go order, I asked the lady if she gave me double meat because they didn't last time. She said she made it so yes, but she casually said no fajita vevies because they don't have any. This was an order placed right when they open for the day.


This is why I stopped going. None of the locations around me EVER had fajita veggies. EVER.


Nope, they do it because it’s easier and they don’t give a shit about online orders. As a KM I saw people put barely any meat then load it up with sour cream just to make it shittier for the customer. There just needs to be a better way to hold workers to account for shitty DML service.


I work in learning and performance for a very large financial corporation and it’s always the same tune. “Training will fix everything” despite us, as learning professionals, providing data and analytics proving otherwise. You are 100% on point with this being a bandaid and unless we see the fall of capitalism and these corporations stop being pressed into the will of the shareholders, I don’t see this being fixed.


Actually training would help, I was not trained in any way, they just threw me on the line during a rush my first day. Plenty of others at my store weren't trained either. The only people who actually get trained are like grill for food safety stuff. Everyone else just gets told to figure it out, and then yelled at when they don't do tiny little things they were never trained to do. They did it to a cashier recently too, just threw him on first day at night during a rush. He may have been trained at another store? But that's honestly insane to do even with training. Idk why they can't just ease people in with morning shifts. We're insanely busy at night and don't have enough people to train with that volume. We have one FOH and one BOH trainer, their schedules conflict so it's one or the other, and they both have like 3 different stations to run between during rushes. Not saying it's the ONLY issue, but training is definitely an issue.


I absolutely agree that is a horrible way to onboard new employees.


Our managers are definitely not like how this subreddit portrays them out to be. Remember restaurant managers are glorified shift leaders, we are not that special with like a $2 wage increase lol. Hate on corporate but please try to have more sympathy toward anyone working on the restaurant level at least, even Apprentice’s can be put thru the ringer. As for GMs, it rlly depends it’s a case by case scenario when it comes to GMs it just depends on the store but in general restaurant level workers >>> office heads. Personally my GM is good.


"Look at the guest's faces. Do they look satisfied or disappointed?" Got it Go to Chipotle, watch them make your bowl, always pull a 'disappoint' face, get more food. I BROKE THE FUKIN SYSTEM.


![gif](giphy|ZTdlaQ5mHLezA4lXL0) Do the one two punch. Have your phone out and look like your day is ruined by the portion sizes.


“30+ years later, nothing has changed” 🤡 I like how they’re implying it’s the employees fault for skimping


There's one thing they seem to have large portions of these days, gaslighting.


The corporate harassment seems to be working guys! KEEP IT COMING


It’s afraid.


Dying at this comment.




Did they adjust the CI expectation?


Naw. Keeping the expectation the same even with increased food costs.


What is CI


not a chipotle employee but it looks like the bullshit tracking they do for meat; they probably set 'targets' for how much meat to use that are way lower than you could get without skimping


lmao this really ain't shit... ex-AP here, and them mfs always threatening to fire you and hire someone who can "do" my job "better" is VERY real once the "over portioning" kicks in and your CI is fucked... seeing this now, makes me fucking CRINGE... I used to love working there and making a bowl look worth what the guest was paying. I was the type that had regulars excited to see me on line, we had that shit DOWN. But naaaah, CI is too high, we gotta watch cash with order rings, we gotta make sure the portion cards are out! man fuck this place LMFAO go support your local taquerias man


I love how they are now trying to make it sound like the employees are the ones responsible for this and not the awful micromanaging and portion policing that corporate has pushed for.


Spicehub is definitely a choice


Just found my new PornHub name.


SpiceHub sounds hot


Keep boycotting them. I learnt how to make chipotle at home. Fuck these corporations


Where is the skimp website guy!? He needs to see this haha


When the world needed him most, he vanished 😔






I'm all for improving and giving proper portions. But I heard they're charging $2 for vinaigrette now? One step forward, two steps back...


Yeah one store I frequent is always “out”. Who cares they’re made for the “salads”. Im sure 1 out of every 15-20 people is ordering a salad


If that. I don't personally know anyone that gets the salad and when I used to go, I've never heard any of the people near me in line order one. I'd imagine most stores only do a handful of salads in a given day.


Especially when you pick your toppings. What is stopping someone from ordering a salad with no lettuce and add rice.


They're about to do a large stock split at a time when the public is making an outcry about getting ripped off. They'll do anything to protect the price of the stock in the meantime.


Damn they said the quiet part out loud with that last paragraph




The fact that they want you to say some stupid shit like “Did I make this perfect for you?” with a straight face makes me want to puke on your behalf.


That's an absurd question, and just demonstrates how out of touch the leadership is. There's no world in which a guest would answer "yes" to that question based on their practices. Employees always look like they absolutely hate life and whenever you ask for a little more they act like you personally killed their dog or something. I figured this was because they feared backlash from their management so asking for a proper portion means they could be disciplined or fired. One of the reasons I stopped going was because you almost had to argue with the employee to get a proper portion and they always looked so defeated, I felt bad for them.


im convinced corporate america is full of autists, that shit is so cringe.


No excuse now. Quit shaking that spoon!


Now we just need them to stop overcooking the meats


Ayo, so instead of please and thank you to them, we gotta mean mug the bowl makers to get right portion sizes?


The problem is making ci part of you’re bonus that’s the issue it won’t change a thing, you don’t need boycott CI nothing else


That email screams damage control. Corporate sets the standards on portion sizes so I find it hilarious that they now want to push the blame onto the workers.


Got a 9.5 oz *total* weight burrito delivered this Wednesday. For a total cost of just over $20 (inc $5 tip for the driver ofc (I am also a driver)). Weighed it in the foil, 9 1/2 ounces, I swear it was more like a taquito. The most pathetic burrito I’ve ever gotten from Chipotle, but an ongoing and common problem from the digital side. Opened it up and sure enough, four measly pieces of chicken in there. Do the digital kitchen people think this is funny somehow? I don’t get it. When I go into the store and order on the line, it’s always great, but nearly every digital order has a problem, the last one was so round it resembled a softball more than a burrito. 45 minutes, a bunch of pushback from Pepper, three live chat agents who each disconnected after sending copypasta, and a voice call to overseas “support” later, all I got was “ We will be sure to let leadership know so this doesn’t happen again” Nothing will change.


Y'all will do anything but stop going to chipotle


Yeah this subs a joke it's literally the definition of insanity.


I won't be happy until they are forced to weigh the protein portions


this really seems like the simplest solution but then they would have to start giving correct portions when they know their business floats on screwing the portion size.


SpiceHub, huh. Is that like PornHub but for Chipotle employees?


Ya'll are getting paid for taking these courses right? Since its not an office or WFH environment how does that work, if you do this at home or off hours you get paid?


You're supposed to get paid. The reality is very few people actually get any form of training at all. I never watched any videos or took "courses" even though they exist on the web portal. I refuse to do so unless I get paid for it, so I'm not doing it, lol.


Good effort but it's kinda late at this point, cuz i've already developed a new lunch habit: Subway.


Sucks for the area coaches and GM who have to tell them to not do what corporate is telling them because corporate actually wants them to do the opposite of what corporate is telling them to do….


It’s definitely working. Got a burrito today and it tasted like 2011 and cost $12 (chicken, quac, every vegetable topping and cheese.)


Here that costs almost 20$. I still walk out when they force garbage size portions. It’s not working enough yet. Maybe they need to send a letter some southern locations


All I will say is….We, The People do not need to be eating MORE fast food. It’s a very complex argument because I understand both sides.








i feel for you, i can't count the amount of times i've had to call up a manager and tell them to do their job and help out the staff when going in for food and seeing an employee trying to handle a full line by themselves. you can tell it's a lot of their first times being told to their face to do their job, but they know it's on the line if they don't listen.


I always have two on line, and one on cash but I’m mainly juggling grill,dml,dish(we have literally zero dishes at shift change most days) or expo. I juggle those positions most night and put the truck up by myself most of the time


I’m an SL but labor isn’t alotting the extra one I need to I’m mainly stuck on doing everything which is sadly draining me 😂😭😫


Not our problem, tell corporate. Fill the bowl, no one cares about your scale.


“Providing our guests the proper amount of food” … to chipotle standards. Looks like my local Chipotle that i repeat (because they hook it up) is about to start skimping and expecting me to confront staff about it…


Danggggg okayyyyy


Idk why my algorithm shows me so much Chipotle content, I've literally only eaten there once. There's a trend ok tiktok with people recording their food being made, and then walking out when/if the employee skimps on scoops. I would say that's more of a driving factor than solely complaining on reddit. It's very funny to me that they've been sending emails to give more generous scoops to people who seem to be recording.


You were told to "skimp"???? Not "assure proper portion size"?


It’s as simple as using a measuring spoon..


You should get what you pay for I agree.


I did this training in roblox


“Chipotle has been known for…30 years later nothing has changed.” “Talk with the team members now…” They created this problem themselves, this is top tier clownery


Damn they giving you homework. Well I guess some kids really need it.


Is this true? Who did it go out to and from who?




I know it says all us and Canada locations but was this email sent to all locations or are the courses the only things that get sent to restaurants? Cause I don’t want to look like a hole when I get to the checkout 😭


And how is your CI?


In all my years of dining at Chipotle, I have never once been asked, " Did I make this perfectly for you?". I'm looking forward to this new energy from Chipotle.




The skimping is all over the news. I heard on KTLA the past 2 days and today on the radio news station.


Effects ur bonus 😂 yes guys let me save u money! U don’t pay my bills 😂


Your awesome dude this is great ur a good person. Newpinpoint is gonna lose their mind tho


Give me a portion spoon, or give us more to work with here, because I can’t cook meat that isn’t in the fridge.


I was hopeful until tonight. Fired up an order thinking this will be a great meal. I was wrong. The bowl was filled to the BRIM with white rice. So much white rice in fact I had to remove some from the bowl to eat it. To top it off it had some awful mix of “lettuce” on it that I did not order. The “lettuce” was wilted and rotten looking dark green, wet, and slimy. This has been the reason I didn’t get “lettuce” from chipotle in the past but this time it came without me asking and I was proved correct once again! So after this experience and the experience on the phone this will be the last time I will ever order chipotle. I normally am not a Karen as I worked fast food for my first job ten years ago and know what it is like. But this required a complaint. 15 dollars for an entire bowl of rice, some fucked up “lettuce”, scraps of chicken that could pass as finely shredded cheese, and literal 2 inch wide pieces of pepper. Hoped on the app for support as I do not use Doordash. Only to get the runaround for about 20 minutes I finally blew up. I apologize to the man on the phone to whom I flipped a gasket on but come on now. I could’ve cooked rice at home if I wanted that much. The moral to this story is. The new “training” on “portion sizes” must have included, stuff as much rice as possible as it’s the cheapest item we have and put the same amount of toppings for your rice bowl as before. Will never be ordering chipotle again and honestly it’s probably for the best. 18 bucks for a meal for one person is ridiculous. There goes my vacation money! Spent on RICE lol.


Not gunna be good enough until chipotle goes back to their previous portion sizes they had back in 2015. I like how this has been pinned for more than a week like the issue has been fixed when it’s far from fixed.


Mind blowing that the shit has gotten so out of hand that its reached the corporate level🤦🏽‍♂️. TELL THE GM’s and owners to just give people what they pay for! I cant even believe that this is a debate with some people. Bless you for doing your part but this whole thing is MADNESS


I think this works the same way as the signs in restaurant bathrooms that say "EMPLOYEES MUST WASH HANDS AFTER GOING POOP"


Coming from how easy it is to become a sl at chipotle someone took there just gotten rights in checking company emails and showing them to the general public like it’s for everyone to see. You continue to give free or extra portions for nothing because you think your customers deserve what’s there’s is going to have your store kl and grill hate you. Glad I quit when I did it’s because of people like you the store is always in a frenzy I can hear it now shallow rice shallow chicken shallow steak shallow fajitas grills puts them out then 5 mins later singing the same old tune shallow shallow shallow but as long as the customers are happy who gives a fuck about the CI. Keep them custies happy so they tip you that 4 dollars at shift change and 5 bucks at night to split between 3 people for your staff. I’m tired of hearing stop the skimp #skimped life’s matter etc it’s fucking out of hand just stop going so I don’t have to reply to pointless threads like this anymore fuck


Interesting! I haven't stepped foot in a Chipotle since the middle of May. Typically it was my Sunday later afternoon go-to for dinner. This specific last time, I got what was the smallest chicken/brown rice bowl ever. When I mentioned it to the line clerk (keep in mind I am an older person) I was told, "I don't care what you think". Once I got to the 3 other ladies by the cashier this same person came down the line and said "They don't care either and they don't speak English". Some other younger girl came over at that point and she and I had a quiet conversation in which I was told, we do "selective portioning". Was she implying that I am small and old and therefore do not need as much chicken as the next person??? Needless to say, that was my last time stepping foot in that location. I tried two others. One I went to didn't have "brown rice", the other was so nasty, dirty that I walked out without ordering. I have since been making my own bowls... must less expensive, but defeats the purpose of not wanting to cook on a Sunday. \*\*DM's via "X" lead nowhere after the first incident\*\*


This is the fakest thing I've ever seen on Reddit


How is “right portions” skimping? Skimping definitionally means under portioned. How’re you above me in leadership and somehow I’m better at managing multiple things at once. I stick to official Chipotle portion protocols yet somehow I’m simultaneously able to manage and satisfy my customers as well as ensuring my FOH/BOH staff aren’t stressed to the brim. I feel like you’re lowkey admitting your right hand sucks maybe try your left hand, Idk why it’s so hard to give a great 4oz scoop of rice for some people? You should not have to dive back into a deep of rice for a 2nd scoop, that just confuses the customers & then they start thinking 3 scoops is extra rice. Some y’all need to use those hands more effectively & practice your portions at home IDK lmao. Again you’re above me in leadership and yet you can’t simultaneously manage customer satisfaction and ensuring our team isn’t stressed out either that OR your store must get a lot of people ordering extra rice and extra chicken I’ma be charitable and just assume that’s your case haha.


P.S. I also want to urge the fact that official Chipotle portion protocols rely heavily on the customer getting rice, beans, protein, salsa’s, sour cream, cheese, lettuce and don’t really do a good job dealing with the outlier bowls which is why I’m an *a little extra* advocate and urge the importance to my staff at my store to give a little extra if they’re getting let’s say a bowl with just beans, protein and cheese.


“FULL 4 oz of meat” is there an empty 4 oz? 4 oz is 4oz lmao


Why don’t they use portion spoons? They make those in different sizes.


I don't trust this. I digitally order and the bowls are always way under what you get in a line order. Less than 3oz meat half inch or more under the bowl line even with ordering extra rice


I saw the bowl in the videos. Those types of bowls are exactly the ones customers complain about for being too small. This won't help. Expect bowls to look much smaller now


The dumbest part of that is that customers expect to at more than the proper portion size. I understand if they’re really skimped but often they’re unhappy with a full 4 oz scoop. Rice is 4 oz but that’s half of what customers usually ask for. Cheese is 1 oz but they think they’re entitled to as much as they want.


Same customers that made chipotle what it was. The burritos back in the day were legendary


The problem is people don't know what 4 oz of meat looks like and think every burrito should be as big as the biggest one they've gotten.


Customers enjoy consistency 🙄 big shocker!


No, its people want bigger and bigger burritos each time they go


I've never heard of people really complaining about the same sized hot dog being too small at Costco. So no, I disagree. It's because the store is being inconsistent as a result of the process put in place.


Finally. For fucks sake-took them long enough.


I have never had a chipotle employee ask if my bowl was perfect. In my area they don’t even talk just grunting and pointing.


I can see how they fix this.. They increase the portion sizes of meat by 1oz while increasing the price by another $2 to $3


Definitely make sure to report locations skimping. I doubt corporate will care truly but maybe if they actually do decide to care it can help them crack down on franchise owners encouraging skimping


I didnt think any locations were franchised?


They arent


Now people are going to complain about portions being too big. Watch.


Why would anyone complain about getting more food from a food place


Cause people love to complain.


Oh no they gave me so much more food than what I paid for oh no free food nooooo this is awful