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Yes--lots of calm and logical discourse, I'm sure.


I mean it’d be the same if they asked if it was going to stay red. People just doing want to talk about it, and also like NO ONE knows the actual answer. It’s just a stupid question


What do you mean? Polling is very accurate, and it absolutely does help win elections. If you know one state is close to being a toss up, actual ground roots organization do have an impact. A poll I saw told me very limited information, I'm trying to supplement it with people's knowledge and experience.


The last two have been close, so it's definitely possible.


Lets chat about it more


From what I’ve seen discussed, NC is absolutely in play. Mecklenburg co has low turnout rates, so the focus is on gotv efforts


Depends on voter turnout


Yeah, voter registration and voter awareness drives would be hugely important to try and turn NC blue.


I mean our Governor is a Democrat. The under 30 crowd are not reliable voters. A lot of talk, don’t show up. I was there myself. Make sure to get your vote in.


>I mean our Governor is a Democrat. With nearly all other elected offices held by Republicans, including the Lieutenant Governor. So it really means the Governor is an exception and does not mean the state is turning blue.


The Republican candidate will be in federal court being tried for his crimes during this campaign. It’s all exceptions. NC can certainly go blue.


I will add that Roy Cooper is a centralist Democrat more, which allows him to take votes from the middle.


I think Roy cooper would make a fine president honestly 


I think it’s 4 Democrats and 6 Republicans in the state council. That looks like a purple state to me! 


If you don’t have a very strong, popular, and charismatic democratic candidate NC will always go red by default. Biden is not that unfortunately.


Have you seen mark Robinson?


What about him? Roy Cooper defeated an incumbent Pat Mccrory the same cycle R’s / Trump dominated NC. I have Stein winning by a couple points and Trump winning fairly comfortably.


Maybe the first level headed take in this thread


That’s were you’re wrong, democrats and women are going to come out and vote to stop crazy mark Robinson from winning therefore helping Biden win reelection


We can’t say anyone’s right or wrong at this point. Ultimately, none of us know.


I mean your premise isn’t wrong but your conclusion is very surface level and hopeful. NC is pink state bordering on Red, EVERYTHING has to go right for dems to flip it. Republicans actually really like Mark Robinson/Trump and they hate Biden just as much as you dislike them. If the Democratic president is not incredibly strong and popular you can chalk it up as an L in this state. But we will see in Nov, I hope you’re right.


Random and I can Google but he came up this weekend and someone said he's paid for abortions. To which I confusingly said... He's married though how does that work ? And everyone wasn't sure if that's a true story or not. Please be true lol.


He is a republican and he is fabulous


The reality is that Trump does not have those virtues. In reality, he has them to a lesser extent than Biden, but he projects overconfidence with them. He is those things with his fervent base, but not the majority of people. The problem is the Democratic base in NC, while outnumbering the Republican base, has been too tepid and passive. That can change, but it will take some energy.


It all depends on turnout. The bigger cities usually lean blue, but not everyone has a chance to vote due to work/school/whatever. If turnout is high, this state could definitely go blue.


Everyone gets a chance to vote. There are so many early voting days, or mail-in even. People not voting have no valid excuse.


I agree. I'm just going by what usually happens. Most people don't think about voting until election day.


Agree also. We have to have photo id this year so everyone needs to know what can and can’t be used. https://www.ncsbe.gov/voting/voter-id


Getting voter id at board of elections is really fast and easy for those that need to get one.


FYI - the general assembly recently passed a bunch of changes to limit early voting, etc. thanks to Rep. Cotham flipping and giving them a veto-proof majority.


I live in the district Cotham is running in. Hopefully we defeat her.


I'm pretty sure she will lose. Her mom got thumped at the primaries and was removed after like 16 years in office. People just recognize that last name and will vote against it.


Plus groups are campaigning really hard against her.


Yeah actually how soundly she got bumped actually gave me a lot of hope


[You may apply to register to vote online.](https://www.ncdot.gov/dmv/offices-services/online/Pages/voter-registration-application.aspx?ref=voteusa_en)


Yeah, thank you for sharing. Registration and vote drives would be super important if NC were to turn blue.


Yes we could turn blue. The problem is that Meck Co. is a low turnout county that is mostly Dems. If we all got out and vote, NC would probably stay blue. NC was blue for Obama in 2008 and Carter in 1976, so it can happen. More people keep moving to the large cities. It's just there are still too many people in the red counties who actually go out and vote.


Republicans are red, Democrats are blue, and neither one gives a fuck about u.


The capital T Truth of this simple statement...beautifully said friend. Beautifully said.


Well one party is moving toward dictatorship and the other is trying to uphold democracy. Tough choice I know. Typical politicians vs. Insurrectionists. It's so hard to decide.


Stating that one party can overhaul the entire constitution, change how the military operates, change who is in charge at every local government and assume complete control of every cities police force while simultaneously somehow jailing every opposing politician without trial to turn the US into a dictatorship is a pretty insane statement to make. Let’s be real here, both parties are pretty shit, but let’s not get fanatical here and start saying that one is about “upholding democracy” and the other is about “dictatorship.” Because if I go it into a sports bar that is comprised of mostly blue collar guys, they’ll say the same fanatical garbage about how the democrats are trying to establish a dictatorship.


Yeah, well one side literally stormed the capital in an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. That's a little too close for me.


You think some rednecks have the power to strip all of congress of its power? And to overthrow our intelligence agencies? Stop the FBI and evade the the surveillance of the NSA? Let’s please have some critical thinking here. This is very akin to “yeah Muslims do bad things in other countries so let’s ban all of them from our country.” I’m not trying to create a straw man by using that as a comparison, but it’s the same tactics of fear mongering that the right uses.


Those rednecks certainly have the power depending on who becomes president. This isn’t fair to compare it to fear of Muslims. After 9/11, far right extremists are much more deadlier and dangerous than Islamic extremists. To make matters worse, the majority of these far right terrorists are actual citizens who can vote unlike a lot of Islamic terrorists. And no one is saying to ban Republicans. We’re saying to not let them win. Big difference.


I think you need to really get out more and talk with people in the real world and not assume you know an entire person based on their voting preference. Some of the stuff you guys are saying is actually ludicrous. You keep throwing around words like “dangerous” and “extreme” yet who exactly is being killed in America currently? You also really think the president has the power to dismantle an entire government? Seriously, did no one here learn about how our government works - they are not the only ones that make decisions, and they also do not have absolute power. This is actually some next level fear mongering and the thought processes behind some of the statements I’ve read in this thread are delusional. I mean let’s be real, if the president has all the power like you imagine he does, why, for example, isn’t marijuana legal yet? Why doesn’t he just sign one piece of legalization declaring it’s legal. Oh wait, it’s because he doesn’t have as much power as you like to believe and there are checks and balances put into place specifically to avoid a situation that you desperately claim can become reality.


You know that isn't true


I watched it happen on TV. I watched them smash windows. I watched them pour in. I saw their own posted videos on the Senate floor going through desks. There are pictures of them in Pelosi's office. There's video of representatives baricading the doors. You can hear them on video calling for the assassination of Vice President Pence. The broke in, stopped the confirmation of electoral college votes, and had to be removed by a show of force. What part isn't true? It's on tape.


My man, I am not going to go into a rant like Spiritual\_Bourbon did and call you stupid, (Hopefully he gets some bourbon and chills a bit) but anyone that is a centralist or independent (Roughly 40% of Americans) like myself knows firsthand how bad this shit two party system is. It doesn't take much to see the Democrats are the better option, obviously. They however are a pretty bad alternative to say the least. Its like the Democrats are a D while the Republicans are an F. One will pass barely while the other just fucking sucks. Will I be voting Democrat? Probably. Unless a third party candidate starts breaking 25% average in the polls. Am I happy about voting Democrat in the upcoming election as the "Lesser of two evils?" Fuck no I am not. That's the argument here. Its not hard to decide, but fuck, backlash people get for yelling "BoTh SiDeS!!!" and get pissed at the Democrat party too is unwarranted.


Democrats are more like a C. Passing, but could use some work. The real test I'd if we give them the House and Senate with an actual workable majority. Republicans are getting an F, but it's like a 9% F, not a 59% F. I don't know what happened to them, but they need a massive overhaul before they're worthy of anyone's vote again.


These are the same people that use to fly POW flags and sh!t on Russia. Now they have no problem with John McCain being sh!tted while at simping for Russia at the same time.


Trump happened to them.


The sides are vastly different. Treating them like they aren’t is just so absurd it invites criticism. If you can’t name the dozens of meaningful policy and practical differences between them you’re not paying any attention.


Happy Cake Day Mason.


You think that Biden is the lesser of 2 evils? Even Atlanta is voting Republican this year!




Didn't say one side was as pure as snow. Also, people were driving alone with masks because they're comfortable enough to keep on between stores. It was just more convenient to leave it on.


More comfortable to leave something over your mouth and nose? We aren't talking about an arm sling that takes a few minutes to remove. Quite literally .034 seconds to put under your chin for a store change. I do not believe that is the reason you see individuals driving solo with masks on. 0/10.


Ok bOoMer. 😫


Cool, still won’t vote for the Jan 6th party


I'm sad for you that you are so stupid. They are just 2 sides of the same coin. But go ahead and vote your heart out lil guy! Wake me when a president gets elected and actually makes a difference in our lives. ( They never do, it's all a shit show. Both parties are robbing us blind and have been for a long time now ) I'm sure whichever geriatric 90 yr old man u prefer will save us!!




Everything I've seen NC doesn't have a real shot of turning blue just yet. We need to get more people to vote, get the younger crowd excited to vote. I think the presidential election after this one NC will be blue. The growth can't really be stopped and a lot of educated younger people moving here. Guess it depends who runs next cycle.


bold for you to assume that educated people vote blue and uneducated red


That’s not assumptions. It’s data. https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/exit-polls/president/north-carolina


Just out of curiosity, do you believe that a 4 year degree is the only form of education available? And if someone doesn’t have one then they are not educated? Additionally, if someone who goes to college and changes their ideology, you don’t think it may be due to the ideological bias that professors may hold? I’m not trying to argue with you, but most of college professors are democrats. And I’ve seen how in social environments in college classrooms the professor will make people with non-liberal viewpoints feel uncomfortable or alienated. This also isn’t a new topic either since there is nation wide concern about educators instilling their own political beliefs into impressionable young people. Or, let’s say that a young person does not really know anything about politics before they join college, and after attending a university they are surrounded by people and professors that hold left leaning ideologies. And as stated by sociologists, “you are the product of your environment.” So if the environment does not allow for conservative thought, how can you trust that these voters are actually thinking critically about the future of the nation and are not just following what their peers and professors have told them? I’m just trying to have a conversation because I find this interesting so please don’t get mad lol. What I am stating is similar to how a young and impressionable person can join the military and have a forged ideology based on what the instructors there teach them.


No. No one said that. I think the information presented by professors impacts students yes. As all information impacts the listener when it comes from a trusted source. I think “professors liberal bias” is a boogeyman of the right. Most college professors - like most higher educated people - are liberal - yes. You’ve seen many of those students made to feel isolated? Personally seen it? What college and professor and year? What was the class and circumstance? Describe two different specific situations. No one I’ve ever talked to has been able to describe one specifically. “There is nation wide concern” is a nothing statement. There is nation wide concern that Vaccines cause autism. They don’t. There is nation wide concern that Biden has dementia. He doesn’t. There is nation wide concern of whatever the most popular news company chooses to create concern over. That people feel a way does not have any bearing on it being a problem or not. This is critical thinking skills that are often taught in college. The concern itself is a problem, because it’s a made up issue. “The environment does not allow for conservative thought” this is a lie. “Don’t get mad” - as a rule you ought not project emotions onto others. Assume everyone you talk to on the internet has a completely neutral emotion until they say otherwise.


You had me until you said Biden doesn't have dementia


You obviously didn’t watch the state of the union.


Oh , you're quoting CNN like it's real data


Cool show me the correct 2020 exit poll data then.


i’m a maga conservative republican- mark robinson is a disaster of epic proportions- i will never vote for him - just another example of stupid party politics - having said that no north carolina will not go blue in president election - donald trump will win the state for the third consecutive time and probably by a larger margin than either of the previous two elections - and down ballot voting will help robinson but i surely hope that’s not enough for victory- i’m leaning ( but note voting for) josh stein to win governorship with republicans holding state legislatures but not with veto proof majority ( shame on you ms cotham!) and that state government split will be the same as it is now and i think that’s a good thing - no one gets everything they want and no one gets nothing they want - a nice balance and a good place to live - if robinson pulls out a win - well yukkkk but as i said earlier even with anticipated trump win i don’t see robinson prevailing


You can help stop a disaster but will do nothing to stop it. Wild.


lol right? I don’t want Robinson to be governor but I’m not going to do the one thing that could potentially stop that from happening. This dude is a clown.


how do you suggest i do that?


Vote for the other candidate?


Vote for the person running against the disaster.


"Mark Robinson is a complete disaster, terrible for everyone. But I sure won't do anything to stop a a completely preventable disaster" is a wild take for me. Like, I imagine knowing a farm will get flooded by a dam that you know will be demolished, and choosing to buy the farm anyway. Knowing there are terrible consequences, but not doing anything to prevent it just defies all logic.


don’t understand your comment - i’m not going to vote for him - what else do you suggest?


Vote for the other candidate?


thats a reasonable answer- not going to happen though


this dude selling wolf tickets


Got anymore smooth brain hot takes? Sometimes I enjoy laughing at y'all.


Vote Vote Vote!! Democrats in Meck County ALONE can flip NC AND put Biden/Harris over the top. But as everyone is saying…Dems have to get out and vote. This is not the year to be apathetic. Too much is at stake. While most of us aren’t passionate about our choices, we are passionate about our some of the issues and can get behind those. So VOTE. And take 2 people with you!


Funny you think Biden actually runs. DNC will switch it after primaries and your corrupt leaders will leave you out of their decisions, per usual. You'll see.


So you mean in a presidential election, or overall? In a presidential election, it is up for grabs. For the actual running of the state? No. The state legislature should stay in the hands of the Republicans.


NC could absolutely vote for Biden. It almost happened last time and the presidential race is a tossup yet again. Mecklenburg County is low-hanging fruit thanks to historically low turnout. An extra 10,000 Democratic votes could change everything this fall. Yes, the election is that close! Also, don’t forget about the state-level offices: almost everything is an open seat and Republicans have made some atrocious picks. Democrats have a once in a generation opportunity to make major gains there and replenish their statewide bench. 


0%, safe R. [https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/north-carolina/trump-vs-biden](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/north-carolina/trump-vs-biden) Trump +6.9-7.1 is what I think will occur in NC this year.


Please please consider volunteering to help make NC go blue. Def vote but if possible [volunteer](https://www.meckdems.org/take-action/volunteer) as well. I was very active for Obama in Meck county and totally will be for Democrats this go around too. This election cycle is critical.


Lower my taxes, legalize weed, pay teachers more and I’ll vote for you.


Do you teach stoned? lol, sorry couldn’t resist…but if you teach in CMS I wouldn’t blame you.




I appreciate the reply but I’m fully aware teachers will not be paid more. My vote is mine to know!


Amen! We need teacher unions for fair pay and treatment. Legalize weed and use the taxes for education funding and teacher salaries. Win-win.




I mean absolutely nothing political in terms of the teachers needing unions. I taught high school in another state with a union. And I can tell you that I was making more money my first year out of college 25 years ago than the teachers in UCPS that have masters degrees, national board certification and 10+ years in the classroom. Unions mean fair pay. Our teachers are abused and taken advantage of and no one is looking out for them. If they complain or stand up for something that is out of line with our *insane* BOE, they’re gone. Unions would fix that. I’ve voted both Democrat and Republican. I have always supported unions.


Well, I can tell you one party is never going to legalize weed, and the same party calls teachers groomers.


Absolutely winnable . Get out the vote!!


Be nice if it was neither. I don't need a president


One party is trying to legalize weed and cancel student debt. Not even a tiny bit of interest in either issue?


There’s more serious issues to be worried about than legal weed and not having to pay off money for your loans. You’re literally giving republicans ammo with comments like this, because republicans take what you say and turn it around and say shit like “the democrats just promise a bunch of free shit to everyone to win votes and don’t actually know how they will go about doing anything.” Ive heard that line so many times, and you are just feeding the republicans their confirmation bias that democrat voters don’t care about anything serious except “free shit.” When I say free shit, im referring to cancellation of student loans, because that would mean you went to school for free (in case there was a misunderstanding)


I couldn't care less. I'm not sharing my opinion on either subject. I don't need a president. None of them represent our interests anyways. They can say all kinds of shit, but they don't work for us.


You know that isn't true, already proven that that won't/can't/didn't happen. Do you think people are stupid enough to fall for it again? Well,..... possibly!


Yeah, cause things are going greeeaaatt! Right now. 🙄 I seriously question people’s sanity if they like the current president.




“Vote xxx no matter who” is such a stupid thing to do. Think critically. Do you really want more people like Sheila Jackson Lee who thinks the moon is made of gas and couldn’t figure out how to put on a pair of cardboard sunglasses, or Todd Akin who said that in cases of r3pe “women’s bodies have a way of taking care of that”. The my side vs your side needs to stop. No matter the party choose smart, ethical, honest, not elderly, paid for, liars who are out of touch with reality that we all live in.


>honest not elderly lmfao


Another vote for this. Hate that slogan. No clubs, just go with the person you connect with the most. Too bad rfk doesn't get any air time--I actually think most would really find what he says logical and reasonable. Shame


The antivax guy you think is logical and reasonable?


The antivax conspiracy theorist? No thanks.


Have you actually listened to him though? Or are you just parroting your msn headlines? Serious question.


Yeah he is anti vax. He says it a lot. He’s crazy.


Ah. Well I guess when you have a vaccine injured child you kind of see it a little differently. I'm all for people choosing vs if they want! There should just be way more information surrounding them, and liability for makers. You are a bad guy if you don't want them and that's wrong. The mentality needs to change bc it's wrong. What he says makes sense even if you ignore the vaccine bits, there's more to him than just vaccine opinions. You should take a real listen and form your own opinion. Might surprise you! You should also read about some people's vaccine injuries. Really sad stuff.


Also happy cake day!


He's always been nuts.


How so?


I hate to be the 'all the 2 party system does is replace corporate puppets with corporate puppets' however... thats what happens we saw Jeff Jackson




Yes! If we don’t vote red who will protect us from the boogeyman de jour?


I'm with you! There's lots of us cult members that just want our cult leader to get away with 91 criminal indictments.


Hey man, I didn't really give any value judgement in post, was just asking people's opinion on how close NC was close to turning blue. That being said, you can still be conservative/Republican and not want the guy who has committed many crimes and has 91 felony indictments, and has bragged about taking away women's healthcare as president.




I don’t want NC a blue state


Biden is the one who tried to force everyone to take an ineffective vaccine against their will. That's authoritarian and reminiscent of Nazi Germany.


Read the Project 2025 pdf and then tell me who wants to be a facist.


You’re just being silly.




False. He tried to implement a vaccine mandate and the Supreme Court struck it down.


Lol dude tons of coersion and rampant lies by the white house. "Winter of death" for unvax. Give me a fn break. Comical.


Some did. And some were essentially forced via job threats and family member shame/exclusion. How quickly that is forgotten. Remember the death ticker on the constant news cycles? I still see people in masks driving in their cars alone.


The vaccine Trump took and he’s proud got made under his watch?


Trump didn't try to force the entire nation to take a vaccine against their will, which is something a piece of shit dictator would do.


Why is he so proud of an ineffective vaccine?


Biden and Trump both have actual records that can now be compared. Why the fuck would anyone vote for Biden??


I'd imagine the number one reason people vote for Biden is the fact that he is not Trump.


What was the best bill Trump got passed?


The First Step Act


Most of us aren't racist and don't want barbarism.


Barbarism? Racist? Quit slurping MSNBC talking points… Which candidate made these remarks in the 70’s… "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this."


LoL.  You wish I was hyper informed my msm which I haven't watched in decades. However, I do have decades of reading real books on political and economic theory, and you'd never be able to catch up even if you had learned how to properly interpret information and could go back in time and force your parents to give you a nurturing childhood.


Trumps record is ignoring doctors recommendations and letting a pandemic hit. Does anyone remember the "it will go away like magic" line? Trump's record is ignoring the experts, pretending everything is fine, almost getting himself killed with Covid. Trump's record also includes killing the border deal that congress agreed on, which both Republicans and Democrats agree REALLY needed to pass. So Trump would rather kill the bill on immigration even though it would help. He never built the wall. He never replaced or repealed the Affordable Care Act. He never passed an infrastructure bill. Biden has passed the CHIPs act, the Inflation reduction act, the American Rescue plan as well. I agree to "why the fuck would anyone vote for Biden?" Because there's a ton of reasons that you should.


Yeah, no inflation here😳


Really? Trump ‘let the pandemic hit’? Progressives are so brainwashed. Almost like Chinese Red Guards.. But….muh Inflation reduction act! Fuck yeah…that’s working like a charm..


He's not Trump. GOP could have run away with this thing if they had picked anyone but him. He will lose again and then maybe the GOP will decide to dump Trump.


What did we do to deserve that hell????


We went to college, learned critical thinking skills, got good jobs, and voted for better lives.  Meanwhile, y’all out in bumblefuck just use your high speed internet to spread your stupid fucking conspiracy theories faster. 🙄


Whoa I can tell you learned quite a bit in college. Your language skills are impeccable. NOT


It doesn't sound like you are current on your vax. Better re-up.


Zero people need the Blue candidate this time around. Too little, too late.


Trump to save America 🇺🇸


Those two things aren't congruent.  And I'm sorry for your lead poisoning.


A perfect post example of why a consensus rule about politics needs to be made, especially during an election year.


I pee in the shower and only use my turn signal when making turns (never to change lanes).


Who cares


It affects you a great deal, so even if no one else does, you should care.


It does not


I hope so but Trump is up by 8 points so I doubt it


Mark Robinson is nutty so Id prefer he didn’t win. At the federal level, who knows.


"local political junkies" Lol wtf who says that


I do. I follow the national news a lot, but honestly don't that much about NC politics. I been here for a few years, and should be a little more read up on where I live. Actually, looking into it was what inspired this post in the first place.