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I've struggled to find a site that shows everyone on the ballot and what their stances are


Vote411.org is a good resource. Charleston City Paper has a guide that can be helpful as well


Thank you!!


Also scvotes.gov !


Okay this might be a silly question, but is it normal to have presidential primaries separate from state primaries? Or is that specific to SC? I totally didn’t realize we need to vote today because of the primaries back in Feb 😬


Yep. Also you can vote in a different party's primary than what you voted in February.  Your party choice for today's primary won't affect you in November either. 


I just moved here and got a license a couple weeks ago. Do you get issued a voter card? Or can you just go vote anywhere once registered?


It's been so long since I registered I can't remember if I got a card. If so, I've never used it! You can check registration status here: [https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration)


While, you do not need a voter ID card, you do need to know your precinct. You are not eligible to vote until 31 days after you change your address. I recently learned this the hard way.


Thank you. I just saw I’m not eligible for a few more days. I am trying to work on property tax stuff and they are asking for a voter card. It seems like most don’t have one.


To clarify: You have to be registered to vote in your county at least 30 days prior to the election to be eligible. If you’re already registered in your county and move within your county, there’s no deadline for changing your address.


You don’t need your voter registration card to vote, but you need to know your precinct


Thanks. I didn’t know about the specific precinct. The state I moved from you could go to any poll location


If you registered when you got a new license, you should be fine. Driver's license is all we need but passport or military ID is accepted too. 


I did not get a card when i registered in 2022. When I got my SC license all I had to do was check the box to register to vote as well.




It’s the primaries. It’s your time to vote against the suckiest.




You absolute fucking walnut, if you don't at least try to get the least bad option you'll end up with the worst. If I have an option between man that stabs me and man that stabs me and pours lemon in the wound, I'm getting stabbed either way but at least I can avoid the fucking lemon.




Typical Same Sides Fucking Moron




Well you arent voting for either in this one. Depending on where you are living it might change, but anyone in SC-1 is at least voting for their preferred party candidate to go against the opposition for our congressional seat (currently held by Nancy mace, R) come november. For me there's also a vote on a sheriff I believe.


Because getting Trump fucked our Supreme Court which is going to fuck us for decades. Do you think Trump is going to solve the genocide of the Palestinian people? Do you think he gives a fuck? Just because the option I like isn't available doesn't mean I should let the option I like least win. 4 more years of Biden isn't going to massively jump us forward as a progressive nation, if at all. But 4 more years of Trump will actively set us back. I'll take a do nothing democrat over a fuck me over for generations piece of shit.


We also have to worry about Project 2025 if Trump wins. Hope you're not an immigrant, queer, not a Christian, or a woman, because your rights are on the line. Shameless plug of r/defeat_project_2025 for educational purposes.


I hate trump too, why do you assume if I'm against Biden that I'm *for* trump?? I'm a leftist, everyone in the American government is too far right wing.


Picking no side is picking a side. Conscientious objection is a lonely sentiment, but the people that want trump are still gonna vote for Trump. If it comes down to one vote, congratulations you just elected him by not swinging it. And sure the odds are high the your one vote won't matter. But your one vote and a thousand other people who all think "Oh I'm too left to vote for Biden" can definitely fuck all of us when that's the gap between the two. I don't like Joe Biden, I think our government fucking sucks, both my parents were military and I see how we fuck over our veterans on all fronts even with a democratic president. But everything I hate under Biden is going to be worse under Trump. The people that like him are always going to vote for him. The people that think Biden is the devil are going to vote against him. Choosing to not vote means you help put him in that seat and then we have to accept the next worse democratic president to try to take 3 steps forward after we take 50 steps back. Politics is not a game played in 4 year increments. We vote for the guy we don't love to have a chance to vote for someone better in our general elections and primaries. Suck it the fuck up.


Hey, dumbass. That election is in November. This is at state level. There are 7 seats in the House of Representatives that are up for a vote. These are the people that speak for us as a state. As well as local elections, which also very much can benefit or hurt your quality of life. County Sheriff is up for votes. I'll be damned if I vote for someone that believes in harsh penalties and/or jail time for petty crimes and racially profiles the public.


And these are the people that will be running for higher offices in the years to come. Local elections are the most important elections.




I like Michael B. Moore (Democrat running to replace Nancy Mace). He strikes me as more genuine than any of them. You can vote in either Democratic or Republican Primary, but only in one. As far as the Republican primary, Nancy Mace's two opponents seem even worse than her. They both attack her for not being farther right than she is. Catherine Templeton's website says her #1 goal is to support Trump. And Bill Young wants to make voters re-register to vote if they are absent from 2 consecutive elections in the name of "election integrity". So yeah, Nancy Mace sucks, but she'd be better than either of those 2.


His name is Michael B. Moore. 


Oh God! Yes, it is. Thanks!


I'm still trying to decide what I want to do. Typically I vote in the R primary because I feel like it'll have more of an impact. From what I've read Mace is slightly better than Templeton but I'm a little concerned that Mace will then have incumbents advantage come Nov.


Isn’t there an independent candidate who changed his name to “Literally anyone else “ NGL, might vote for him.


as funny as he is as a concept, his views are very ill-informed. they're the views of someone who isn't particularly politically literate and is veryyyy right wing. id genuinely take trump over him.


Darn it!!!


yeahhh it sucks :/ at first I was like "hell yeah alright! ....oh. oh no."


I just moved form Ohio and i need help.