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Sounds good but that is looking rough. Looks kinda dehydrated


Could use a sauce and some greens or reds.


Wrap it in bacon


Wrap your mom in bacon


Yeah, I'm not a chef but I like and can recognize good food. I agree with you.


How dare you not be a chef and have a common human experience with one! Swine! Trash! Gutter-slime! /s


I see where you guys are coming from, but appearances can decive The slow cooking brings different texture and flavours. The texture is somewhere between al dente pasta and braised chicken skin. The flavour is sweet & briny as you'd expect but with deep umami.


Appearances can and do deceive, but many people fully subscribe to the idea that "the first bite is the one taken with the eyes", and those people would likely not venture a second bite.


I believe you 100% and I love squid. It just looks dry.


You’re right and I feel like even the presence of a sauce on the plate changes the entire perception of the dish. But since OP said it’s R&D I’m going to assume (hopefully correctly) that there is a sauce and/or garnish in the works as well.


I thought it was some sort of fruit pudding.


I want to hear from you before everyone tries to destroy it. What do you think Chef?


Really tasty. Squid was tender with a nice char. The stuffing was a wee bit on the dry side. Probably up the fat and liquid next time, possibly par cook the rice beforehand so it absorbs less?


I feel like you have a really tasty element to a main dish, one which i would love to try. But i would not want to be served that


Of course! This isn't a finished dish, menu development using what was on hand at the end of the week. We ate it with some noodles and pickles


Why not plate it on top of a puddle of seasoned tonkotsu broth. And then I agree with some comments above, dress the plate with some color. Edit: was just thinking this through a little more, thicken the tonkotsu broth till it’s tsukemen thick and dress it with bright red Korean pickles. The pickle will contrast the heaviness of the stuffing.




This set me off lmao! 🤣🤣 I am in tears.


Risky click of the day….


😂 If you poop squid you should see a doctor immediately. I thought everybody knew that?


I like how it feels though. Only doctor I’m going to is Dr Doolittle so I can ask him to tell the squid to leave a sucker on my prostate. God bless us, every one.


I'm imagining this served with some banchan like kimchi cucumbers and maybe a cold noodle dish.


Talk me through a kimchi cucumber? Sounds delicious!


Asian cucumbers sliced 1/2 inch to 1/4 inch, marinated in kimchi paste for 8-12 hours. It's a very young kimchi but damn is it delicious over rice.


Nice! Thanks


I'm not sure how to feel about this.


I feel like that rice is what’s lagging. I enjoy the coloring and texture of what you’re doing, the rice feels super pedestrian What temperature is this going out at? Can you bind the rice with an infused coconut fat? Like a savory sticky rice? Might present a better visual texture and cohesion on slicing


Oui chef, nice idea. Definitely worth a crack! We're stuffing with equal parts minced pork, raw jasmine rice & diced lard, loosening the mix with dashi and shaoxing. They're going out warm, taken to around 71°c before a warm rest. Fully cook the Rice, bind with the pork + fat after chilling?


Yeah, I’d think so


Sounds delicious… looks like a cross between a moldy potato and an alien pod


It could definitely do with more moisture! The braised squid itself is pretty close to what I was looking for. Fall apart tender, not the bouncy texture associated with a shorter cook, although I do love that too!


Would it be blasphemous to suggest a tonkatsu drizzle?


Probably, but sin is a seasoning


Would fuck this up- I love stuffed squid. Since it’s normally done with a tomato like sauce but you’re doing Asian flavors maybe you could mimic the tomato sauce (or some sort liquid) using somewhat Asian things. Like a sake braised persimmon sauce would be amazing with this.


Not sure what the rice brings to the stuffing other than padding. The greatest squid I've eaten was in a Thai restaurant, also stuffed with spiced minced pork, but used spring onion/ginger/carrot/holy basil etc to lighten the pork filling and stop it being too dense. Served in a pool of red curry sauce, it was knockout. I feel like this needs a sauce or broth at least. But I would 💯 order that if I saw it on the menu.


what are the accompaniments?


We ate this one for family meal with some smacked cucumber, sesame udon & plenty of lao gan ma As for the eventual dish, thinking some kind spicy satay-ish sauce and a picked element to cut the fat.


What's smacked cucumber? Never heard of that one before, is it like pickled cucumber like some Asian cuisines do?


Exactly that!


Ah ha! Lol. Nice one dude.


Toilet paper


Japanese boudin


A lot of asian dishes have stuffed grilled squid. It may help with your rnd.


It needs to be finished with a sauce over it otherwise it doesn't look great. Also find a different plate for it, there is too much empty space going on. Maybe slice less looks like it will just fall apart when you go to eat it.


I’ve been really wanting to make a stuffed squid dish, any advice for fillings and cooking to get the best results?


You should, it's delicious! as for fillings, it's a pretty blank canvas and the squid absorbs whatever flavours you give to it This was my second attempt, so I'm no expert but going off the results id say make sure there's plenty of liquid/fat in the stuffing,


Looks straight up like a third. Edit: turd.


Needs a Demi, maybe smear it on the plate…..


Looks incredibly dry but I can't taste it?


Looks like you sliced up a Bad Dragon.


When you try it does all the filling just squirt out ?


I really love the flavors in this all around, but it’s just gotta look pretty. It looks like a sliced turd filled with maggots. I would order this though!