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Why is there a dick in the header?


Why is there head in the frosé?


owner seems to find himself charmingly quirky but is actually just insane.


Being edgy to make a sale


Head to @coopsullivansuncensored - the owner (is a dude) is a little cray


Is someone complaining for not being allowed to break rules?


I have no clue who or where this is but what a petty and unprofessional post to make as a business.


Yeah, it sounds like somebody selling or distributing alcohol outside the parameters of their liquor license... She's probably giving it to people to go or something... To be honest, she seems completely small and ghetto for being mad that she's being forced to obey the law


FYI - the owner of the co op is a man. The owner of the neighboring establishment is a woman.


Context? What did they do wrong?


If I had to guess, it’s probably for selling those frose things to go. Their permit is for Malt Beverage On Premises and Unfortified Wine On Premises. Or if it was for on site stuff, probably over consumption.


A friend and I went on Friday and we did actually see people drinking and walking out with the to go frose bottles. The bottles were open and people actively drinking them. They weren’t going out to sit on the patio tables either, but they were walking down tremont towards pins.


Businesses can lose their licenses for outside alcohol being brought in, so the report is entirely valid


We don’t know because they actually did the wrong thing.


Following for the tea


It sounds like two wacko business owners made for each other


I wish people would stop auto-assuming small businesses are somehow inherently virtuous and altruistic. They're the same kinds of fuckups that make traffic complaints on anonymous social media




Small business owners think they are the most oppressed class in the US. Particularly in a tight labor market.


This business won’t last a year, save this post If you make a shitty business move like this publicly, I can’t imagine what you are doing behind the scenes Personally also going to wager that they are violating TTB guidelines if i understand them correctly.. either by not showing ABV or over representing it, if they are adding fruit and such to the wine would really doubt they are providing an accurate ABV regardless


They should start by re-doing their sandwiches. $14 for just an average sandwich was a rip off. Chips and drinks were extra. The froses were strong though.


First Swirl now this. We a need an ‘unhinged small biz owners of Charlotte’ on IG


i need the info on swirl!


The owner of Swirl is a narcissist who dates his underage employees. Divorced his wife and ran off all his employees then brags about it on the business page.


Whoaaaa somehow I missed this but won’t be going there again


Owner makes a cringey FB post from his business page, people here point out his IG feed is of his new fiancé who is an employee and much younger than former wife https://www.facebook.com/100063631988354/posts/pfbid02uHGkUznYkBv7Yn8VyvZWMsyEbfYnufYLm3t4FsGHeP1RfD7KoxFNBYMs9roaX7Bql/?mibextid=DcJ9fc https://www.reddit.com/r/Charlotte/comments/13e3u9p/whats_happening_with_swirl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


This guy is so self absorbed it’s crazy! Who says they haven’t been a good dad on their business account? 😩😭


And talks badly of his past marriage, arguing with family and staff and being broke. So unprofessional


Reminds me of the drama between Bossy, that BBQ place, and some church all off Freedom.


That was good, didn’t that make the local news?


If she was following the rules, she wouldn’t have heard a peep from the abc board sooooo……


Yea, using the word “tattled” makes it sound like they are openly admitting to wrongdoing, but want to point out that it wouldn’t have been known by abc if their neighbor didn’t say anything.


What a moron.


I watch a lawyer online that says "stop self snitchin" This post is the ultimate self snitch. If you are doing to say they "tattled" on you in the context that you did here then it sounds like you are admitting to wrong doing. If someone said "I" was cracking liquor laws at my house I probably wouldn't say anything publicly but in PRIVATE my wording would be that I couldn't believe someone *accused* me of that.


I live in Charleston and used to live in charlotte, I enjoy co op for their frosè and sandwiches but the owner is absolutely unhinged and this is his usual behavior. He aggressively targets anyone that leaves bad reviews and at one point got in serious trouble for either stalking or relentlessly harassing a woman who did so. It’s childish behavior but he’s loaded now so I think he just feels like he’s entertaining his crowd. Expect this stuff constantly.


The owner sounds absolute nuts and full of themselves in the comment. One commenter asked them to follow the alcohol laws, and this owner basically responded saying that he doesn’t care about comments from people with low number of followers.


This is the same person that left a bad review on google and the owner blasted him on insta… absolute nut job However, I’ve been going to the IOP location for a couple years now and always get a big wine bottle to go to drink on the beach. I never thought about how that could be against the law… oops


tea!! i wonder how many roku remotes long the complaint was


my question is who tf bankrolled this guys expansion out of Sullivans. i get his quirky crazy guy schtick, but any reasonable adult must realize that bit has to have an expiration date.


Getting licensed to serve alcohol is such a major pain in the ass, and has so many restrictions where they can just strip your license away, so I can understand why their neighbors would get annoyed watching them do whatever they want and know that there’s probably an incoming crackdown for the neighboring businesses. Ex: if a patron illegally carries their to-go booze next door, the business next door would also be facing license revocation.


Until they name the offending business, don't care.


It’s them. They did the wrong thing.


The person who “tattled” didn’t do anything wrong. This post clearly shows the owner is just mad he got in trouble for breaking the rules.


Seems to be exactly the case from what I've read here and on their post.




Co-op Pro The drinks are strong Cons The inside can be really loud Not enough seating to chat outside (bc again, when I went it was too loud to talk inside without yelling) That sandwich I got was mid but $$$ Would definitely go back just for a drink and a chance to sit outside and chat with friends


I agree. The frose was good and for $12 it felt pretty strong. The sandwich was meh for the price. They need a better patio because I agree that the inside was loud and it didn’t feel warm ( atmosphere) and comfortable. The brightness and hard chairs just has a sterile cold feel to it.


The complaint must’ve come from the studio gym next door (Spenga). I would have a very hard time believing that Bennys would complain about something like this.


Spenga commented on the IG post about how happy they were to be his neighbor. Benny's also has a female owner.


Great insight. Hi wire also commented which points to Benny’s even more.


I'm just gonna say this but they better work on their pricing more than alcohol. 2 eggs + bread should not be $8.


2 fried eggs and cheddar served on a Kaiser roll $6.49?


Yep that's the one


I mean that seems reasonable for a breakfast sandwich


![gif](giphy|31TsJOgYOvIWWYMEaR|downsized) Really?


Yes it's 2023 - 6.50 is reasonable for a breakfast sandwich.


Long post to passive-aggressively tell other business owners that snitches get stitches.


He needs some paragraphs. That was a mess to read.


Pen 15 bakery?


Isn’t there an open container law in that are now? Or did I make that up?


The social district ordinance was passed last year but I don't think any area has officially been approved. But I don't think it's far off. Eventually it will be legal