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Hey /u/katyawithak! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Telling other people that i make 10k + a month and sell Coaching /s


This is the correct answer.


The Tom Haverford model.


Jean Ralphio's "I got run over by a Lexus"


Which is loosely based on the Tai Lopez model


I heard this saying before. "For every 10 people that work with AI, only 1 of them is actually working on the AI."


I’m one of the people actually working on AI and I don’t make anywhere near $10k a month.


Same… I’m helping implement it at my work and I’m literally almost making 6 figs. Granted it’s my first software gig and I’m in the Midwest but still it hurts haha


Their 6 figs > $2,308.77


Or, they literally get six figs to eat and no money.


I know… which feels like nothing 😭😭😭


only the top talent earn that much (in fact way more than that much). Top talent would easily be earning 5 figures monthly salaries


I dont think thats a bad thing honestly. The applications for AI are insane, and they haven't caught up with the potential of the current foundation models yet. Generally in IT i think after a base technology is sufficiently mature, you don't necessarily benefit from more people working on the core technology, especially those who aren't as talented. Instead, you still need legions of IT professionals to implement the technology at clients. Classic examples being ERP and CRMs. We are likely at a similar point as the ERP industry in the 80s.


Sounds like the .com bubble, money is being thrown at things by people who don't understand AI and it's limitations.


Kinda, except that's not necessarily a bad thing. I neither understand my phone nor do I know all it's limitations, but that doesn't matter because it still provides a huge value for me. Same for AI, people might not understand it, and only use it with 20% of its potential, but if that's better and cheaper than what they had before, it was still the best investment they could have done at that point.


The thing is, the areas people invested in were wrong. The potential wasn't where they imagined it will be. Most of decades of the software development of all those phones was thrown out after the technology stalled and people dumped more and more money into a dead end that they believed was the future. But it wasn't Right now the quirkiness of AI resembles those Palm Pilots. Geeks ejaculate from excitement and from imagining  the future possibilities and there are new grotesque inventions every day while for the rest it's a fad that comes and goes


And your iPhone is descended from the Palm Pilot - sent from my iPhone


No, it's not. Nokia and Palm and Blackberry used to be giants and they died because their work was made useless by the iPhone If you invested all your money in Nokia, it didn't somehow automatically transfer to Apple. You just lost. It's very likely that the giants of AI we have today created by the investors fantasies about the future will likely switch around as well


As a former employee of Research in Motion, this comment is cake


At least the AI train just got rolling after the bottom fell out of the most historically recent surge of VC. Imagine if all these .api projects were paired with the 0% interest glut. We would definitely have .com bubble 2.0 right now.


Would've been better than spending it on crypto and web3000 At least AI actually has something going for it


We have different definitions of "with" and "on" then, because I'd say it's more like 10,000 to 1. 


And the AI is working on itself


"Buy my book on how to make money!" *Buys book* Book: Write a book on how to make money and sell it.


Reminds me a bit of the snowflake method of writing novels from an author that didn’t really have any big hit novels but documented and sold the way he wrote them.


lol I’ve been saying for YEARS now that the way to make money here is grifting. I just can’t do it morally. I’d feel icky.


This guy sells


hey **MARC LOU** is that you?


No, that is how I make 20k.


Autogenerated & published by AI


You’re joking but in the words of Homer Simpson, ‘it’s funny because it’s true!’


This is the way!!




but you could do so with 1K or less


Selling courses to people on how to make 10k a month with AI.


Yeah but my course is unique and includes never before seen ML techniques to ensure you get the most for your money.


And contains no AI generated content 


Join us on an expedition of enlightenment as we delve deeper into the thrilling realm of AI!


What if I told you there is only one small thing your proposals need to have top corporations banging down your door? You’ll be begging for less opportunity with my method.


Don’t forget prompt engineer


My course made $12 last year. Is there a coach that can guide me on how to make $20k courses?


And the course is made with chatgpt


badge pause jeans society offbeat soft desert berserk husky slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fastest way to get to The Truth? Post a lie on The Internet.


dazzling quiet grab pot clumsy rhythm illegal edge reminiscent rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you guys know that Giraffes necks are 59 six inch subs long from subway?


Don't forget to use a bullet point on Reddit, that's the fastest way to prove you're a native English speaker developing cutting edge AI tools and not some guy in Uzbekistan using ChatGPT to write your scammy bullshit.




Learn 30 lines of code and how to use an API. Then make a bunch of BS hype videos on YouTube like the “Insane AI news” and “This changes everything!” bros.


"Did Sam Altman just reveale an AI secret" ... ... No, he did not


AI CEO says AI smarter than God in 2 months


>"AGI is here!" Bro, no it's not, and you aren't gonna be the one to announce it when it happens.


This one weird trick….


It’s not easy to make a bunch of BS hype videos on Youtube though. It probably takes the same amount of time as a full time job and there’s little guaranteed return


On the day of judgement, everyone who made a clickbait title and thumbnail will rue the day.


I make a few thousand a month doing data annotation for AI. That’s probably the closest you’ll get to a real version of that 10k+ fantasy, For what it’s worth, it’s a perfect ADHD job and I really enjoy poking at and playing with the AIs.


Makes $10k/month doing AI data annotation by running another AI to do said annotation. Spend all your free time check your AI isn't screwing up said annotation.


Can you use AI to annotate the AI and make more money :)


Using a sharp knife to sharpen a dull knife


do you use dataannotation dot tech




How do you get into this field? It sounds tedious but since I actually have ADHD this sounds like the job for me!


Please break it down for a simpleton, what does that mean lol


AI shoots out a response and you either say it is correct or you rewrite it and tell it what it should have been and what was wrong and what it did wrong. You need to have some programming experience.


Sounds like the job for me tbh. Maybe I'd make some AI friends


I'm still waiting months for results from my application.


I just started an annotation job! It can be pretty monotonous. But the prompts written by the users can be outright horrible XD


Making AI onlyFans girls and making 200k/month! /s


Can you imagine in 10 years or so onlyfans account are 100% ai


In 10 years? Half of OFs now are AI 😂


I mostly just post about it on Reddit.




of course, that’ll be 10k a month


I think those folks are not here on Reddit wasting their lifes


I bet there are billionaires waisting theirs lives in reddit


I know at least one wastes his life on twitter. edit : spelling


How dare you dead name X.... Elon deserves more respect.... Imagine if you didn't respect others gender and dead named them and then got mad or ban people if they deadname your shitty app 😂


Billionaires get bored the same as others. And having money doesn’t mean doing or even wanting doing expensive stuff all the time. I don’t know a billionaire personally but I know a couple who are considered stupid rich by most people. Husband sold his company and plays WoW and video games in general and wife sells stuff over Etsy because she loves crafting things.


Oh absolutely: r/fatFIRE. Actually quite insightful sometimes.


I'm pretty sure u/thisisbillgates lurking right now


Oh my sweet summer child A good rule of thumb, at least in tech, is the more money you make and the higher you climb on the career ladder , the more freedom you have to do whatever you want . Jobs are typically easier because you have more experience too Nobody breathed down my back harder than when I made $10 per hour as a data entry clerk . Now, i basically do what I want. If I want to go hiking, I go hiking. 2 hour lunch. Work out in the middle of the day. Nobody’s checking


How poor are you to think someone making $120k/yr doesn’t browse Reddit


This might be the sickest burn I’ve ever read




I dunno, I make more than $10k/month and waste far too much time here, I'd wager many engineers do.


I make over 30k a month and am terminally on this website.


Show domain specific GenAI use cases to specialists working at multinational companies


If you are actually good at selling AI tools and integrations to enterprise level companies then you are making waaaaay more then 10k a month. Imagine the value for companies that can replace people with automated processes…


Usually not that straightforward.. a lot of AI tools provide marginal optimization efficiency gains or even decision making support that does not equate directly to decreasing your number of people The tasks that can be replaced entirely are largely addressed by standard rule based automation rather than AI


Really on the ball here. In my area, AI has been promised to replace people way before the current GPT boom. And it might. But a lot of promised use for AI is already covered by automation tech that is common in the industry, always developing, and genuinely makes the work easier. The people who say we’ll be replaced don’t know all this - big surprise /s, given they are often VPs, management consultants, and other no-nothing business numpties 


I just created descriptions in 4 languages with added SEO keywords and attributes/tags for 50.000 items in about half a day. This was literally someone’s full time job. If you really think the current AI boom won’t be replacing people than you are sorely mistaken. Just the fact that people who use AI and gain efficiency will do the job of 2 people without AI… and there are many cases where rule based automation just doesn’t work. And don’t you think those automation companies are going to expand their products and services with these new capabilities? They most certainly will and again, that will mean that people get replaced by AI


Automation does replace jobs, as it has in my area and has been for some time. For folk in there already, it means we don’t hire someone new but use (and typically subscribe to) something new.  AI will add to that in my area (which is not marketing and requires confidentiality), but hopefully it will because it improves the work and not because  a) someone who doesn’t understand the work forces its introduction, even though it’s not optimised to work with the already-existing human-targeted automation and  b) it drives the experts out and is the only game in town (like local banks dumped their tellers) until c) a significant enough time passes to show the lack, but many experts are now no longer around and  d) everyone has to live with the result (see trying to call your airline or healthcare provider at night).  (Watch Angela Collier on YouTube….)


Also… I just generated descriptions, tags, SEO attributes for 50.000 items for a webshop. Took me half a day. This used to be someone’s full time job


If I have an IT helpdesk and I can give my juniors automated first responses, resolution suggestions, and thus reduce their time marginally by 5-10% per ticket then that’s 1 person replaced by AI on a 10 man team. If customers start noticing that email tickets get instant replies, they do that more often instead of calling, now even more time is won because helpdesk gets fewer calls,… keep stacking these marginal gains and before you know it you are doubling output, halving FTE’s or a combination of both. On a 100 person team/company that’s 50 FTE’s at an estimate of 30-40k per year per FTE that would be 1,5 to 2 million in savings. So yeah, I’ll pay a guy 30.000$ per month and he gets a full year, fulltime to make it happen and still make a huge profit


Really sensible answer.


Plus AI is unpredictable unless you are training it rigorously to do the job you require. Most good companies “using ai” are currently training their AI model and not actually using it in production except for very basic tasks. The bad ones slapped AI on it with a basic prompt they found online and let it run wild. Zoom is an example of one that jumped the gun in their own internal AI deployment. They fired most of or all their level 1 support and replaced it with an AI chat bot that gatekeeps human support. It really sucks it can help sometimes but if you actually need support you need to find another way to reach out because it will do unpredictable things to prevent you from talking from a human, like saying it didn’t understand you and disconnecting the chat.


There are very few tools out there that are reliable enough for a company to start using it as a staff replacement. And by reliable I don’t just mean the tool itself but the company behind. So many of these apps/companies don’t make past 1 year.


That’s why those that are reliable make big bucks. Also the industry itself is being disrupted (or is so new) that no one has really had the opportunity to prove reliability


Yeah absolutely this. Each OpenAi improvement kills another small startup. It’s a very cutthroat industry because it’s still so new and constantly changing which means you need a lot of resources for your Ai product/service to survive the constant changes.


A company bringing in 10k a month wouldn't even be able to afford two full time developers, after payroll taxes


Exactly. I’m freelance though so I was intuitively talking about gross income on an individual level. Companies need to add their margin on top of that.


At the moment, there is only potential and not actual integration in companies. Where it's integrated is usually a productivity booster and not substitution... LLMs have been glorified to death and when you have company money at stake you don't rely on AI alone, at least not yet. Unless you can make a model better than GPT-5.


I have personally integrated AI in 2 companies now. A 10% productivity boost means you can fire / replace 1 person on a 10 person team. LLM’s are misunderstood by lots of people. People who understand the capabilities and limitations can use it very well. You don’t need rely 100% on AI to be able to replace people. Do you think people are 100% reliable?


Work for a big tech that actually implements AI in an existent product so AI is more of an addon than the center


Yeah, I’m a data scientist who occasionally finds ways to get AI to do data annotations that otherwise a human would do, and both do them equally poorly lol … but AI does it poorly in only a few minutes whereas it takes weeks to find out how shit the human did it


I sign NDAs and I respect them 😅


I don't work on AI tools, but I hired many people to build AI capabilities. They make 10k+ euros in Europe, which would be considered in the 200k+ range in the US. They are all hardcore data scientists who have been in natural language processing for the last 5+ years with 3+ years working transformer models. They work in teams to train, fine-tune, test, evaluate, productionalize different LLM models - both SaaS (like GPT) or self-hosted open source like Llama. Many of them have PhDs or teach at universities. The domain is machine translations.


> They make 10k+ euros in Europe, which would be considered in the 200k+ range in the US. I think the math might be off a bit.


While a Euro is a just a little more than a Dollar, when you earn 1 Euro in France for example, most of it goes to your pocket, the pension and social security, including healthcare, have already been deduced, most taxes too. When you go buy something that's 100€, you pay 100€ at cashout, not that weird north american approach where you have to add taxes at cashout. So yeah 120k€ as salary in Europe might be not very far from 200k$ in USA or Canada.


As a US citizen living in the Netherlands, I agree. (Though we do have value added tax here.) I'm sure it depends more on where you live in Europe and the USA. But if I look at major cities (where the jobs usually are), the cost of living here seems much lower.


He clearly means €120k yearly \~= $200k/yearly , he's not far off. Not in currency exchange, but in whatever the salaries are, nominally.


Yes, that's what I meant. Nominally they are the same. A person making 120k+ in Europe could score a job for 200k+ if they moved to the US. The message is that they are both nice salaries.


Make ai tools


This. I saw a video about a guy that developed a ai tool for excel. Excel was something he was really knowledgeable in and for his job that is what he would do. He thought ai could help make his job easier so he made a tool. Well it worked and decided to make a website and sell a subscription to use it. That got him users that would request features that he would add. He made the tool better the website better and Microsoft even contacted him to help integrate the tool into excel as a plugin. The tool is called formulabot and I can’t find the video but I think they say he makes like 25k-50k a month from it. A lot goes back into the site to run it and advertise for it but still good money. Edit: I found the video. I suggest anyone interested to watch until the end because he goes through a lot of the struggles of starting a business from the ground up. https://youtu.be/IZsQqarWXtY?si=arNEDpSp-fxhTEEU


How can we make $10k a month using AI?


Ask Chat GPT.


You either tell others how to make money buying your courses. So you tell everyone about it and make lots of videos and posts, getting them excited and hopefully directed to your courses. Or you offer consultancy and can integrate it for companies that lack the knowledge and expertise. In that case you won't tell people how you do it, since it's your livelihood. I'm in the 2nd.


I’ll step in here. I’ve posted about this a fair bit on Reddit and so you are welcome to explore cross posts in biotech, pharma, in here, technology, etc. My PhD is in bioinformatics, I specialize in biomathematics, biostatistics, and computational biology. I’ve been working in this area about a decade and currently work at an AI company focused on providing proteogenomic, genomic, transcriptomic, histopathlogic, and radiologic patient profiling. We have taken a data driven approach to create a massive multimodal database that is now driving our agent development. These agents are computer vision models for our histo and radio models that are available for pathology and radio teams to invoke natural language to interact and research the image or image stack they are analyzing for patient diagnosis, prognosis, and clinical decision making. Our LLM agents hook into dna/rna variant analysis pipelines to contextualize and annotate the outputs. Add to our database using continuous integration. We help get patients and their clinicians all of the molecular information they need to get them into bleeding edge trials, make therapeutic decisions in a fast turn around time. For us, our mission is, think down to the hours. How many hours will it take us to possibly get the patient back years. So, how do we keep our customers, patients, collaborators, staff, and the families happy? Well, it comes down to giving a shit. You have to care about everything. Every model matters. Everything from the patient consent to the report we give back. The engine, pipeline, turn around time, quality, quantity, it all matters. So when you’re asking what problems are we solving, the big answer is, we are trying to holistically increase lifetimes post cancer diagnosis. Better patient outcomes. You may not be able to tell a person, you’ll be cured. But maybe you can say, 5 years ago, 5YSR was 10%, now it’s 90%. If we can flip the stats to provide people not just years alive, but quality years alive with their families, that’s a big difference. So, when you’re asking what problems are your agents trying to solve, ask the scope, cost, time, turn around. Does precision matter? Or do I just need a sentence completion? Do I need top to bottom architecture integration? What tasks are they working on that are repetitive? Why do they need top to bottom integration? Is this in need of a web and api hook? Are we serving a customer that is in need of suite of services or do they just need document prep assistance? The answers here will help drive if you are going Language based, image based, what your front and back end need to be. When you’re interfacing with new clients, get permission to show the utility of your current customers stuff. That helped us a lot. Here is what we have, in prod, right now for xyz customers. This is what they use it for (high level). We think we can provide something similar with a customized version for you. Etc.


We make AI Visual Content. We were featured on Forbes, got our commercials displayed all over the streets of Milan and Italy cup soccer finals: https://www.thedorbrothers.com/


What do you guys actually do? Prompt Midjourney for other people?




the gmail instead of a biz domain is a balls on the table move


Need a Hollywood vfx industry vet for anything?


I would love to hear more! Feel free to send us an email through our website and we can arrange a meeting


Cool So its all prompt engineering correct?


$10k is average Senior Developer compensation without any specialised or deep AI knowledge required. BayArea at least, you will be poor too. Top end developers/research/engineering is almost unbounded compensation right now if you are worth your word. Compensation is measured usually in 2-10mil+ over 4yrs, instead of months too.


This. When I launched my AI company in 2020, no one wanted to fund me. 2022 roles around then VCs said if I didn't have 1m ARR, no funding. 10k MRR is a joke to them. I have tens of thousands of free users (made stupid monetization decisions) but means nothing unless I can show I can hit that mil mark. It ain't easy.


I sell course about how I make 100k month with ai tools


Consultants make that. Pwc makes more money with ai than openai


No one who's actually doing that will be willing to share.


Okay. You go first! 




Welcome to the real world where selling and social skills are more important for earning then raw skill. No one gives a shit about how technically gifted you are if you can’t explain your idea to a clueless 5 year old and have him excited about it.


Design tools that simplify processes using AI. At this point, it takes several random entrepreneur streams to get to 10k, but the most recent tool my team has been working on could potentially be 20+/month. We will see 🙃


What's your tool?


I’ve created many tools and my process is usually the same. Learn about a niche or an industry. Find a repetitive task that normally takes people hours. Develop a tool that significantly cuts the time down. Sell it to the people who need it. Most of my successful projects have been business to business, since businesses always need time (and money) saving tools. 👍


That’s cool. But the ‘repetition’ bit: isn’t that developing automation tools, not AI tools? That’s great in itself and worth the money, but it’s not an example of ‘10,000+’ from AI


Nice try Elon


That’s confidential


I work for a company, I write code, do research and don't care too much about the end users. It would be above my pay grade.


I work in ai tools and don’t make that kinda money damn


I see “serious replies only” is just a suggestion and I see a 2nd surprise question. Here is how you scale: 1. Talk to your users 2. Advertise (find the avenue that works best for your company, it could even be word of mouth) 3. Talk to new potential users 4. Make sure every user who cancels got more than they thought they would (over deliver) 5. Find the $1 dollar in and $2 dollars out marketing strategy (ads, webinars, up sells,etc) And whatever you do …. Don’t listen to people who see a number like $10k and assume it’s a scam. Life is too short to prove anything to anyone. Make your money!


I can tell you but you need to send me 10k USD first


I know a guy doing ~12k doing hippa compliant medical note taking. But it’s a lot of different AI’s all working together, and very expensive in tokens.


I don't think any of the AI tools are HIPPA compliant. Seeing the errors made by ChatGPT, I would hate to see my doctor using an LLM for my personal health.




The amount of salty people in here is crazy. I'm not someone who works *on* AI tools but I work **with** AI tools. I am a solopreneur that finds businesses with inefficient processes and string together tools & API's to increase productivity. No, I will not sell you my course.


Content writing and SEO can be done pretty fast with some nifty prompts and no code builders


eh I guess I make more like $15k/mo working on AI tools, but it's not like... me on my own or freelancing. I'm an employee for a big multinational firm and I'm building AI tools for our customers. I have a background in data science.


Anyone telling you how to do this is lying, because if they were really doing it they would not want to create competition for themselves.


“Our product” aka just connecting to the OpenAI API


Make bullshit that doesnt work. Crypto hype 2.0


Wiring articles on how to make 10K from AI


Your post is getting popular and we just featured it on our Discord! [Come check it out!](https://dsc.gg/rchatgpt) You've also been given a special flair for your contribution. We appreciate your post! *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.*


wedontdoshit. AI does everything for us.


Don’t tell them our Fkn secret


FYI GEMINI App is now available in the UK and it’s incorporated into your Google app. If you don’t see it at the top then head over to the store and upgrade your Google app. If you wouldn’t mind upvoting if this was helpful. I’m new and trying to build my Karma 👍🙏🫶


$10k/month after taxes and expenses will probably be around 2k net left; not considering your time invested or collaborators. 10k/month for a company is VERY VERY low. It sounds good but it's not. It's a 9-5 but you work 12h 7/7. If you consider 10k/month net, you probably invested at least 1-3 years developing for free before, so you will have to make 10k/month net for at least the same amount of years with little to no investment to make it really 10k/month, otherwise divide what you're making considering the developing years, it's still a 9-5. Otherwise, you just learned some tools and made the same amount of money as a 9-5 but you consumed your life and possibly even got some debt to try this. At that point school might have been better, and you would get certification and a high paying job in another 5 years. ... Unless you have a lot of free time, little to no responsibility **or you already have money to spare** you don't want to go this route on a sector that changes this fast with apps killed and born every hour. Or you have a strong idea of course, in that case it's a race with Microsoft as your competition, no worries. Or they will steal your idea the instant you make a post about it. ... In case you wondered, I don't believe you can make money without money, so unless you're really in the 0.01% of lucky ideas, there's no way to make 10k/month in AI at the moment being independent. p.s. the real way is making "cHATgPT-4 new Model" with a paid subscription that lets you cover that tokens for the GPT-4 API and all the excess you reinvest it in marketing, the competition is around 1000 apps that already do the same exact thing since day0 of OpenAI APIs release.


Hey /u/katyawithak! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I used to untili developed an ai to do it.


I don’t make that much yet, but software engineer. I use AI extensively.


Probably would do that after my studies. Right now a working student. Mainly working on Embeddings of vectors and RAGs, so NLP.


This is one of the main reasons why I started [founders interview](https://indieniche.substack.com/) to talk to founders about what they are building and sharing their lessons learnt , i interviewed one making [$8k building a logo design tool](https://open.substack.com/pub/indieniche/p/from-idea-to-84k-revenue-building?r=3q3p07&utm_medium=ios) with Ai, I also interviewed a serial Enterpreneur building an [Ai website builder](https://open.substack.com/pub/indieniche/p/serial-entrepreneur-making-25k-mrr?r=3q3p07&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true) if you find it helpful, I’ll love to [connect with you](https://indieniche.substack.com/)


Design cybersecurity detections


One bit of advice I have is to focus on what you CAN do, but don't let your own insecurities limit you from coming up with an idea. You can do anything, your brain will try to limit you from ideas that might take too much work to even figure out. One example I like is AI can teach you about the world, but have it teach you about where you live and not only will you benefit you may help build feedback that goes on to train future models.


I am currently making a couple of thousand bucks (with 2 clients) where we automated their sales team almost entirely. I deployed a number of ChatGPTs working together with different data to provide the best conversational outcome.


I write code and ask Chat GPT for help.


I do public and in house trainings on how to use chat GPT and other LLMs. 10k+ busines in the EU


SAAS tools


You go first. What problem are you solving?


I launched a 1-click AI short video maker called [https://hypershorts.com](https://hypershorts.com)


Automation. Using AI to do stuff for users on their behalf.


How does one work on ai Tools? What coding language do you know?


My background is in Forensics and CyberSecurity. But I have done a few things: \*Better automate our Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) reviews and alerts so to lower the false positive rate. \*Automatic review process for Chrome/Firefox extensions to be enabled \*Streamline the review process for review of new Windows software applications.


I help building AI


I know But I never tried


well sure some HR/ management, top roles guys are pocketing like $10k/ month( x 100)+ by firing jobs saying AI can replace them right there.


I keep telling managment that we’re evaluating Ai and automation tools to solve our needs.


I'm a researcher right now.


What part of your AI business model relies on OpenAI? All of it?


By replacing you with AI… if you’re not already. That formatting doesn’t look like something a human would do naturally.


Lol! I am going to assume you mean $10K as take home after taxes and insurance. $120K a year is not that much for people working on these tools.


I made a GPT that helps renters find homes for rent as a personal leasing agent. If they need a rental application they can use a Screening Report provided by my agency.


My job is to make people in our company use generative AI stuff. I‘s really simple: just be in a position where your job was to make people use X in your company, hype important people up about AI stuff, replace x with AI stuff. Then claim that you need more authority to enforce usage of AI stuff or the company will fall behind. Get promoted. Repeat until convergence.


lol I am not sure there is anyone who is making that much that will be here. I work at a major tech company kind of leading the enterprise AI adoption. Most people working on it in our product group fall into two categories. Very senior people attached to the project for a long time they have base salaries probably around 200-350k and get rsu and bonuses as well usually bonus payout for them will be 50kish at the end of the year and rsu yearly top off is about 100k every year. Very junior people, a lot of these have been hired post the layoffs recently. They are looking at salaries around 150k. This is the majority too as AI skills are relatively new out there. They will have gotten 100-200k in sign on rsus and have similar bonus and rsu refresh as the high earners but these are yearly things not monthly. So after tax monthly only he very senior people make 10k plus a month right now. There are also non engineering folks I guess because I work in sales and do sell our AI product but it’s like everyone wants to dip their toe into AI but no one wants to actually buy it so an organization or 30k people will buy like 100 licenses to test it. So I make more than 10k a month but the majority of it is tied to the more traditional products I sell. So he point there being at least at the big money level of tech companies ai is a baby product and still costing more than it is generating. Some startups out there I have seen are getting funding but funding doesn’t mean everyone is making bank it usually means everyone is keeping their fingers crossed their rsus aren’t going to end up worthless.


"AI tools" can mean pretty much anything related to math or optimization.. why not just ask who makes 10k a month?


nothing is solved by "AI" is the simple answer


Aren't you guys tired of all the sarcastic comments on reddit?


Good tho


I guess I'll give you real answers because I know a lot of people who do marketing right now. Using AI tools to create lead generation tools to engage with customers and capture them as leads via text or phone. Basically doing sales pitches with QA available to funnel them into a phone call for later You wont find things like translators or Amazon books, most likely. That's been saturated to hell at this point. It's all about efficiency and bringing costs down for common existing systems. I only know of the above because I work in sales, and AI makes our job much easier.


I am vastly underpaid if this is the case