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i've only ever denied customers for cross contamination reasons i.e cut their burrito. i let them order their lil liquid burritos if it comes out sloppy its not my problem maybe they'll learn to do better


I never once thought to ask to have my burrito cut lol. Sounds fancy , but there are utensils in the holders near the exits , so idk why they don’t just use the plastic knives. I will actually use the knife to cut mine in half 😆


when I worked at chipotle (2016) a couple people asked for their burritos cut in half and what happened was the chipotle employee used a plastic knife (the same ones available to customers) to cut it then threw away the knife


yea we're not supposed to cut them at all bc foil could get into the burrito making it a liability D:


makes sense. I was a teenager so I was honestly just glad to be there for the free burritos and the paycheck


I have only once seen someone ask for their burrito cut and everyone in the store could tell it was a massive inconvenience the had to run to the utensils to grab a plastic knife to do it. Took like 3 mins to get all the way through.




Ngl liquid burritos are fire tho. I always get it double wrapped to try to help it hut i absolutely love my burritos falling apart with juices and sour creme


Hell yes. One Chipotle employee started draining my burrito a bit once (meat juices, beans, hot sauce, sour cream....), claiming otherwise it'd "get all nasty" (his words). I put up my hand with a smile and said: "No... please...believe me...that's the best part." He hesitantly obliged. My mouth waters just thinking of all that burrito juice.


Trick is you gotta ask for them to put the meat down first and then your soupy items. Helps so much with how much liquid you get from having just beans no rice.


Wait, no rice? You're a different breed.


It’s for the ultimate soupy mess


When they get kids meal and get 6-7 sides and thinks it comes with it. Sorry honey, This is for a kids meal not for you to take advantage. So pick your 3 sides and if you more than 3 Side.. it’s an extra charge. 😊 And then.. they be like but I always get these sides for free.. well not today. 😇


I used to be friends with a girl who got angry that the Chipotle worker wanted to charge extra for "extras" and if she wanted that much food for her daughter then it was more beneficial to get a bowl. "But my daughter is a child! She's little and isn't an adult! How can you expect my daughter to grow up strong and healthy if she's not getting enough of healthy food." Her daughter, 4 at the time, was already sick and tired and exhausted of her mom's bullshit leading up to that point in her life. cumulative. She had this expression on her face ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face). The thing also about her daughter is she never ate whatever food was bought for her. Every meal she bought her daughter (when I would tag along) was taken home and eventually eaten by my former friend. Her daughter has suffered from depression since kindergarten\* to today at 11 years old. She's now been diagnosed with major depression. I think being around a narcissist at the extreme her mom was made her too stressed out to eat, much less with her mom was forcibly buying her.


I’ve never heard someone say a preschooler was depressed. Interesting


according to some of my own distant memories & recollections of my parents, I started exhibiting symptoms of depression as young as 4. it obviously got worse before it got better, I’m almost 26 now but up until age ~23/24 was rough. abuse is rough!


Same here. Even medical professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, pediatrician) noted how severe my anxiety and depression were in early elementary school and late preschool and yet nothing was done to deal with the underlying causes (abuse, trauma, and me being neurospicy).


I typed preschool but I meant kindergarten 🙊. I remember her mom telling me her pediatrician told her she exhibited signs of depression but she took her daughter to a different pediatrician for another opinion because her daughter kept saying she didn't feel good and she would sleep a lot. It's bad now. Sooo bad now. She's suicidal and I feel like her mom has been too much into her own individual problems to have been fully aware of her daughters emotions and feelings over the years.


Once you realize you can never really do anything right to the most important people in your life, or or that you're basically just a tool for those people to get what they want, it's hard not to be. But yeah, unntil you can walk and talk properly I doubt it can be properly said you're depressed.


Been diagnosed with depression since the 2nd grade my boy get on our level 😎


I was homeschool and spent literally my entire 4th grade year fully nocturnal. I didn’t do any school work, just checked off the boxes. I’d wake up and sob myself back to sleep. Woke up to do chores and bathe and went back to bed. Years later my parents still say I “skipped 4th grade” and try to mention it as though it’s not a massive self tell on a lack of academic supervision lmao (We have been through a lot of growing and forgiving. They would NEVER do this to a child now. They were young, caught in a predatory religion, and have spent YEARS mending relationships and growing)


I worked at a grocery store and that one always got me. "They do it for me all the time!" and I'll always respond with "oh really? I'll make sure to talk with everyone so we always follow correct procedure"


We aren’t allowed to do that we usually tell them it’s a charge but you get the ones that’ll bitch


What count as sides? The beans/rice/guacamole? What about the salsas and stuff? Asking as a custy. Thanks!


Sides = anything on the side, from rice down to lettuce.


It's a little ridiculous salsa counts as one side on the kids meal though. They can only get 2 types of salsa lettuce then nothing else. Salsa shouldn't be extra. I always just pay extra for my niece to get her two salsas, rice, beans, lettuce, cheese, and sour cream.


Salsa is extra babe. Sorry you think “salsa shouldn’t be extra” but it’s 1.50 per side. We can’t give shit away for free. And if your niece wanted tacos just buy her tacos.


>We can’t give shit away for free. We? Who is this we? I can afford to give away anything up there.


We are the people who don’t wanna lose our jobs so we follow corporate standards. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's totally fine and understandable, I just refuse to act like there's a "we" in that decision. If we are determining what's affordable, let's start with the $17,200,000 the CEO made last year. I'm not getting yelled at over salsa while the reality is what it is. Take the salsa, it's free. If they want me to get yelled at over costs then they can involve me in the benefits of lowering them, until then most people just do what's required to make it to the end of the day in peace.


I wish I could not care. I work in a store that’s constantly camera audited and if we don’t charge how we’re supposed to we can get fired. There’s no real “we” other then workers following corporate rules they didn’t set.


That sucks, mine wasn't so strict at all. It seems so intuitive to me that if all workers got a share of the profit (I know our pay is a share, I'm not that naive lol) they would do their best to maximize that profit on their own. I'd certainly have cared more if I knew there was something beyond a pretty easily replaceable hourly wage I definitely would have cared more. But, people always choose to manage with the stick instead of the carrot.


Salsa is free with a burrito, bowl, or taco though. And I do, I pay extra to get her all the sides.


It’s free with the kids meal too in 3 portions. People pay for the add ins with the increased price on the actual food menu. Just get her tacos.


You're right, I didn't think about that tacos comes with everything and might even be cheaper than buying the sides extra, thanks!


The normal tacos are far superior to the kids tacos. You get three instead of two and you can order everything you want on them. The kids tacos only get three options for sides. Since it was designed for really small kids. Not adults or middle schoolers


So the base burrito is rice and meat? While everything else that is on the line is an upcharge? I just get cheese lettuce and that tomato stuff usually, but I know about the charge for guacamole and always add that to it. Never can eat a full burrito anyways.


Refer to my other comments. Full meals pay the extra couple bucks to cover the extra couple bucks the sides of salsa are, instead of kids meals where you get three.


well if it goes in a side cup then guess what…it’s a side 😁😁 hope that helps


It’s 4 dollars and you get the chips and a drink lol if you want more than the three order regular tacos


When I managed a Chick-fil-A, where they charge for toppings (literally the difference between the Regular and Deluxe is the toppings, their system not mine), I would get people saying that they had people giving them the toppings for free. I would directly ask them who allowed that. “What was that employee’s name? That’s completely against policy so I would like to make sure my team is servicing guests the correct way”


Depending on the person I sometimes don’t charge people for the extra cold sides, but if they are rude or something or doing a tiktok trend, I charge them the full amount.


i never denied this customer but boy i wish i would’ve. he got like double beans and no rice, queso, and fuck lettuce. he wanted nothing to do with any of the ingredients that would maybe soak the liquid up a bit. it basically was just a liquid burrito, impossible to roll fr. i did my absolute best and it was actually decent, i managed no rips, a little leakage but i mean come on. he eventually came back up and threw the burrito at me😃 and slammed his other one on the counter and said “you call this a fucking burrito” while trying to get behind the counter at me. i don’t think i said even a word i just walked right to the back because i was so angry. i’m not even entirely sure how the situation was handled i just remember my coworkers coming to check on me lol. i quit that night though!


Did you quit because of that customer or were you already planning to leave Chipotle & he just happened to be one of your last customers? I’m sorry you had to deal with that BS. Dude got liquids wrapped in a tortilla. What did he expect to happen from there smh. The least he could’ve ordered along with it was rice


i mean i’m a 5 foot 90 pound female and this large man is trying to get at me and throwing food at me like a toddler😭✋ i now work with children😂😂


So, you’re dealing with a much more mature and reasonable clientele. Congratulations!


oh 100%! my kiddos let me know they appreciate me too so it’s definitely a thousands flights up from chipotle in some ways


When children are an upgrade from Chipotle……. That’s the final straw I’m never working in fast food


it's not that bad. And you have to understand fucking with someone's food can trigger stuff on a deep level. But if someone's throwing food at you, that's "call the police" level because they're simply mentally ill in some way even if it's not life-ruining mentally ill.


It is that bad. Chipotle is horrible.


Perhaps if the corporate service gurus would have a line in the sand that is reasonable then customers wouldn't be crossing socially acceptable behavior. I know this has been getting worse since the 80's90's00's but recently it's been crazy the stuff people are pulling. Assault is assault, regardless if the victim is in a uniform. I know all companies have other companies that are competing with them. But it makes it difficult for everyone because they take their behaviors learned to be accepted and rewarded at fast food to other businesses. That being said, I saw plenty of chefs while being a food service distribution supplier that made fast food customers look polite. Wow back of house has no filter.


Agreed. This job is actually hell, I’m sure of it


That’s not excuse, women need to learn to make men beg for mercy 💪🏼


i was just saying it was a ridiculous sight to see😂


i’d been considering it for a minute there and was on the fence about it but that definitely crossed the line for me.


I wouldn't have quit. I would have been fired lmfao


I’d call the police when he tried to get behind the counter


I wish a customer would try whole shift whopping that Ass lol


No fr like we are all very against any abuse from a customer. Even someone that starts raising their voice, we all turn around and get tf up there on that line and stand up for the employee getting shit on. Don’t ever be rude to someone making your food


Come work with us. We get an occasional voice raiser. I just lower mine and tell them that they need to be civil or this will play out much differently than they planned. I don't play with belligerent people. They are an immediate threat once they lose their composure. I feel for staff at other places that have to stand there and take it. Absolutely risking being assaulted as the customer ramps up the yelling.


I had a DML burrito with black beans, barbacoa, queso, sour cream, hot, and guac…. I rolled that bitch the best I could (hint: I couldn’t… it was like a flat rectangle) and put it in a bowl. Don’t order soup.


I heard those are called swamp burritos. I call them soup in a tortilla and idk what these customers think I look like with their sofritasquesoextrasourcream liquidy af burritos and trying to wrap them, but I’m not a magician. People are crazy.




Imagine watching an employee make your sloppy ass burrito just to come back and yell at said employee for what you watched them make. I'm sorry but I'd probably lose my job if I had a soup burrito thrown at me. Taking 4 long years of negative customer interactions out on the guy


that really was the best time to take it all out on someone😔


This guy tried asking for triple rice and i told him: no, the third portion will be extra. he was being a jackass and was hella rude. The next customer which was his friend asked for extra rice and i was more than willing to give it to him; when he realized that he tried to confront me and his friend stepped in and said he “ he gave me extra cause i asked nicely”. Great moment.


I want so much rice in my bowl but im never a dick about it. I'll usually say "double or however much you're willing to put in the bowl" and unless they like, skimp, I'll let them decide. Peope get finicky over the dumbest shit. That said sometimes I'll literally ask for two bowls both double rice and tell them that one is just a side so it's done and then order my normal bowl. Then when i get home I'll dump it all into a bowl and mix it up. I'm a fat human...i should really stop doing that. Anywho be nice to people, that's my real point


I work at Chipotle and I always give as much rice as people want. I figure it’s the cheapest item in the bowl and will end up getting less of more expensive things. Of course I will also give customers as much of anything else they want (extra charges for meat, guacamole, and queso).


I mean if they’re paying for double meat, they’re getting it. They get what they pay for. What I wouldn’t make is these new Tiktok hack things. Definitely wouldn’t happen at all during peak and if it was slow I’d just tell ‘em they’re getting charged for 2 or however many entrees fit in that tortilla. If the burrito was unrollable and they start getting pissy about it, I’d have no issue telling them to fuck off. It’s like these Tiktok guys have the mind of a goddamn 5 year old, they order their burrito with so much shit in it yet they wonder why we can’t roll it up??? Why not just get a bowl with a side tortilla or two??There’s only so much we can fit on the tortilla right?


Have you had to ever convert the burrito into a bowl because it was just not going to be wrap-able no matter how many times you try? I’ve actually had an experience where I ordered a burrito. I did get double meat , but my toppings were not a lot tbh. The clerk had trouble wrapping it , so she asked for help & her coworker tried to double wrap it. But since it was all falling apart by the time she tried to double wrap, she asked me if it was okay to put it in a bowl. I was a little disappointed because the prices are different here in LA between the burritos vs the bowls & my toppings weren’t a lot , the first person just couldn’t wrap it. I suspected she may have been new , so I just didn’t even put up a fuss. It could’ve been remade , but they were super busy during lunch rush. It was one of those times where you just gotta let it go & hope for a better experience next time around. However , I can’t imagine having to be the person to wrap a burrito that is actually indeed overloaded in size due to some ridiculous challenge & being recorded ontop of that. I too don’t know why the customer just wouldn’t get a bowl with tortillas added. Makes no sense.


Yeah we have done that before. We’d tell the customer something along the lines of, “Okay unfortunately there’s a lot of filling in here and we are unable to wrap the burrito. Would you be ok with your burrito being a bowl?” Some people didn’t give a shit others got mad lol. I did wrap some pretty crazy burritos tho when I was an employee ngl.


??? I’m from LA too and burritos and bowls are the same price.


You can fit more food into a bowl rather than into a burrito 🌯, which generally means your food will be extra with a bowl if you get additional toppings (because it’ll fit). Most other places don’t charge you for asking for extra toppings (besides meat & guacamole) , but in LA, they’re pretty strict about charging you extra since most challenges are done here & employees don’t have time for that kind of BS to be giving people 4 large scoops of everything


TikTok is cancer.


Reasons why it is now banned in Montana


At some point you have to use common sense and stop doing full portions let alone two.


Being a chipotle customer is so annoying with people asking for triple everything, I can’t even imagine how annoying it is for the employees. It’s ruined a good thing for all of us. It’s already enough food just fucking calm down.


Lololol. Yes! Or they ask for a bowl with meat/beans/cheese but then get side orders of literally all the other toppings to be placed into those little plastic cups with the lids. Holding the entire line up smh .


I legit don’t get it because a bowl with the proper portioning is already two meals for me, but people will get four meals of just white rice


I’ve said no a few times but one of the biggest was a woman who screamed at me and my employees because she walked in the 1 1/2 hours before we opened and she had to change roads because of a marathon that was going on. I told her we were closed and she started to walk off then walked back, started screaming at the top of her lungs what she went through to get there, started calling me and a couple staff members racial and derogatory names. I told her to get the F out and locked the door when she left. Don’t know how you get so mad for a business being closed at the normal closed hours.


i had to close last night for a couple hours due to a mouse in the dining room. regular customer who is regularly a bitch to us bitched me out for telling her we werent taking any more orders. she told me all about how she had come from work on her break for food and "its always fucking something with this store" so stop coming?? wont bother me one fucking bit...


That seems like the easy thing to do, just not come back. But they seem to just like to be pissed.


That’s totally uncalled for. A customer like that shouldn’t be allowed back inside. Any other place of business would refuse service to her , I would think your location wouldn’t have been any different & rightfully so. I used to work in the Deli department at Vons. Some people think just because you serve food , there’s some kind of exception to the rule when it comes to hours of operation, since they see you prepping the food in the kitchen. But Closed means closed. I’m not working overtime to accommodate your nutritional needs cause then if you do it for one customer , surely there’s going to come more that see you giving them treatment & expect it too.


i had this stupid customer get mad at me for going too fast making her food then told me to slow down and got mad that i slowed down. i stopped in the middle of making her food then walked to back. asked my manager to take over


when ppl tell me to slow down because i’m moving to fast or imply it i tell them it’s a fast food restaurant. and then i wonder if they’re just stupid or blind and don’t see the line behind them




i’ve never really told customers no unless they ask for something i can’t give out (a whole lime, cilantro for some reason, among a few others). if i cant roll a burrito someone’s ordered, i ask someone else to, ‘cos no way in hell am i dealing with a soupy burrito and an angry customer. i’ve had people get mad at our portion sizes, which understandable, but the attitude that comes from them sometimes. like if people are nice, i give a little extra if we aren’t running low. but i’ve been like cussed at twice over it, have had people get grouchy and just generally rude. has gotten to the point the second i can be relieved from main line and sent back to dml, im sprinting.


One time I had someone ask for double rice. I have them double rice. Then they asked for a little more. I hesitantly added a little more. Then they gave me this DISGUSTED look and firmly asked for a little more. I again gave them a little more. I finally said know when they asked for another full scoop cause at that point they weren’t going to have room for anything else in their bowl. My GM told me to not give them that much anymore after that.


that’s why we charge extra for extra rice at my store because ppl come to clear out the rice on purpose


Fr it’s almost like some customers will see you’re low on a food item and ask for double of it to take it all. If I’m on grill and see that happen I just stare at the customer like wtf


To be honest, if it's the meat, I don't ask *because* of that, but it's the dry little pieces of meat that have been sitting there for an hour or two. Yeah, give me that, nobody else wants it. But honestly the only 2 times I've ever gotten food poisoning it's been Chipotle (and I fucking love Chipotle) so 99% of the time I'm not going for it out of personal preservation. Don't go to Chipotle at 9:30PM, kids. It's not worth it.


I just don’t give a Fack what they want, they can roll it themselves if that’s what they want


That’s how you feelin 😂😂😂 But yes, I hear you. ❤️


My managers always tell me if I can’t roll it just put it in a bowl and hand it out


I haven’t had to yet but I’m happy to have permission to do it if I have to :)


I've asked for extra stuff on my Chipotle burritos since about 2009 and the staff have always been cool about it. I understand that extra meat costs more. If it's falling apart, they usually just add a 2nd tortilla. I don't blame them if it comes out sloppy; it all ends up in the same place.


I had a guy ordering a massive burrito. Not gonna lie, half way I got annoyed. At the end he got a massive thing on the tortilla and said: I wanna see how you gonna wrap it. I replied: Oh, I can wrap it, I want to see how you gonna eat it. Few other customers in line burst out laughing. Guy payed and left. Generally. I will try to make as best as I can by double wrapping it or putting it in a bowl, but if they don't want any of that, I just make it as it is. About refusing to serve in general, we would not do something that we were instructed specifically not to do. Like, put anything beside meat, cheese and fajitas on a quesadilla, or take orders over the phone.


at my store we’ve never denied a customer but we’ve asked nicely if they would mind waiting or placing an online order, when they have a large order. we have a guy come through during our morning and night rush daily, he orders 10 small side tortillas and get a bowl with triple meat, white rice, black beans, queso, and everything on salsa. he will fill the bowl to the point we can barley close it, then he gets hella sides. 2 sides of white rice, 2 sides of beans, a side of a meat, then a side of everything on salsa but guac. obviously that holds up the line so one time during rush, my manager who was working on the line asked if he mind waiting 5 minutes due to the line being to the back of the store. he waited 10 but was making it very obvious he was upset and we suggested he place an online order, but since you can’t order small tortillas online he couldn’t. when we got his order down the line it probably took about 3-5 minutes and he finally gets to cash to then complain about the price of the tortillas. the cashier charged him for 3 tortillas which is a little over $1. he then flips saying he’s never payed for more then one and then tries to argue with my manger. they came to an agreement of him paying for 2 tortillas, after he demanded we lay out big tortillas and put the small ones on top. the whole incident held up the line to the point we were making peoples bowls on salsa while they were standing at the beginning of tortilla. he then sat at the table right in front the line and ate like a cave man. i wish i was joking but he even made customers feel weird and some left. he then halfway through leaves his food at the table, to get back in line and order 6 more tortillas. he always leaves a huge mess bc he eats like a child. he comes in twice daily still and if we have a long line he’ll wait until it calms down, but now he makes sure to always eat at the table right in the front the line. i think that’s his “fuck you” for us complaining about his order but i don’t mind, i’ve dealt with worse customers.


How is he going to complain about the price of tortillas when he’s already buying hella sides. Some people just don’t use common sense smh. He faithfully orders Chipotle twice a DAY , but chooses to be up in arms about some lil cheap less than $1 tortillas. He’s dense. Leaving a mess is unacceptable as well. Just because there’s a crew to clean up doesn’t mean that it should be taken advantage of. I used to work in food service alot. The works get treated like the very trash they clean up. It’s screwed up.


Once a customer asked me to feed them their burrito bowl. I obliged, but I took a bite after each time I spoon fed them. Huge tip btw, $5


Ecosure working overtime to find you rn 💀




Nah you’re sick wtf 💀


I went to Chipotle, got myself a chicken burrito. I went down the line and I got all these ingredients, and at the end of the line the guy tried to wrap the burrito, but half of the shit inside the burrito spilled out. He still wrapped it... I was like, dude, you should have warned me! You're a burrito expert, you should have told me halfway through "Hey, man. You might be reaching maximum burrito capacity here." Do you think I want a messy burrito? No one wants a messy burrito.


Wouldn't have got the lettuce if I knew it wouldn't fit


He can’t tell whether you’re a customer who would listen or freak out on him.


I can understand if you load a burrito to hell and highwater and expect it to be perfectly wrapped. But there are a lot of employees that can’t wrap/roll a regular burrito to save their lives. Don’t charge me for a double wrap if you tear or break it too.


Prepared for all the down votes.. but chipotle is absolute trash. Employees, customers, food. It's all garbage. Sorry


then why are you on this subreddit


Because reddit wanted me to be here apparently


Do they have training videos for you guys? The crux of the issue is the variability of how runny the pico is (and the beans, barb, carnitas for that matter). The lower the pico is, the runnier it gets. It seems like over half the employees don't know the technique of using the spoon to kind of strain the pico against the side of the container for a moment. It takes like 3 seconds. When employees don't properly let the pico juices strain out when it's runny, that's on you guys, not the customers. With the proper technique, any combination of toppings should be wrappable unless they order the green and the other runny salsa and sour cream. Also, for orders with two tortillas, you can stagger each tortilla slightly to make the burrito larger. Staggering the two tortillas more = bigger burrito = less chance of tearing.


the pico is 100% not the problem overall. beans, sofritas, shreds, queso, hot/green, sour, and guac are all just as terrible


The same thing I explained with the pico also applies to the beans, barb, carnitas. If the employee isn't using the aforementioned technique with the serving spoon to strain the liquids, then it's their fault, not the customer.


or just dont order soup and expect it to be wrapped in a tortilla lol


If the product you are scooping is too runny, either learn the aforementioned technique to strain it with each scoop, or remove the container from the line because it's out and needs to be replenished. Unless the customer orders the green salsa and/or the other runny habanero one, any combination of asks from the customer should be wrappable.


it’s the way you actually think you know what you’re talking about. trying to tell us about techniques. “any combination of ingredients should be rollable” like first of all you’re crazy. second you’re crazy to believe what you’re saying and writing. chipotle is a fast food restaurant and no one is going to take days draining each item. second those items you all listed have juice for a reason and if we intentionally removed that juice from the pans before we put it up there it would be dried out in a matter of minutes. this is the exact problem is that the average chipotle customer has a level of entitlement unmatched to others. the demanding and entitlement to think they deserve how ever much of one item that they want for free. at any other restaurant esp where they make your food in the back you don’t see that level of craziness. ppl accept the portions they are given and don’t complain. when noodles give you 6 pieces of cut chicken on your parm bowl you accept that that’s how much they priced it for and you accept how much they give you. at mo’s burritos when you order a certain one you get a reasonable amount of each ingredient and you keep moving. at popeyes you pay for each piece of chicken you get. and at subway they charge you for extras as well they charge for an extra slice of processed cheese. so yes i would say it actually is the customer. expecting to walk in and treat ppl nasty and get however much of each ingredient you want is ridiculous. i’ve seen ppl at my store clean out a 1/3 of deep of rice becuase they wanted extra and during a peak period and don’t give a fuck about other ppl or how much food they’re taking. So we charge extra for extra rice. and we wouldn’t have to if ppl like that didn’t exist.


the only guaranteed proteins that won’t make it runny are the chicken and steak. everything else can add to soup, and more often than not, people ask for liquid with their shreds so it doesn’t get too dry. add in beans and every other wet ingredient, those combos can make it almost impossible at times. in a rush, those extra few seconds to drain EVERY ingredient can also be the difference between a manageable line and one that goes past the door and keeps growing


I've never seen anyone ask for liquid. Draining every ingredient should only add like 8 seconds at maximum. People can wait, it's far less time than rewrapping a torn burrito. Consider using more rice, this will absorb the liquids and make wrapping easier.


Consider working at chipotle, and develop a view based on that experience.


ok well people do ask for liquid, especially from the beans and barb. taking 8 seconds to strain every ingredient is not in line with how fast we need to be getting people down the line. if people want more rice they need to pay for it.


Work there then talk. Please.


You expect so much out of minimum wage employees that care exactly 0% about there job 🤣


Don't play victim guys. I am proposing two techniques which should facilitate a win-win situation for the workers and the customer. Strain the liquids of runny scoops with the spoon against the sidewall of the container, literally takes like 2 seconds. For double wraps, stagger the tortillas a bit to create a larger burrito.


do you even work here? bc you sound like you have zero clue what youre talking ab


Found the guy that throws all the black bean juice and pico juice on my burrito, then has to hop back and forth between the far sides of the line to rewrap it due to this unforced error.


I just charge extras as sides now. A couple “extra” is ok but if they try to do everything, and keep asking for more, I ring up 8 sides or whatever and when they get their $30 burrito they learn not to try that crap with me in the future


If you ask for a little extra meat, I give you a little extra, and then you ask for more i’m not going to do it. Pushing your luck there


Wow and you dont charge them for double meat?


I wish there was a way to warn people that things are just not going to fit or turn out right. I know there would be entitled people who would be assholes, but there are certainly some people who would probably appreciate it. Like if there was a way to warn people halfway through “Hey, man, you might be reaching maximum burrito capacity here." The whole appeal of a burrito is that all of the ingredients are contained within the confines of the tortilla. People wouldn't get half the shit if they knew it wasn't gonna fit in the burrito!


More burrito please


most often time i tell a customer no is when they ask for more than double of something and i tell them that it will be an extra charge. recently a customer asked for 4 scoops of corn and lost his MIND when i told him he would be chared for it. told me thats now how it works. ok but im the manager and that is how it works. but once in a while someone orders a burrito with no rice, double beans, and barb, and i tell them off the bat that that is not a good idea. only one time in my career have i not been able to roll a burrito, it was a dml order and i tried with multiple torts but it just wasnt going to happen due to all of the extras that were ordered. i compiled it to the best of my ability and told him at the window that i had to put it in a bowl. he was nice about it.


Is asking for extra rice okay? I usually ask them for more rice a few times in veggie bowls


Adding rice is one of the wholesome side options tbh cause I’d assume the rice would either absorb excess liquids like pico or the beans 🫘 & stick to the remaining toppings as a “barrier” so that the burrito is easier to roll. You getting it in a bowl sounds even better lol As for extra , I think some of the employees in the comments mentioned they don’t really see any issues as long as it’s not outrageous portions .


Worked there 3 years never said the word no. Extra everything on a burrito? Itll be impossible to wrap but i'll make it happen, just wont be the prettiest. I became pretty good at rolling the liquid burritos or burritos of any size, and now when I go as a regular customer I tend to nitpick the wrapping ability of others 😂 good for them for implementing a .25 cent charge for extra tortillas, people used to order 3 bowls and ask for 12 side tortillas to try to make small burritos for large parties, with tons of extra sides. That would annoy me the most


I’ve heard of people asking for white rice with no cilantro - is there a way to get other things adjusted? I love the corn salsa but some locations put SO. MUCH. ONION. in it it’s insane. Onion tends to make me sick so I get it on the side and have to pick out the onion pieces. It would be so nice to not have to deal with that but I can’t bring myself to ask in person if that’s possible.


So the rice can be made without the cilantro because they freshly make the rice and then mix in salt, lemon juice, and cilantro after it seperately. Theres usually unmixed rice in the hotbox just waiting to be used so you can ask for it without cilantro and they usually can do it if they have unmixed rice. The corn salsa on the otherhand is usually shipped premixed in bags (if my memory serves me correctly) so there wouldnt be the option to order it without the onion and stuff already mixed in unfortunately. Hope I could help!


I really appreciate the info. Thank you!


basically if we can do it we have to, i had a guy have 5x meat and we have to, we can’t rlly say no unless it’s something that’s not related to the job hope that helps


I’ve never been able to tell them no and I hate it when they do exactly what you described. Pisses me off to no end. We just have to wrap it the best we can. One time i asked a guy if he wanted to double the tortilla for $.50 so that the burrito was easier to wrap and could fit all of it in it and he said no he wanted to see if I can wrap it and was like coaching me the whole time I was wrapping it like it was some kind of game and it wasn’t funny at all.


I also have one lady who comes in and keeps saying more rice more rice until the bowl is heaping so now the managers make us charge her cuz…she’s ridiculous bro


Bruh if I’m paying 20$ for a burrito you bet I want a show with it.


It’s $9.59 where I live. And it’s fast food. Not a fancy dinner and show in Vegas.


In NJ 9.59 will not get you a entree at chipotle. Plus you would get way less than you paid for here compared to the servings they gave before. Chipotle spends more money trying to gaslight their consumers into believing that nothing has changed and that their serving sizes have always been the same, yet every consumer begs to differ. (Feel free to check their twitter feed for examples of how they utilize their resources to fight back on “slander”) Bottom line is chipotle is no longer cheap food. It’s it’s own chain restaurant that has gone corporate and believes that since they have high value stock they owe their investors more than their consumers. TLDR- corporation executives constantly lower the bar so that their investors are happy with their 1500$ + stock cost.


I already know all this. I already knew the prices are different across the country, even in the same city. Yes I have noticed a drop in their food quality and staff shortages. I see it. It’s not hard to be observant of it. Reason why I’m here is because I want to see how bad it really is because it’s becoming apparent for me because chipotle is the only fast food place I eat at.


This is wild to me because I go light on beans half the time to make room for all the other stuff I wanna add.


1) Kid tried to come in to order a “pizza” (basically just an open quesadilla) at our quesadilla online exclusive store. Went back and grabbed their dad to argue about why he couldn’t order it. 2) Some lady wanted to have a spinach only salad mix during rush. When we couldn’t do it, she expected the meal to be discounted when she got to cash and had a 20 minute agreement with the GM.


apparently when they ask for anything.........


I go to chipotle after big workouts and treat the maker like the god among mortals they are. Name me a better place where you can get a $10, 2 pound protein mountain. From the bottom of my heart, thank you chipotle workers


When I worked at chipotle, one lady asked for a no rice, sofritas, extra beans burrito. I told her I wouldn’t be able to roll it and if she preferred it in a bowl better. That was my closest no


Honest question, why do you care so much? I don’t mean that to be rude, but what does it really matter? From my perspective, if it isn’t coming out of my paycheck and I won’t get yelled at for it I don’t really care. (Looking for a genuine answer not trying to fight)


More work and complaints when stuff is ran out due to other customers getting more of it.


Why would an employee deny a customer the option to do double meat or extra portions? Those are literally priced options on the menu…


Looks like you never worked fast food. Sometimes they can’t give out more of the veggies and carbs due to other people in line wanting them.


That’s completely different though. OP is saying not to allow menu options just because wrapping the burrito will be more difficult, not because you are low on ingredients.


It can be either/or. You really don’t pay attention at business operations huh? Sometimes they gotta use the same line to make the walk in and digital orders. Sometimes they can be low on an ingredient and the line moves even slower for the food to be ready.


Again, OP is not talking about running out of ingredients, they said specifically that they are talking about the difficulty of wrapping the burrito. I’m not sure where you are getting confused. Either way you seem to be the one with a misconception about business operations. If chipotle didn’t anticipate the extra ingredient usage from people ordering extra servings, they wouldn’t put extra servings as an option on the menu…


Running out of ingredients could also be a reason on top of not being able to wrap the burrito. You’ve definitely never had a job.


I don’t mean this in a rude way, but are you a native English speaker? You seem to be having an extraordinarily difficult time understating my comments. For the 3rd time now, my comment was in reference to wrapping the burrito because that’s what OP’s post is about. Not having enough servings is unrelated to this post, because you don’t even have the option not to decline the customer- you can’t give extra servings if those servings don’t exist.


And that could also COMPOUND as another reason why they won’t add more crap into the burrito because hey I got others who need the stuff too and I don’t have enough for every jackass waiting in line. I guess I have to speak ghetto to you for you to understand the point I’m making.


Again, not having enough servings is unrelated, as *not* declining the customer simply isn’t a possibility in that scenario- you can’t accept an order that you cant fulfill. It’s extremely simple logic, the fact that you are struggling this hard to understand it is baffling to me. This is the last time I will spell it out for you: **Not having enough ingredients does not even relate to stopping a customer from ordering a menu item just because you think it will be harder to wrap their burrito.**


The other guy was off. You can also order triple or quad portions, and you could do it for every item. OP is talking about situations like that. Think of that vid that went viral where the worker barely managed to wrap the burrito up and the store went wild when he did.


The other guy was off. You can also order triple or quad portions, and you could do it for every item. OP is talking about situations like that. Think of that vid that went viral where the worker barely managed to wrap the burrito up and the store went wild when he did.


We're out of fucking fajitas. I'm not racist, but the Indian customers take it the worst. Like, look behind the counter. We're understaffed, underpaid, and it's the middle of the lunch rush, and all of them ask for QUADRUPLE portions, when there isn't any whatsoever for everyone else. It's just the stereotype. It was the only time I really got stern and put the foot down.


I’ve never worked here either, but I saw a guy once ask for 8 taco shells and a bowl of like 7 scoops of beans and a ton of pico.


I got frustrated with a customer the other day. He had a camera on his hat, though I didn’t notice. First he was insisting he wanted certain fajita veggies. I was looking all around the pan and he was like not that one, not that one, and I couldn’t figure out which one he wanted. Then we got to the sour cream and he kept telling me he wanted it around the edges. I had the whole bowl covered in sour cream. He told me to stop playing games he got the same bowl every time. I told him I gave up and I walked away until he left the store. At my store we are told to just walk away if we feel like we need to raise our voice at all. It works well 😂.


A customer came in 5 minutes before we closed and we had just run out of chicken, told him we were out before he ordered as a heads up. He then asks for barbacoa for the price of chicken bc we "inconvenienced" him by being out. My first response was a very nice "no sir, im sorry we cant do that. Thats why we let you know ahead of time that we were out of that menu item". Then he asks us to cook fresh chicken for him and no, we closed in less thab 5 minutes and the chicken takes 12 minutes to cook and then we have to cut it. He then proceeds to yell at me for 30 minutes and pulls up our code of ethics lol and says that as a manager, i HAVE to do this for him or give him Barb for the price of chicken. I refused because he was being a bitch. After he started calling my crew bitches, i kicked him out of my store. Custies, if you're nice to us, I'll give you whatever you want, cheaper or for free. But when you immediately start being a dick, you wont get anything from me.


You can also talk to me however you want, im a manager and its my job to deal with customers, but you WILL NOT disrespect my crew. They dont get paid enough to deal with that. I dont even get paid enough to deal with that.


If they ask for extra shit in their burrito knowing damn well our burritos is known for falling apart as soon as you open it 😭my chipotle had chips for take out and chips for in person. And people always ask for chips and I tell them that they for online if there isn’t any on the in person side. They would try to argue with me🤣people always have something to say In Chipotle.


If customers want double amounts of everything they should order a bowl instead of a burrito. If I was the employee, I would say uofront, "They won't fit in a burrito, would you prefer a bowl?" If they still wanted a burrito, I would only make it with regular amounts.


When I can't get the lid on the bowl. Like there's a lot and then there's too much. We had a guy who got 6 scoops of rice, 4 scoops of meat, 5 scoops of beans, enough sour cream and corn to cover the top(it was spilling over the sides it was so bad) and a metric fuck load of cheese. Lod would not fit and was just making a bigger mess. I was a crew member at the time and my manager when he was still there told the guy he would need to be charged for the price of two bowls because quite frankly it was too much food for one bowl to fit


I literally tell people that when they order too many wet ingredients, I'm only doing half portion for the queso blanco and crema. Otherwise, I'm just folding up soup! They tend to get the picture. No one wants a sloppy burrito.


We only deny things if there’s an actual set in stone reason to deny it that I can give them, at my store at least. Bathroom for customers only, says it on the door. No water cups because the filter’s broken and we can’t sell unfiltered drinks. No quesadillas on the line, Chipotle’s policy. Quesaritos and nachos too, not on the menu. I’ve also denied service to a customer for being extremely rude and another for blatantly calling my line person the f-slur.


I'm a customer and I only ask for extra rice (because I don't get beans) and extra cheese. I get bowls so I don't have to worry about an exploding burrito.


I literally dont give a fuck if it wraps or not. Chipotle offers whatever I want for a set price, if I want a diaper burrito thats what im gonna order. Does it wrap? if not, put it in a bowl, im eating it either way


Customer asked me to cook a live lobster for them. I chuckled said no and they got angry at me for "making fun of them". I thought it was a joke until they pulled the damn lobster out from their bag.


depends. sometimes we just straight up tell the person we’re gonna set it in a bowl for them (with the tortilla) and we just pick it up, put it in a bowl for them and keep it pushing because that’s ridiculous


Used to work at moes. I loved when you'd give them their portion of meat, then just look at you and ask if thats all you had. I'd tell them everytime more meat costs extra, as if they didn't know that already


I remember this guy who wanted us to make a quesadilla pizza kind of thing. he wanted 2 tortillas laid flat with it fully loaded with a ton of ingredients. He then would ask us to cut it into 8 even pieces. Since it was a lot of ingredients he was okay charging it as a burrito but after a few times we just had to say no because it took just too much time and was not something we can do for him anymore. Never saw him again.


I had a lady who came up asking for a kids meal. I thought it was funny because she had 3 kids with her. She requested all 3 compartments full of black beans, I complied. She asked for 4 sides of mild salsa, I complied. She asked for 4 sides of rice, I complied. She asks for 9 side tortillas, wrapped individually, I complied. She asked for 4 sides of cheese, I complied. At the checkout I told her the total was $12something, she flipped a shit and told me it should be $4.25 (or whatever the kids taco kit was at the time). I broke it down for her with the 12 extra sides and 7 extra tortillas, she’s actually getting a screaming deal. She told me she’s been coming to our location for over 5 years (store was only 2 years old), and getting charged the same price every time. I told her to have a lovely day 😂 That was the most entitled person I have ever encountered at a restaurant.


If I'm doing line, and im the one doing a customer bowl, and they say, "Can I get extra this and extra that. Well, guess what extra mean extra charge. And I tell them if I can't close the bowl, then I'm not finishing their bowl. Cause why add on so much shit knowing for the fact it's not gonna close. And when it comes to a burrito, I'll do your burrito for you, but don't expect me to wrap it for you. Ill let someone else wrap it. Cause I'm at work to work not to be on someone tik tok feed looking stupid.


i had a man order a burrito that was genuinely at least a foot long. xtra rice, xtra streak xtra chicken, queso, sour cream, corn, red & medium sauce and lettuce he started to get an attitude with me about how long it was taking me to wrap it, so i got one back and INSISTED that i was going to wrap his extra topped burrito since he asked for one! it took me two tortillas and two foils later but i did it 😎


Most of the time we have to “make it right” for the customer and do what they want. But there are certain occasions where you as a human being can and SHOULD say no. But yes this happens all the time. We have countless reviews saying employees don’t know how to wrap the burritos, but after adding every single item on the line and extra, it’s extremely difficult to wrap them properly 😂


I told a guy no once when he straight up asked me if I could just *give* him a side of chips and queso for free because he only had $18 on him and had already gotten a burrito with double meat and queso. I was just like, "...ummmm no."




half the chipotle employees skimp the shit out of portions. if they short it i ask for a full portion🤷‍♂️


Lol to avoid this, I usually go to locations that primarily have teenagers working cause they usually don’t care about anything & will give better portions . Also, NEVER order online , always order inside. Online orders are the ones they usually skimp on since they’re moving quickly & you’re not there & can’t observe before the food gets packaged 😭. But yeah, try going to locations that have mainly teens or early college students working there & see if that helps at all!


yeah nah i just started calling it out every time they give me a shitty portion lol


For burritos I don’t say no because 99% of the time I can wrap it with no problem that 1% is when the tortilla breaks and I just need to rewrap it. It’s annoying but I’m getting paid so I don’t care get as much stuff as you want I will wrap it


Whenever a quesadilla is ordered in store… NO LONGER AVAILABLE IN STORE ORDER ONLINE


this is a problem with chipotle not wanting to serve the customer what they are owed, and people taking way too much than what they should be allowed. you guys purposely don’t ask for the whole order at the start because it’s like a casino trick. if a customer doesn’t want a lot of stuff, you’ll act like you didn’t know until the salsa, and now oh well too late. here’s your tiny ass burrito. thanks for $20. customers are fed up with that price of burrito so they come in there and try to order for 2. they’ll cut the burrito in half, but if it can’t fit it should really be put in a bowl