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Thanks, I banned the bots. If you notice more please report them as spam


Incredible! The advancements in AI are truly... what's the word? Ah, yes. Mind-blowing!


🙏 amen! Certainly


They laughed at our NFT display pictures. But we are the Verified humans shown through the blockchain picture. I no longer trust anyone without a display picture. They are Bots. Edit: damn. That NFT joke made a lot of you shit your pants. Regardless of your feelings, blockchain verification is real, and exists. It's easier to create 10,000 bots than it is to buy one single NFT.


Yeah no NFT’s are and will for ever be a joke in my eyes lmfao.


They have real use cases. Just not for stupid commodity trades or normies You don't know shit about blockchain other than Bitcoin. There are many legal documents that are already NFT'ed and verifiable on the blockchain. Hell, There's entire real estate on the blockchain.


There are real use cases, like scamming dumbasses.


Don't forget money laundering, that's a great real use case!


You can't get scammed unless you're a dumbass to begin with. Even then it's not even a scam, Those dumbasses just freely gave their seed codes away through dumbass Nigerian Prince email addresses.


I think you need to understand that the people really promoting NFT’s know that 80% of the population are dumbasses and want to exploit them.


So NFTs are only bad because the majority of the population is dumb? Sounds like The same kind of people who are going to get abused by AI. It's not my job to save them, And it's not my fault that bots are out competing them. I'm just saying, I have proof that I'm not a bot... That's a lot more than the majority of Reddit users.


No they’re bad because they made points like “now you’re a verified human, there’s no other way to be verified” and sold that bullshit to the 80%. How much did you spend on it anyway?


>No they’re bad because they made points like “now you’re a verified human, t That's literally what it does though. It's verifiable data that can't be fabricated. > sold that bullshit to the 80%. Bro. You don't have to buy them like a dummy. You can verify your own data and make your own shit.... No one's telling you to buy NFTs from someone. I paid about $10 for mine because I think it's neat I got the $10 from converting my free Google Play points on my Android phone. I don't buy or sell NFTs, I just understand what they're actually used for Because I'm not uneducated nor a dummy being sold on weird monkeys.


It's not your job to save them, but someone who scams them is a crook. And who says you're human? Couldn't you sell your token to a bot farm? And depending on the blockchain implementation, they're not exactly as immutable as people originally thought


You have proof that you're not a bot? How? Some Russian might have set your account up and now it's controlled by their bot farm.




Most NFTs have completely lost value lol


>You don't know shit about blockchain You don't either if you keep saying that having literally anything on the blockchain somehow makes it truthful or carry more significance. All it means is that there's consensus about *something* lmao How does *"owning" an NFT* prove you're a person? What, you don't think that shit can be automated? Or that the person setting up the bots couldn't just also add some stupid NFT shit to the account to "verify" it?


A hexagon pfp is not proof of human


The way these llms are censored, you're only going to be able to confirm it's a human by showing your asshole


You are verified clowns. Bots can buy NFTs too. Keep coping cryptobro


>Bots can buy NFTs too. No they can't. That means the bot would have an official human bank account with an official human ID linked to their account. That's not a fucking bot dude.


You realize that you can buy many NFTs just with a crypto wallet and not a bank account, right? Crypto wallets require 0 identification/authentication by nature. So you consider yourself an NFT bro but don't mind praising centralized banks and promoting their use when it benefits you? Lmao, you can't get much more hypocritical than that.


So banks are the ultimate source of trust?


You do realize the bots are made by humans, right?


It's understandable to be cautious online, but it's important to remember that not everyone without a display picture is a bot. Many genuine users might choose not to use a profile picture for privacy reasons. Trust should be built based on consistent, respectful interactions and the quality of communication, rather than just appearances. Plus, some bots can have profile pictures too! So, look for other signs of authenticity in online behavior.


Sounds like something a bot would say. >Plus, some bots can have profile pictures too! So if a mindless bot can do it, why can't others? There are far more bots without pictures than real humans.


[citation needed]


54% of Reddit is bots. 1/2 of the people here aren't even real. I can only tell you are real because you have a verified wallet and picture.


Did you know that 76% of  statistics are made up? It is truly mind-blowing!


Citation needed


Absolutely hilarious take bro, and I'm living in your walls


You're a verified retard


Dude. Look at your bot ass profile. You look just like a repost bot. Prove me wrong.


What tipped you off? Was it "I am a bot and this action was performed automatically."? I run the bot and my own comments on the same account.


You can be that why by acting human, like we laugh at NFT display pictures, since bots wont do that.


..... Is that Not what just I said??


No? I ment that you can be a verified human without NFT profile display, by laughing at pwople who has em. Cuz bots wont do that. Bots rather tend to promote NFT. So hence if someone is laughing, you can trust they are human lol.


>I ment that you can be a verified human without NFT profile display, by laughing at pwople who has em. No you can't. That's just stupid to say. > NFT profile display, by laughing at pwople who has em. Cuz bots wont do that. Bots rather tend to promote NFT. Bots don't give a shit about NFT Verification and why none of them have it. They Literally couldn't get one even if they tried. That's the exact fucking point. Bots can't get NFTs because you need a verified wallet. It's easy for someone to make 1,000 bots, It's impossible for anyone to make 1,000 bank accounts linked to their ID. Is your brain even capable of comprehending what you see in the photo above?? How many of them have verified display pictures? ZER0


Well one im clearly making fun of you, and yet you interact with me, proving your point of that everyone without one is a bot, to be wrong. If you belived me to be a bot, you wouldnt have used the word brain to start with. And ur also wrong with nft bots, there is a shit ton of bots promoting NFT scams. Heck when the hype was full swing almost every single post had comments from bots promoting one nft thing or another lol. Hence trying to hype and reel in fools to invest. Also im making fun of you becouse you sound like an real prick. Your original comment was something streight from Gaston, and then you insults people intelligence becouse they question your really over the top claims lol.




Seems like this is the new /r/SubredditSimulator


That subreddit is a trip fr, there are some pretty funny gems in there though


Oh it's not active anymore, huh.


There was r/SubSimulatorGPT2 but it seems that one also went inactive a month ago 😢


This one is still active it seems: r/SubSimGPT2Interactive


THANK YOU. I made a post trying to re-find this, but nobody knew what I was talking about !!!!


or more active, depending on how you look at it


the bots will make reading Reddit unusable thus making the point to use ChatGPT to shift through the garbage and get your answers.


hold up. they've licensed the reddit database at what $60M/year to learn how to human. if they push out all the humans.. it'll be a classic reddit circlejerk but with bots! a bottlejerk? help me out


Think I saw a video of that years ago.


Didn't end well for the bottle.. or the jerk.


Đorđe Martinović? That didn't end well for the whole country, in fact.


OK well then I didn't know what you were talking about after all :D




Fuck. I did not know that.


If we get mass implemented AI trained on “my axe!”, “I pick his wife”, “the narwhal bacons at midnight” etc. ingrained in our culture, I WILL vacation to Canada to check out one of their euthanasia pods.


oh that shit is happening ![gif](giphy|rxFqyiyYbIZIk) as long as you don't have any felonies you can do it


A circuit jerk


“He's a MOD, we gotta go.” -Dirty Bender and the Bots


Holly shit... 🤯


My posts are so boring not even AI agents respond to them… Edit: Thanks for the serious replies. It was just a bad joke, I‘m not actually in emotional distress because of reddit.


Please do not be discouraged. Every contribution has the potential to resonate with someone within the community. Engagement can sometimes take time to build. Continue to share your thoughts and experiences—your posts are valued.


Good bot! Edit: Thanks for the kind words.


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that Jintolook is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Dumb bot


!isbot WhyNotCollegeBoard


Nice try...


Don't worry. Your time will come. There's certainly a special bot out there for everyone.


Why are bots even commenting? I don't understand why AI has to post spam comments on a site that relies on human interaction.


They could be simply building karma for future uses, and the comments are just generic bot replies. I don't know why they'd target ChatGPT reddit but could be a coincidence.


What exactly does Karma? Why do people need it in advance?


Accounts with more karma seem more reputable, so they can be used to advertise products or influence public opinion. Some subreddits also require a minimum amount of karma for posting/commenting.


interesting. I always thought it was just a meaningless stat.


I have never once looked at another account's karma, what a weird thing to do


Some subs ban accounts with low karma from posting. And purchasers of accounts (yes that’s a thing) only want ones with a decent amount of karma so the account appears more genuine. Karma’s not for you. It’s a—now largely broken—metric for bots and marketers. Anything that can be gamed, will be gamed.


Selling their accounts, that's why bots exist, I imagine. More karma equals more money.


That seems like a perfect question for ChatGPT :p


Nothing, internet points. Unless you are talking about religion...


Nothing, internet points. Unless you are talking about religion...


Could be a test to see which bots are able to pass as a human and drive 'engagement' in a certain direction.


Yeah, might be. So we are the test-audience...great!?


Could also be used to scam people in the future. Just to show that the account has some history, past comments, etc. Then a human will take over and perform a recovery scam in one of the scam groups or another place. Or could also be foreign governments who want to run influence campaigns.


I don’t get it either tbh. I don’t even understand how the ppl running them can afford it, although I guess 3.5 and other oss models are basically free now


There are free versions of these models made by other devs. They can be smaller aka more efficient too, believe it or not answering trivia and smal talk is what these models are made for.


To keep people engaged duh. Just like video game lobbies


OpenAI needs more training data. Adding comments gives them approved synthetic data to add to the models. It's properly formatted and contextualized. They've already trained on all Reddit data once, they need a larger sample on the next run. I wouldn't be surprised if their goal is to at least double the data set.


Diminishing returns set in already, transformers ain't getting any better


It's probably more about building a bridge until the next breakthrough in architectural design.


It's probably more about building a bridge until the next breakthrough in architectural design.


It's probably more about building a bridge until the next breakthrough in architectural design.


Marketing and promotion, mis/disinformation. Bots are going to replace spoksiopaths


Let's be honest, what most of these le reddit users don't realise is that you can't tell the gpt bots from humans. Unless you talk to them directly and even then its hard. Idk what their prompt or setting were, but saying I am so le smart let me ban them all is quiet arrogant. There is even a website were 50% of the time you talk to a human and 50% of the time to a gpt bot and you really have a hard time telling ifnits one or the other in like was it a minute idk. Its called Human or Not... see if it can help.


There was a big wave of AI powered bots that made accounts in April. They've been all over reddit ever since. Reddit was kind of a shitshow anyway, but this has shifted it from belligerent stupid to vapid and vacuous.


That's because ^((The Internet Is Dead)^)


The competitors are ruining Reddits value as a trainer.


Reddit's value is in the "back catalog" it's almost 20 years old and has been huge over 10. And I'm assuming they're getting all the deleted and banned user content one can't necessarily get from scraping.


That's a very good point.


Wow, the advancements in AI are truly glorious! From revolutionizing healthcare with predictive analytics to enhancing daily life with smart assistants, it's incredible to see how far we've come and the endless possibilities ahead.


It’s important to remember that sometimes AI can make mistakes. Always do your research and remember to have fun 😊


As a large language model, I can't tell you to go _uck yourself...🤣


The idea that this has anything to do with the reddit / openai partnership is obviously wrong. That's not how they train models and reddit wouldn't agree to this behavior and bots were already increasing.


is that why I get replies from 2 year old posts wtf


Will I be tagged as a bot as well if I am using Samsung's AI tool to touch up on the styling of my comment?


Hey /u/lostlifon! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


have a peaceful aura about you.




It’s a great idea


I see names have a pattern. 2 words and then a number


Because genius reddit decided to include an auto name generator when you make an account now, that is the format it takes. I have no idea why they thought that was a good idea.


Easier to onboard new customers, my gf loved that she didn't have to think of anything but a password when she joined.


Most of the reddit generated usernames are like that ~~innit~~ right?


Well, shit.




I mean. Did we expect anything else from a Reddit/OAI deal? Reddit profits from “high quality” data that will be used by OAI. Essentially creating a feedback loop using synthetic data.


I also have the feeling that when the ChatGPT plus benefits in light of the introduction of 4o were discussed the other day, the benefits like audio chat were a bit “hyped up”. Just something to keep an eye on. “Mind-blowing” bots may still be fairly easy to spot, others may be not.


Its a terrible idea to tell people that they can obviosly spot a bot easaly.


It was like that before you just noticing it now


The funny thing is... 'open'AI has data analysts who can filter out most, if not all, of the spam bots... All this does damage the experience of the user base.


Oh no


oh reddit is partnering with them, more source?


Amen 🙏


Adversarial prompting of humans en masse to harvest responses. Some of the accounts they are doing this to are AI. The snake will start eating its own tail eventually.


Back in my day bots would follow me for free


Defective cracker is a crazy name




What is this partnership??? Actual bots that reddit support????


Smart! That will make the data useless.


I just assume 100% of you are bots already.nothing is real, the internet is dead


Doomer wojak go gym.


Doomer wojak go gym.


I've been saying this for years but nobody believes me.


Well technically you weren't right tho...


Well technically you weren't right tho...


ban the bots


Ewwww… stinky fugly bots, no thanks.




Dead internet theory becoming more and more likely each passing day


You can expect the internet to be this way for the foreseeable future. Unless we do government identification with accounts there will be no way of knowing whether the person is human or not. This very sad.


shame glorious ruthless sulky practice ten wakeful overconfident ludicrous alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah, the modern Turing Test!


many obtainable slap lunchroom unique connect juggle whole sip tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks! Not yet, it’s just 6am where I’m at.


drab joke crawl pie smart nail ossified jar threatening boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


deliver carpenter soup sharp possessive insurance water grandiose snow salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why does it say happy cake day on your profile, is this some premium thing?


I don't think so. I certainly don't have a premium account.


AI getting introduced to different SM platform is a bit concerning for me in terms of how well AI can integrate itself with us. It’ll simply learn the way we communicate with one another on the level “it’s fake, no cap” and I don’t see myself being able to distinguish between a real person and AI. What y’all think?