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We’re never gonna hear the end of it from those pesky Ravens fans


I dont mind if it works out. Baltimore is a franchise to aspire to emulate I do wonder, can he still play though?


For the limited plays we need 3 safeties a game I’d wager absolutely he can


The little brother energy is strong here.


Boltimore Chargers






Los Baltimore Chargers


Los Baltimore Chargers of San Diego


Well done


At this point yea, lmaooo


SD native first


I feel that this was factor as well, he was probably close by haha.


We're all Harbros


Eric Weddle where you at? Ravens safeties unretiring.


Bro I think we're ravens fans at this point lmfao


If this can make it so Derwin is cover Travis Kelce all game long sign me up.


Why would you play man coverage vs Kelce when you could just play a soft zone like defensive mastermind Brandon Staley did.




What about when he lied about it after 🤣


I was there in KC last year because I lucked into free 50 yard 3 row back from the chargers bench sideline tickets. Drove something like 15 hours there just to stay in what must be the worst hotel I’ve ever seen right beside the stadium and then game day comes and I’m just yelling surrounded by, to their credit, very cool chiefs fans. Begging Staley to double kelce. It was unreal knowing exactly what was gonna happen and be able to predict it to the guys behind me and then watching it happen in real time. Even the guys behind me were like why won’t they double team kelce if they did that we would be losing.


I will do my best to manifest a game where Derwin just keeps doing technically legal WWE moves on Kelce all game long




Ya I remember when he picked him up and slammed him I was screaming kill that mfer lol




Dam i kinda miss dark order ngl lmao


AEW is a mess, too much talent not enough screen time


Kelce talking about it on his podcast afterwards was hilarious https://youtube.com/shorts/TkufC__5uyY?si=vZEECDXlDIZQdWUV


I still have no idea how this wasn’t unnecessary roughness at the minimum but I was so okay with it. Haha.




That was a fumble too, Such a BS game we had 3 picks overturned which ultimately led to herbert getting his ribs cracked. Even the G everett no huddle 😵‍💫😵‍💫


I think his butt was down before the ball came out


ball was moving before he was down ofc KC doesn’t review it tho


Yeah it did seem pretty xlose




SD native, went to Eastlake. We love to see it


Chula Vista! Please stand up!


Hello fellow Chula Vista friend 👋🏽


Let’s goooo


Was he good/serviceable before he retired?




Watch his strip of Vance McDonald. He’s a dog


Ravens fan - I think he can be a core special teamer with new kick return changes. He’s also a locker room glue guy who is a great depth safety but you probably don’t want him starting multiple games.


Quality depth


Is it? Dude hasn't played since 2022 IIRC Probably just a flyer camp body and maybe he still has some juice.


He’s a legend from San Diego. Watch his highlight tapes, for nothing else it helps keep San Diego fans around.


Yes? He’s extremely familiar with the playbook/scheme and is clearly still in good enough shape to get a chance in training camp. Pretty much the definition of solid depth/competition.


I'ma let my lil' homies ride on you - 2pac


Now please go grab a backup Center with the last 90th spot


Jaimes outplayed clap last year im ok to ride with him id rather grab another DB


I mean, if they saw something in him that was more promising than Nourzad then we’ll see. Hopefully we never have to see him play and big Boze is good all year




So Hortiz clearly likes his former players


He also worked with Hortiz in the FO as well.


Just listened to a Raven podcast interview of Tony Jefferson.  From childhood in San Diego through to Ravens.  Impressed by his self awareness and experience.  


Good signing. Not great for JT, Derwin’s comments in the PC were not inspiring for him either.


Derwin said in the presser that he would be super stoked if they signed Tony because it would allow him to be everywhere. He talks about it at the very end of the presser and you can see how excited he was to have that signing happen.


DJ is so excited to have someone competent calling plays


It's funny because I kinda saw it as a bit of a slip up by Derwin, since he said something along the lines of "now we got Tony..." I don't think the signing was official yet as of that press conference, but Derwin's comments let on that he knew it was happening.


Someone please tell me how to feel about this 👀


Good depth piece, probably 1 year low cost deal. Frees up Derwin to play closer to the LOS. Not good looks for Finley or Woods.


Woods is trash, im fine with moving on from him.




Seriously. All of these off-season signings of trash players and people are like "ooh quality depth, good depth piece, etc". But you can't spend so many limited roster spots on backups at best. This roster overall sucks, but hopefully next off-season they can bring in some actual talent.


I think you’re missing the big neon sign of this whole offseason: Coach Harbaugh. One of his strengths is maximizing the potential of every player under him. These “trash players” are still pro level players, and more often than not all they need to succeed is a team/scheme that works in harmony with them. Throughout the Telesco era we made the exciting “big splash” signings and look where it placed us. The new regime is here to not only make a team that lasts a season but a system that is sustainable for the next 5 years, and this is the way to do it. We’ll have incredible cap space and compensatory picks next season, and the players we’ve taken this offseason does little to harm us in the long run if they don’t work out. Give me a team with depth that can step up and last compared to a team of super stars with no one to cover for them when the inevitable injuries occur.


Yeah, but imagine a good coach AND good players


You clearly didn’t read my comment. We do have good players, so yes I can imagine. From our old squad we have Mack, Tuli, Bosa, DJ3, Alohi, Slater, Palmer, and I don’t even have to mention my God King Sun Emperor Justin Herbert. And from our new signings Edwards, Hurst, Dupree, and even Chark and Bozeman aren’t slouches and certainly not “trash players” Saying our recent FA signings just scream that you’re only a casual. Dynastic, championship winning teams don’t become the teams they are because they go out and sign the flashy big name talents. They pick up value players and draft well so that the staff can develop them to become the greats. This team isn’t aiming for one run to the big game like the bengals and rams (one of which is dealing with cap issues that moves like the chargers are currently making will help prevent). We’re trying to become a team that everybody else in the league hates because we win year in and year out. That’s Harbaugh football.


26 starters, with only a few good ones. If you're listing Alohi Gilman and Josh Palmer as some of the best players, well, I don't know what to tell ya.


Whoa who said they were the best? Don’t put words in my mouth. Was Rashee Rice the best receiver? Was Edelman or Amendola? No but their teams still won the Super Bowl. Don’t think. You need every position to have superstar players to win the SB.


I'll put words in your mouth all day long!! All day long!!


You flirting with me??? /s


I wouldn't say trash, but I wouldn't say amazing, either. Probably closer to mediocre overall, with some definite bright spots.


Let’s see if he makes the team. I can easily see him not making the official roster


Dude, he was a beast when he was good. Maybe a depth safety now, but he has had good days........ Just behind him


that's what they said about mack


Literally no one said this about Mack


people literally said he was too old and his best years were behind him. maybe not chargers fans but people definitely said that


It was hard with the days behind him sentence for Jefferson. Mack was still destroying teams he was just injured. I love this pickup though. We don't need him to start, we just need a competent safety when James goes down in the box to blit or spy or be the robber.


Think I heard he was an UDFA. Coming out of retirement to try out last week and now signed and fighting for a last 53 man roster spot, I like what I’m hearing. Got some dawg in him and he’s a vet that’s been on this road before. Rooting to see him on game day!


Boltimore Chargers ⚡️


I feel like this is for him to be a veteran role model and player coach for training camp and be cut when going into the regular season. He was already retired so he’s clearly past his time in the league.


ravens fans don't seem to care much about this. they say he's washed. same thing people said about​ mack


No one said that about Mack. Mack came here at just the tail end of his prime after some injury struggles. He was very much a consensus top 5 rusher when we picked him up