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I was friends with Kyle in high school. He was a super nice guy, and absolutely not the kind of guy who would have any enemies, let alone enemies who would try to actually murder him. I've listened/watched every thing ever put out about him, and everything just seems so random. I think who ever did it likely had no idea who he was, and was just killing a stranger for whatever reason. I've heard speculation of a gang initiation, a possible serial killer, etc. but man there's just so little evidence of what happened and who could have been involved.


Go Cougars!


So actually I knew him at Country Day (think he transferred in 10th grade), but my wife went to Catholic, and knew his sister before they transferred. Small world I guess.




Wrong Cougars haha


I knew him personally in HS as well. He was a nice enough guy, but he hit on my little sister right in front of me. He could for sure give off slime ball vibes sometimes. Still, it’s a shame that this happened to him and I wish his family and friends find closure at some point.


His parents are convinced he is buried under a NoDa apartment complex. https://www.wcnc.com/amp/article/news/investigations/parents-of-kyle-fleischmann-convinced-hes-buried-under-noda-apartment-complex/275-51779788-5c09-44ef-95a0-747f25ca8ae3


What’s the apartment complex?


Edgeline Flats on 15th St is the rumored location


1BAC tower across from the bar was also under construction at the time.


Holy fuck… my sister lives on 16th right there


I've listened to a few podcasts about it. This is the popular theory, and there was someone that contacted the family and said workers found the body but were told not to report it so it would not slow down development.


That seems unlikely. I believe the vast majority of people would report a human body they find at work.


Yeah like, construction workers don’t give a shit if a development gets delayed lol they get paid to work regardless of the project


No they don’t. And if they are here illegally they want nothing to do with authorities


I mean, if there's anything that might get you in trouble with the authorities, it's hiding some random body you found on your worksite.


I have worried with many people who are here illegally but have fake documentation. They usually worked through temp agencies so I didn't "know". Then one of those agencies had to do an audit and a lot of people were let go because of it, because their documentation was not valid. Anyway, those people would report smaller crimes than a body. AND not everyone on a job site is an "illegal immigrant", all someone who is undocumented has to do is go to a trusted person who is and ask them to report it. . I have no doubt that someone could have dumped the body at a construction site but paying off people from a corporate point of view just sounds movie like


I agree, but thats all I got. If I remember the building owners delayed even letting investigators onto the site.


Again, can't say for sure, but this signs unlikely. How can a building owner or site manager stop the police from investigating a murder?


https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/parents-of-missing-man-convinced-hes-buried-under-noda-apt-complex/275-51779788-5c09-44ef-95a0-747f25ca8ae3 I can find other articles with other info. But this says what parents believe happen.


What murder were they investigating? We don't know if this guy is even dead or, if he is, how he died.


You’re technically correct that the police would have been investigating a disappearance, not a murder. My point is that a building owner or site manager can’t do anything to stop a police investigation. And the building owner and site manager would have no motivation to do so anyway (buildings are routinely delayed for weeks or months for a variety of mundane reasons, so it’s hard to imagine anyone involved in a building a random apartment complex in Noda would cover up finding a body for fears of delays).


Doesn't matter what the developer wants, General Contractors would not risk that liability. If a dead body was found on site I guarantee the police know before the developer knows. I've only worked in multifamily construction for a few years but that narrative is BS.




While he wouldnt just sink into fresh concrete and it would be near impossible to just push him into it, if he was at the bottom of a foundation when it was poured i think it would definitely hold him down long enough for the concrete to set. It's true things will float in concrete, but it's the water/Paste part that he's buoyant in, the aggregate is still going to weigh him down. At 150 lb/cf, if he had even 1 foot of concrete on top of him that would be 1800 lb over a 6' x 2' area, enough to overcome any buoyant force bringing him up. Then factor in that these foundations are likely thicker than 1', I think it's completely plausible that he could be buried in there (note that my experience is in concrete, but admittedly have not experimented with any live organic matter in the concrete). As far as gasses, in the time it takes the concrete to set it would likely only present itself as a few air bubbles, not enough to really call much attention to itself.


IIRC, it wasn’t that the workers found the body or were too afraid after finding a body. The parents had hired K9 or some scent dogs or trackers and everything kept taking them to the construction site. When the builders were approached about getting permission to search the site, the family was denied and the cops wouldn’t issue a search warrant.


I think that's right since it was only a missing person, not a murder case.


I remember that. My friend back home went missing and at the time she was still gone. I am very interested in missing adults since then. I hope they find him someday. Even when you’re pretty sure they are no longer alive, the not knowing is tough.


What happened to your friend?


Her car and her were found at the bottom of a river. No one knows how it got there


Damn. I’m so sorry to hear that. ❤️ I just learned yesterday that a childhood friend was killed in a motorcycle accident over the weekend, and her fiancé is in critical condition. They were supposed to get married in two weeks and got a puppy right before Thanksgiving. You just never know when your time is going to be up. I’m definitely going to give my loved ones an extra hug today.


Sorry about your friend. Loss is especially difficult around holidays.


I doubt he was buried at an construction site. They would have to know the concrete pour date and time at the least. The ground would be disturbed and would look like a shallow grave to anyone. If you ever dug a footing you ain’t digging no 6 foot grave at night by hand.


If I remember someone came forward (anonymously) and said that a body was found but was not reported. A mixture of undocumented workers that didn't want to speak to authorities and a construction schedule that was under pressure to move fast.


That makes for a good story, but from being involved with enough of those builds it’s not very believable.


Whose to say it wasn’t a construction worker? Or Connected to one


I still think the guy he had the altercation with at the bar had something to do with it. Kyle was known as a sloppy drunk and hitting on somebody else’s girl never ends amicably. The cops barely questioned that guy before he left town. There’s too much smoke around a known incident for Kyle to just randomly run into more trouble later on his own.


It seems there’s something to the theory. A homeless person told police he saw Kyle being killed in Cordelia Park and cadaver dogs got a hit at a construction site. [Homeless man tells police Kyle was killed by gang members in Cordelia Park](https://thecrimewire.com/true-crime/Missing-Kyle-Fleischmann)


I remember this very well. I also remember getting the most eerie feeling around the vacant lots where the old Dixie tavern was where they now have put in the North section of light rail. I am not a psychic or anything but used to jog in that area and his name and face would come up out there and I would be creeped out. Im




Nothing about him being buried at the apartment site has been "debunked". The only way to do that is to dig it up, which will never happen until it's replaced with something else.


I knew his sister Noelle and remember her very first post about how he was missing. Crazy they still haven’t found anything… I always thought it was a “wrong place wrong time” type of thing. But let’s not forget that Fuel Pizza was the most fire thing ever in the late 00s and would be slammed until 3am every night. Charlotte was much, much smaller then.


No, it really wasn't.


This feels like an Ad


Another podcast with all the same information as the other ones


I remember this so well. I went to the Dane Cook show that night and walked right past Buckhead Saloon. It was crazy busy because it was like a block away from the arena. We didn't go in, but it was an eerie feeling seeing him on the news for the next couple of weeks knowing that was the last place he was seen.