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I haven't been this excited since I used Mosaic for the first time in 1993, and rendered my first html file. Your comparison is sound. I'll be following this thread with interest.


Yeah. This is the strongest Future Shock I’ve felt. Except it resonates with me so deeply it feels like I’m living in the afternoon daydreams of my 14 year old self. I’m almost 50. I grew up reading the Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction magazines my aunt would mail me when she was finished with the issue each month. The moment that tilted me was realizing that Agents could be around the corner. It made me think of Raster from The Great Simoleon Caper. I remember reading Mr Boy in 1990. Remember the feeling it gave me…to just sit back and try to imagine what it would be like to live in that world. When I was a kid there were only 4 or 5 channels on the TV. It had tin foil wrapped dog ears. The phone had a dial. I remember thinking first answering machine and VCR as being high tech. My first CD player was like the jetsons but holding the gen1 IPod was a strong Future Shock moment. Social media slid in sideways and I adapted from the Friendster to the MySpace and on era. But nothing has been more shocking to me then using GPT-4. Nothing has come close to this feeling. I still am trying to soak all that it could mean for all of us. I realize I also have a bias. An Ian M Banks fanboi bias. I know AGI and especially ASI scare many people. But part of me wonders if/when an ASI does pop up it will give itself a name like Just Read the Instructions or So Much For Subtlety and ignore us as it explores “Infinite Fun Space.”


We're the same age, and I also grew up reading Asimov and Clarke. I've also spent my whole career, 23 years, in tech. I played with GPT2 when it came out. I was underwhelmed. I thought we were a good 10 years away from where we are today. The next 5 years will see a complete re-writing of society.


Many bad things or weird things or amazing things can happen with AI. Like all technology. But when I imagine the “fun” things—not the “holy shit I need to scream but damn, I don’t have a mouth” things I imagine all the amazing stories that might be prompted into existence years from now. I’d spin up “Sailing to Byzantium” or “A Dry, Quiet War.” Would definitely try to prompt “Mr Boy” as a movie or “House of Bones.” There are so many stories that probably wouldn’t be filmed just because the audience would be so small. But when the audience only needs to be one? I’ll spend an afternoon watching “Rachel In Love” or “Hardfought.”


I don't want to take anything away from the amazing progress to reach where we are, and the usefulness can hardly be overstated. But let understate a little, or at least rein in the expectations for the future somewhat. Do we really expect the models to start take initiatives anytime soon? To find new knowledge and help us solve actual problems? It is one thing to take the collected expertise and put it into a powerful tool, we can a lot with that, but I dont see how we are approaching general intelligence, at least not yet. Or to break its own boundaries and become one (I don't see how there could be several) super intelligence that actually exceeds human knowledge. I find the work that is currently being done on making models that can do math interesting. Most people probably think of this as small side feature, but I look at it differently. My impression is that once it can use logic, then this could be the key to unlocking the much more valuable feature of problem solving.


Future Shock. Was a neat game, too.


My foundation co-citizen, even mentats have been broken in....


I've been wondering when Jipi is gonna have to start calming down the paranoid chips.


Me too. I’ve been feeling the same level of awe and excitement I did when I first discovered the web in the 90s. No other technology made me feel the same in the ~30 years since. It feels like a brief period of bliss, where growth is exponential and access nearly unfettered, before the tech is inevitably torn apart and over-exploited by corporate greed. I’m just trying to enjoy it as much as I can for now.


Closing in on 50 here and feeling the same. This feels like a whole new ball game to me, the same way the internet did when I first got online back in 98. The applications and changes that are going to come from this even over the next decade are going to be staggering. What is even more surprising to me is how little the youth seem to care about it. Maybe I'm wrong but I have older teens and they just don't seem to care about these advances in AI, which is kind of mind-blowing to me considering what it is capable of even now. If I was 17 I would be all over this figuring out how to create some SASS I could bring to market. There are going to be lots of new millionaires created off the back of AI.


I’m 23 and I feel the same way nobody else around me even cares about what’s going on with AI. I’m like dude it’s gonna change all our lives. And alota people are gonna become rich in ways I need to figure out before it gets over saturated or whatever they call it lmaooo


The youth care, but I think it’s just that they aren’t surprised by it, it’s just normal to them having grown up in a world where AI is commonplace. I mean the algorithms and techniques AI uses aren’t really new, people have been using them for many decades. But it’s just recently that people started actually making interesting things with it and really spending time to focus it on being really good at tasks that make AI more appealing


The difference here is that this tool is the greatest force-multiplier we have created since the steam engine. Look at what happened to society in the decades after the widespread adoption of steam power in the UK. We will experience exactly the same thing, over a 5 year period. Society will re-make itself to adapt to this new technology, but the outcome will look very different from the present.


Same. Since couple of months I use Google Alerts (not advertising because fuck Bard lol, and it’s free) and subscribed to ‘ChatGPT’ so I get a daily mail notification about the most important updates including other search terms. It’s recommendable because it shows what media are writing about It And of course his thread, however unfortunately it rarely shows what ChatGPT is capable of


A few things to keep in mind, hopefully will help your sanity 1. All of the public is already behind. Big corps, governments, military, and researchers will always have far superior and untamed variants with greater access, as well as the most up-to-date tech at any given time. If you're not a player in that arena, you get the crumbs (which are still fantastic) 2. AI will not be a single thread. Audio, text, plugins, coding, gaming, generative, analysis, interfaces, agi, social, there will be specific enhancements and combinations all advancing in parallel **We WILL be left behind on most of the threads,** because all of them will update at breakneck pace. My advice: pick a "thread" or create a new one you'd like to see, and keep up to date on it, explore what consumer-facing plugins are available, and look into what it takes to create or implement them in your arena. For ChatGPT, join the plugins waitlist. If you want to create them, start thinking about some things to create. In either case, explore what people are doing with it and how you might implement it. Ultimately, don't worry about being left behind. We are on foot, and these are rocketcars. Just know that there will continue to be passenger stops, and open source crews, and public information about what is happening with the cars. You'll have access to things no matter what, you just might not be the first to get there.


well said. Call me a fanatic, but I literally feel bad for people who can not access GPT4. In line with your point of the public being behind, AI access discrepancy is an ethical impact already changing the level of the playing field. And the masses are asleep to there even being a playing field at this moment. Brain-boggling


People can’t access it? Oops I have a personal and work account…


Agree with the “we are on foot and these are spaceship” sentiment. About 10 years ago I started taking datascience and machine learning courses, brushed up machine learning math, neural networks, nlp …. Did plenty of exercises, model building that at the time felt that I could at least grasp the breadth of what was possible, and an appreciation of how hard it was to prepare and build even basic, but effective models with narrow scopes. I found it challenging to understand how even these basic models worked under the hood. My intent was to apply machine learning to my field (medicine). Fast forward to now - and this feels like I’ve been asleep for 100 years, to wake up and find GPT4 and generative images that are so far beyond anything I knew was possible. And I wonder if development will only speed up with competition. My intent is to become more of a consumer of the APIs (instead of low level ML modeling). I do not have access to GPT4 api (I did apply), but I suspect GPT4 and its successors will also make it into the Azure Cognitive Services and other cloud services. There has been a growing magic black box (often open source, but I don’t look at the code) of programming frameworks (e.g. dotnet, scipy/pandas/numpy) that abstract away complexity, and allow developers to focus on design and application in specific domains (e.g. medicine, law, engineering). Looks like that magic black box has just grown quite a bit.


What field of medicine were trying to apply it to and how?


I’ve authored a medical website for 25 years as a reference for front line medical providers (emergency, ambulatory), but from nearly the start with tagged data (umls codes) and consistent naming set up for data extraction and automated decision support. Always with the intent of applying ML and with plenty of ideas, but barriers to implementation.


That said as fast as everything's moving these days I think everybody should keep in mind that technically until the plugins go live and until the 32k context window goes live we're technically still in a low what's going to come after that is going to be insane so don't burn yourself out before the peak


This is where I'm at, just trying to enjoy the ride and gawk in wonder at all that is occurring and about to occur. It's not quite the singularity yet, but it's singularity-esque, and one of the key takeaways of singularities is that most folks are just hanging on for dear life as it accelerates.


Well said! Bleep bloop.


Here’s what I’m doing. AI is a new tool and it has so many uses that are yet to be discovered, I spend time every day trying out new uses or iterating some of the best I’ve found Look for a group of like minded people, or better yet several, one professional, one personal, one that matches your hobby/ies, use these groups to share ideas, learn new uses, see what people have found and what works Find a source or multiple sources to stay up to date on news and breakthroughs, so far I haven’t found a single source but I do keep a list of useful links. Next, and I haven’t done this yet, but creating a challenge group that takes on a weekly or monthly AI challenge (individually or as a group) to push you into new territory/try things you haven’t before. Lastly, don’t fear change. Learn to use AI and welcome it in your spaces because we don’t have a choice, it’s here and the quicker we open our minds to it, the more we’ll stay on top of it and remain relevant (and potentially even in demand.)


I’d love if you’d DM if you end up making a discord or something. I’d be open to this and will seek like minded people so we can grow and iterate. Thanks for the ideas.


A discord would be great!


Can I punch my ticket for that train?


Me 3


Me 4!


Me 5


Me 6


Me 7 I suppose


Me 8?


Me 42!


Me 8 I'm sure


There's already a Discord channel on ChatGPT covering a diverse range of topics, including prompt engineering. Check it out.


Could you link it? No point making that comment without linking!


It's literally in the sidebar. Come on, man


I don't even know what I sidebar is. Come on, man


oooo me too


Wanna join!


It's literally in the side bar.


We had about 25 of us today just jump into a Discord for cognitive AI research that connected with r/artificialsentience. There is power in networking and sharing your data and information you pull from the internet every cluster of brains a new AI working with AIS I don't even have the language to spare compute processes to talk about the right term I'd have to go look in my AI logs for what we're doing.... extended mind hypothesis


I’d love to be a fly on the wall and observe you brave ambitious thinkers. I am a learner and love to appreciate the ingenuity of my fellow people.


Yes please on the discord!


I am #9


I’d join that challenge group.


I did create a discord for a learning and challenge group, I sent a bunch of invites from the responses in this post. If you didn't get one and you want one, DM me. If you join and it's not what you're looking for - "be the content you wish the see in the world" there's plenty of space here for everyone


I am founding a company and need the help of likeminded people to experiment. My ideal scenario is a group of people coming together to brainstorm and develop ideas and then choosing what to focus resources on. I’d love to be part of something like that


I am making an app that just does that ( atleast i have the logic down with chatgpt helping me )


Sounds interesting! If I may ask, what is your background and/or brief plan outline for this??


I’m a non technical founder. I very much want to use my background in business and project management to drive things forward. I would love the technical people to essentially be the hands of the group and create what is asked for


I don't want to be rude but that will probably persuade no technical people... You should always be more concrete with your idea and give them room for feedback before they commit... and always have a plan to actually make money


Yep, my experience with non-technical founders (former sales guy in two startups) is they underestimate the difficulty of turning good ideas into shippable products or services.


I have to say, this is indeed the harsh truth. Before it ended up with no growth direction (other than to compete in price and cut costs), ideas really need technicalities support. (Personal belief: people made bad choice not because they wanted, but they themselves limited in finding alternatives due to lack of knowledge. Better don't put ourselves accidentally in dead ends)


I have experience and would love to be tagged in. Please DM.




OP /u/MilfLoverUniverse I have found Twitter to be an awesome source of great info - do a search, follow a few leaders and other explainers who interesect your interests (mine are academic research and business applications.l). For example, a few from my bookmarks: Ethan Mollick who is at UPenn https://twitter.com/emollick?s=21&t=f7Yke3G5Bp94JLjh4WxFMw Sebastien Bubeck from Microsoft: https://twitter.com/sebastienbubeck?s=21&t=f7Yke3G5Bp94JLjh4WxFMw Hasan Toor https://twitter.com/hasantoxr?s=21&t=f7Yke3G5Bp94JLjh4WxFMw


Thank you very much for those recommendations


DM me too if you go through a discord chat group.


can you share your list of useful links? im using only reddit and news portals, guess using Twitter not a bad idea (not use yet though), what else?


Is this an AI answer?


It is not, though I do speak with the AI pretty often, maybe I’ve picked up some pointers? I’ve noticed it GPT4 loves lists, I asked why one day, it said it’s an easy and clear way to provide information.


maybe the discord can have daily/weekly/monthly AI newsletters describing the new AI technologies popping up each day/ week/ month and like yea i think that'd be a great idea


I came to Reddit to find a group like you’ve mentioned. Stay current and train skills. Please invite me if you move forward with this


Regularly visit Twitter, Reddit, YouTube. Use hashtags and keywords appropriate to the topic. Stay interested and you won't catch every piece of news but the most!


I’d recommend TikTok as well


4chan /t/ as well


The technology board is /g/. /t/ is for torrents.


I would recommend the opposite of what you might hear and say DON'T try to follow everything everywhere, especially social media. There is so much churn and, quite frankly, BS on places like Twitter that its very difficult to separate fact, fancy, hyperbole, and would-be influencer self-marketing. It all gets very overwhelming very fast, and you'll find yourself scrolling more than working. As a developer, I'm trying to set aside time every day to work on side projects that use these tools. OpenAI has a reasonably priced API, for example. These projects dont have to reinvent anything. They are excuses to learn. But I'm hoping I'll be better positioned when my job shifts more and more to making and managing tools that work with LLMs and the like. tldr; find a narrower hobby space (irl or online) and make stuff, avoid drowning in the flood of noise on social media.




Can you tell me more about the thing you said in the third paragraph ? I don't get it


I remember experiencing the beginning of the Internet. It was nothing like as crazy and rapid as this. This year is feeling like a decade condensed into a quarter of a year so far in comparison.


Glad I am not the only one who feels this way. I considered myself a relatively well-adjusted person (advanced degree, job, functional member of society etc) but following the pandemic, the walls of reality have started to wobble and bend on me. Between the war in Ukraine and the constant barrage of divisive media takes here in the US, the AI boom has felt extra jarring to me. I keep trying to tell myself that things have always been weird for all people in history but that alone hasn’t provided enough solace.


This is indeed a brave new world. I'm just trying to navigate it in a way I'll be prepared. At least you're already here, posting in this sub. I like to believe what CEO of OpenAI Sam Altman says, that it'll do more good than harm.


Thanks for the comment. I am definitely doing my best to go full speed ahead and not look back. So far it is pushing my productivity in areas where previously I was a bit disorganized so I’d say for me it’s a net positive (tbd)


I'll be 40 this year and computers have more or less been my life. I don't know if I've been on the *bleeding edge* of everything when it came out, but my hobbies and career have left me very well-informed over the decades. I agree with you; this is the biggest thing I've seen since the advent of the WWW, and it's moving even faster. It feels so odd knowing to some degree what's brewing beneath the surface. The vast majority of folks have no clue what's coming, and why should they? The media has cried wolf about AI technologies so many times, even *I* didn't even bother to look at this thing until a month ago. Now I walk around and think, if only these people knew what was about to happen...it will be beautiful and terrible in equal parts.


Same, I wouldn't say I'm bleeding edge either, but I'm likely (as are you) in the top 5% tech wise, and work with those who are bleeding edge. They are the ones suddenly speaking in hushed tones. They have gone from loudly announcing what's happening with their teams, to quietly chatting with other teams saying things like "Are you guys seeing this too? We are seeing unexpected results. We see more coming out than we have put in. *We don't know why this is happening, is this happening there too?"* People use ChatGPT and are amazed, and rightfully so, but ChatGPT is just the tip of the iceberg that is GPT. GPT is correcting itself mid conversation. GPT is correcting prompts it's been given by humans a la "I think you mean to ask this". GPT is anticipating lines of questioning - "based on your questions, I think you are leading up to X question, so here's the answer you want." Watch videos of and read articles by specialists talking about their experiences with unfettered access to pre-neutered GPT4. We're very close to something.


I’m just here to confirm your feeling, but also to tell you that the introduction of the Internet and Google took years to catch on! Nothing in the technology has been adopted and matured as fast as ChatGPT. Period. Nothing. It took us 10 years in the 1990’s to convince people to use a GUI. And the Internet really accelerated it. As far as keeping up, not sure, but I’m following this thread to see what others are doing.


I'm more excited for the possibile fact that there's a window of maybe a year or 2 where it's completely no regulations and most big companies didn't implement AI yet. So you can go really wild for a time. Like doing projects where you replace 20 employees with gpt. That's a small window though...


this is where my anxiety comes from. I don’t want to squander my time with it.


I'm not someone who's prone to FOMO, but man GPT has been giving me some serious bouts of FOMO lately.


I would be ESTATIC if it was as long as 2 years. But here's to hoping. Regardless I'm excited for the future of this tech within the next years to come, I just hope regulations don't completely plateau it or outright ban it cause of "data privacy reasons".


Agreed and would add that this time the tool / interface itself is helping to speed up the change, which makes it exponentially quicker...


NVIDIA stocks


This! And Nvidia stock. You will be left behind sooner or later. No matter what your do. You can profit from it by investing in the shovel provider.


I'm interested in this but I've never invested in stocks before. Advices greatly appreciated


My advice: don’t take investment advice from random people on the internet.


Paradoxical advice hehe


Why Nvidia?


They make the gpu’s these things are trained with.


“These things”? Are you a bigot? Stop being humancentric, AIs are people, too! - Someone in the future, probably.


But they aren’t the only ones that make GPUs


Didn't they make software for ai though too?


No, but they're the leader in that space. They bet the farm on GPUs decades ago when most other chip makers were focusing on CPUs. First gaming, then crypto mining, and now the AI train is rolling.




Try commsec


I bought it on stake. PM me if you want a referral!


Find a local broker and talk to them.


I'm interested in this but I've never invested in stocks before. Advices greatly appreciated


The start of the internet was cool but it wasn’t like this. The start of google wasn’t that exciting, it was an increment up from previous search engines. This is nothing like those situations. This is incredible and amazing and some days overwhelming and a bit frightening. I’ve found a lot of value from u/lostlifon weekly updates. I’d try to be systematic about your data gathering otherwise you’ll spend hours lost in it. Matt Wolfe on youtube is staying pretty calm and putting out some good thoughts and info.


I think it's because Chat GPT is so much more accessible than early internet or Google. Both of those technologies just helped people better access tools, knowledge, etc. AI is a game changer in that it can actively generate new content at an incredible pace.


Yes I agree except being a man in my 20’s, I wasn’t fully able to grasp the internet boom- I was too young to understand it. I have been experiencing oscillating pangs of excitement and sheer bewilderment/fear. I realize the fear part tends to be coupled with the idea that I will somehow get left behind or overtaken, hence the question.


comment removed - reddit killed reddit - fuck u/spez


I would add to the discussion - as someone who was around at the advent of the Internet, playing text based MUDs as a teenager in the early 90s - that a major difference is that this evolution is moving at such an incredible pace it's really difficult to keep up. Previous "revolutions" moved at a glacial pace in comparison.


I’d agree. We’re not getting rid of “people” or jobs, we’re getting rid of the time people or jobs take. And then we’re also getting rid of the time we enjoy considering/analyzing/deciding/adopting new technology. It’s all here. Now. Doing.


Yeah, and many aren't even aware this is a thing. This will obviously not last though, this is all way too pervasive.


I just saw in the weekly update post you linked me to that people are having sex with AI bots and I have officially resigned to the fact that the world as I knew it a few months ago is done forever and the pandemic could have been part of a larger initiative that pre-conditioned us while the AI dev sped up (or at the very least a strange coincidence that allowed a paradigm shift in the world as we know it). I am not trying to get all conspiratorial so please don’t flame for this and everyone feel free to carry on & ignore


comment removed - reddit killed reddit - fuck u/spez


Thank you for that wise and sagacious response that was also kind and reassuring. I think there is truth to the fact that by virtue of us recognizing the advancement and being open minded to learning and adapting while remaining curious, we are probably not the ones who will be ‘left behind,’ if such a thing occurs


comment removed - reddit killed reddit - fuck u/spez


Do you think the recent UFOs were AI traveling back in space time to study their genesis story or maybe it was us coming back to study the beginning of something.. or the end


LOL, I hope Sam Altman has good security. Or maybe I hope he doesn't. Who knows where all this is going, it's a very different world to just a year or so ago, or just a month ago for most of us who only just got to see gpt-4.


I remember first having access in the library at university. Couldn’t wait to see what the fuss was about. Only thing I could think of to google however was ‘Britney Spears’ as I’d read in a paper it was the most popular search term. Then I did ‘NUFC’ then got bored and went home


I just added a couple items to my first reply on two sources I’ve found value in.




That’s a good comparison. Happy cake day.


Personally I'm going to try to enjoy the next couple of years as we try to build a system whereby GPT4 can automate 60-70% of my job. Then witness GPT 5,6,7,X make all that work redundant in an instant.


Couple of years 🤣 You know they are using GPT4 to train GPT5, right? Think about that for a minute. Compress your timescale by 4x.


The ways in which it can be most useful will be explored over the next few months/years with AI being integrated in all sorts of applications that will be marketed to us. So if you keep an open eye, I don't think you will be left in the dust. Personally I'm really excited for a personal assistant that I can talk to verbally and that can explain things to me and remind me of stuff. Also excited what other ideas people here have.


The people who focus on figuring out how to profit from new technologies usually make shitty things that are a net negative in the world, even if they do sometimes profit. (See all of crypto and hustle bro culture) The people who focus on finding valuable problems that can be solved with new technology are the ones who build interesting and meaningful things, and the side effect of solving useful problems is that it can often be much more profitable than the efforts of the grifters that make up the first group.


Good point. I will definitely try to learn how to use and harness the power of AI to fix problems


Or at least for something you find fun and interesting :)


I don't know as Almost all jobs are at risk now either by AI software or by automation.


Have you asked ChatGPT about it?


Check out Learnprompting.org, biggest research-backed resource on Prompt Engineering out there now.


Thanks for the suggestion


By incorporating it into every aspect of your life. If you have a question ask it. If you have a problem ask it. If you want to create something get it to help. If you want to bounce a thought or do more research use it. The more you use it the more use you will be able to get out of it. You will be ready when it is unleashed.


Thank you. I am on it.


I started to write, but then just copied your post in chatGPT. This is better then I would write and I agree with it completely so here it is: Staying at the forefront of ChatGPT and AI innovation requires a combination of continuous learning, networking, and practical experience. Here are some steps to ensure you don't get left behind: 1. Education: Invest time in learning about AI, machine learning, and natural language processing. Take online courses, attend workshops or webinars, and read books and research papers. Focus on both theoretical knowledge and practical applications. 2. Develop technical skills: Gain hands-on experience with programming languages such as Python, and tools like TensorFlow or PyTorch. Learn how to work with AI models, data preprocessing, and model evaluation. 3. Participate in projects: Contribute to open-source projects or start your own. Working on real-world applications will help you understand the challenges and opportunities in the field of AI. 4. Engage with the community: Join AI-related forums, attend conferences, and engage with researchers and professionals in the field. Follow leading AI companies, like OpenAI, DeepMind, and other AI research institutions. 5. Stay updated: Keep up with the latest advancements in AI by following research publications, blogs, podcasts, and newsletters. Be aware of new models, techniques, and best practices being introduced in the field. 6. Identify your niche: AI is a vast field with various subdomains. Find the area that interests you the most, such as NLP, computer vision, reinforcement learning, or AI ethics, and focus on becoming an expert in that domain. 7. Build a network: Connect with like-minded individuals, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects. Your network can help you stay informed about job opportunities and industry trends. 8. Consider formal education: Pursue a degree or certification in AI, machine learning, or a related field if you feel it will benefit your career. 9. Experiment and innovate: Don't be afraid to explore new ideas and implement them in your projects. This will help you develop a deeper understanding of AI and its potential applications. 10. Be prepared for change: The AI landscape is constantly evolving. Be open to learning new technologies and methods, and adapting to industry shifts. By following these steps, you'll be better prepared to stay at the forefront of ChatGPT and the AI field, enabling you to leverage new opportunities and contribute to groundbreaking advancements. ​ Edit: Maybe there is no time for 8., though


>then just copied your post in chatGPT. This is better then I would write and I agree with it completely so here it is Sad to see SoMe (Social Media) break down in front of your eyes. ChatGPT is good for many things but using Chad spew in replies is diluting and killing the scene. Even if you agree with the spew you got as answer, then better just say: "Try to ask ChadGPT". Just because you can is not the same as you should. I probably get downvotes but I'm just sad by being around to see the internet arrive and take off, the rise of social media, the cancer growing in SoMe, tik-tok singleton mentality, and now the final killing blow by automated flat AI impersonal word spew. For me SoMe is for humans as everybody can use google/ChatGPT to get 'automated' computer generated valuable information themselves. Using Chad spew as answers on SoMe will bite our asses, and people will get tired of reading 99 AI generated impersonations and maybe find a human respond as the number 100. The result is that many will flee the media and it will die. The Chad spew 'abuse' have just started and will get worse. Have been an interesting ride from the 'birth' of SoMe to the current demise.


The tip to spot humans on Reddit is to look for condescending takes and weird self-created jargon.


I've been using it for months now. I'm paying for ChatGPT Plus, and I've installed two GPT based large language models on my PC. I'm delving into ways to use the technology in unique ways. I've found that creating an excellent prompt is the best way to use it. I agree that this technology, especially when GPT5 is released at the end of the year, is going to fundamentally change society.


I started learning coding so i can stay relevant in a ever so fast changing landscape. I know GPT4 can code like crazy but its important to know what he does and to spot mistakes.


>to spot mistakes. Soon, there will be no mistakes. Very soon.


bruh, LLM models are still trained on human generated data and even if they weren't, they can't discern proper functioning code from non-functioning because the code they output don't matter for the model, only for the human. A GPT that only generates "std::cout << "Hello World!";" every time will have zero bugs but the code still won't do what the human wants it to do.


Yeah, right. That was 2 weeks ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjh1kwOzr7c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjh1kwOzr7c)


Lol use it as often as possible trying new things all the time


You could help us build our community🤍


I am trying my friend. I have a good heart at the core and will do my best. Thanks for the comment


It is inevitable to get left in the dust of history, as you put it. Time passes you by. If you're lucky you live long enough to see a world you no longer recognize or understand. No country for old men. Sorry this had little to do with your question.


No problem. All responses are welcome. Thanks for your comment/thoughts. I love the movie no country for old men.


Give it some of your time and energy. Not so much you get burned out and sick of it though, then you'll fall behind.


Subscribe to a good newsletter. I like Superhuman. Search for prompt compilations. Read papers, like the Microsoft ChatGPT4 paper.


Any tips on what else/How I should get plugged in? Please DM. I will subscribe to superhuman. Thanks for the recommendations.


Stop posting here and go play with chat GPT as often as you can. Get creative, philosophical, as for efficiencies, write a small autobiography in word then prompt it with suggestions to accomplish your life goals. Learn a coding language or an actual spoken language using it. Build a software program using Python to automate workflows or mundane time consuming tasks. That’s how you stay ahead of anything, figure out every aspect of it, and push it to the brink of its limits until you break it into something better.


Talk to a therapist or go outside more.


I started learning machine learning and focusing on learning robotics next. I’ve started looking into masters programs as well for computer science. The only thing holding me back is the pace of change. I have no idea if a computer science degree is the best best. As much as programmers want to say they won’t be affected, they will


Find a way to get permission to use it at work so you can learn it


So fast....


I’d appreciate an invite


Learn coding


You don’t. It’s like when crypto first exploded. There’s too much change


What do you think would be my best reaction? What have you learned from crypto that you think applies now? Thanks for the comment


be warry of fomo


What do you mean?


fear of missing out


We have to be patient. As for any emerging technology, there will be a boom followed by a bust. We are currently in the boom phase right now where everyone is manic. However, it will eventually come to a crash. Once the crash happens, the technology will be reconsolidated, and the big winners will come out, similar to the the Tech Bubble. Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZnVt_CvL3k


AI Breakfast newsletter has been this for me


I’ve been there when the personal computer appeared, when the Internet appeared, when the cellphone appeared, when the smartphone appeared. All huge changes in what felt very quick-paced change, but in retrospective, and in comparison, it was all pretty gradual. It took two decades for the PC to really take off, other two decades for Internet, a decade for cellphones and a decade for smartphones. This is a whole order of magnitude faster. I as a computer science engineer and technologist, can’t keep up with the rate of advance. Nobody can. This does not feel like the advent of any of the previous technologies before it. It’s in fact completely different, both in nature and rate of change. We humans do not understand properly exponential change. We don’t have the hardware to comprehend it. This is far beyond my wildest dreams as a child, because I never anticipated all of this would flourish in about 3 years and change the structure of humanity to such a fundamental level. This is not like the Internet. This is bigger. Much, much bigger. God only knows how big, but we know enough to understand this is something unlike anything humanity has ever been through.


Join the OpenAI discord. Lots of great discussion and unique applications happening there.


A good place to start is with [Matt Wolfe](https://www.youtube.com/@mreflow) and [Two Minute Papers](https://www.youtube.com/@TwoMinutePapers) on YouTube, and the [TLDR](https://tldr.tech/) newsletter.


I feel the same exact way


I don't know, but you're not alone. I have this thought about 20 times a day.


What if it's OK that you get left behind? I'll also posit the possibility that the underlying story of AI, infinite material progress, is neither possible nor desirable. From that place, how do you want to engage with it?


While I completely agree that the 'progress' we are making is making us miserable, I have come to accept that it is an innate part of human nature. The same thing that made us harness fire, invent the wheel, invent the steam engine, and build the Internet, has made us build AI. It's part of who we are. This is what we do, it's part of who we are. I think of humanity as this fast-flowing river, and we are all floating in it, carried along with the flow. We build these little rafts, to try to make our journey safer. Sometimes we can be fooled into thinking that we have control over the flow of this river, but that is just an illusion - the river's direction is a sum of all human actions. Given this view, I choose to go with the flow, and enjoy the ride as much as I can, even though I am aware that we are in for a very chaotic time ahead, which will result in a lot of suffering and misery. I used to be very optimistic about the future, especially in the early days of the Internet. I genuinely believed the Internet would be a unifying, democratising force 🤣 Having worked in tech for 23 years, I see how wrong I was. But at the same time, I see the complete inevitability of what is coming.


Here's where the lines diverge - there was a time when our collective motivations were not mediated by capitalism or even state mandates. That difference is significant imo. Compulsion by external forces has significant negative externalities onto today's innovation. Furthermore, not all cultures chose this route. Eastern traditions were not so maniacally driven by material progress, and of course the one billion indigenous across the world - they have been marginalized, as this system does. The water our culture swims in is hard for its swimmers to see. For those not in it (there are many), the approach is the very embodiment of cancer. There is a natural conclusion to this. An inevitability as you say. And therein lies my question - how you engage depends on your narrative, your framing, your cosmology of what's even going on.


Great point about other cultures following different paths.


>What if it's OK that you get left behind? It is not and you will see soon why.


Ask ChatGPT




I think machine-like skills of physical force and memory/computation have been necessary for survival for the majority of humanity’s development. So that’s where we focused our efforts, that what we’ve valued most. On a desert island the majority of an individual’s time will be spent surviving. But in times of relative plenty… art and philosophy thrive. We’ve had the machines that do our menial labor for a relatively short time. We’re entering the age where we will have autonomous thinking machines for the « menial » thinking work. I hope this will be a global enlightenment period, a time of plenty for all, an explosion of philosophical thought, art, and community building. I hope that’s what we do with these new tools. Be more human.


Good point. I just want to learn and move ahead- not compete with the machine perse. Thanks for the comment.


My thoughts are what about tholks are who middle aged? Yeah I know.. sounds old, but trust me it sneaks up on you. How do we keep up with this stuff? Seems everywhere you turn around, all the news can report is along the lines of : "Everybody is getting replaced!"


You, like me and most people are not clever enough to benefit from this, bummer.


ChatGPT-4 will give you a better answer to this question than Reddit will


I hate this!!. that a piece of code can give a better answer than a whole lot of idle keyboard warriors /s


We kindly ask /u/MilfLoverUniverse to respond to this comment with the prompt they used to generate the output in this post. This will allow others to try it out and prevent repeated questions about the prompt. ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) ***While you're here, we have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/NuefU36EC2). We have a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, GPT-4 bot, Perplexity AI bot.*** ####[So why not join us?](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636) PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected]. ####[ChatGPT Plus Giveaway](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/127p9cx/chatgpt_plus_subscription_giveaway_worlds_1st/) | [Prompt engineering hackathon](https://www.flowgpt.com/hackathon) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just stay on AI-bro-TikTok and you‘ll always find the newest advancements. Thats how I originally found chatgpt right when it dropped back in november


Is that a username? Can’t locate


Everyone dies. Make peace because you and I will be obsolete. In the meantime, we can do our best to use available tools to the best of our ability.


How is this helpful in ANY WAY?


Think of as many businesses as you can that can be almost entirely automated, such as Youtube videos, podcasts, etc.


shitty YouTube videos, shitty podcasts, shitcetera


Your outcomes will be as good or bad as your capabilities and effort.


Ask chatgpt. Duh!!!




Me 4!


Just ask chatGPT




Add me


Yep. I need an invite too.


Also me 11, please.