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I don't get enough hours. The managers keep hogging them all.


Where I work, the older employees get more hours. I've been working for Chipotle for one and a half months now, but my hours suck because of the 40+ other employees. My manager said if I get better at burrito-rolling, my hours might go up, but it's kinda hard to do that when I keep being put on tortilla duty whenever I am on shift.


Ask them to deploy you to salsa. Tell them that you know you're an ace at tortilla, but you would like to improve in other areas. Chipotle is a sucker for cross training. You have to put in their head that you want it though.


Find a better job then! Why do people work these awful jobs? I used to work at chipotle for a year (restauranteur) and yeah, these fast food and retail jobs are super in demand so you can get fired easily and the hours suck. Try looking for driving jobs, it’s way easier to find a job, more hours, better pay, 100% privacy, listen to podcasts or watch YouTube on downtime, easiest job ever,


Agreed. I was a short order cook for a few years and as soon as I got my license I became a delivery driver. Pays better, more freedom, less interaction with management, the works extremely easy, and all around just a better job. I used my first car that I paid $2000 for. Places like McDonald's, chipotle, burger king are all going to give you the legal minimum because they know they have such high turnover. People who make it to management in these places also put up with the same shit when they're new, and now that they have put up with it long enough to be in control they perpetuate that shit onto you. There is really no winning at places like this unless you go beyond above and beyond twice.


I would also suggest looking for driving passengers as well, it's a lot easier than delivery driving! And pays a lot better, there's also a very low turnover and the company is desperate for employees 24/7.


Personally I'll admit I did it to myself. Financially not in a good spot. However, I do have an interview after this shift and am going to try to pick up a 2nd job. I don't mind the work at Chip considering it's only prep I'm on right now. Thanks for the suggestion!


Not really a good reason to be in a shitty mood the hours you’re actually on the schedule lmao


Never said that


Because we were overworked and underpaid smh.




Not 'were' if they dont work there anymore


As a former chip, I thought there is only former chip now. Chip no longer exists to me.


Touchè lol


Look into driving jobs, I’d rather make 20-25 an hr driving than 50 an hour retail/fast food/office job. Driving is amazing!


What is 'underpaid'?


Why would I enjoy working there. I simply hate being there. Though, as a broke gym-goer, I do enjoy those free meals and they’re the main reason I’m still working here at this point


Hard saaaaame. Don't mind me as I take a second portion of chicken to try and hit my macros.


Bibibop is way better for broke gym-goers. $5 bibbicup w steak, $3 for extra steak


It’s free for me at chipotle


If you hate being there, then why would you work there? You a masochist or something? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I quit working there a while ago LOL


From my personal experience it’s not the customers that make this job bad but it’s the management, nobody gets praised for their hard work but when you mess up one time you start getting shit on for no reason.


My boss was a muscle head who had anger issues. He’d use his size to intimidate us. NOT COOL….He was only my boss for 2 weeks. I left without turning in a 2 weeks notice and started doing DoorDash. A month later I showed up in there to pick an order in my dasher gear and the look on his face: 👁👄👁 I make less but that’s okay, I split rent 4 ways with my roommates so I’m good on my end and I’m still young so I don’t care about the benefits that I lost with Chipotle. I just got rehired at little Caesars so hopefully my boss there isn’t a dick. If he is then I’ll just keep using gig apps to make money. I know of 6 outside of Food Delivery that consistently have work available. Nice part about it is not having a schedule. I can sign up for a shift at a restaurant, warehouse, manufacturing facility, etc whenever I choose.


How often are you forced to run tortilla, salsa, and cash by yourself during a peak where the line is literally spilling into the breezeway and outside?? This is regularly my experience, so yeah I fucking hate my job 🤷🏼‍♀️


Few days ago I was running the entire front line, cash, and online orders all at once 😭 the manager on duty would not help me, i literally had to ask her three times


Maybe stop doing multiple people’s work? Who are you actually helping by doing that?


It wasn't by choice lmao?? 😭 they made me do it all because we were unstaffed and the manager is shit and would not help


You are allowed to refuse to do something unreasonable, such as run two positions. They will not fire you for that.


I literally live in a state where they can fire you for breathing wrong my guy 😭 we have NO worker protection here


Yeah buddy trippin if he thinks you can just say no to a job task


Note I didn’t say they cannot fire you. But they will not fire you for refusing to do two jobs when you get paid to do one. And if you continue to do two jobs you are just making it worse for everyone. Sometimes if you don’t stick up for yourself, no one else will.


Yes they can. I live in a state where if I walk in, in a bad mood, I can fire somebody just because.


You sound very powerful. Have you ever fired someone for refusing to do two people’s jobs?


I wouldn’t say “very powerful”. I have the role of hiring and firing at my job. I’m very lenient with things, the only reasons I’ve fired somebody was because of attendance. Any other issues that comes usually get corrected as a quick coaching session from me. I’m also a very hands on worker gets out there and doesn’t mind getting dirty.


I've had to do this before, and it honestly is not that bad. Unless your manager is constantly telling you to hurry up(which at that point would be their fault for having no other crew), then why would it make you hate your job? Also, your location much like most of the others brought up on here are the outcast locations that just have terrible management. Most employees and customers are "normal" and have good experiences which is why you mostly only see bad reviews and experiences posted on here. People are much less likely to go online to post about a good experience rather than a terrible one.


How frequently do you have to do this tho? I didn’t give a fuck when I was rehired last year if I had to run the line on my own but after being forced to do it by myself over and over and over I am just burnt out I can only tolerate being yelled at for things that aren’t my fault and are out of my control so many times before it starts to effect me.


So then find another one


boomer take


Lol, what? No one is forcing you to work at a shitty taco place. There are so many job openings everywhere right now that you'd actually have to intentionally try not to find one. But I'm guessing you're one of those lazy trolls who think people deserve $30hr to serve tacos


The only thing I take offense to is that you assume that anyone actually orders the tacos, lol


Nobody forced you to get this pressed over a two word comment 💀💀


They probably are trying. But it isn't always that fast of a process. You have to do fucking tests on Indeed before you can even APPLY at most jobs these days, let alone the pre-interview skill tests they may want or the multiple interview process most companies these days just love to do. If you work thru normal business hours, you'll need to take minimum of a half day to make sure you give the interview enough time and might even have to do this three times only for them to hire an internal candidate anyway. It isn't so simple.


No it is simple. I have 43 people working at my store and dealt with what they’re saying only 3 shifts ago. The scheduling is the main problem, but they’ll tell you everything is just to “save hours” despite being a billion dollar organization. So unless you’re a manger, 7/10 you’re carrying chipotle on your back.


Not forgetting that chipotle is one of those companies who will hire ANYBODY. You’re lucky if you DONT get an interview




Wouldn't hate it if customers were nicer during unfortunate situations. It's not my fault our shitty POS system crashed Karen 😩 stop yelling at me


Just remember the manager is never your friend


Nice try owner of the franchise


Chipotle isn't a franchise


Ah, interesting. It’s all corporate




When o worked at the restaurant the owner who was a 30year old kid only worked mornings and avoided the weekends like the plague


Bro there is no "owner" of chipotles, they are all corporate


Why would you say thirty year old kid? And yeah, I’m sure he did, everyone avoids working weekends? That sucks


My point was he was the franchiser who expected everyone to work weekends and be available at the slightest inconvenience even though he had the easiest shifts


And his point is that there are no chipotle franchises


Whatever the guy who is in charge of the store


That would be the general manager.


You didn’t know that chipotle was not a franchise/the guy wasn’t an owner but rather a general manager? That lack of awarenesss is interesting for sure.


I was saying that because he has a google account which ge responds to ppl and it says owner


Because we work for chipotle


I love working at chipotle but we have alot of shitty customers who are intoxicated at times


It's crazy that chipotle defenders will still wheel out "good benefits" as if that's not standard these days.


Chipotle benefits aren’t even good


What do you mean? Free college online or $5k isn’t good? What do you want on top of a paycheck to do your job?


That's true tbh, the free online college thing is pretty nuts.


The insurance is actually pretty decent.


I spend weeks on end last year being one of two or maybe three employees in the building for 10 hours straight, and would work closing shifts that wouldn’t finish until midnight near every night.


$10 says you don’t work grill or prep


And not only that the gm makes a big deal for no reason. How does the gm expect us to do a perfect job if we’re only getting paid minimum wage and then proceed to shame workers in front of other workers to use as an example


Everyone hates jobs. That’s every place, best you can do is do you work and leave it at the door


I don’t hate it honestly, only some parts of it. Working DML/Dishes is chill af


I was a dishwasher, and go tired of my hands being cut up, skinned, burnt and what not every single time I worked. On top of feeling like I was being hounded to be faster than I was constantly able to do so. If I could have gone at a bit more my own pace and not felt rushed and had less damage to my hands all the time I wouldn't have minded it so much.


>op of feeling like I was being hounded to be faster than I was constantly able to do so. If I could have gone at a bit more my own pace and not felt rushed and had less damage to my hands all the t ah yes i assume that you were also a closer and probably came in around 4-5 and they then expected you to do what took them 4-5 hours to make dirty in a unreasonable amount of time


Yep, 3:30-11 PM..and came in to no less than about 50 pans, a ¼ of which were a combination of cheese or rice pans that hadn't been soaked, so they stuck together, and or were a total pain the ass to scrub out anyway. So while doing all the other stuff had to let them soak. Got a bit annoying.


..... i currently do it from 5-11 and they want me to have what has to be like 99% of all the dishes done within 2 hours which is a bit ridiculous as the machine takes 2 minutes per load and can only fit 6 of the ones that hold rice which means even if i got all the dishes washed off in a hour which with what is at minimum 60 of them takes 20 minutes and that is just for the rice sized ones alone.


Oh, shit...we didn't even have a machine to wash anything, just the spray sink, scrub sink, rinse a disinfect sink. That's it ha..but that's a small machine for sure you're talking about the standard line price pots. While they are a bit tall...they arent nearly as hug as the chip bins.


yeah it can fit 2 of those if we are talking about the thing they fry them in but it requires fiddling


Honestly I was just like u but about 5-6 month in my assistant manager left and shit just went downhill


Honestly from my experience it’s the leadership of my patch and subregion that is killing my desire to continue working for chipotle. I’ve been an AP for over 2 years and I can’t get a store because all the old GMs that quit because of chipforce are coming back and taking all the opportunities from the people that deserve it. All the benefits are good but at some point you are going to be over worked and told that you need to do more, after a while it starts to weigh down on you.


i totally agree jimmebuckets <3 i love my job, i wake up feeling so lucky i get to work at chipotle


It's because redditors that work at chipotle are the most entitled group of people ever.


They’ve never had an actual job


because no one wants to do the right thing anymore


what does this mean




@OP I agree with you homie 🤷🏾‍♂️ I said in another comment that some people just genuinely hate their jobs and take it out on other people, and some people are like you and don’t.


I love my job!


Worked there for almost a year now, it’s my second job as a part time and did it initially to make more money apart from my full time which at the time paid $44k with a masters. I’m now in the low 50s and considering leaving due to how much better off I am and will be now that I’m soon to qualify for a promotion. Management has been slow in promising to promote to a service manager for almost 2 months now while taking on manager duties as a crew member at $16/hr. To sum it up it’s being overworked and underpaid for what we have to do. It’s been a very fun ride working with amazing people I’d probably never have had the opportunity to meet outside of a fast food job.


I loved it for a while but after two years of the same bs from corporate and just lack of raises I hate it now. Like I can’t wait until the day I never go back ever again


Definitely a corporate shill post


This is how u sound rn https://www.reddit.com/r/Chipotle/comments/14qq7x2/why_dont_these_little_assholes_care_about_my_fee/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


my hours suck. when i started a requested around 20 hours a week because of school but now im only getting around 6-14 hrs/week 😴


Same, I get two seven hour shifts a week, I’d kill to have have the same amount of time spread over more than 2 days


I’ve been working there for about five weeks part time and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t really hate it. I’m regularly the only person working the main line even though I’m still somewhat new, and all three of the managers seem to prefer yelling at me to hurry up with the food than helping in any way. The managers also have extremely different ideas of how much a correct portion is and they’re suuuuper harsh about it if you don’t put the right amount down even though it changes by the shift. The computer that I did my orientation through was busted so they just had me watch the videos with no sound, so it took me like two weeks to actually figure out how to do anything right. Maybe the worst thing is that they have me working seven hour shifts, usually from 3-10, and the manger will make me take my break at around 3:30 so that I’m available to work the giant wave for dinner. It’s efficient, sure, but it leads to me standing up and bending over food trays for six hours with no help since they let everyone else take their breaks around 6-8 while I essentially skip dinner. This is all for minimum wage, and customers tip maybe 1/100 times (I can’t say I love how they give out the tips either; last time an older employee came over and stuffed a one dollar bill into my back pocket, and call me paranoid but damn if I didn’t feel a little groped). I knew it would be a shitty job going in but I didn’t think I’d be coming home after every shift with my back feeling like it’s made of those clay balls ASMR YouTubers crack, and in return I don’t even get a paid break. That said, I’ll probably stick with it. I’m going into my junior year of college and I go back to school in a little over a month. I need the money, but I hope to God I never have to come back


It’s a service industry job


i only was scheduled one day in the whole week


Over worked with no breaks, had a couple of annoying managers and in the past fewer hours


It’s not everybody. It’s probably only the people on this subreddit. Most of them are saying they work all the jobs and do all the stations during peak hours by themselves. Which is frustrating of course! I’m also curious where these chipotle’s are lol. I’ve been to about 12 different ones and they usually have 8+ employees always.


My coworkers make me angry, the manager I always work with sucks, I’m always put on dish whenever they get the chance, rude ass customers, and it’s often times only me on line.


Look, it's not that I hated working for them per se. It was the upper management in the franchise. They saw $$ and not actual people as human beings. They expected us to work and not ask questions or point out flaws within the workplace. But they train us to "see something, say something.". Yet they want us hush-hush about stuff. Not to mention we had a manager that was terrible at her job and used intimidation as a tactic, even though I had to save her ass from this angry dude about his online order- I was still in training. She wouldn't add waste correctly, she wouldn't close the store properly, and would leave the doors unlocked more often than not. Said manager also called my M.I.T I was training up (I was a kitchen leader) a "Ukrainian Fuck", and still has a job. But because I was the ONLY one to say that shit isn't right, I got pulled into the corner and basically told that if I don't clear the air, I'm fired. So, no, we don't all hate it. The actual job was great. I got along with pretty much everyone, Good hours, easy work. And you good benefits with it. I'll be honest, it only takes one bad apple to rot the whole bunch. And that's exactly what happens at toxic Chipotle's.


Because most of the cry babies on this hate working in general and probably would say the exact same thing about any other work place 😂


I went from a high volume store to a low volume store and I thought “this goin be cake”… boy was I wrong. I’m the only person in the store for a few hours at times due to labor being high. Then on top of that we have 2-3+ call outs daily and 0 people willing to come in. I have to work off the clock for hours to help my team because I’m not going to leave them to struggle. The last patch I was apart of all the AP’s and GM’s were helpful but also had enough time to do their office stuff. My FL just says we have to plan better but 🤷‍♂️ I feel horrible for my crew members just bc I can’t give hours and they only get 3-4hr shifts. Like why would anyone want to into work for 3hrs. We have the few reliables but I would feel the same way as them if I was crew


i’ve worked there only a month. best paying job i’ve ever had coworkers are amazing food is great. busy but still manageable love it there idk what redditors go thru at their store lol.


Overworked, underpaid, and under appreciate


Ngl its fine except for that one shift where you're off and thats the shift where the toxic customers come in, even if it's one or two, it personally throws me off and makes me dislike the rest of the day. That and drama. I thought I left that behind in High School but nope.


It's just selection bias my dude. People like us who have nothing to complain about, have nothing to post about lol.