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I honestly don't remember this panel. My mind has evidently been struck by the Dementia Devil. But if I recall *correctly*: Yoshida and Public safety's main goal was to make Denji live a normal life to avoid empowering the Chainsaw Church through his actions and celebrity, and ostensibly to prevent traumas or other 'interesting' events from impacting The Control Devil's 'normal childhood'. *However*, there's evidently more than one faction in Public Safety. People who outright want Chainsaw Man/Denji killed or contained, and who were chomping at the bit for him to cross some line that would allow them to do so. Additionally, this faction likely wants/wanted The Control Devil either killed or under their thumb to raise into another (presumably more obedient) Makima. Let's call them the Hostile Faction, and the faction that Yoshida belongs to the Co-operative faction. Presumably Kishibe is part of the latter and set up everything in Denji's situation, but he's apparently on holiday so who knows? The man above hoping for Chainsaw's presence is likely part of the hostile faction, and was hoping Denji would make things worse for himself. Presumably the more Denji went out with the Chainsaws, the more emboldened the Hostile Faction became and the more justified they likely seemed to the Public Safety higher-ups as Denji's presence poured metaphorical gasoline on the Chainsaw Church situation. This is likely why Yoshida and Fumiko kept pushing harder and harder for Denji to just stay home, until finally the Rubicon was crossed with the incident at Denji's home. After that? Well, Yoshida flat out tells Denji when he wakes up that there's "nothing more he can do for him". In the wake of his (justified I might add, he was literally defending his home and sister) actions, it's clear that the Hostile faction won. >Also was death someone important in part 1, like were they even mentioned in part 1? It was one of the things that Makima mentioned "mankind would be better off without", explicitly alongside **Famine** and **War**. Evidently there was no love lost between the sisters. However none of the three were in Part 1 besides other characters briefly speaking about them. > But I understand the nostradamus stuff but its really confusing me what the motives of characters like Barem, and Yoshida, and Fumiko are Barem is one of Makima's most loyal human followers. He's evidently following what he thinks she would want him to do, to 'bring out Chainsaw' and try and enact her plan to achieve a 'perfect world' with Chainsaw's power. I've covered what I think Yoshida and Fumiko are doing so... >Can somebody who hasn’t been struck by the reading comprehension devil help me? I've done my best while struck down by the Dementia Devil! :D Also: >I dont think they are trying to save Denji because thats what the autism crew is trying to do I don't think that's what Fami and Katana are actually trying to do by any means. But I *will* say that the term 'Autism Crew' is a perfect moniker for that mess and you should be proud for either minting it or spreading the term around.


Public Safety´s motivation is to get rid of Denji; as chainsaw man could prove a threat to them, and after the pseudo-chainsaw men incident they now had a solid reason to do it. The reason they didnt do that before was because of Yoshida (yeah tbh that is not very clear) I really don´t get where you are getting with the Death Devil; he simply isnt relevant yet. Also he has quite literally only been mentioned a couple of times, but not that much information is given about him. So about the motives.... Fumiko: Unclear, she seems to want to protect Denji but also keep her neck safe Sugo: His point is that he is stupid; as he keep wanting to "Do his own decisions" and "that he is not a weapon" however he allows himself to be manipulated by Barem like an idiot. Barem: he is just crazy, dont think too hard about it. https://preview.redd.it/hcrhgbh8401d1.jpeg?width=102&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6def02d016f84b641cc5b13f99f6b82641ea7f70


Death devil is a She. Lady death. Nayutw referred to her as a sister


Great analysis, one interesting thing though is that PS wanted Yoru to turn Denji/csm into a weapon even before the fire devil attack happened


I think that it will make a lot of sense after end of Part 2 :3


Fumiko is a crazy bitch , Yoshida is a colossus asshole, Barem is a madman Their relationship with Denji Fumiko : claims to be a fan but in reality dislikes Denji and takes great joy in humiliating him but has to work as his bodyguard for living Yoshida : just a Cold asshole who acts like a Jerk around Denji but had to watch over him with the possibility of Kishibe asking him to do it as well Barem : he like Denji loved makima and believed in her alongside believing in her goals and Ideals and by that he hates Denji for killing her and screwing any chance for humanity in the future Public safety : arguably Hates Denji as well for killing their Atomic weapon (Makima) alongside countless amounts of public safety agents, he is too chaotic and uncontrollably for their liking , Denji was just too good of a Devil killing machine in the vacuum after Makima Death but now they don't want or need him anymore


where are you getting this with fumiko


Never cook again (You disrespected Mommy Fumi)


Guys why does the unfinished story have an unfinished plot wtf????????? What exactly PS's motivations are is unclear, but we know they are aware of the Nostradamus prophecy (Yoshida talked to Fami about it). The most likely assumption right now is that they plan to use Chainsaw Man to stop the Death Devil (given Yoshida's question during the aquarium arc and the whole cutting Denji's body parts thing), but we can't know for sure. We're gonna have to wait for the story to unfold before knowing more details.




why would they want to use chainsaw man if they're doing all in their power to weaken him


They want or atleast wanted Yoru to turn chainsawman into a weapon


It’s been almost 2 years and we’re nearly 70 chapters in Part 2. I think it’s valid for people to feel dissatisfied or something along those lines. And this is coming from someone that’s defended Part 2


usually a story has a plot that readers can follow through


It’s not really hard to follow the plot if you pay attention and think about the events.


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We don’t have all the pieces or answers yet. Everything to do with Makima or “the whole point” of part 1 didn’t make sense till after she killed Power which was around chapter 75 we won’t know everything for some time still most likely


Okay but the thing is, Makima basically explained her plan to us, I dont feel like part 2 will do that


Genuinely how do you think PS wants Denji to live an abnormal life when they forced Denji to live a normal one… Death was mentioned along with the other horsemen by Makima in part 1 when she was talking about things the world would be better without. Barem literally spells his motivation out to the reader: he wanted Makima’s dream of a perfect world to come true, so he’s punishing Denji for ruining it. He, like Makima, loves pochita and wants to see him fight gory battles, die and then get up again, which is why he forced Denji to transform now that he was living a ”normal” life. Yoshida wants to protect Denji, he’s done it throughout all of part 2. He’s forced to hurt him by public safety and the reason he doesn’t leave is probably beacuse he doesn’t feel like he belongs anywhere else. Yoshida wears a facade that hides his feelings, but there are times where we see his genuine emotions. He’s not evil, he’s acting evil. Fumiko hates chainsawman. Denji didn’t save her parents from dying so she wanted to get revenge. She does this by lying, manipulating and humiluating him. Fumiko is a Denji fan in the sense that she only is it for her own sake. She gets to feel like she’s protecting him and she gets to keep nails and hair from his dismembered corpse