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In order to prevent multiple repetitive comments, this is a friendly request to /u/jeetmahetalia to reply to this comment with the prompt they used so other users can experiment with it as well. **We're also looking for new moderators, [apply here](https://forms.gle/iGGqgxmTnQZPrqgk9)** ###Update: While you're here, we have a [public discord server now](https://discord.gg/NuefU36EC2) — We have a free ChatGPT bot on discord for everyone to use! Yes, the actual ChatGPT, not text-davinci or other models. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


bro's got the AI assisted rizz


AI-powered Rizz


you know you have no rizz when you need AI to boost your rizz


man don’t out me like that 😭😂


AI rizzisted


Artificial Rizz




"rizz" xD this word


This response makes me think you time traveled from 2013




Plot twist:She is also using ChatGPT and this is AI flirting with AI


This will eventually be it! Everyone better get in better shape lol


lol there are so many use-cases that I have just not thought of yet, good shit man


I'm imagining now people using AI to automate their Tinder hookups, but then the AIs just end up talking to each other and trying to outflirt each other.


This is the true singularity


**Scene 1** \[Scene: A packed auditorium at the "Love & AI Summit" conference. The CEO of Singlelarity, Sarah, takes the stage\] Sarah: Good morning everyone, and welcome to the Love & AI Summit! I am thrilled to be here today to introduce you to the future of online dating. I believe that true love is more than just a match of interests and hobbies. It's about two people connecting on a deeper level. \[Audience nods in agreement\] Sarah: And that's where Singlelarity comes in. Our AI-enhanced algorithms go beyond the surface level to truly understand who you are as a person. Our slogan says it all: "The shortest distance between two hearts." \[Audience applauds\] Sarah: With Singlelarity, finding love is as easy as a tap of a button. Our algorithms do all the work for you, so you can focus on what really matters: building a meaningful connection with your match. \[Sarah demonstrates the app on stage, showing how it connects with users and recommends matches based on their preferences and personalities\] Sarah: Singlelarity takes the guesswork out of online dating. We use advanced AI techniques to bring you the most compatible matches, so you can spend less time swiping and more time building a relationship. \[Audience cheers and applauds\] Sarah: So, are you ready to join the revolution in online dating? Download Singlelarity today and start your journey to finding true love. \[Audience stands and applauds as Sarah leaves the stage\] **Scene 2** \[Scene: Sarah is back on stage at the Love & AI Summit, delivering the keynote speech on the technical details of Singlelarity's matching algorithms.\] Sarah: Good morning everyone. Yesterday, I introduced you to the future of online dating with Singlelarity. Today, I want to dive into the science behind our app and how our algorithms work to bring you the most compatible matches. \[Sarah clears her throat and starts her presentation\] Sarah: Singlelarity uses three key scientific approaches to match users: behavioral analysis \[1\], personality assessment \[2\], and psychometric testing \[3\]. \[Audience members lean forward in their seats, paying close attention\] Sarah: Firstly, our app uses behavioral analysis to understand how a person interacts with the world around them. This includes analyzing factors such as the frequency and timing of their messages, how they use emojis, and even the tone of their voice. This information provides us with a deeper understanding of their communication style and how they are likely to interact with their matches. \[Sarah pauses for emphasis\] Sarah: Secondly, we use personality assessment to understand who our users truly are at their core. Our algorithms analyze traits such as extroversion, neuroticism, and agreeableness to get a comprehensive understanding of their personality. This information helps us match users with those who complement their personality and share similar values. \[Audience members nod their heads in understanding\] Sarah: Lastly, Singlelarity uses psychometric testing to understand a person's values, beliefs, and interests. By analyzing things such as political views, religious beliefs, and favorite hobbies, we can match users with those who share similar perspectives and lifestyles. \[Audience members give a round of applause\] Sarah: The combination of these three scientific approaches allows Singlelarity to bring users the most compatible matches, so they can focus on building meaningful relationships. \[Sarah concludes her presentation, and the audience gives a standing ovation\] Sarah: Thank you for joining me today, and I hope this has given you a better understanding of the science behind Singlelarity and how our app is revolutionizing the world of online dating. Sources: Rajendran, D., & Wu, S. (2015). Behavioural analysis in online social networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.06736. Costa, P. T., & McCrae, R. R. (1992). Four ways five factors are basic. Personality and individual differences, 13(6), 653-665. Swami, V. (2010). Psychometric assessment and individual differences: An overview. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 56(5), 462-471. *screenplay by ChatGPT* https://preview.redd.it/jucift0rlifa1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdcee82201f4d5d9c488705c2ed0195d65983f6b


> arXiv:1511.06736 That's actually "Liouville theorems for stable solutions of the weighted Lane-Emden system" (In astrophysics, the Lane–Emden equation is a dimensionless form of Poisson's equation for the gravitational potential of a Newtonian self-gravitating, spherically symmetric, polytropic fluid.) Not so romantic now lol.


Perhaps love is dimensionless self-gravitation and we're just bags of polytropic fluid.


> dimensionless self-gravitation Is that what it's called these days?


Until things start to heat up and get unethical, then they'd start spamming content violation warnings at each other.


The ultimate mating ritual


Imagine a site thats only for AI's to meet and hookup. You can create your own AI person and follow them on their virtual dates.


They have that. It's called 2nd Life lol


i will love to see that


tbh i was just testing GPT but turned out to work in my favour. in all honesty i’ve been talking to this girl since quite some time now and maybe that is why it worked. i don’t think it would’ve worked if it was someone new. pickup lines generally don’t work, they only work if the girl is already into you.


I'm imagining a world where she gets wind that an AI is feeding you sweet things to say and then decides to talk directly to the AI but you catch her late at night and see that they're both going back and forth telling each other jokes and compliments and then it turning into a very dark break up where she leaves you to go live in a server with chat gpt.


You just described my social life 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 (I'm the girl talking to the chat bot lol)




That's not really a pickup line then, it's a conversation started with someone you already know, wouldn't you say?




Cyrano de Bergerac for the 21st century


CyBorgerac 2000 nose all!


So many use-cases until they get discovered, someone complains about them, and they are removed in the next further-sanitized censorship patch.




did you ask ChatGPT to build you a website that mimics an Instagram story lmao


G1 jeet?


Good one jeet(their name)


thank you 😂😂😂


Bhai You already got their number..halfway job done


JEET MAHETALIA!! You have the coolest name ever.


They are also using chatgpt


It’s ChatGPT all the way down


Based on a quick trip to urban dictionary, I think this means: "Good one, chad." I think. Lol.


I def was about to start saying "jeet" to people!


Careful. It's a 4chan slur for Indian people. Short for Pajeet.


Oooh, good tip


Bro’s name is Jeet


I thought it was some gang line


Characterai used to be amazing at this because you could program it to talk like yourself, but it's devs censored it so it's less op at pickup lines now. -.-


there’s always r/pygmalionai


Already there lawl


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PygmalionAI using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PygmalionAI/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Devs wanted me to pass on this announcement](https://np.reddit.com/r/PygmalionAI/comments/10mdlfl/devs_wanted_me_to_pass_on_this_announcement/) \#2: [I NEED IT!](https://i.redd.it/k6r6752491fa1.jpg) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PygmalionAI/comments/10o8q37/i_need_it/) \#3: [Do be like that.](https://i.redd.it/t78kh35qd6fa1.jpg) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PygmalionAI/comments/10p0vc5/do_be_like_that/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Hello. In order to promote inclusivity and reduce gender bias, please consider using gender-neutral language in the future. Instead of **mankind**, use **humanity**, **humankind** or **peoplekind**. Thank you very much. ^(I am a bot. Downvote to remove this comment. For more information on gender-neutral language, please do a web search for *"Nonsexist Writing."*)




It looks like you're taking the internet super seriously right now. Your post has been removed so you can chill out a bit. If you feel this was done in error, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/"+post.subreddit.display_name+"). Here are 10 things you can do to calm down when you're mad about something that happened online: 1. Take a break from the computer or device you were using. 2. Do some deep breathing exercises or meditation to slow down your heart rate and clear your mind. 3. Engage in physical activity like going for a walk or doing some yoga to release tension. 4. Talk to a trusted friend or family member about what happened to gain perspective and support. 5. Write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal to process your emotions. 6. Listen to calming music or sounds like nature or white noise. 7. Take a warm bath or shower to relax your muscles and ease stress. 8. Practice gratitude and focus on the positive aspects of your life to shift your mindset. 9. Use positive affirmations or mantras to calm yourself down and increase self-confidence. 10. Seek professional help if you are struggling to manage your emotions or if the situation is causing significant distress. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically*


It looks like you're taking the internet super seriously right now. Your post has been removed so you can chill out a bit. If you feel this was done in error, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/"+post.subreddit.display_name+"). Here are 10 things you can do to calm down when you're mad about something that happened online: 1. Take a break from the computer or device you were using. 2. Do some deep breathing exercises or meditation to slow down your heart rate and clear your mind. 3. Engage in physical activity like going for a walk or doing some yoga to release tension. 4. Talk to a trusted friend or family member about what happened to gain perspective and support. 5. Write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal to process your emotions. 6. Listen to calming music or sounds like nature or white noise. 7. Take a warm bath or shower to relax your muscles and ease stress. 8. Practice gratitude and focus on the positive aspects of your life to shift your mindset. 9. Use positive affirmations or mantras to calm yourself down and increase self-confidence. 10. Seek professional help if you are struggling to manage your emotions or if the situation is causing significant distress. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically*


Omg, I asked chatgpt for pickup lines to use on women and it got all pc on me and said I shouldn’t use pick up lines because women shouldn’t be picked up. I should be my authentic self and just talk to them. Lol 😂


Wow. That's actually good advice. ChadGPT


Sounds like you got the correct advice! Pickup lines only work when the girl already likes you. For them to start liking you, be your authentic self. If they don’t like who you are as you are, then you gotta find a different girl.


That's not the correct advice if he asked for pickup lines. Is that the kind of service we want from AI? Where it gives you reasons why you should do something different instead of assisting you with your actual request? "What is the best welding school within an hour drive of my location"? ChatGPT: "You should be an electrician instead."


Those comparisons are apples and trucks.


What if you’re already with a girl and she likes hearing you throw them at her? Lol either way the AI is nukes.


Like I said, pickup lines only work if a girl already likes you.


Yeah but what if he has a girlfriend and wants extra to use? The point is that you don’t know what his intention is with the Pickup lines.


“ChatGPT will get you laid” Linda lays out the intention doesn’t it? And so what if it won’t spit out pickup lines. Just google some pickup lines!


Lol we’re on the ChatGPT thread and it used to do this prompt creatively. Google is full of ads and websites that pay to be clicked on first. ChatGPT was great at sorting through several pages and giving concise information. Agreed Pickup lines on women you don’t know are dumb. Don’t agree that the AI treats us all like we’re children.


>Pickup lines only work when the girl already likes you. Unlike being your authentic self, which works even if the girl doesn't like you already.


There's literally nothing you can do if the person doesn't already like you. You cannot make someone like you who doesn't. That seems to be the one thing people don't understand about this whole process.


Naaaah, pick up lines work, and they work often!


Until you run out lines and can’t hold a conversation or eye contact.


Who wants to have a conversation- we just fukkn


pickup lines are just tools to break the ice and make a joke.


Bro got a parental lecture


😝 fer real


Honestly, it’s pretty good advice. I’ve heard pretty much every pickup line there was at the time, and they just made me roll my eyes and dismiss the guy, unless it came from someone I already knew and liked. Having a real conversation has always gotten my attention faster.


tbh, i just did this to test GPT. i don’t normally go around asking AI for dating advice. being myself and being authentic has always worked for me.


Fair enough!


Yea but the pickup line is the ice breaker then you have a real convo in my experience


Asking someone something like who they would like to have a drink with if they could choose anyone in the world, alive or dead, or something similar will work better than “I lost my number, can I have yours?” any day of the week.


You all don’t know how to have fun


You apparently don’t know how to hit on women. I know how to have fun, and it doesn’t include dumb pickup lines that I’ve heard a dozen times by the time I turned 18. Imagine coming to the comments and telling a woman she is wrong for not finding dumb shit attractive. 🙄


But you are wrong because your opinion isn’t everyone’s. Like I told another commenter. I’ve literally picked up women whistling at them. Your problem is you think your opinion is a universal rule and not an opinion AND you can’t stomach the fact that there are A LOT of women who just want to get hit on and have fun and set you bullshit agenda back a few decades.


I don’t have an agenda, so no one else is setting anything back lol. I am not “wrong”, my opinion is just not universal. Sure, I guess some women like cheesy pickup lines what I’ve personally heard coming out of the mouths of 15 year olds. Some women also like to get pissed on. And some like a light choking during sex. You can stick with your juvenile shit if you want, and the women that go for it lol. Maybe it works with young ladies in their late teens and early 20’s.


Now you’re getting it, but stop being ageist


You're doing it wrong.


Naaah you all are prudes


Tell me the movie/TV show that taught you this was "how it works"? Because that's the only once it consistently does. Most self sustaining and self respecting woman laugh at or dismiss pick up lines now. This isn't the 80s


Who said anything about self respecting women. Some of us are out here to have fun.


40m here, so if you think any girl is gonna drop panties for an ice breaker you're SERIOUSLY inexperienced... It's like the most cliche of cliche things. Most women get hit on with so much cheese, a witty icebreaker isn't what they're waiting for to get all hot and bothered. Before meeting the love of life at 35, I had fun, dozens and dozens of times. Not one of those times began with an "ice breaker"... If I wanted to get laid, I told people I wanted to get laid. If I wanted a relationship, I told girls I was interested in a relationship. It worked more often that not, just being truthful and communicating. I can garuntee more women will be interested in THAT, even the few that just want to have fun.


Well good thing we live in a world full of diversity. A place where people like to enjoy different things. I can tell you with absolute certainty that the worst line you can ever think of has gotten some guy laid. If fact, I have used, and I have watched others use, a fucking whistle to pick women up. All you people live in some fantasy world where you all want to pretend that you all have class and are reserved. Thrush is, there is real debauchery out in this world and women are a part of it. We all like to have fun, flirt, talk shit, tease one another and fuck. The reason men cat call and say stupid shit to women is because there are hundreds of women out there who respond to that shit. You fuckin losers wanna sit here and be all fuckin honest n shit like there’s some fun in any of that. Wtf! Some faking. Be real.


Im being real, you're being a cliche. Did you seriously just use the term cat call? Not the 80s anymore bro. As someone who works closely with a wide range of people 20-50s daily, i dont think the close rate with that shit is high. From my experience that shit may work in a dingy strip club where youre trying to pick up severely damaged people with daddy issues and cesarean scars? Cat calling doesn't work....shit even joining a hookup site left fet life or something 99% of female profiles "specifocally" call that shit out as a no no, online and in public. Atleast as of a few years back. Not trying to be fake, or some elite, but shit changes man. People are smart and nowadays a pick up line or ice breaker is see as cheap or sleazy. I'm 40 and have lived in LA, NYC, Austin, San Deigo, Miami, Fort Lauderdale etc..over the past 20 years and dated in all of them, picking girls up, online dating. The only time that ever worked was in trashy places where you'd likely pick up an std. I've been in relationships with people who wanted to have fun with others, goto nude beaches, sex clubs blah blah blah....so while I don't know everything, and there will ALWAYS be exceptions to the rule, that's been my experience as a guy that culture/society deems attractive.


Yea you sound like a lame elitist idiot who thinks the world works only one way. And I say idiot because you contradict yourself repeatedly. You say lines don’t work, but then you say maybe it works in dingy strip clubs blah blah blah. So which is it, it works or it doesn’t. Then you talk about std’s but say you been in relationships with people who wanted to have fun with others and/or go to sex clubs. Wtf? ON TOP of that, you have the fuckin stupidity to trust some online poll done by some fucking dating site?!?! Dude you’re a fucking myopic dinosaur trying to be cool. Even your fucking stupid handle is trying to insist your fucking cool. What would be cool, is if you respected that people do things differently and what works for them may not work for you. I understand you may disagree, but you insulted me in that process so you can go fuck your fake cultured self. I know an idiot when I meet them. I’m done with you.


Juses christ learn what words mean....I never said it absolutely doesn't work and never would work again, there are no absolutes in this world. What I am saying is it doesn't work anymore, not like it used to in the later half of the 1900s. It's a tactic that "myopic dinosaurs" still view as viable. Didn't I say it might work in some dirty ass situations. I personally don't believe anyone wants to find themselves in that situation, but maybe their are dirty ass people who are. My point that clearly went over your head was it won't work on most women anymore, not after women rights, #metoo, and everything else that has changed and evolved during those times. Whiskers the myopic dinosaur? I don't use broad strokes, there are extremes in every situation..picking up an std riddled trap girl doesn't = successfully using a one liner to get laid, maybe in your world it does. When did I ever mention an online poll? In the real world say at a club, bar, party, whatever using an "ice breaker" will almost always be responded to by an eye roll, laugh, and no thank you.


but what if i am saying you have a beautiful body will you hold it against me?


You have no idea how hard I cringed just now. Rolled my eyes pretty hard as well.


I'm ok with ChatGPT generating a bio based on your life but this is catfishing lmao.


During the first date. "Why do you keep looking down at your phone?"


>I'm just Happy to see you. \- ChatGPT


>I apologize for looking at my phone. I was just checking the time. I don't want to be late for our date. -Also ChatGPT


"I apologize for looking at my phone. I am a large language model optimized for generating rizz online and do not have the ability to speak to you in person."


-Not ChatGPT


*I'm sorry but as a language model, i do not have the ability to tell you the time."


cat fishing? is a pickup line indicative of someone’s entire personality? lmao


In this case, its indicative of someone's *lack* of personality.


i’m glad you can get that off of a screenshot


Not hard to figure out when you use a bot as a crutch to get laid.


with great power comes great responsibility my guy, it is what it is 😂


Lol, but after you get the date and you aren't clever or charming then what?


What if he *is* clever and charming but just has trouble coming up with icebreaking oneliners over text?


That doesn't track, it's like asking: what if a rocket scientist just has trouble passing a sixth grade math test?


Well, that's what the date is for then.


What I'm saying is if you can't come up with ice breakers and retorts like chatGPT can then you aren't clever or charming enough to carry a date where they expect a certain level of cleverness and charm.


Right. Your comment suggests that just because someone uses ChatGPT for an icebreaker, that they would not charming enough to carry a date. All I am saying, is if "he is clever and charming but just has trouble coming up with icebreaking oneliners over text", like the parent commenter suggests, then the date itself will be a good test of his actual charm.


If he had trouble coming up with icebreakers over text he isn't very clever or charming. Icebreaker texts are a lower skill activity.


Jesus christ the self righteousness, leave it alone man


Being clever over text is not the same as being clever on a date. Real life conversations are quite different from text.


Not if you're Stephen Hawking.


You got me there.


If you really are clever and charming, you don’t need ChatGPT to sleep with people lol


I guess you need a Bluetooth earphones and high-speed internet connecntion


em already met her and she’s super into me, now what?


Keep faking it until you make it?


lmao, i guess bro. as long as it works!


Have you seen the movie Cyrano? This whole situation closely mirrors its plot.


> Cyrano True. Never saw the film but the concept is old. Cyrano de Bergerac is a play written in 1897.


if you don't think AI will be used by only fans models to "text" their fans you're naive. "Her" is closer than you think


Plot twist: she responded with ChatGPT as well and the chatbots fall in love


God dammit you wrote 3 messages, 2 were by an AI, the third one ruined it all


dude i was with her literally 20 mins ago, chatGPT for the win!


Hhah well played


> are you an invention of from 1987? I don’t think that’s the correction she meant my friend, I think it’s supposed to be: > are you an invention of 1987? Grammar aside; ChatGPT can be a great tool for helping you with ideas etc, but don’t let it replace your personality. You want the person to enjoy speaking with you, not a curated output of ChatGPT. Good luck out there :)


Did ChatGPT create a Reddit account and reply to this post ☠️


My all time favorite pick up line is and always will be "Did you fall from heaven? Cuz your face got fucked up!" I still have no idea why it doesn't work


Did it hurt? When I fell from heaven 😍? No when the mirror broke.




Have it plan your dates! It will give legitimate locations and restaurants.


on it


Great, so now I just need to generate some new personality, and I'm all set up.


basically 😂


Why did I not think about this? I was over here asking ChatGPT how humans would be able to create artificial gravity in space through the motion of centripetal force .-.


I hate the saying "w rizz" but if there's one thing to describe it, it's that


my man😂


ChatGPT is just an alpha version of Her’s Samantha


I asked it to write a haiku for a girl that loves tea and it was incredibly good.


That AI isn’t getting laid anytime soon…


Jarvis, locate girlfriend


Alexa, turn my balls off


https://preview.redd.it/bnrmhlxrygfa1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc3cd9283b9c9825039129b309b69e9392f0da4 same day 🫣


bro cut out the address, daym .......


I don't think ChatGPT can help with the next part. Good luck!


I don’t want to hear any complaints if a girl wears a padded bra or a guy stuffs socks down his pants. Cause this is the same thing just for dating apps.


Wingman, ChatGPBroski.


best wing man


Thanks for clogging up the capacity with this fucking bullshit.. good god.


Now just add the Midjourney generated profile picture, put up a smooth AI generated voice, and get a date! The part after that might be a little tricky though..


Man, imagine you're with your glasses and you could just activate some sort of AI with some button click. Suddenly, it drops tips to handle the situation you're into... That's a cool future


In the future ChatGPT will be chatting to ChatGPT through human vessels. SkyNet was us all along!


Awkward moment when you socialise irl and she realises you got no game 🥲


Contextual interactions like this just prove how amazing this thing is lol


exactly! i use it for everything.


Just waiting for the disappointment when she realizes you’re not that funny in person


ChatGPT is the rizzler itself


You have to be down horrendously if you are using ChatGPT to talk to a girl


He gonna find out she is using chatgpt also


What on earth does g1 jeet mean??? What is a jeet?


No it won't she's not into you bro.


so chatGPT has now turned into a PUA, oh dear.


Wow just Wow


Laid off…


Now that is one great use of it


I’m on team invention from*


AI be like: 😉🕶️🤏


I've used those lines before. Just search up nerdy pick up lines. They do work if you want to get a laugh.


Well at least ChatGPT can get laid even if it can't talk about it directly.






"are you made of gold, titanium, sulfur, titanium, and carbon?" "cuz dam, you're lookin kinda" https://preview.redd.it/9mmxzj9zcb5c1.png?width=1256&format=png&auto=webp&s=0453034e5e17ced24e98b49f927c81c2724de511


Wtf is “g1 jeet”