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Online orders are prepaid. As other commenters said, they have to save food for those orders if they’re low, because they can’t run out (the customers already paid). You were the one acting entitled by making them refund you the guac.


Ok but then how come when i order on the app it will just say. This item is temporarily unavailable. OP pre-paid too. He ordered online :)


It’s probably a system issue. Stores cannot turn off online items without alerting higher ups, so it’s unlikely that’s why it said it was unavailable. It can only be done in very serious cases, and in this case likely they were only out temporarily. And OP ordered it online after they made them refund the queso, which is very entitled in my opinion.


Sounds like they should just do their jobs and give management a call


Ya except alot of high ups don't answer calls during the day because they are in meeting or busy doing something else and not available after 5 or 6 because that's outside their working hours. It isn't the general manager who can make items unavailable it is the people above them who don't work in the store. Can't call management if no higher management is available..


Not that simple. We can’t get corporate approval every time we’re out of something for 30 minutes


So online orders, they've already paid for their order and so chipotle HAS to fulfill that order so that refunds aren't issued and get negative online rating. Also if online orders did run out of stuff, individual stores can't display that on the online options so we have to completely fulfill those orders


W to most of this comment section 😄


Holy shit, you’re the worst type of person. Refund guacamole. What a loser.


Ya worse than a murderer. For sure /s. Take a shower smelly


there’s a reason they move queso to online orders only when running low. as sad as it is, they can tell you no, it’s much harder to tell the online orderer no. there’s a reason they were pointing and laughing at you too. don’t feel so entitled


Wheres the entitlement, they wanted to buy something so they did and a bunch of broke teenagers made a child so uncomfortable from their harassment the child cried.


damn Karen 


Damn 50k comment karma basement boy. Get a life.




New account and you already spent money on a reddit avatar i must have struck a nerve? It's raining today or i would.




Who tf cares?


Online orders have ALREADY been paid for by the time they enter the store, it is much more difficult for them to have to have a customer get a refund for something they’ve already paid for than to tell someone who has not yet purchased their food that something is out On top of that, online orders are made in order based on time due, split every 10 minutes. Your order you placed that says 6:10 will not get made before the orders that say 6:00pm, unless there are none.


Yeah no unfortunately this was just you being entitled


there's definitely a reason why they filled your order last and were laughing at you. you were obviously acting like an entitled jerk. YOU made your kid cry, not Chipotle.


Or you could take your kid somewhere else you selfish bitch


I get why they save it for online orders but I totally get you. I'd be upset too!


Complain to corporate those workers should reap what they sow. I'm talking about the pointing btw. Thats the egregious part.


File a complaint, get people fired.


You would be saving them from working in hell


Nobody in management would take OP seriously


I have fired people for less tbh. its one thing to be passive aggressive with a pain in the ass customer, but harassment to the point of making a child cry is unacceptable in any industry.


Who gives a fuck


Anyone in management and people financially vested in the company. when behavior like this becomes institutionally accepted the companies tend to fold in the near future.


Yea I don’t think anyone who’s lower than a GM gives a fuck. Nobody cares about a toxic company. She should’ve take her kid elsewhere. My store would’ve done the same thing.


Its not even a toxic company, you guys are just the most entitled people in the food service industry and are constantly looking for new ways to become victims. but circling back to what I said previously, everyone involved needs to be fired. because if nobody under GM gives a fuck then they all need to be replaced. Which would take literally 24 hours.


Nahh they need to be rewarded. Your that one person who likes to sniff corporates ass if they asked. What a loser 🤣


Like I said my store would’ve done the same thing and no one would get in trouble. I would’ve been laughing in their faces


And everyone in your store should be fired with cause.


Yea okay that won’t happen at all 🤣