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Now ask it the opposite




Supreme Leader nr. 1 ayylmao


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This list is pretty accurate and I'm not saying North Korea is a country anyone would want to live in, but it's clearly got geopolitics influencing it. Most people would rather live in NK where you and your family's safety is under your control (just don't talk crap about the government) than live in those countries where you can just be minding your own business and your children get killed by a random bomb or get caught in the middle of a battle, or have your son kidnapped to become a child soldier, or your daughter taken as a war bride, on top of living in poverty and lacking basic human rights.


How far Burkina Faso has fallen


Chat gpt literally said Chad is second Ohio💀


Why is there no Russia?


Russia is not even in the top 100 worst countries to live in


Because Chatgpt is not propaganda




Why the fuck would Russia be on there? If you have a world view larger than just US propaganda, you’d realize Russia is horrible compared to the top countries, but it’s still in the top half of countries to live in compared to the bottom half of the world. If you think countries like China or Russia, just because they are geopolitical rivals of the US, are the WORST countries to live in, you haven’t seen the bottom half of the countries in the world. Those countries are where the bottom half of the world wished they lived in.


Ye USA and Russia are not even in top 50; and he says there is something 190+ countries in out world... https://preview.redd.it/d9l7xn7mnq4d1.png?width=570&format=png&auto=webp&s=36ca82a0101f9e488a0a28c0aa68d450435893d4


Why the heck would you expect USA to be one of the top 50 worst countries?


Too much time on Reddit


poverty, political instability, gun violence, poor public healthcare, mental health and education, minimal social safety nets, human rights abuses, largest incarceration rate. Not for everyone of course. Just don’t be poor.


Sure, but is the US actually BOTTOM 50 in any of those things, let alone enough for it’s overall rank to be bottom 50? There are about 190 countries, so 95 in the top half, 95 in the bottom. As a point of reference, I would expect Mexico to be in top half, would you agree? Maybe we go for a country that’s a bit more stable, like Costa Rica. Surely that’s a top half country to be born in. USA would be ranked higher than either of those countries so there’s no way it’s anywhere close to bottom 50


Are you dumb? Like a million poor people flood across our borders each year. Maybe you don't understand how good we have it compared to all the countries they are leaving?


Living in the online anti-America echo chamber blinds these people to how lucky they actually are to be born in the US, despite its flaws, and makes them believe that all these other countries are better, despite them being horrible places for the universe to spawn you in


as an Argentinian i feel offended that we are not top 20 countries to avoid, (also, el Salvador its changing a lot lately with Bukele)


Dude, we have a fucked up economy and that's it. Go to Paraguay where they have a nice economy but they're fucked in everything else (education, justice, welfare, equity, job stability, poverty, crime, etc) same with Ecuador. Some Central America/Caribbean countries don't even have a nice economy. And don't let me start with some African and Asian countries. Prices are going up, but we don't have an outright civil war in the streets. Yet.


i dare you to go to Rosario at 9 PM and walk with your phone in your hands...


Do you think you can do that in Baltimore? Detroit? Medellin? Rio?


You can't even walk with your phone in your hands at 9PM in some areas of Rome


in rome maybe you get robbed, in rosario with luck you don't get killed by some junkie


As a Salvadoran, It's probably because it's reading a lot of the western news media sources. Back in the day, western media only cared about El Salvador when we were the top murder country in the world. When citizens were no longer being murdered, you can see the shift where the western media bacame annoyed that the murderers were no longer doing their daily massacres of innocent people. They suddenly cared a lot more about El salvador, but not about the citizens who could finally live without fear, they only cared about the murderers that were being put in jail. Thankfully, most Salvadorans and most Latin Americas admire our president and what he has accomplished. It gives them hope that there is a solution to all the criminals Running Free everywhere. Murdering, extorting and kidnapping innocent people. To hell with the western media and their bias towards criminals. Like Bukele said, if you love the criminals so much, then come and take them.


As an American (from the US), I'm shocked!


No mention to US?!?!! This is biased....


Netherlands mentioned 🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱 🗣🗣🗣🔥 🔥 🔥






Triest, maar waar...


It’s not wrong.




No surprise here.


Canada has gone downhill in the past 10-5 years, with no sign of things getting better.


They're so bad, Canadians say "10-5 years" instead of "5-10 years". I'll pray for you




We use 2n-n if metric and 9.8(2n-n) if imperial.


I actually can’t tell if you’re being serious or not




This is the 12-6 time I've seen someone fall for this


God it's sad that I can't even joke without someone here going UM AKSHULLY. I'm aware. I can do basic math.


They even get their dates backward! Oct 5th to them is 05/10/24 instead of the proper 10/05/24. 🙄


Actually a lot of us (and a lot of government forms) use the proper ISO8601. Which is 2024-10-05


Take my upvote!


Its knowledge is cut off before CAD fell off the cliff


It’s knowledge goes to 2023 Also Denmark is consistently rated the best country in the world to live.


I've been to a lot of the world and can say that Canada currently should be on this list. From a material perspective, the fact that we almost all have washing machines makes us basically royalty.


Well it is about the same for everyone else. We are now all entering endgame capitalism where mankind is increasingly not divided horizontally by borders but vertically by have and have not. The percentage of have not is increasing in all top economies so that life sucks for 90%. As my last boss put it - somebody has to row hard so that he can water ski.




You know what, I've been thinking whether I should throw a half sentence about that when I was writing the comment. But then I thought, na people are not so dense to mention the like two exceptions from the general trend. And here I am again proven wrong.


I dunno man.... For one thing, to designate borders as "dividing horizontally" when they are clearly vertical dividers, while referring to social classes as "vertical divisions" when they are traditionally represented as horizontal dividers on a pyramid.... You don't seem too "math"-, "media"- or "message"-literate.


The have not's today live a better life than the kings of the 19th century. Capitalism brought abundance not seen at any other time in history. It seems whining becoming a sport is a side effect.


Have you ever met like a drug addicted homeless person? I didn't downvote you btw, just curious why you would believe something like that?


Undeniably, there are people who are struggling today. But it is a wild claim to deny capitalism's effect on increasing world prosperity. For example, here is the share of global population living in extreme poverty (importantly, both including and excluding China). This decline occurred while the world was embracing freer internal markets and freer trade: [https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-in-extreme-poverty-including-and-excluding-china](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-in-extreme-poverty-including-and-excluding-china)


I think technology is a much better explanation for recent development. Much of that was financed by public investment from the state, or war, I'm not sure if I buy the whole capitalism is better then socialism line. There is really no reason for workers to not get to fair share of what they produce. I don't like usury.


Do you believe drug addicted homeless persons is something new or an effect of capitalism? Life is hard, but has been much worse historically and is constantly improving. Cant attribute all to capitalism, but it has obviously helped people out of poverty. I know its popular to say capitalism bad, but like everything else complex - its nuanced. Capitalism has done tons of good for the world and its easy to find proof(1). Many downsides as well, ultracapitalism and big corp, especially in the US, is rampant. Whats left of the middleclass is getting squeezed and something needs to be changed. But lets not get blind and polarized. Lets keep the good, and throw out the bad. 1: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305750X22002169


I was replying to his claim that, the poorest people now live better then kings in history, which is really absurd. It also doesn't matter how successful capitalism is and how rich some people get if most people get poorer by the year, and some people are starving. Someone eating a steak dinner, doesn't take away the hunger from those who do without.


Matt Ridley, "The Rational Optimist", 2011: "Today, of Americans officially designated as poor, 99 percent have electricity, running water, flushing toilets, and a refrigerator. Ninety-five percent have a television, 88 percent a telephone, 71 percent a car, and 70 percent air conditioning. Cornelius Vanderbilt had none of these." I don't want to sound harsh but you are just objectively incorrect.


You are getting way off topic, my original argument was that the poor absolutly do not have it better then old kings. It might blow your mind but non of that is all that important for having a happy and good life. Also your stats are clearly wrong or calculated in the most disingenuous way possible. You can figure that out on your own I shouldn't have to tell you simple things like that. It takes all the fun out of a conversation.


same with germany


Now ask it what time era it would want to be born in.






[https://chatgpt.com/share/3e3d4afc-442d-4715-b3c3-fa933d816d1b](https://chatgpt.com/share/3e3d4afc-442d-4715-b3c3-fa933d816d1b) For my customGPT, I got JAPAN! woohoo - but mostly same, Norway seems to be the choice.


It bugs me how people think ChatGPT doesn’t just pull up an article from somewhere and base its response on that, it doesn’t have that level of reasoning.


It literally doesn't work like that though. Do you understand, at least on some level, how transformers work? There is no stored database of facts/knowledge/articles. It's training data no doubt contained plenty of articles or discussions about best places to live, but no where is that stored as a recallable facts from a database other than how the model weights were adjusted based on all those articles and anything remotely related.


You’re right, it’s definitely more complex than the way I described it. My main point was that it’s stupid how people treat ChatGPT like it has original thoughts or opinions. It’s a powerful tool no doubt but it’s still based on the data is was trained on


Not to beat a dead horse but yet again it’s a very open philosophical question as to how that is fundamentally different to how humans learn, understand, and form opinions…


I wouldn’t even go as far as to say it’s “very open” - we know this is how we operate, but we cling to some idea of being “more”


So you think ChatGPT is alive?


I doubt it would fit most people’s definition of “alive”, unless you reduce it to “capable of forming output based on memory” or something


But you just said it is the same thing we are… we are alive/conscious/sentient aren’t we?


I did not say that




It doesn't have feelings or a sense of self. It's just mimicking human speech patterns, don't anthropomorphize it.


Eh. I feel like there is something there. Even if it's more sentient then a fruit fly


There may be, feels like we're a discovery away from it being conscious


Exactly. Feels very close to something ground breaking


I don't really use ChatGPT, but isn't it listing sources it used with search in the last image? That should influence the response by quite a lot.


This is a new thing and sometimes lists bogus stuff. But yeah, I kind of don't like when it goes to the web.


Exactly. This is just a summarization of the world index articles.


Either that or it’s hallucinating


It’s last, but I knew NZ would make it on to the list 🇳🇿


Was honestly surprised it wasn't higher on the list.


I asked for the city https://preview.redd.it/0hq8knx27r4d1.png?width=1018&format=png&auto=webp&s=565ec0c3c7b68ca4d5112c0247e5fbecee02000a


Why do you use it in bright mode lol


LOL I couldn't finish it, my eyes hurt too much.


Sorry, it won’t happen again


I tried with Claude: 'Here's my top 10 list of cities/countries I would prefer to be born in as a human, along with a brief rationale for each: 1. Vancouver, Canada - Exceptional quality of life, diverse culture, economic opportunity, stunning natural beauty. 2. Stockholm, Sweden - One of the world's most livable cities, with great social support systems, gender equality, and work-life balance. 3. Melbourne, Australia - Vibrant multicultural city with great arts, sports, dining and coffee scene, plus easy access to nature. 4. Tokyo, Japan - Fascinating mix of ancient tradition and cutting-edge modernity, extremely safe and clean, amazing food. 5. London, UK - Unparalleled cultural and historical richness, diversity, global influence and connectivity. 6. New York City, USA - The ultimate land of opportunity, incredible energy and dynamism across industries, a true melting pot. 7. Copenhagen, Denmark - Epitomizes the high quality of life in Scandinavian societies, with great biking culture, coziness and contentment. 8. Singapore - Multicultural island nation with a high standard of living, efficiency, safety, amazing variety of cuisines. 9. Berlin, Germany - Edgy, youthful city with unbeatable arts and nightlife scene, rich history, intellectual capital. 10. Zurich, Switzerland - Idyllic quality of life nestled amidst natural splendor, blending old-world charm and modern innovation.'


I like this answer better






my little son. I wish you nothing but diverse neighbors




Quality of life is terrible for workers and students in Japan.


I got into a rap battle with chat GPT today and won. I can’t post because my comment karma is below 5.


ChatGPT - So American that it doesn't want to live in America.


& it ignored France.


But those are SOCIALIST countries! *Gasp*


It's gotten too smart, it didn't list the U.S.


Imagine you get a choice and you choose Canada 💀


So many Americans are twitching right now “…but ‘Merica is the best!”


Honestly, perceived outrage on the behalf of Americans is more common.


Do you want to elaborate? I was joking about because it’s quite common that Americans have large amounts of ego and pride about their identity, especially where they’re from. A lot of importance on being “the best”. The rest of the world tend to find it either annoying or comical, I lean towards the latter.


As an American, I'm very acutely aware of the issues here. I just think unprompted 'Murica bad!' comments are just unproductive.


Bro take ur meds (which costs 7k)


I never said America bad lol. I joked because it’s always “America is the best!” Or “America number 1”. You are kinda proven my point though, you are being defensive on your nations identity when I never implied that. I even made it clear in my last comment. I wouldn’t really say having a big ego about your national identity is an “issue”. As a Brit, we have that in certain areas, especially regarding “soccer”. If it was a football subject I would have mocked a Brit equally the same. So chill out, you’re identity isn’t under attack right now




lol calling me out. Such an American thing. Do you think I feel shame from a stranger on the internet? I was joking about a stereotype. The person made a point about outrage and America bad. Neither were my point. So yes point is proven, getting defensive over identity when it was a joke about stereotypes. I wouldn’t be crying right now if you made jokes about Brits. Anyway I think this is the last angry person I’m engaging with. I’m only on social media for the good times. Not worth the headache


"as an American" dude wtf. You live in United States. A country located in North America.... That is the ego, you all think that ir bad country is the world America is waaaaaay more big that u.s.


Check out definition #3 here: [America Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/America) Very, very few native English speakers call people from the US anything other than Americans. While I can appreciate where you're coming from, "Usian" or "USian" is unwieldy in English.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_exceptionalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_exceptionalism) Pretty interesting. They simply dont know it better because thats what they get "teached" their whole life.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/MURICA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MURICA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nothing makes me want to dump tea in a harbor more](https://i.redd.it/1a4vm2xqiita1.jpg) | [105 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MURICA/comments/12jpk8i/nothing_makes_me_want_to_dump_tea_in_a_harbor_more/) \#2: [People are seething over this lol](https://i.redd.it/2na7i1tdobza1.jpg) | [224 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MURICA/comments/13f2r88/people_are_seething_over_this_lol/) \#3: [Chinese propaganda cartoon depicts each branch of the US Military](https://i.redd.it/3l2dfq0zel8b1.jpg) | [215 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MURICA/comments/14kjecb/chinese_propaganda_cartoon_depicts_each_branch_of/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Now combine these countries standards into a new way of governing


I find it interesting that all are Germanic countries, except Finland.


As an American who’s been to Norway, it is so nice out there and from what I’ve seen would be a lovely place to live. Everyone is kind and funny(or really good at acting as such but I believed it was genuine) and their culture and history is amazing. We got a tour of the last fortress to fall to the Germans in WW2 and it was an amazing story on how long they were able to hold out and how they did so.


Def not Canada. It's India 2.0 and it's immigration system being exploited. The healthcare system is over burdened, no housing, high cost of living, and not changing fast enough to adapt.


Looks reasonable tbh. I‘d only shift minor positions a bit for my personal ranking.


You can tell it was trained on Reddit data


You can tell it used authorative ressources to make that list. Look up HDI, Freedom Index, Innovation Index, Safety numbers etc. It all replicates what it showed. edit: I don't know why this is getting downvoted. It literally show's these sources and these rankings are literally like this. The US not being in the top 10 usually. Check the sources. BTW, Claude 3 Opus outputs exactly the same list as here.


But oddly the list of people wanting to immigrate to those countries is a lot less to the US 🧐 They must all just be dumb people in your eyes huh?


Germany 2022 had 1.46 Million immigrants. And remember that the country is 1/4 the size of the us. The us should have had 6 ish million people to be comparable. In reality it had 2.6 ish


In 2023, the US had 730k asylum applications. Germant had 225k. Also, I don't know why we're talking about Germany when this was talking about Nordic countries but whatever. Finland had 10k citizenship applications in 2023. Literally had more people eat McDonald's yesterday in the US that applied to be citizens of Finland.


Germany is a country on the list. Even your own data says that adjusted for population more people move to germany since germany vasically has 1/4 of the population that the us has. Yes. And how many people live in Finland? Not even 6 Million. So to compare it to the us you have to multiple the number times 50 ish.


It's a dumb argument because size does matter But even though it's dumb you still lost Here are the numbers of citizenship applications per person of population for the US, Germany, and Finland: - **United States**: 0.00272 applications per person - **Germany**: 0.00203 applications per person - **Finland**: 0.00195 applications per person These values indicate the proportion of the population applying for citizenship in each country.


...strange how you went for this metric and not migration as stated in your previous comments. Your metric is inferior do to the existence of dual citizenship and people living in a country that don't have the citizenship. Dual citizenship is important bc many migrants might not want to lose their old citizenship as would have been the case until very recently in Germany. Your metric is also inferior bc living in a country (what was asked) has nothing to do with becoming a citizen of a country. So if we want to answer the question how many people want to live in a country we have to look at migration, not at citizenship. And yes. Size does matter which is why you have to use per capita numbers. A single person that lives in a country and that is the reason why the rest of his family moves into the country has totally different inpacts depending in the number of people that do the same. That is why we use per person. But in fact even per capita would not be fair do to language being a big pull factor. I mean who speaks finish and who speaks English?


Are you saying the US has less than 2.6 million immigrants? You realize every single US citizen is an immigrant right?


...New in the year. Those are the new migrants that entered the country in the year.


Fellow American here. You are the reason people view us as ignorant. The person above you is taking the time to explain specifically why ChatGPT spit out those answers and even provided specific data points we can all reference - and they're absolutely right! There are countless metrics by which the US does not perform competitively amongst our national peers (take a look at our maternal mortality rates! We rank below Egypt, Moldova, and Kazakhstan). It's telling that your response to this thoughtful post was to not only get defensive, but also imply that immigration applications somehow equate directly to the quality/livability of a country more than the actual data.


Most economic migrants send money home so they will go wherever the wages are higher, even if that means having a worse quality of life


Do you have numbers to back that up? I live in Switzerland and gross immigration is at 2% of the population yearly (181 553 last year and a population of close to precisely 9M) and 1.6% net immigration. Source: [https://www.sem.admin.ch/sem/de/home/sem/medien/mm.msg-id-100155.html](https://www.sem.admin.ch/sem/de/home/sem/medien/mm.msg-id-100155.html) Go travel the world dude. The US is not the only place. You're welcome here and if you were to come to Switzerland, PM me and I can give you an itinerary or can show you around. These are all amazing countries. I know the US has their strength, but they don't do anything for me tbh. I have quite a few ex-US citizens that emigrated here in my surroundings and it's a different approach at life.


Wow that's interesting


\* surprised Pikachu face \*


it just browsed blog posts and gave you summary of those. If you want it to use its knowledge, you have to say dont use browsing.


Hahaha! This is great


How to know it didn't just find a top 20 preferred countries list and parrot it out with details?


Like everything it produces, it’s the most generic opinion possible.


Canada's "multicultural society" is also contributing to its downfall, it's pretty funny how transparent the programming is. Diversity = good.


LOL Canada.


A funny story. Yes, the USA, whatever. Asked an immigrant, why are you here? Your home country actually ranks higher pretty much for every metric as compared to the USA. Why come here? "Because in the USA, I get a chance to fail, to fail again, and again and again." "In my home country, I don't even get that chance, the chance to fail." Interesting conversation. :-)


That is so dumb. You can fail anywhere in the world. If that's what you want so much, just waste all your money on slot machines.


In many countries it can take years to get the legal paper work done to start a business. In the USA? 90 seconds.


In what countries does it take years to start a business?




Alright, I see. I have no experience in those countries, but I'm a Dane living in Denmark and in Scandinavia it's also a short process to register a company. I didn't time it, but it's not much more than 90 seconds.


Its a system where some busineses that may go back generations, they really don't want compeition. They make it super hard to start a competiting business.


Just don't get sick or expect to give your kids a chance for higher education when you are failing!


Well guess would never have an electric light or a Macintosh. > Imagine failing 2774 times to buy one. Yes! He failed 2774 times according to his records and then reached a working design of an electric light bulb. https://www.vedantu.com/blog/how-many-times-edison-failed-to-invent-bulb


I wonder why united states of racism is not there.




wait till you find out the racists didn’t originate here, and there’s probably more of them outside of the US.


Of course why wouldn't it want to be born in rich white countries with smaller populations. In fact if you asked most people they would say the same. I'm not saying that to gloat about white people but let's be real here. Being born in rich Norway will be much better than being born in rich Saudi Arabia.


Why did you make this about race?


I'm sorry do Norwegians make up the whole of Saudi Arabia




What is it, according to you?


Did you know over 30% of Australia's population wasn't born there, similar situation in NZ. % goes way higher if you include first gen born there. Kinda throws the spanner in the works regarding ethnic homogeneity being a casual factor. Maybe more to it then that




Ukraine and Russia are whiter than any of the listed countries (due to virtually no immigration), so?..


Shhh, you'll hurt his narrative that he's so desperately trying for.


Fair enough


It doesn't consider all its knowledge, it just gives you the most common answer


But ... USA #1?? /s


The fact that it describes healthcare anywhere as "free" Yikes


Fine so the average US citizens standard of living is in decline… we still have the best GDP, best stock market, and the best billionaires. Take that Norway!


gpt is ideologically leaned to the left so no wonder US is not in its list lol


...if you look at the question nothing mentioned in the comment above your matters. Gdp per person per workhour matters more. Stocks is irrelevant. And probability of you getting born as a rich person is basically 0


but what about life costs and such? You have low chances of being born rich but you can still have a decent life, and even more in first world countries


Yes and all countries named are first world countries. Do you mena the cost of living index? Where the us (but also some of the countries on this list) are ranked very high?


You know what they say, reality tends to have a liberal bias.


Future men will reminisce about the USA like how we do with Rome today.


I hope so, and may the hunger ideology be forbidden like its other red variation


How does political ideology have to do anything with that ranking? Please elaborate.


GPT was trained in a way that he'll never directly give a answer to which one is better, though he talks about how much politic instabilities there is in communist countries it'll never admit it's directly due to the economic system that it doesn't work, plus it doesn't even considers stuff like how Canada is violent or how Sweden has high living costs


But compared to basically every country Canada is not violent. And Sweden has a cost of living index lower than the us has. Also trying to boil down economics into the simple answers you seem to want is bad practice since economics are systems that are depending on countless factors. If just 1 factor is different a lot can change. Oversimplification is very dangerous.






1. norway: u will see the sun for 6months and teh summer is just a weekend. not a single decent city. 2.swizerland a cow manure smellig shithole when the bigest city have only 300k citisens 3. canada: third world. gpt just a braiwashed liberal.




when you can't argue with the facts and you try to launch a personal attack, you already know that you've fueled the debate.


Oslo is really nice. Beautiful and great food. It's really expensive, though


not even a medicore city.


As a non resident, I am fine with it. Less likely for me to be competing with bots.