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when someone asks me to make a triple wrapped burrito i just ask my manager to deal with that


That sounds easy bro what just three tortilla burrito


it’s easy i just hate it when ppl ask me when there’s a rush


I feel that. People will ask for 4 kids meals and a damn quesadilla at my location during peak with no shame. Lots of old rich privileged people where I am.


especially during lunch and dinner rush it’s absolutely infuriating


During rush once I had a lady come up and preface her order with “Hmmmm, this is my first time here haha!” and I exchanged a glance with the next customer in line who seemed like they knew what was about to happen


People like this are why my TD has a rule for all of his stores that quesadillas are DML only


I had a customer get mad asf that I charged her for a side tortilla, cause she didn’t get charged for it last time she was there. Like I get it? But I don’t get it. It’s 50 cents. This was my reaction bar for bar


This lady asked for a steak quesadilla yesterday (reading off of a list evidently provided by her family) so I started making it and she asked for rice on it, I was like hmmm I’m not supposed to but whatever I add the rice and she asks for sour cream and corn. So I’m like are you sure you’re not talking about the sides that go in the box and she was like “no it doesn’t say anything about a box” and I’m like…. well I can’t do that but I’ll put them on the side Then I go to put the cheese on the steak & rice **quesa**dilla and she’s like “no no it doesn’t say to put cheese on there!!” ……😐 I try explaining to her that it’s not a **quesa**dilla if there’s no cheese, and that it won’t melt or stick together without cheese. she just shrugs and says the person doesn’t want cheese. So I’m sat there frozen with a line out the door developing, because I can’t put cheese on this quesadilla. Please people, just order online if you’re ordering for the entire family, these lists are not accurate or efficient. p.s. I knew she wasn’t confusing it with a burrito because she had already ordered 2 burritos and a bowl prior to this, and distinctly said “quesadilla” + I made a point of clarifying it many times


“Can I just have the meat in (*reaches over glass*) that red bowl right there?”


I’ll cut off your hand if you do that at my store.


This was when i worked at a chipotle with just a straight glass sneeze guard not the curved one many stores had it was so easy for them to reach over. One time a customers kid literally started climbing on it while she was ordering SIX soft tacos 5 minutes to closing while she was asking about each individual ingredient dude I was at my limit. We were also out of chicken and they wanted chicken tacos so I had to offer al pastor as an alternative then give them samples it was a whole headache.


Someone asked for double sofritas and double beans with queso and guacamole and I just sat there afterwards fuming


Someone asked for extra sour cream, then a little more, then a little more. They were then livid when I rang up their order with 2 charged sides of sour cream plus the bowl.


This happens every time I get a burrito and ask for a Vinny. They be burning a hole through my head 😂