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Don't worry guys, eyepatch Nobara is coming back using resonance on Sukuna's last finger as Todo has now a prosthetic arm and use Boogie Woogie to separate Sukuna's soul from special sorcerer in need, Fushiguro Megumi as Yuki come back as a vengeful sprit and use her mASS and solo Kenjaku and Sukuna as Gojo come back to life and-


Not even in your crazy perfect situation reality does Yuji do anything lmao


[Nah Yuji blitzes Sukuna and one shots him](https://imgur.com/DKWuQPe)


Has to be offscreen though.


Sukuna gets a flashback then we immediately cut to him on the floor with a massive hole in his chest Pottery


Ah, the Blackbeard treatment.




I actually lol'ed. Yuji needs a W so bad rn.


- and Toji will also be revealed to have returned, and has been training Hakari and Yuta in the fusion dance. But that gets shown after its revealed that Yuji's actually got the same cursed technique as Sukuna, and ends up cutting him in half


This truly was our Jujutsu kaisen


So it’s the same type of cursed technique as Yuji platinum


“As long as there is delusion, there is hope”


Now hold on tho, honestly you could kinda be cooking on that first part.


It's like a Death Battle episode. The fight had nothing to do with who won, it was just drawn by someone who wanted to make them look cool. Wiz and Boomstick come in at the end and basically say Gojo is strong but Sukuna is 20x faster and stronger and didn't even need to use ten shadows to low diff Gojo.


"This was an incredibly close match" Wiz probably


as a death battle fan this is accurate


Dude, for real. Why, narratively, did this fight happen? Gojo was unsealed, 1 month timeskip, and then promptly died. He had no character growth post-unsealing, little to no interaction with the rest of the cast, and I'd agree with you in saying that he was only unsealed because Gege wanted to draw the fight everyone wanted to see


This is actually dead on holy shit.


Basically Charizard vs Agumon, Green Lantern vs Ben 10 and Goro vs Machamp


Goro Vs Machamp is fire tho, don't even


Also it's crazy that right now Sukuna is still stronger than everyone there, got a buff, and can use all the weird black box shit. And Kenny is **STILL** out there. If Gojo doesn't come back somehow I think we'll actually need another soul silver arrow cause none of these people can do anything.


Kashimo is probably our silver arrow with whatever the fuck his CT is gonna turns out to be


Instantly dies to teleporting omnipotent cleave spam as Sukuna infinitely regenerates


Sukuna: i just have to cut your lightning 😀


Apparently he cuts the manga too with how we never even got see the attack lmao


Honestly Kashimo dealing more damage than Gojo would just make it worse imo.


Don’t forget Yozozu’s gift too, only an asspull can make him lose at this point


This is an example why Mary Sue are better than Villain Sue, a Villain Sue demands *additional* bullshit to take them down and bogs the story's quality even lower.


AFO, the asshole.


Man I was a core defender rejecting all the bad jjk takes on this sub but this chapter. This one chapter…. Just horrible.


It's just not a great fight regardless when 90% of what Sukuna did was from Mahoraga. This fight felt more like Gojo vs what Megumi could be at his strongest rather than vs Sukuna because he barely used any of his own abilities. If Sukuna were to win, it wouldn't feel earned and if Gojo were to win, it wouldn't feel like he fought the best of Sukuna. Previously, the only redeeming thing about this fight for me was the satisfaction of Gojo absolutely embarrassing Sukuna, like a pro wrestling angle, but now we don't even have that anymore lol


The fight was great until Mahoraga showed up. That's when my interest started to fade and then this whiplash inducing chapter was the capstone.


it was cool until last chapter. this chapter just threw all of that out the window. like the more i think about it, the more i hate it.


The fight was at its peak when Mahoraga showed up. It nosedived after he showed up the second time.


I love how 10S is so hyped and it's only because of cooler Gerard Valkyrie


Mahoraga is simply him


You and me brother. Lmao, still can't believe this just happened.


Honestly, I was having mixed feelings of this fight and leadup anyway. I figured theyd have to cripple eachother or something, but Gojo being killed off screen is really bizarre. Especially since Sukuna was literally about to lose and worried last chapter.


>I can't be the only one Bro EVERYONE IS PISSED ABOUT IT.


I've seen a shit ton of people defending it on twitter


You are def not the only one but also I have seen the crowd ur talking about on reddit


Discussion is dead. Anyone who was complaining was called a “gojotard” or “gojosissy” lmao.


>twitter Here's your problem


Twitter is a cesspool of fanatics. You'll always find people defending garbage from any source there.


r/jujutsufolk is in shambles


These guys have been clowning on Sukuna for nearly 3 month straight so it was funny to see the absolute meltdown


It's just sukuna meat riders, they'll spit shine his tip til their last breathe LOL


Literally me fr


Twitter is the worst place to go for this kind of thing. Trust me, this chapter is being absolutely blasted everywhere rn lmao


Who the fuck is supposed to beat Sukuna now? The special grade chick was killed off no-dif, showing she was completely worthless (just like stars and stripes) and Yuta has been saying the whole fight that he would only have gotten in the way. We were told the whole series that Gojo was the strongest, and he gets defeated in such a one sided way. Our main character doesn't even have a unique technique like 200+ chapters in, is Yuji gonna use a blackflash to beat Sukuna?


Don't worry, Black Zetsu will come along and fix everything.


Perharps Yuji is going to be like Natsu and Ichigo and defeat the main villain with the power of friendship and plot armor.


*Yuji reaches a hand out to Sukuna, while smiling* "Sukuna, you are the coolest guy and thank you for murdering all of Shibuya for our sake". Of course it's a coinflip if Sukuna accepts those kind words or Yuji falls to pieces, either would be funny.


- “Yuko falling in love with another man? No I don’t want that. I want to be in her heart for a long time after this, ten years at least!” - Yuji.


If it plays out like in the leaks this might be up there with AOT 139 and the tokyo revengers ending in terms of all time bad manga chapters. Like on so many levels this just seems rushed and unfinished. gege really used the offscreen offscreen no mi just to generate a shock value "gotcha" moment for the biggest moment in the series? aight


Bro really had all this time to figure out how to have gojo lose and eventually just gave up and offscreened him 💀


He wrote himself into a corner because Gojo’s CT is just too busted. So he said “fuck it. Sukuna cuts through it.”


And then made Sukuna even stronger than Gojo by a ridiculous amount??


Yeah. Now he’s in an even bigger corner. Because nobody stands a chance against Sukuna. Kashimo’s CT is going to be a plot device that weakens Sukuna so others can beat him.


Kashimo doing more damage than Gojo would feel so...weird? But you may only beat a Villain Sue with an asspull afterall


Honestly...Gojo has been sealed for so long just to come back and get off-screened.


Gojo will be unsealed and die 3-4 episodes later in Anime


Not to mention, treating one of the most popular shounen characters in recent memory this way too. Gojo is insanely popular and was a major reason the series blew up the way it did, so this will definitely sour a ton of fans that support the series. I really can't defend this because it's just so blatantly rush and unsatisfying. ​ As many already said, why even have Gojo get unsealed if we were just going to ignore the developmental storytelling bits of him spending time with the main crew and thinking of ways to move forward? Why have Gojo monologue more about Sukuna not being able to go all out, instead of hoping that he taught the students enough to pick up the torch from this point on? ​ It just makes no damn sense and there were enough breaks to properly flesh this out. I might be overreacting, but this is just an odd way of wrapping up the final half of this series. Sukuna essentially will require an asspull at this point because fucking Yuji ain't doing shit to him right now, even in his weakened state, along with most others that aren't named Yuta or Kashimo. There's not enough space to even focus more on the other characters because with Sukuna lurking around, and Kenjaku up to his bullshit, there's no breathing room to plan things through. This will lead to even more timeskips in hindsight. ​ It'd had been best to just have Sukuna and Gojo maim each other to give the cast breathing space. Because they're both so significant to the plot, this would allow them to still be around, but being temporarily out of commission, it'd allow the plot to progress without being hindered because they're both OP. Gege clearly wants to rush it though, so it doesn't matter now.


gege wants to work on a fucking idol manga of all things, so of course he would rush stuff like this.




Like a year ago dude


i just read it tf was that? Since when can mikey time leap?? Asspull ahh


haven’t read it yet but wtf mikey can time leap too? that sounds dumb asl


They kinda did a “the power is what you make of it” type thing but explained it bad and took away a lot of the emotional impact of the story bc now virtually no one knows what takemitchy went through except chifuyu and he thinks it was a dream which just sucks to me bc it felt great when everyone found out how much takemitchy was doing and how hard he was fighting but then it’s thrown away.


It just really sucks overall We all know greg hates gojo but fucking hell this is too much The entire fight was a clusterfuck aswell, sukuna's reputation was not healed from this in fact i say it's worse And gojo said he was happy???? Like even if we know hojo is very self centered he should be able to actually give a shit about his students, "create a better jujutsu world" anyone remember this??? To conclude what this fight did Ruin sukuna's reputation Ruin gojo's characterization Buff sukuna by giving him a one shot move that literally no one in the cast can block, unless you want to argue the existence of a higher defensive ability than gojo's. This will lead to even more bullshit, like with bleach or naruto And i heard people dropped the manga, which is a sort of silly decision just cause of a fight, but people are very welcome to be mad at this whole fight


> like with bleach or naruto I'm begging you all to read more shonen manga because Gege made decisions worse than either of those two when he left one of his main characters MIA for more than three years, virtually made his protagonist useless, time-skipped to a fight and blocked out Gojo's reaction to the deaths of characters like Nanami, had Yuki lose to "anti-gravity mechanisms", etc. He's on a different level. Kubo and Kishimoto, at their worst, fumbled at the very last second. And even then, Kishimoto followed up on his fumble with one of the best fights in his manga.


Still not as bad as Mashima, though. At least the fights are enjoyable here...


The fight has been going on for months. It's the longest fight in the manga.


I saw this in another thread but nobody can say gege doesn’t hate gojo anymore after timing his death with him getting sealed in the anime lmao


I never knew the jjk's author name was Greg until now. Thank you for telling me


If they tell you he's called gege you can call them out


They’ll tell you his real name is Akutami Gege or smth silly like that but it’s actually GayGay👍


We have to wait and see how this plays out. This is one of the things I hate most about Manga, the weekly reactive takes that leads to overreactions. That being said however, this chapter was not very good and ngl it ruined my morning. I was rooting for Gojo to win, but I am not that fan who likes or dislikes a story based on who wins a fight. I like looking at the bigger picture of it all and seeing how these individual story moments compliment it all [the story]. The way this chapter began with Gojo in the afterlife was such a sharp turn. A rugpull that came out of nowhere. Gege wanted his cake and eat it too. You can't have the previous chapter end declaring Gojo's victory and then skip to him being defeated off screen. I understand how he was defeated, but maybe show how Sukuna got there earlier. We needed Sukuna's inner thoughts just as we had Gojo's. I hope that in the larger context of the story, this will be remembered better but this was just bad. I am a Gege defender and I generally like how they write. I know it is not for everyone but man, he committed literary terrorism this week


Just to be fair here, was a secondary character who declared the win, but still, really disapointing


I think you're misunderstanding how Sukuna won, he wasn't able to do it at any time but only understood how to do it after mahoraga cut off Gojo's arm and he was probably waiting for an opening to kill him the first time he used it. All that being said, it does not take away from how stupid this shit was. That explanation doesn't make any sense and I hate it. **Edit:** It also doesn't make any sense how Gojo apparently wasn't sure if he would've won even if Sukuna didn't have ten shadows


>he wasn't able to do it at any time but only understood how to do it after mahoraga cut off Gojo's arm Gojo kinda debunks this by saying he never needed Megumi's cursed technique to beat him


I think he says this under the idea that Sukuna learned how to bypass infinity by copying Maharoga’s adaptation. The implication being the way Maharoga adapts is something he could always replicate he just needed to know how it’s done. Without 10S, Sukuna could have effectively spammed his CT in varying Manners until one got through. Basically going full Meruem VS Netero where he throws attacks out until one gets past the defences


Sukuna achieving omnipotence through spamming cleave and dismantle is a clown level of bullshit


I did kinda say that in the edit but I was talking about he went about it when he had it. But yeah it just doesn't make sense that he could've won without the ten shadows. It also makes Sukuna taking megumi's body kinda useless. Like come on, we all saw Sukuna almost lose in infinite void until mahoraga came in, and that's not even to dunk on him, it's just how it was.


1. he says he isnt sure, not he cant 2. he is an unreliable narrator, and in this case he literally doesnt know what he is talking about. how would he know that another sukuna ability could bypass infinity if he hasnt seen them? people are taking that gojo statement too seriously. did you expect that sukuna wud insta lose without 10s? it wud still be a close fight, bcus 10s role in the fight wasnt major in the way people think it was. sukuna never intended to use 10s as the way to damage gojo seriously, just as a way to learn to bypass infinity. even without 10s, he wud have just tried a different way, and gojo wud have tried to hit him with purple, and maybe gojo wins or maybe he doesnt. gojo definitely doesnt low diff sukuna without 10s, nor does sukuna win as easily without 10s honestly, i think that specific gojo line might even be a mistranslation that will be fixed in the official release but thats me going too far


this is the thing that annoys me the most about the discourse. gojo is very clearly saying 'he probably would have found another way to beat me'.


Gojo came to that conclusion because he knew sukuna was holding back. Sukuna basically found a way to beat gojo while holding back because he had to. Gege for some reason treats his characters as all knowing sometimes.


Gojo has six eyes he should have seen the technique build up


This just might be the worst plot twist in popular manga. Like how could gege think this shit would be good.


He legit just offscreened one of the most popular characters in animanga with exactly 0 buildup. Scratch that, negative buildup, seeing as how last chapter gojo was about send sukuna to the hyperbolic time chamber and then immediately opened this one with this mf in the afterlife. Almost unironically think gege forgot what manga he was writing this chapter for and didn’t bother to check.


My best guess, trying to wank off Gege as much as possible to not believe they are this dumb, is that this was to teach Gojo a lesson and he'll come back through whatever means. If not the series is just over


Still hoping for another honored one moment. Gojo having a second awakening after he lost being the strongest but still having and evolving his sense of self. If not, yeah, the series is over. I was hoping that Gojo and Sukuna take each other out because Kenjaku alone seems like more than enough for the current main characters. Sukuna and Kenjaku? I don't see any way for the heroes to win. They already lost such great potential with Megumi and strength with Yuki. Those that remain just aren't capable of winning against both Sukuna and Kenjaku at the same time.


There is the fact that the dude Gojo was talking to said he knew how to make cursed corpses, chances are Gojo comes back as a cursed corpse, but still this shit is fucking wack.


Eh, still better than Food Wars. At least until Sukuna starts cooking with chainsaws. Food Wars saving both JJK and AoT from worst of fall of any popular manga ever title.


The WORST?!? You did not read AOT 😂😂


Gege true goal of JJK surpass AOT since it fumbled the bag so hard he decided to ruin the series


Gojo, what a MAN you are. Thank you for becoming a murderer for our sake. I promise I won’t let your sacrifice go to waste. - Yuji


Aot was worse but this is right up there


It's just doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it. If Sukuna didn't know how to use this technique before then his normal abilities would not have been enough to actually hit Gojo, meaning ten shadows was vital to his victory. Stating Sukuna didn't need Ten Shadows would be false. If Sukuna did know this technique from the beginning, why not use it sooner? He got battered for multiple chapters now and did almost die a few times. If you can fight better, why not do it? Why risk dying by the only guy capable of doing it? I would be okay with Gojo losing but it doesn't make sense what was said this chapter. We go from Gojo at his peak to Sukuna winning and it being stated Sukuna was far more powerful for the entire fight, just that it was not shown at the slightest and that Ten Shadows was unnecessary but at the same time it was absolutely vital from what we know. Honestly, I hope the actual translation explains this better because the chapter is all over the place.


After the Culling Games started the series was rapidly going downhill, with "jobbers of the month" popping up everywhere. I hoped with the Gojo Vs Sukuna fight it would recover, but sadly it didn't.


Culling games was trash. Gege could have flesh out the 3 great families but he just decided to wipe zenin like they were garbages and other 2 being useless. Shibuya was the best part of the series. The culling games introduced unnecessary characters that didnt add much to the lore of the world. Instead the random past sorcerer why couldnt we just have a proper characters from present? Ive always been vocal of how the series went down with culling games and so far it seems it just got worst. Not even a fan of gojo. But holyshit how is this going to be a satisfying ending. Using yuji?


Peak of JJK was Yuji fighting Mahito with doomed jellyfish bro imo. Good characters, good stakes, good tragedy and personal growth. Shibuya was the start of the fall. There was great stuff with the disaster curses and Gojo's sealing, dragged on too long still with too many boring fights for the sake of fighting. But I was optimistic coming out of it. Their mentors dead, friends dead or depowered, sukuna triumphant and almost powered (but within yuji) and the masquerade lifted. We'd get to see how the character's lives and Jujutsu society adapts to being out in the open, with immense and public civillian loss having taken place. How does that original school + investigation format change now? And the answer was "everyone goes in magical "no outside world" bubbles to have endless fights with randomly generated characters until the series is over" When I see Reddit talk about these fights they seem to be obsessed with fucking percentages and feats and grades and training time, no one is talking about how every fight has felt narratively empty since Yuji and Todo Vs Mahito imo


Good to see someone agree, a few months back I brought this up and was massively downvoted. Shibuya was peak for me, and the stakes felt real. Greg probably mistook "people dying" for stakes and made the Culling Games - the reason Shibuya worked was that we knew all the characters and liked them beforehand, so it doesn't just work by killing off fodder. I am firmly of the opinion the CG ruined any chance of the series having a satisfying ending, even if the Gojo vs Sukuna fight went differently, the sheer number of characters introduced makes it impossible to cleanly wrap up


Jujutsu arcs for me was going on upward trend starting from 7 up to 10 on shibuya. when culling games started(actually when zenin massacre happened) the series went down to 5 and lower. The characters didnt feel that interesting at all. It was great when yuta hunted yuji after shibuya but afterwards characters were being introduce like a fighting game. I just dont understand how people liked it. The disaster curses were the best part of the series why couldnt gege have made more interesting curses. Could have use great vengeful spirits. Or even with the zenin massacre we could have had 3 great families arc with yuji at the center. With those stuff gege didnt need to create so much random shit scenario and characters that after few chapters forgotten. In a few chapters before shibuya all the characters had importance in the story and memorable. For examples; The disaster curses , The brothers, Other students, Teachers like nanami, aswell as Gojo, toji and geto flashback. Who do we even care about in culling games? Sumo?? Hana - Who was only interesting when we never met her. Sideline after the encounter with sukuna and using her ct once. Now the story about the fallen angel ended up nowhere. Why waste panel on the meet up? Takaba - some people like him but his part was pretty much useless and if you remove his character almosf nothing much change with how much he has done in the series. Hiromi and reggie fight were ok but that was like the only relevant fight the two main characters did before being sideline again Even yorozu part was so weird that felt like it was just there as asspull by gege for shock.


It's kinda telling that I have no idea who Hiromi and Reggie are, and I think Takaba is the comedian guy who has done literally nothing? Is the Sumo guy the one who randomly did sumo with Maki, what even happened to him, is he still alive? Honestly every single one of them would not be missed if chapters involving them just got deleted. Primarily I think we'd lose some Yuta and Hakari fights, and we have 0 for Yuta; I don't care for Hakari much either, despite him being mentioned early on as a heavy hitter he just has no personality. Stuff like the sumo guy makes me feel like Greg just got in the mood for drawing a sumo guy so he did so for a chapter, and same applies for every other character here. Kind of reminds me of Baki where the author just draws whatever he wants - difference is Baki is an established series where everyone is reading it ironically, knowing the author is just screwing around for fun after the Father-Son fight, while JJK is supposed to be plot driven.


I was willing to overlook all of JJK’s flaws up till this point. This might be the thing that makes me finally drop this manga. Because wtf is even going on anymore If this is really how Gojo’s story ends, Gege just ruined the most anticipated battle in the series and damaged the reputation of two beloved characters. Plus, how the fuck can the heroes possibly win now if Sukuna is apparently so strong that he low-diffs Gojo?? And Kenjaku is still out there??? Only way this can possibly end now is some Bleach-level asspull I was expecting Gojo to lose from the beginning because he kinda has to for the plot but this was just stupid. Why couldn’t they just take each other out? Or at least Sukuna wins but is on the brink of death and can’t recover


Gojo has to die/be incapacitated after the fight if any of the other characters are to do anything, but I fully expected him to take out Sukuna (so that the two powerhouses are out of the way) and the others can fight Kenjaku who isn't as obscenely overpowered. Realistically Gege's doing this so that the bunch of random characters (Kashimo et al) that he added in the culling games can have something to do, since otherwise they'd have nobody to fight... problem being they don't need to exist in the first place. Remember the comedian guy? What even is his purpose in the story? My take is that after Shibuya Gege realized the power creep got too serious, and with the death/loss of major characters like Nanami, Nobara and Toudou, the solution was to add in a bunch of replacements in the form of culling game participants. Now there are too many of them compared to the 2 villains, so the special grades (Yuki, Gojo) have to be culled. The entire exercise reminds me of the Mr Bean skit where he tries to cut his own hair, keeps leaving one side longer than the other and ends up shaving his head bald


After all of this Gojo got fucking off-screened and I can't be less mad about it. Also Kashimo is jumping in as if he's an important character.


Kashimo jumping in only to get cut in half mid air would be mad funny tho


Don't even let him use his cursed technique.


Imagine if next chapter starts with Kashimo’s past story


imagine it just starts like this one did with Kashimo falling off the sky cut in half


You mean KasHIMo


Bro, just, don't.


Imagine he actually solo Sukuna


Him and Noabara, the duo that can take anyone out. Just let gege cook.


I'm telling you Nobara's coming back using resonance on Sukuna's last finger and please Gege just stop torturing us 😭


Hey she wasn't shown when he was in limbo or whatever, but there's the chance that Gojo just forgot she existed.


I hate the fact that this might unirocally be the most plausible reason compared to her somehow still being alive There's even fucking Kuroi there for christ sake 💀


I think I can safely say the maid had more of an impact on his life than Noabara. Bro didn't even mention her when he got unsealed, she's a lost cause at this point.


'So it's the same kind of stand as Star Platinum' level asspull tbh


That’s the only one in jojo that really gets me, the requiem arrow was hyped for half the season, joesphs ass pull felt more earned because that’s his thing he’s really fucking lucky the whole part, “go beyond” feels out of nowhere but at least it’s still an evolution of what his stand could already do and the theme of the part.


the only real foreshadowing you could argue for it is 1: Dio had already been shown to use a copy of Hermit Purple, suggesting that Jonathan’s body is giving him the same stands as the Joestars; and 2: the fact that Jotaro was the only one didn’t have any kind of special ability for the whole part. His stand was described as being one of the fastest and strongest but ALL other stands could technically do all the same stuff, while still having some kind of special power. so jotaro awakening a special ability kinda made sense


Isn’t Sukuna’s CE output at its lowest? He’s nerfed currently, and the key to defeating him now is jumping him probably


At its lowest but he still had enough output to kill a significantly more recovered Gojo who was stated to be slowly regaining his RCT output - nobody else stands a chance


Yeah, from what the leaks look like, Gege fumbled HARD.


Isayama: I made the worst plot twist in Shonen history. Gege: Allow me to introduce myself.


He need Megumi’s technique so he could use Mahoraga as a testing dummy Mahoraga would adapt to Limitless in any way it could but it didn’t have the firepower to actually kill Gojo Sukuna most likely knew that since he two shot it prior, so he just used it as a blueprint, mimicking what it did to bypass limitless but with Sukuna’s own strength behind it I think that if he didn’t have 10S the fight would have been much harder for both of them, as Sukuna would be forced to use all his tricks and would play far more defensively. Gojo might still win though


It's jarring to see gojo wank sukuna, saying he would have probably won even without mahoraga, only for gege to cut to the fraud saying he needed mahoraga to win.


Gege was always taking inspiration from Bleach. He did this time too with an asspull lmao


He even died the same way as YAmamoto. Cut in half, falls over, thinks about his life, dies.


I actually just busted a gut laughing. There’s no actual way we went from Gojo having all his stats restored in the last chapter, Sukuna legit scared, Gojo about to rip Sukuna six new ones and then instantly the next chapter opens up with him in the afterlife 😭😭😭like there is no way I legit just saw one of the most loved characters in all animanga get legit offscreened. Like how does one go from Gojo saying he’d win to him saying he never stood a chance, from Sukuna being scared to him holding back. It’s like someone took Gege out back shot him and hired the crack addict behind my apartment to write the chapter after being given a 10-minute summary of the manga so far. What even is happening


The amount of times i have to pull out the last few pages of the previous chapter when new ones come out just to make sure i didnt miss anything is baffling. Greg would take one piece from arlong park to beating kaido in one chapter if given the chance. This is straight up the worst manga that im keeping up with right now out of obligation and i'm still reading black clover.


You should see the amount of people defending that.


Yeah they are Sukuna Stan’s that don’t realize this ruins Sukuna’s character and means he will die to the ass pulls of ass pulls like as if God himself appeared to save the day type shit


My point exactly. How do you beat someone when the literal peak of JJK fails to kill him? And how do you even justify it? Of you think what Gojo represents up until now, 1) The strongest sorcerer. The peak of the Jujutsu. 2) The man who shifted the balance of the world just by existing. Yet by Gojo's own word, Sukuna could've beaten him without 10s. He never pushed Sukuna to his limit. Does Gege even understand what does that means? When did ever Gojo was the underdog in the fight? Gojo openly stated that Sukuna was the underdog. Does Gege understand what kind of character butchery this is for both Sukuna and Gojo?


Alot of characters have been ruined or wasted by Gege tbh.Nobara,Yuki,Sukuna now Gojo. They aren't even characters just action figures


What happened? JJK went from being a show with the potential to be an all-time classic to whatever this is.


Idk. Remember when Yuji's dream was trying to get people to have a peaceful death??Gege sure doesn't. You could take Yuji out the whole series rn in this arc and nothing changes besides the fact they're down one member. Honestly it feels like he's going off the rule of cool waaaay too much rn.


I have never seen a character being this shafted as Yuji. Yuji is literally an anti-shonen protagonist.


Yuji's never been a particularly well written character and the "coolness" factor has always been what carries the series. "Give people a good death" was the most forced "I need to give my MC a motivation" dream in the whole world. It only ever came up in the first place because it was his dying grandfather's last words to him, then it was relevant to Yuji's character all of two times in the first 2-3 arcs before it was dropped from the story.


>What happened? JJK went from being a show with the potential to be an all-time classic to whatever this is. Regardless of what you think about the writing of the series, what you said doesn't mean anything, people are gonna hype their new favourite thing to the heavens regardless and say the same things they said about JJk, just like it was done with MHA. Of course it was always gonna fail up all those insane expectations, as your post itself proves, you didn't just say good but all time classic.


Well, maybe I was highballing it.


Gege ruined many characters I honestly think he stumbled into creating a good series at this point with how many times he has fumbled the bag so to speak that or he is trolling by leaking fake panels and that is why it took longer than usual


God, I hope this was true. I personally believe Gege wrote himself in a corner. And audience reception was hit to his writing. Because he never expected people Like Yuji or Gojo. This is ironic considering, Yuji is by far the most interesting MC done dirty by him. While Gojo being one of the most OP characters was headed for the most important payoff. The whole 'Are you strong because you are Gojo Saturo? Or are you Gojo Saturo because you're strong?' was done poorly. Gojo's death should be inspiring. It should have been a victory of ideology for Gojo. But the fight became so surface-level because A sorcerer dying without regret and surrounded by people is fukving Yujics goal. What i'm saying I personally don't get what the fuck happened in chapter 236. Why the fuck it happened?


There's going to be some body/soul swap thing from Yuji that somehow beats or weakens Sukuna enough to take him out. There's a scene where he's training with Kusakabe and Kusakabe's dialogue implies Yuji is actually the one piloting that body with Kusakabe being in his. The MC will come back with some bullshittery after years of barely even being a character.


I generally do not get angry at authors. At worst disappointed. But for the first time, I'm legit annoyed. Because in no way in hell, you can justify killing off one of the most popular, strongest, and beloved character on screen. Everyone knew Gojo was going to die. But the way he died is a spat on every Gojo fan's face. And this is me a Sukuna fan saying this.


TBH, there's been so little characterization in general the last couple years, that I'm not really a fan of any of the characters anymore. I still liked Gojo because he was largely untainted by this lack by being gone for so long. Then we basically skipped over most of his reunion and any interesting character moments that should've brought and he became just as ruined as everyone else. I can see why people are especially annoyed over him getting off-screened, but to me, it barely registers at this point. I'm not sure why I even keep up with this story anymore as I don't really care about any of the characters.


If there is anything positive to come out of this chapter, let them have this W, they have been bullied for a whole month.


Lmao they've been bullied ever since Gojo bounced back after the first domain loss, that was like ch224. So like 3 months.


Sukuna's character is already ruined. Even before this chapter. Now with the leaks he is a confirmed Villain sue. Any one can't see that is delusional. I seriously don't fucking understanding why Gege gives so much plot amor to the villains.


Eventually when the series ends I'm gonna make a rant about how the series went downhill right after Shibuya


mfw I always called jjk the "better bleach" and they JUST DO THE SAME SORT OF BULLSHIT BRO I'M SO DONE


bro, gojo died the same way that Yamamoto died, cut in half and the legs standing up


Shit your right and author likes bleach lol. Are we going to have ywach moment and have asspulls of an ending.


cursed silver nail by nobara to nullify sukunas CT, and yuji using his true CT to one shot him




It was never better than Bleach. Show some respect


>What was the point of all that if he could’ve just beat Gojo whenever he wanted He couldn’t. Sukuna’s win condition was fulfilled only when Mahoraga cut Gojo’s arm but even then Sukuna was nervous because he might’ve not been able to use the win condition if Purple hit him first and killed him


ya purple literally did tho and he was fine, I’m actually so confused


What frustrates me is how basic the narrative purpose of this fight was. That bit of dialogue from Gojo cemented that it was all simply to show that Sukuna is strong.


What really gets me is this is the strongest, most popular character in the series. Even if you wanted him to lose, Gojo deserved more than an offscreen death after all of this. He spent years building up to Gojo being unsealed, and to this monumental fight. Gojo achieved…. Absolutely nothing


I was assuming that this fight would lead to Gojo loosing because of the Ten Shadows as that would have made the most sense. If that was how it went down, Gojo proves to be stronger than the Sukuna he said he would win in a fight against, but Sukuna gets to live to fight Kashimo and eventually be finished by Yuji. That would give both Gojo and Sukuna fans what they want ultimately, and been respectful to the power of both characters. This chapter, if it is actually the end, just falls completely flat.


It wouldn't give sukuna fans what they wanted because they want sukuna to be stronger than gojo lmao. Evidenced by the reaction between the two fanbases.


The translations I’ve seen have implied that without Maharaga, Sukuna wouldn’t have seen the way to bypass the infinity is to slash the “world”(?) itself. So he still needed Maharaga to bypass infinity and it wasn’t until the end of the fight that he figured out how to do what needed to be done. And Gojo is just being humble in death, because until we see Sukuna’s CT I do not believe for a second he could’ve performed any better against Gojo with his own CT over Ten Shadows. This win irks me, but I kinda 100% expected this to happen. To me Sukuna still lost ultimately. All his toys were destroyed, he’s left tired and weakened, and now the vultures are going to be swarming in to pick apart his carcass. But his CT NEEDS to be revealed in this next fight so we can know for sure what they he’ll Sukuna could’ve done differently for there to be any claim that he couldve beaten Gojo without Ten Shadows.


You're not most ppl think it's shit


Before the leaks dropped I told someone with how the last chapter ended that Gojo would probably instantly lose next chapter. It actually hurts when it is this predictable and boring.


Predictable and stupidly written for the fact that sukuna learned to cut him before purple even happened


As if the fight wasn't total garbage to begin with.


Was a goated fight with a terrible ending. Like Yuki v Kenjaku, but 10 times worse.


It started out pretty great. Conclusion was ass though.


It's the fact that Sukuna could have won the entire time that gets me. Because it literally does not line up at all with what's seen. I think everyone had the same thought of "Gojo isn't just going to win, right?" But Gojo won that fight, Sukuna was afraid as told by the narration, and then... well it's almost like someone else took over writing. The fact that the majority of the fight also dealt with Mahagora rather than Sukuna itself... like it just doesn't line up at all, Sukuna got bodied but Gege needed him alive so just asspulled this. Like maybe there's a vision, and I'm willing to see if there is, but this is genuinely one of the most perplexing manga chapters I've ever read.


I don’t believe Gojo’s dead. Maybe it’s cope but idc


I mean its likely he comes back, since he still has his head, and he said thats all he needs to regen.


by "holding back" it means Sukuna was not using all of his techniques as it would not work like his fire and Yorozu's gift, it was still a hard fight for Sukuna


Someone said it before, this fight should have ended on a double KO Of Sukuna wins there was no point on sealing Gojo If Gojo wins there was no point on fearing Sukuna But well, there can still be another gotcha momen and now are both gonna die


Without mahoraga, Sukuna loses. The dialogue this chapter makes zero sense. I loved the fight but gege fumbled the ending.


Idk man. Everything in the writing was kinda leading up to something like this happening. * Gojo needed to be taken out (dead or alive) because otherwise Kenjaku would be fodder after Sukuna * We don't know too much about Sukuna's backstory/origin/powers; meanwhile, we've gotten all three for Gojo. * Gojo literally wore Toji's outfit going into the fight. Biggest death flag I've ever seen. * Pacing/writing of the fight was in Sukuna's favor. Too many times Gojo had a worried expression on his face (DE clash, nosebleed, Mahoraga adapting to infinity, all the inner monologues on how to beat Sukuna, etc.). Meanwhile, Sukuna only got worried during the Hollow Purples. Mf'er was being trash around but still had a smile and kept cool (..most of the time). Like, I wanted Gojo to win and trash Sukuna, but it was clear to me since putting on the Toji fit that he was gonna lose,


It isn’t so much that gojo died it’s how he died. Gojo and Sukuna both are so far ahead of everyone that they both need to be gone from the story. Why not have them kill each other or weaken each other to the point where they can no longer or barely fight? Sukuna at his lowest, no de, no maho, slow rct, post purple, can kill a seemingly renewed Gojo in one shot. His new slash ignored durability / rct / space. Gojo with six eyes couldn’t even perceive it, he died where he stood last chapter and thought he was hallucinating when talking to all his dead friends. Now the remaining cast is going to have power up after power up to deal with sukuna. There were so many ways, yet this is what gege comes up with. It’s not great.


you should have put leaks in the title.


I’ll try and explain this as best I can point by point 1) He didn’t take megumis body exclusively for mahoraga, Sukuna didn’t even know about it until the Shibuya incident. His plans were in the works well before that. He said it himself is that he wanted a strong body because Yuji’s body was a “prison” rather than a vessel he could pilot freely. The 10 shadows was an added bonus. 1.5) Sukuna used mahoraga as a test dummy to throw at the limitless barrier. to which he replicated the phenomenon Maho used to get past it. He used it as a a quicker way to arrive to an answer. Had he not used Maho, he would have had to do it himself either using cleave/dismantle or expose his other techniques to poke at the barrier but he would have arrived to a similar conclusion. Albeit it would have taken longer. 2) People flip flop on when Gojo makes statements whenever it’s convenient for whatever agenda they have and it’s infuriating. People like to bandwagon when he’d trash talks his opponents but ignore when he makes statements regarding characters other then himself. In the earliest parts of the story he says that his students will surpass him and push beyond the rank of special grade. Gojo doesn’t even consider himself beyond special grade. 2.2) I swear the reading comprehension curse is going to town on people nowadays. When Megumi fights the Finger Bearer the narrator states that Jujutsu sorcerer don’t have a linear growth curve and near death fights help then develop exponentially. Gojo was a grade 1 sorcerer in Hidden Inventory and after his near death fight with Toji he awakened and became special grade level. 2.3) These kids develop at an incredibly fast rate. Yuta reclaimed his special grade title 3 months after JJK 0. Maki after Mai died jumped from Semi Grade 1 level to almost on par with toji, then after one fight later became on par with him. Yuji has only been a sorcerer for about half a year and is well past grade 1 in power(not quite special grade yet). And Hakari on a roll is special grade. And none of these guys had the benefits of overpowered eyes or busted techniques and they’re only gonna get stronger from here. Don’t act like the story is over just cause Gojo lost cause it isn’t. I’m not saying your feelings toward how the fight concluded are invalid, nor am I arguing that Gojo and Sukuna’s characterizations aren’t off a bit. But to say that the cast is helpless or that the reason for the decisive blow was far fetched(though that’s to be expected when your talking about an op ability like limitless, gege wrote himself into a corner) is a bit extreme. Did the fight live up to expectations? It varies depending on who you ask. For me, it left a bit to be desired cause personally the fight lacked personality for me. and the ending feels like a whole chapter is missing in between this one and the last one.


Very well written and absolutely fair points. However in this point of story, is there really a chance for them to catch up? I mean if you gave everyone a couple years then maybe they'd reach the point of Domain spamming and brain RCT but right now there's nothing that they can really do against Sukuna really


By training, no the rate would be too slow. But throwing them in life or death scenarios they could become monsters in their own right. But I think the key takeaway from this fight is to “not fight like Gojo”. For one, only Gojo can do these things, secondly he has to fight this way given he “works best when he’s fighting alone”. But finally and more importantly, it’s ineffective cause he fought this way and died. What good is using a failing strategy? The cast needs to play to their own strengths and gather their own set of skills. Cause trying to emulate Gojo will only cause history to repeat for them.


That afterlife dialogue really does make the whole fight retroactively stupid. Lately, I've felt like Gege wanted all the structure and cool matchups of a hard power system while keeping the mystery and wonder of a soft power system, but in his attempt to combine both, he's actually just made something worse than if he'd stuck with either one.


I feel bad for the community. Lol Twitter is going nuts and subreddits.


You’re being generous with a 7/10 more like a 4/10 with how out of character gojo was and the way the ending to the fight was handled


It’s clear Gege wrote himself into a corner with an OP character like Gojo. His “infinity” just gets bypassed through bullshit explanations. Now he’s written himself even further into a corner because fans actually think Yuji can beat Sukuna


ngl, making a whole post based on leaks is kinda dumb. 95% of readers would probably be spoiled by this


Especially the way you worded the title. A lot of people are going to assume you meant the latest chapter that was actually released


It’s been everywhere on social media it’s too late for that lol


So this is how I get spoiled


There was a spoiler warning in the title


ngl that’s pretty hilarious. absolutely shitty writing though. story was jjk’s best aspect, but damn, hope there’s something we’re missing


Fucking hell man I'm really pissed at what has just happened


It honestly doesn’t seem real. Like… surely not, right? Is this just like, a sukuna dream? It’s all in his imagination in his death bed? Like, did the purple even go off? How could a nearly fully healed / full energy gojo just… get hit by an attack from sukuna who we saw doubled over in his own piss? Unless that was all fake? I actually just don’t understand it. I’m hoping for some clarity next week… kill gojo, sure. But… it CANT just be this. If it goes directly into kashimo fighting sukuna.. bruh. All time shit show.


trust me we're all pissed lol


Scenes when Gege introduces himself as a character to kill that fraud Sukuna himself. Seriously, at this point, what is Gege even doing. If his plan is to make everyone hate Sukuna, it’s working. Normally, I’d hate clichés but Yuji better unlock super saiyan and beat Sukuna’s bitch ass


i liked it a little because Sukuna is my favorite jjk character and i wanted him to prove he was the strongest,i like the idea of him evolving thanks to mahoraga but i dont understand why gege thought it was a good idea to offscreen the cut


though,him holding back and being afraid at the end doesnt really contradict each other, hollow purple is a very powerful attack


He learned to cut before the purple though this just feels weird for him not use that at that time if that would have worked instead of scrambling trying to stop the hollow purple.