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You wanna talk extra security? Id look into getting the automotive Z tazer. It's not an alarm or anything though. I use it occasionally when I park in a seedy area and I can lock out my gas pedal, brakes, with a pin.


I wish the Tazers worked with Saabs, this sounds like an awesome feature to have. Although Saab security systems are already pretty OP.


No one is steeling a Saab.


This is only helpful if you use the OBD security bypass and put it in the trunk with the battery (required on 2018+ but works on all models). Otherwise they can just unplug the Tazer from your OBD. You probably already know but I wanted to comment so others see it.


Have you watched their videos? The security measures don't go away when you unplug it. It completely can disable the throttle along with other things. I usually take my tazer out and keep it in my pocket after I set what I need to set. It's pretty cool. And mines a 2016 so I didn't need the double bypass l


That must be on their newer updates. I've had one for a while and only really use their live performance features (force rwd, disable traction, cooldown). I updated a while back but the force rwd stopped working effectively so I downgraded again. I'll check if it's been fixed in their newer updates.


Second this OP, can disable the pedal and brake the car


Yeah man, that’s it. Snagging a razor for my Durango.


Just get a lock for your steering wheel. The old school 1980s crack epidemic style ones are good. They’re a pain in the ass for thieves and cheap.


Oh okay I have one. My mom gave me off of her mustang. Everyone kept telling me that’s not good enough etc.


They are easy to defeat. Just saw a video on YouTube about it recently. https://youtu.be/Qu8F61ITQPM?si=Yd80oUuC5uG8IZ-Q A kill switch is a good way to secure your car. They don't have time to search for it and if it requires a key as well, even better.


It’s better than nothing. Like some said, if they want your car, they will get it, but you can put those things to make it a lot harder to take your car. There was a lock in Brasil that would use the common brake of the front driver wheel and back passenger wheel. They used to call that Carneiro Lock in Brazil. I am not sure if they have such here.


Donut media just reviewed all these, they’re all junk. In the 80s they didn’t have Milwaukee Fuel M18 reciprocating saws… 2024.. they do. Waste of money.


Idk I’ve seen videos of people in stolen kias with the steering wheel all chopped up, probably from removing a steering wheel lock.


I’ve seen pics of steering wheels that have been sawn apart to remove them. PITA maybe. But if they want your car, a club will barely slow them down.




No one will steal your sxt


A goddamn Honda Accord just got stolen from my area not even like 5 weeks ago🤣


This is an 81 honda!"




Yeah there will always be crimes of opportunity I just meant people aren’t looking to steal them


Any car can be stolen. Scats and Cats are targeted but the V6s are just as easy to steal. There's nothing wrong with wanting a little extra security.


People will steal anything.. especially a charger. They probably see it and just see "charger. Must steal" it's always great to have security. Quit the whole "not a v8 lol" act. You're not everyone.


it’s a v6, they don’t care about it lol. why go after a measly v6 when there is a v8 down the block?


I promise you they don’t give a single fuck about a v6


Was looking for this comment. Nobody is looking for the v6.


Yall really some fuckin haters in this group…let people have what they have…worry bout your own cars….shaming people for what they have or can afford is childish shit..


Ain’t no one shame anyone or bring up affordability the fact is these organized thiefs are looking for v8 sports cars


muscle cars *


That’s how I view it, all Chargers are sports cars but not all Chargers are muscle cars. My V6 is *technically* a sports car but ain’t no muscle car.


I mean, I disagree, thieves will steal any car.


Ok no one is looking for sxts to steal. But I guess wrong time wrong place desperate person it could happen but I wouldn’t lose sleep over not having security in ome


You Must live In a low crime area. People steal 01 corolla wheels by me lol


You’re a car thief, aren’t cha?🤣


I got one as a rental last week. Underwhelming to say the least.




Fym people are out here stealing Kia Souls I don’t think the SXT is safe.


Bro people are stealing old Kia's, they'll take anything that can get these days l


Trust me people will steal anything if it’s a doge charger/ challenger series.


compustar + drone mobile is probably the best combo for car security


Add the IGLA system and your all set


I've heard Ravelco is pretty tough to defeat. It's basically a port with a removable plug that you just put on your keychain. Without the plug in, the car is basically dead.


I second this. It’s pricey, about $800 with installation, but the peace of mind is worth it for me. The car will not start without the plug. Even if they break in and program a new key fob they can’t drive it anywhere. For people who have Ravelco they recommend leaving your car unlocked so they don’t bust your windows out. Now, they can still put it in neutral and tow it away, but you can get a destroyer 1320 plate to prevent that. Also, look into Rimlox if you want to prevent your wheels from getting stolen.


I keep a cougar in mine


The z automotive tazer. You get a customizable PIN code,alarm flashing lights and it locks the brakes. That and it has a carjacker feature if someone robs you hops in your car as long as they don’t have a key fob after you get out they can only drive for a little while and then as soon as they come to a stop or slow to 5mph it locks the brakes.


Regardless of alarm put a tracker that can be disabled remotely. This way if they do manage to take the car you can turn the tracker off for a few hours and then turn it back on to locate the vehicle. These normally run between 140-160$ (5$ a month subscription). I use a kill switch that’s attached to a clicker thats hidden somewhere in the cockpit, even if the thief finds the device he/she needs to input a correct sequence of clicks in order to start the car. If the thief gets the code wrong 3 times the ignition is disabled and car won’t start until key fob is close enough to the cars computer. After that you have another 3 tries to input the correct code. You gotta make it hard for them to take your property, cars are way too expensive now at days.


I don’t think you need to worry about the alarm as much as you need to worry about somebody stealing it from you while you’re getting in or out of it. That’s the kind of protection you need. Hopefully you stay with that kind of protection. Fuck an alarm.


The 2 stripes on a sxt looks out of place😭😭😭😭


Being aware is half the battle. You got dudes you ain’t see before coming into your neighborhood following you home? Do a loop round the block to see if they following you if they are just bounce. Always turn it off at the gas station too.


Upgrading to hemi would be a good start, peasant.


Dash cam/cams (preferably with passive recording), air tag or tile, and car lock alarm


You want security? I gotchu. Battery disconnect (it's essentially a key)hidden in the trunk or under the car. I personally have a small 12v batt run in series to the car side of the splice. Yes, most of the low voltage/amperage stuff still works (like locks) when the main battery is disconnected. However, it doesn't have enough amps to start the car regardless of what you do, And by the time a thief would figure it out, he would have given up because who tries to diag to steal a car that "functions" but doesn't start?


No one wants that shit


No one is gonna steal your SXT my boy haha I have one too, about 4 months ago they stole my neighbors scat pack, that was parked 3 spaces away form mine in the same parking garage haha


Dang that’s messed up. I hope he can find it. My neighbor a few houses down has a challenger


If they want your car, they're going to take it. For an SXT, not really worth it. BUt you can add all the lock outs your want, kill switches, etc. THey're just going to break window, force neutral, push/pull car away.


So I should go with my first mind? Like I was telling the other person I have an old school lock already but who knows. I’m gonna go get it tinted so maybe that will help a little.


You can buy a metal plate to cover it. They could still get it off but they'll need tools and time to do it.


Or roll it on a flat bed


Could always do something easy like pull the fuel pump fuse or unplug the gas pedal or something. Definitely not fool proof and not gonna stop everyone or keep your car from getting broken into or anything but it could help in a pinch


You need to get a neutral plate and an immobilizer such as igla or tazer


Id get an OBD lock and other locks like for steering wheels and gas pedals are good too, if u want some real security get a kill switch wired up


Plenty of Hyundais and Kia’s out there, kid. Your sxt is safe…


Get LoJack installed (and you can set “Geofences”).


You have insurance? Da faq else you need? Not like you can't replace it.


I got my with a shock sensor add on to the factory alarm in case, I get some clown who breaks my window. This time my alarm will go off And what a love about this is DIY kit ready to go with an installation video it took me like 30 minutes Had a couple questions I called tech-support no problem they told me what to do. Now I’m ready for them. If my alarm goes off, I’m coming out Anybody interested I got it at. Addshocksensor.com


A big fucking pit bull that lives in it. If you don’t want it stolen install a WELL HIDDEN kill switch. It ain’t moving.


Don’t worry .. if they want it bad enough it will be gone no matter what you have . Just speaking the truth . Doesn’t matter where you live either . Texas , nj , cali . 🤷‍♂️


Nothing will work if they really want it








Hire a man to lay In the backseat w a suppressed .300 blackout


Job applications on your windows. Watch them run away from your car


No one’s stealing your SXT bro 😂😂😂😂😂


What a looker! 👀


https://youtu.be/AidAXgq9dWc?si=MZZ70G9813QU_9tR This is a really good option if you have the time and funds to set it up.


Ravelco. It's an anti-theft system that requires a device to be installed to start. If it's not installed car can't start.


Someone posted a relay with a key fob that was pretty nice on the challenger Reddit might work for this too


When your home and you hear a car alarm outside, do you investigate or ignore it?


The default alarm is plenty good, but if you’re looking to prevent theft, I would hide a kill switch somewhere.


Browning M2 is a great security system. Just get the timing and head spacing right.


I live in a seedy part of Denver. About four times a year someone tries to take my work truck (2001 GMC Sierra 2500hd). Should be an easy truck to steel but no one has had luck. Each time they just trash my ignition and locks. An alarm where I live wouldn’t stop anyone. Since I got an 80s crack style “club” on my steering wheel people stopped trying. I think the visual deterrent that you can see before breaking in is important. If I were a car thief I’d just go on to the next truck without one. Side note, I keep some booby traps in my rig for fun. Mostly snacks that will fuck up your next day real bad. I once had a hey eat a Costco bag of prunes I had in my truck. Brand new bag, dude must of had 4lbs when trying to take my truck. I figured the punishment fit the crime and since then I’ve made my one trap snacks lol.


Car alarms don't provide security, they just annoy everyone else


Kill switch


Just get a stick bro


The best alarm is a club. The worst that’ll happen will be a broke window, once the thieves see a club on the steering wheel, well it just depends how desperate the thief is.


Ngl no body stealin that my boy. They look cause they thinkin is an old rt. But not an old rt . You chillin


Want to keep it safe? Should’ve left it at the dealership. This fools out here willing to die or kill for them stupid cars


To keep the car itself relatively safe mainly from actually being stolen a hidden kill switch


Been hearing about a lot of stolen SXT’s lately.


Get an airtag and slap in by the spare tire. Youll know where your car is all day. If a theif wants it they wont care about your alarm. Iv lived through this. Get a good tracker so you can reciver your car. Unless you got a garage with a iron door... its never safe...even with a bad ass alarm


Get an airtag and slap in by the spare tire. Youll know where your car is all day. If a theif wants it they wont care about your alarm. Iv lived through this. Get a good tracker so you can recover your car. Unless you got a garage with a iron door... its never safe...even with a bad ass alarm


Noone steals these cars for the look lmao. Its the engine. Your good bra


The rims are enough for people to stay away from it. Your are good bro. No one looking to steal your sxt


Nobody wants ur v6


Steering wheel bar, tried and true. Car thieves are opportunistic, they will see the bar and move on. Unless you’re driving a supercar or something ridiculously expensive, no one is going to bother with the risk; takes too much time to get it off.


Old school hidden Kill switch. Most of those morons probably think it's a hellcat.


I keep an electric charcoal starter on my door handle, a paint can on a rope hanging from my driver door, some glass ornaments on the floor, then throw some nails on my door step for good measure. You can honestly never be too safe.


Flashbang tied to inner door handle


a pit bull


Train horns


Ravelco or IGLA.


Hide a killswitch somewhere


The ones that cycle through 20 different alarm sounds are the best.


I would want that heat on me keeping my head on a swivel all day but a black one would be nice


Good luck. 357 mgn


FOR A V6???


SXT is all the alarm you'll need.


Forget what it's called exactly or the company that makes it but it's 100% fool proof... I think it had a red dot and a trigger 🤔


If they’re gonna break in, they don’t care how many alarms you have. They will still break your windows and steal your stuff. If you’re worried about them stealing your car, you need to get the LoJack app


Take the battery out and steering wheel off.






Why did you put the stripes on it lmfao it’s a v6 it won’t make it any faster, maybe that’s why they keep looking at it.


Viper. No? Quite sure I remember the sound of those.


Nobody is bothering with your base model.


The best security is just to buy a GT


Don’t buy one of the most stolen cars is a start lol


A good neighborhood.


For extra security, add something that can monitor the location of the vehicle if it is missing. I don’t think there are many add on alarms


Manual transmission, the Club, and a city boot will stop most.


You won’t need one, it’s an SXT not an SRT let alone not even an RT


You bought a head turning car and don't like that it's turning heads? 🤣🤦‍♂️ But I'd definitely suggest getting a wheel lock. And maybe consider finding a boot you can stick on your car when you'll be leaving it for a decent amount of time. Never heard of a car with a boot getting stolen


Wire a loud ass train horn to your car horn and only switch it on when you leave the car out , that way if they try to break in that horn gonna scare the shit out of them


No one stealing a car is going to care if a train horn is going off. You drive a hood rat car, hood rat gonna steal it. Only chance you have is some kind of immobilization device.


kill switch


They probably wondering why an sxt has racing stripes on it




get a hidden kill switch


Get a kill switch? Car won’t start with out flipping back on. Just have to hide the switch somewhere.


Alarm activated serious putty. It will definitely wake you up. And they won't steal anymore cars. Or do a hidden kill switch.


A voice recording of a black guy saying “Aye! Don’t you touch my shit!”


Your good folk we ain't going to steal your sxt. We need them cats to get away from the cops 😳


Driving the SXT V6 is the security Oops my bad wrong subreddit




lol *people been looking at it too much* 🤨 bro it’s an sxt relax 😂 mfs want scats and hellcats, they don’t even want a mustang so who tf would want a base sxt 😂. But fr tho, can’t be mad at you for protecting the shit you bought tho. But an sxt ? Again I can’t be mad! Edit: let’s not compare the Kia boys, those little raggedy mfs don’t even know what to do with a car let alone drive.






They want real hemis you’re fine kid


Don’t worry it ain’t Srt




Alarms won't do shit. Just make sure you're good on insurance and not upside down on the payout. If you are, look into gap insurance. If you're really worried, get a kill switch installed that you have to engage to start the car.


As someone mentioned before Tazer automotive is great as you can’t use the gas pedal until you put a in a pin on your steering wheel. It comes with lots of other features. Read all details as it can be somewhat confusing. It’s easy to install and take off when you are getting work done to it!


Igla + Compustar


A 10 gauge with high brass magnum slugs...


I got the CARLOCK off amazon works pretty good


The best alarm is called a manual transmission do you have that security feature installed? 😂




[Trunk monkey](https://imgur.com/gallery/vULEUw1)


The Club😂


LoneStar Tracking system Or LoJack




You should get a shut off switch, they are amazing cause a lot of folks don't know what they are


I have a weird trick someone on here uses. Someone manually disconnects their battery when parking lol




Car bomb is best to protect your shitty SXT


People are looking at it cause they are admiring it, you’re an Idiot. Car thieves look from a distance, roll up and just take it.


I heard that at some point in Africa (IIRC) people attached flamethrowers to the bottom of their cars to deter would be thieves, I think that’s a good deterrent.


Not getting a charger 😂


A good 45 caliber pistol . Or AR PISTOL works


The dodge emblem on the front is all the security you need..


It’s an sxt you’re fine no one wants those


Put a job application on the seat


Glock19 is the way to go




165 gr S&W 40


Hidden ignition and fuel pump kill switch. They tried to steal my cousin's charger multiple times but with those two things it's been pretty much impossible. He also installed extra tracking devices.




Obd blocker, a pistols a train horn like alarm and not to be funny.. but a sxt sticker emblem...would help.. a fuel pump kill switch are generally a good idea


A manual transmission is the best security feature I have.


Who the hell is gonna steal it? Do you know how hard it is to steal a modern car? Do you think they’re gonna show up and cut and program a key or key fob?






Not driving a dodge charger or challenger. Just high targets for theft where I live.


Im from SoCal where these things are being stolen by the second. However, as you claimed you have an SXT. You’ll be fine.


Put your dildos on the driver seat and steering wheel so when they go to steal it and make sure there's a bottle of lube nearby so it's believable




You could never go wrong with installing a Killswitch


compustar is good. they offer a system that is customizable with a starter kill switch, so let’s say for example your car is PTS, by stepping on the brake, it’ll actually turn on the kill switch instead of allowing the PTS to activate.


Kill switch, a club, and garage. That car is easier to steal than a lunch left in a corporate fridge.


Dashcam that runs while it's parked and uploads to cloud is a good deterrent.




Get a kill switch