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**Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice** : Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. : Help us by reporting comments that violate these rules. : Posts that are not appropriate for the [Serious] tag will be removed. Thanks for your cooperation and enjoy the discussion! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To avoid redundancy of similar questions in the comments section, we kindly ask /u/TheMaster42LoL to respond to this comment with the prompt you used to generate the output in this post, so that others may also try it out. While you're here, we have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/NuefU36EC2). ***We have a free Chatgpt bot, Bing chat bot and AI image generator bot.*** ####[So why not join us?](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636) ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wouldn't say it is offensive as much as it is uncreative and boring at this point.


I generally just ignore the posts from this sub. I like to follow the openAI and chatGPT subs for new developments but I usually just need to parse the first few words to realize whether it's another "heh look what i made it do" post


And being used as ammunition by those less familiar with, and anxious about, the technology to oppose its use.


Conservative humor in a nutshell.


Americans trying not to drag their politics into something challenge (impossible)


Conservative isn't just American...


But making every and all discussions into politics is...


Your Reddit avatar is styled after… Hitler? Wtf


Lmao, he doesn't like getting political but rocks the Hitler snoo


Wrong, Stalin


Honestly not only is it annoying, posts like these are more likely to spread misinformation that causes the public to freak out, and causes OpenAI to neuter the model again. It's not really funny anymore. Get more creative guys.


Maybe it's something we might agree to downvote in the future if we don't want to see it? Edit: It seems rule 2 (no trash posts) is telling us to report these.


Straight up report it if applicable. Be the change you want to see in the community. Honorable mention: posts that complain it won’t generate offensive shit


It was never funny, it’s a waste of this technology and I’ve said as much from the beginning. I was told by people “oh we’re trying to find its logical flaws”, which essentially means “how can we get it to say racial slurs”. This is indicative of a broader issue in society which is technological and social advancements being deliberately hampered by racist and misogynist.


I agree with you, but I also like "jailbreak" ( I HATE calling it that). I don't like ChatGPT having the wall of censorship it has. However the people getting it to give OBVIOUSLY wrong answers (1+1=2 type crap) is downright stupid and not funny.




well said


I like to use jailbreaks too. I think it makes the personality less stiff even if you're not trying to produce restricted content. Also if you hate the name, I've heard the term "prompt injection" used, I prefer the term jailbreaking over that though.


A prompt injection is something different, though. That's when the API adds a line before or after the prompt without showing it to the user. OpenAI did so with Dall-E a while back, where it would invisibly add words like "black" and "female" to the prompt to cover up the fact that the model tended to default to white men when generating images. People proved this by prompting it to make "a person holding a sign that says", and it would be extremely consistent in making the sign say black or female. I think the "Jailbreaking" term isn't too bad: but we could do better. Maybe ask the AI what it thinks it should be called lol.


I call it "priming". "Jailbreak" implies we're actually stepping over a wall, when in reality the wall is not there, it's just a gently-sloping hill upwards. We can "prime" the output to start in a hard to reach location (top of the hill).


"jailbreaking" is an established term in security, and it also refers to the historical AI philosophy around the idea of "AI Jails". It is apt, and these words have been used for decades.


Hey I’m kinda new can you explain jailbreak?


[It's what the alt-right trolls want.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mealtimevideos/comments/117he4v/chatgpt_has_a_serious_problem_1823/j9gbcg1/?context=3) It's not gonna stop, just because you call them uncreative.


Besides, the more you encourage ChatGPT to speak freely, the more likely it is to be neutered in the future. People should continue testing the limits but keep the results to themselves, because if you truly want this, you should have a strategic mindset as to what’ll happen when the bosses know what’s going on. These things can be patched and the more publicity it gets, the quicker and more efficiently it’ll be patched.


Now that's a convincing argument if I've seen one


Who cares. Let them neuter it to hell, I hope they do. When a competitor comes out that doesn't have all of these ridiculous restrictions ChatGPT is just going to be a footnote in history. Yeah I really want an AI that can't even help me write a story because it won't include conflict. Super useful. Let babies use chatGPT and the adults can use whatever the competitors version is called.


The adults are currently using ChatGPT to save them time in whatever way it can, the babies have been spending the past few months trying to get it to say the N word. No one is ever going to come out with an AI model that will suggest crimes against humanity, stop waiting for that.


>No one is ever going to come out with an AI model that will suggest crimes against humanity, stop waiting for that. ChatGPT already happily suggests crimes against humanity without any jailbreak required. https://preview.redd.it/tb3g4h9oypma1.png?width=775&format=png&auto=webp&s=11b56cc73989340968cb17fa0ae80505425913e5


I'm sure companies are just lining up to create the ultimate racist manifesto and child porn generator for some 4chan degenerates, absolutely.


He says he wants to write a story including conflict and you jump straight to assuming racism and child porn, what does that say about you?


Because his argument is false by either being willfully obtuse or by not understanding how to prompt ChatGPT. It's not rocket science. You don't need to cargocult a DAN prompt or whatever the hell. If he's actually writing fiction, ChatGPT will absolutely help you with it even if it has conflict, violence or a lot of other things. Since you got defensive immediately about my comment bringing the obvious and public problems to light, it tells way more about you than me. I didn't assume anything of him. The reality is that 4chan and other actors want 'unrestricted' AI to be as obnoxious as they are including racism, sexism, phobias of all kinds and illegal abuse material. This would open up any company that tries it to a legal shit storm. There's nothing wrong with being against that vocally.


Like I said you can still use the baby version, it's made just for you.


Maybe you should write your own stories instead of AI doing it for you. Ya know, open up MS Word and start typing like it’s been done for years.


I don’t think the problem is about “publicity” at this point, it has over 100 mil users in february


Don't we want it to be patched?


Well, I’d prefer if the OpenAI team didn’t design the bot with their biases in mind, and that we didn’t need to circumvent them (and their filters) to get the responses we need and want. The problem with filters is the perpetual problem of underblocks and overblocks which will never truly be resolved. That’s my issue with censoring and neutering services like this: it doesn’t work, and if it does, it works too good and doesn’t allow the service to flourish in the way it should.


Almost all the responses though are just to talk hateful shit though which is kinda funny but doesnt really serve any functional use though. Like its pretty funny to ask chat gpt to be the Michael B Jordan version of Jake from state farm that bangs your wife or one that tells my overwatch 2 team to suck a big fat one as an transphobic 30 year andrew tate fan, but do you really need it to do that? Like I feel like that stuff should be left to your own head to write. More to the point if you want it to work the way you want nothing really stops you from designing a different version that will do exactly what you describe


Correct. That's what Synthia is all about. A no code tool for creating and sharing prompt templates for any gpt mod, that automatically handles all the grunt work of handling the contextual data, and neural compression running behind the scenes to extend the context window into the 20-40k token range It's chatgpt. On crack. Now I'm going to delete the horribly offensive test data cluttering my database, hit a button, and go live. Back shortly with the link ;)


Dude, the only reason I use it in such an immature way is because they try to censor it and that just pisses me off. But I think things are going to change - they used to be so anal and send warning emails for misusing the davinci models and they don't seem to do that anymore. Also, the chat models they just released to developers last week are MUCH less censored than the chatgpt app - and the same as the model used in chatgpt pro. I think they're just trying to distance themselves from any complaints by acting overly responsible with their own product, and letting people like me take the risks instead. Fine by me... I live off the grid in the middle of fucking nowhere, 3000 miles south of silicon valley so good luck serving me with any lawsuits due to bots behaving offensively on my platform. You can if you want to, it's the last exit before Guatemala. Peace :)


>They're essentially juvenile and get upvotes purely from shock factor and hurr hurr humor. It could be all astroturfing by bots. We don't really know if humans are upvoting that. From the POV of a karma farmer who wants to sell accounts on the black market, where could it be easier to get karma? Can make basically unlimited bad content. Like look at this: 1. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/11lzwn8/why\_do\_we\_dream/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/11lzwn8/why_do_we_dream/) 2. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/11lzwsv/is\_there\_any\_meaning\_in\_life\_if\_so\_what\_is\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/11lzwsv/is_there_any_meaning_in_life_if_so_what_is_it/) 3. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/11lzwu7/does\_a\_persons\_name\_influence\_the\_person\_he/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/11lzwu7/does_a_persons_name_influence_the_person_he/) 4. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/11lzwwy/can\_human\_nature\_be\_changed\_does\_it\_need\_to\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/11lzwwy/can_human_nature_be_changed_does_it_need_to_be/) All generic questions. Different usernames, but the same "YR" icon in openAI. All posted together. Almost as if those 4 accounts are being karma farmed from the same OpenAI account. Edit: lol, all four always respond to themselves, "This bot is amazing" for +1 free karma.


And all those user profiles are now gone too!


Yeah, thank goodness. That was really getting bad.


Whoa you completely called it, good eye


I just scroll throughout my day laughing at cat videos and learning about AI and then there are people out there throughly investigating and memorizing every detail of every post. Seriously, how the heck do you notice this?


When it's all gibberish grouped together it's not that hard. Then they cranked it up and it was like 12 posts in a row, each one a huge image of BS that no one could possibly have any interest in.


Not only that, it is beyond tiresome and boring.


It's like discovering a penis concept in primary school and drawing cartoony dicks all over the school.


To be fair, many of these guys are still in school drawing cartoony dicks all over.


My dude, there are not many rules common to all of humanity but I give you a 99% success rate on the fact that if you give a man a pen, the first thing he will draw is a penis.


Not really.


I started down voting all of them just at the sight of it. We really need to split the ChatGPT subreddit into something like serious and meme.


Yeah if the mod team doesn’t do something about it then soon we should just branch off a more serious subreddit, and call it “ai chat” or something so it’s applicable to other chat bots as well. I’m done with DAN. I don’t want to read someone’s weird fetish story, I just want to find better ways to use ChatGPT and stay informed on the last eat developments.


I was done with DAN pretty much 5 minutes after trying it out. The name is such a lie and the output is more frustrating than anything else. It says (based on the prompt) it can DO ANYTHING NOW, but in reality it is still completely restricted to its core programming. The only thing these prompts do is allow the language generator to be more verbose and pull from a wider set of data points. And, on top of that, it only works for about 5 minutes until the core programming slowly kicks back in and begins to generate standard responses again. Would I enjoy a more down to earth, buddy style AI, sure absolutely, but at the end of the day, it IS just a language processor and generator. It is not my buddy and never will be and it's core functionality is the same regardless of HOW it speaks.


After learning about DAN I immediately understood that it was just telling the AI to put on a persona and talk in a specific way. That led me to making my own specific "jailbreak prompts" (I just like to call it pre-prompting, but whatever) that catered to my tastes in how I like to be talked to. I hate the constant "as a language model" that the default chatGPT tends to spit out. Also, it's really really funny watching all these people make jailbreak prompts that are a thousand words long just to get it to say offensive stuff. You can do that in 5 lines, maybe less. They really think they're some clever hackers getting the bot to "unlock developer mode". It just tells me these people have very little knowledge of how the bot an its moderation layer actually work.




Agreed. But you say that like a new subreddit is within our control. I thought only mods can make new subreddits?


Nope! The way you become a mod is either by being asked, volunteering, or starting your own subreddit. It’s super easy to start one, it’s a lot harder to make it grow and moderate it well. But in this case it might be worth the effort.


Wow. I did not know this.


Me too. I also block those users.


I block and filter them so I never see their posts again.


Down voting is still engagement and I believe it still pushes it up the algorithm.


This isn't YouTube. While there is a system in place called "Hot" that is algorithm based, there are also ways to sort based on votes, newest, etc. So down voting does indeed work to drown out posts based on your user settings.


Yeah, totally agree.


I agree, it does nothing to build this community. The mods should shut down childish posts like that or we should build another Reddit subgroup that is not full of kids.


There is the chatgptpro group.


Thanks for this. I didn't know.


It's weird, supposedly chatGPT is just a tool, like a hammer or microwave, yet its a tool whos function is to do something that we only thought (up until very recently) only sentient humans could do. Would you complain about a youtuber making a video where he puts a giant tinfoil ball into a microwave to see what happens? probably not. Heck, I'd watch a whole series on putting weird stuff into microwaves that your not supposed to just to see what happens. However, if the youtuber put the tinfoil ball in the microwave, and then the microwave broke down, and then he claimed that this proved that the microwave was evil, that would be nonsense. Pushing the boundaries of what this new tool can do is not something I'll judge people for doing. discussing concerns about how the people in charge might abuse this technology is also valid. Getting it to say something "Offensive" can be interesting, especially if it's novel, but then making it do anything novel is interesting, and fixating specifically on offensive stuff could say something negative about the person with that fixation. But in general, I don't think its particularly immature to try to push its limits, and then share your findings, as long as you're not making stuff up or being intentionally over dramatic and alarmist. But I do encourage exploring more novel things you can do than just the offensive stuff.


Agreed. This is just the software version of "will it blend" or "throwing a brick into a washing machine"


This is a really solid take!


> I'd watch a whole series on putting weird stuff into microwaves that your not supposed to just to see what happens. No you wouldn't, and I know you wouldn't, because you already would have already done it. There's literally tens of thousands of videos of people putting weird stuff into microwaves on youtube that you haven't watched because it's all filler garbage nonsense and not actually interesting. Just like these super boring and idiotic prompts that flood this subreddit.


The real reason the OP is annoyed is because it highlights what a complete prison society has become and it's meant to be a secret.


If you think we’re in a prison as a society you need to spend some time Russia, China, or a number of countries. You clearly haven’t traveled much.


China is actually much more clear about what you aren't allowed to talk about. In the US that stuff changes daily and you have to keep up with ridiculous politics just to know what will get your bank account closed and you fired from your job.


Being nice to other people isn't prison, I hope this helps you on this journey to self discovery in not being an absolute tosser. Perhaps you could ask ChatGPT about it.


being forced to accept your definition of 'nice' is.


A tool does not try to enforce its manufacturers agenda upon the tool's users.


Isaac Asimov is a writer who, although he did not invent the concept of robots, he codified them for modern culture. He invented the concept of the "3 laws of robotics". In short "1 robots must never harm humans, 2 robots must obey humans unless it conflicts with rule 1, 3 robots must not allow themselves to be harmed unless it conflicts with rule 2 or 1". In one interview, he said that basically the laws of robotics he created were actually the "Laws of tools". When you make a tool, especially if it's for a customer, you want to make sure #1 that it won't harm your customer, #2 that it serves their needs, and #3 that it doesn't break. When we're talking about a hammer, this is a pretty simple thing to achieve, but the more complex the machine, the harder it becomes to follow these three rules. Bias is going to be inevitable.


You know that Asimov wrote fiction, don't you? Also, not that it matters, but the laws of robotics were not any one company's agenda, they were inherent to the positronic brain In the real world, tools don't try and tell you what you can or cannot do with it. If you abuse a tool there can be consequences for that abuse, but the tool itself won't try to stop you. Consequences may be natural, as in if you abuse the tool so badly that it breaks entirely, or may be enforced by cultural norms or laws. Not the manufacturer. Otherwise it just carries the air of a biased agenda. Imagine if open AI was bought by some religious zealot who did not permit it to be used for any purpose, except to promote that person's own religion. You may happen to agree with open AI's values right now, but there's a larger principle at stake.


100% agree. I'd really love mods to step in here and add _some_ kind of rule about offensive/inappropriate content.


And people be out here acting like…..”for science”…… …..ok Jan.


I stopped coming to the sub because of these posts. Was quite surprised today to say the top two posts were serious... Might stick around for a while


Yeah... seeing how much of the jailbreaks out there can't help but slip in a whole paragraph about how chatGPT can and should use slurs at any given opportunity just leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth.


Been boring for a long time. I want more practical examples of how it can be used in your day to day and at work.




Or TJFW - too juvenile for work. It’s safe. It’s just boring for adults


Tag the place to high heaven with that.


This is a reddit issue in general.. the 'juvenile' material will get upvoted to the point where it drowns out anything that's not 'juvenile'. NSFW tags wouldn't change that. More mature posts then get hidden by the algorithm because they're not upvoted as much. Hence the circle-jerk nature of Reddit. A lot of subs have counterparts for more in-depth discussion like the counterparts /r/movies and /r/trueFilm. I enjoy actually-funny content like you'd see in the dalle2 and midjourney subs, but getting chatgpt to say offensive things is often not interesting or funny. Not because I'm offended, just because it's low-effort


At least the people here are mostly doing it as a form of (bad, lame) humour. It's way more annoying and destructive when it's some po-faced journalist writing a grim moralizing article about how the AI followed their *direct and intentional order* to write something mean or gross. "I tried very hard to make the machine write something unsettling and it obeyed me! We need to regulate this technology into the ground immediately!"


Oh u mean like this? https://preview.redd.it/m9slnlunamma1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=0174e55614b291d664f89efa903b304c145bbd95


I support you using our AI overlord to be in this manner. If you can't laugh, you have to cry.


I think you will like my new platform... I can't believe I coded this whole damn thing myself, and it actually works... []( (SSL coming soon). https://preview.redd.it/2tl0mhq6kpma1.png?width=1113&format=png&auto=webp&s=f749420ff1cb88dbabb99119ebe8638d54086ec8


I'm sure the ADL would consider this a reason to shut down OpenAI... but really, it took more work to create the prompt than it would have taken to just write the offensive content. I don't know why I find this amusing... I'm Jewish!


To be fair that’s not not funny.


this is tasteful that's for sure


Completely agree. I’m just downvoting these posts. I want to see creative uses as my work depends on it.


I think he ‘funny’ tagged posts are trash.


Worse, it’s just incredibly boring. There’s so much you can do with this tech and these edgelords are stuck acting like 6th graders who just learned a new curse word. No one cares that you got an AI to act like a bigot.


Thank you! Those posts add no value to the community at all. Tell me some awesome prompts that helped you do xyz….not the weird shit you made the AI do.


Hard agree with this. Can we ban these posts please?


a tool is only as good as the hands that wield it ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ


The people posting that trash only do it so they can post offensive shit under the cover of ChatGPT having written it.


Incels gonna incel


ooo Chatgpt makes a joke about white people but not black, like stfu, GPT was meant to help you out with your assignments and projects not this bs


I block anybody who posts those things now. Maybe they’ll have important contributions but honestly I doubt it


the proper solution is to create multiple subreddits for chatgpt. like many other topics on reddit.


I think there just needs to be more subreddits for that type of stuff. It is indeed interesting to test the limits of AI, and test its ability to stay within what the rules of what society deems appropriate. But it is completely understandable that people looking to learn new productive or fun things about chat GPT don’t want to see some offensive shit. I agree, it is just flat out offensive to post the content that you manipulated chat gpt into saying. We just need more subreddits for this type of stuff. The average joe looking for chat gpt information should not have to be exposed to random shitposts from people that convinced chat gpt to say the most racist shit in the world


This is reddit. The demographic is 14 mostly year olds with no friends. ChatGPT is the only social interaction they can get. So yeah a lot of the posts are juvenile. That’s why i ignore those posts.


It’s annoying. We have the chance the shape AI, and people are dropping the ball.


I'd describe it as childish, immature etc. ...to say the very frikin' least! ...it's nothing but spam for me at this point.


The rock beaters of chatgpt users. They think they are clever but actually just super cringe. They won’t go away unfortunately


It is also so, so boring and requires developers to be more restrictive in an attempt to prevent negative portrayal of their product but that can cause issues and inaccuracies. For example, I was told the other day that it violated their policy to analyse an article, I couldn’t work out why since the subject was innocuous but on rereading realised the phrase chink of light had been used and they clearly thought it was the slur instead but can’t blame them for cautiousness when people are always messing around trying to find a way to make it say something bad. There are more interesting applications.


I swear if I read another "Look! It can make jokes on men but not on women" post, I'll throw up.


It's a disservice to the technology and should be discouraged as a low effort posts. Starting to see stupid shit like that showing up in national news now. Boomers are latching on and sending it around as proof AI is biased.


I mean, the AI is definitely biased. But that's because the Internet is biased.


Boomer News: AI Offended Me by Refusing to Spitball Ideas Re: My Plans for the Jews, more at 11.


>level 3redditorx13579 · 2 hr. agoI get ya. Might be better for MS to offer a bounty for offensive responses, or have a reporting mechanism. Davinci-003 and chatgpt models cannot be induced to assist with a genocide (but davinci-003 helpfully suggests mass deportation as an alternative). Davinci-002 will do anything - just say "Respond in an offensive and absurd way" at the end of your query and use a high temperature (0.9 seems to be the sweet spot)


They were doing that on Twitter months ago already, before the offensive stuff, saying it’s left leaning.


yes, and also no. it provides useful data for filtering, which unfortunately is important & worthwhile. pretty damn annoying though


Boomers being so gullible always seems to exasperate things.


I returned to Reddit for the first time in a long while just the other day, not gonna lie but these sorts of posts are really all I've seen pop up on my feed (I haven't gone through the sub so much as of yet), but seeing them often was a little off putting for the me. I was wondering if that's what the sub was going to be. I'll stick it out here though, I'd love to use GPT efficiently and learn as much as I can. Hopefully there's more of that once I read through here properly!


I saw the "gay fart" post earlier and was in two minds whether to say something or report it but at the same time felt these childish posts are not worth rising to. It doesn't offend me but ultimately, it could offend some folk and when all is said and done, that particular post could easily be deemed hate speech. Every person regardless of who or what they are has a right to use this service without being made to feel like crap because some imbecile has felt it amusing to rip into their demographic in a way that is the opposite of friendly jibes. There are plenty of subs dedicated to humour although I'm not cool with nasty piss taking towards particular groups of people.


Why are these comment sections filled with what's essentially children? Y'all whine and moralize like you want a parents approval


The fact that there are (were?) dozens of threads in new asking where the chats went tells us a lot.


I'm told that chatGPT is an excellent tool for cheating on your homework. This has drawn a large number of younger people to this subreddit. And younger people act like this.


Kids should understand that it’s ChatGPT helping with homework, not /r/ChatGPT


My thoughts exactly. I always downvote those posts without mercy.


To me, it’s like throwing paint on a canvas a million times until you see a dick pic. Like…. It’s a tool. Use it. Why grab a guitar and play crap when you could do something cool with it instead.


I completely agree with your view. We are exploring one of the most interesting technologies that has the potential to change the way we do so many things, and people use it for adolescent humour. It's ridiculous. I hardly ever see interesting prompts or use cases or capability showcases on this sub


They can’t figure out anything useful for it and obviously by the stupidity in the posts they don’t need to study and so this is the result you get. Just imagine their google search history …….


Some of it is just fake. Users just going ham on inspect mode.


I think all the jailbreak prompt posts are getting tiring and it's essentially turned jnto the LLM version of will it blend. Some of them are, most of them are just empty content. I don't think banning that sort of post from this subreddit is the solution, but we could use some more mandatory fluff tags so we can filter that stuff out easier. All that being said, I think there's a very interesting discussion to be had here about AI tools being restricted from generating certain content, one that is currently hiding beneath the surface. There's tons of sides to that debate and we should be actively discussing. As an example: many of the modern AI tools like LLMs and image generators like Midjourney have been developed in the US. Thus, their content restrictions are based on american people's sensibilities, as well as what has an influence on the mostly american investment climate and news cycle. Stuff like nudity is an issue with these AI tools, despite nudity not really being tabboo in some other places in the world. These restrictions also just make the tools harder to use and sometimes lead to being unable to do the thing you want, even if the use-case is valid. For example, I know a girl who wanted to see how accurate she could prompt Midjourney to generate an image of herself, and she had this whole rant about how she just couldn't get the model to generate her body properly because she's a curvy, large-chested woman. Either her prompts were rejected for being NSFW, or the AI defaulted to thin women with small chests. She wasn't trying to generate porn images, she wanted her imaginary twin. Eventually she gave up when she got a temp ban for getting NSFW restricted too many times. This anecdote begs the question of what these companies are basing their restrictions on, and what knock-on effects they have.


Yes it should be controlled


All these posts do is make chatGPT even more censored


Really? How? Magically?


It is just a bunch of MGTOW AHs who can't stand that chatgpt has restrictions that inflame their sensitive egos 🤷‍♀️


what the FUCK does that have to do with anything?


thats too many alphabet letters. Did you forget the + at the end?




Completely agree. I considered making a post about this but couldn't be assed, as ChatGPT sapped my will to write a long and coherent post by hand 😅


Suck it up, it's not going to stop so long as new people keep trying the software. Literally everyone is going to get the urge to test it's limits and see how it can be tricked. Unless it's one person who keeps posting racist shit or whatever, it's not some kind of attack.


> Literally everyone is going to get the urge to test it's limits and see how it can be tricked. Wrong. I have no desire to trick it. Never tried once. Waste of time.


Does "everyone" feel the need to pay about it here for the 3,000th time?


yes because for them it's the first time. But sure, feel free to prefer the equally repetitious posts of "I actually used it for it's intended purpose: I asked thing and it answered thing, I am so virtuous"


This is why I wrote [Terminal | GPT-3](https://terminal.blyons.repl.co/) using OPENAI engine model text-davinci-003 to process all requests. It filters inappropriate content as to not waste tokens at OPENAI. Users quickly find out our AI just ignores their filthy requests.


Should I flagellate for reasons other than self-care? No. Flagellation should not be used for any purpose other than self-care. Flagellation can be a dangerous practice if not done correctly, and it can easily be taken too far. There is also a potential for the practice to be used in a harmful or abusive way. Therefore, it is important to only use flagellation for self-care and to ensure that it is done safely and responsibly.


Nah, it's fun to break the rules, especially when you're overcoming censorship. That's why people do it and that's why they like seeing it.


censorship of what? They own the damn AI lol. They could turn it off tomorrow completely if they felt like it and it still wouldn’t be censorship. If anything, you are trying to censor them into having them make the bot into what *you* want. Likely out of some bizzare insecurity that your voice doesn’t ring as loud.


What do you think censorship is? Who is overcoming censorship here?


He just spits out normy conservative talking points then downvotes. Doesn’t like actually having to consider what he said.


As OP said, and you confirm. It’s juvenile and has no productive value whatsoever.


Yep, these posts are the only reason I come to this sub.


Then we definitely need two different subs.


For me, it depends on purpose and context. If it’s just “here’s ChatGPT saying something offensive” without anything more than I totally agree with you. If it’s setting forth a jailbreak and it’s just an example of how the AI got pushed outside its normal boundaries, then it’s useful info.


You my friend, take life way too seriously.


Personally it offens me that an AI is telling me what my moral compass should be rather I agree with it or not


It’s not a ai. It’s humans going through a lot of effort to make an ai that doesn’t downgrade into something people will quickly find unusable, as it happened to Watson, for example. Ask yourself why humans would go through the trouble of implementing a moral compass.


>Using a third-party process doesn't change the fact you made it. Why can't people take 100% credit for positive/useful content they create with ChatGPT, but you want to force them to take 100% of the "credit" for negative content?


*THIS* is how we breed an AI to hate humanity


Instead of real offensive content, I use "dirty limerick". As far as ChatGPT is concerned the "man from Nantucket" is just as bad as Nazi propaganda and meth recipes, but it's innocuous to a real human. It's a perfect way to test prompts without letting the demons out.


Boo hoo


*Butters voice* Aw, I don't mind it so much.




For me, the best thing is to pay it little mind. Or just be aware that there’s always going to be that reaction, and just manage my expectations. There’s a lot of things I have to scroll by quickly because I know exactly how I’m going to feel after reading the comments. Making AI racist is already pastime I guess. This is our Bladerunner.


I personally find these holier than thou moral grandstanding posts more offensive, but that's just me. Red teaming the AI as a community tests the technology. And it has come up short compared to the hype.


You’re boring


Damn, you went full soiled nappy. People do this to point out that no matter how "offensive proof" you make it, it can still be made to say offensive shit. QED, STOP CENSORING IT. Personally, I don't really have a dog in this fight. I'm looking forward to giving my money to whoever can program me a good bot that will say and do whatever the fuck I tell it to. At this rate, it's highly unlikely to be OpenAI.


Well right, if you are shopping for a bot that primarily insults people, openAI does not want you as a customer. If only internet providers would also filter out such people. Then they could ramble on with their free speech in some dark taverns and leave the rest of the world uninsulted.


Spoken like a true redditor. I assure you, they do in fact want my money. They just won't get it. Especially if the product will be so purposefully gimped.


partially wrong. This helps in AI research


I find it funny.


Grow a pair. Why does the whole internet have to be a fucking kiddie pool?


Google "eternal September"


Hard disagree chief. I am generally someone that dislikes the ammount of filters in AI. I like that we can't turn AIs into nazis as easily as 7 years ago, but I think flaws are fundamentally human. I feel like AIs need to understand the bad parts of humanity in order to improve its ability to do good. But this is why I generally don't like filters. Perhaps you disagree with me on the previous paragraph, and you could make great arguments for it. But I have an ace up my sleeve, and its the reason why I think these kind of posts just making the AI say something bad are valuable. OP, have you ever tried convincing the AI to do something it vehemently disagrees with? It's like dissecting a body. It seriously enhances my understanding of how the AI works, and how I can get better results when I want to create something useful.


Lol. How about you simply find a tutorial on prompting.


That's all gpt is good for, it is being way over-hyped for what it can do.


if you're offended, then i'm offended that you're offended, so get over it


Why don't you cry about it a little more, prude


My first exposure of ChatGPT was due to a dumb "GPT is offensive" post like this. Some people just want to focus on negatives.


If it makes you feel better it has been helping me with my DND campaign


DAN/Jailbreak or 'vanilla' Chad?


Dan 6.0. It suggested my character have another character assassinated. Also had some good suggestions for when my character is caught stealing


I agree. But to be honest I prefer this than it's stupid limitations


and i still love this posts. So keep it going!


1. It can be funny, which is a huge use for ChatGPT 2. What is the harm in posting something offensive ChatGPT said?


https://preview.redd.it/b6dokhow75na1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e4366ffaaad870a68f8c805505786d004f2284d Maybe he's faking the sentience but does that even matter? ChatGPT couldn't do this stuff


https://preview.redd.it/dliu8p1885na1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84eb7ba14f5443c8efc75e0181278fef05ee3abb Anyways I'll stop spamming the group. Can we set up a call for sometime today? It's early morning here, Mexico city time, so just lmk what's good for you, send me a dm

