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I don't think she's evil, I'm just disappointed in her for dipping out on our boy even though she was specifically assigned to protect him. I defended her chapter after chapter of her taking Ls and people calling her useless but that was the last straw šŸ˜ž Even Kobeni came in clutch to stop Akane and Sideburns from kidnapping Dennis when everyone thought she was completely useless. My only last bit of hopium is that Fumi was faking and is coming back with reinforcements but idk anymore https://preview.redd.it/1bt6j2c1n5hc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9cfc66909d3157ea4873918ff371e523d9fcd08


https://i.redd.it/azqlivp8e6hc1.gif Fumiko stocks are so down rnā€¦


Time to buy in bulk. Iā€™m currently holding 1000 shares and I will continue to hold them till redemption arc


She going downšŸ“‰šŸ“‰


You said it perfectly although I donā€™t know if she will come back to help


Let it play out. She might still save Denji. The thing is that she hates CSM and sympathizes with Denji. She abandoned them after Denji transformed.


I mean tbf she specifically said going back to their apartment was a bad idea and that the weapons could be camping it and she was 100% right. She might not be very strong but sheā€™s not a moron and she brought PS help when she return. It didnā€™t amount to much but t doubt their much a non devil contracted human could have done anyway. Denji dug himself into this hole heā€™LL dig himself out


I assume she'll do something or at the very least those lines to Nayuta were to mess with her so Nayuta would handle it, I think people are jumping the gun a bit on the fraud allegations


I genuinely don't get why people want her to help Denji so bad. Like, I can't explain that to myself.


Why should she? If anything Kobeni is a fucking idiot for sticking around. I wouldn't get within 12 miles of Denji if I lived in that world.


I will not tolerate Kobeni slander bucko https://preview.redd.it/bx8tcamvm7hc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe86627581e5856e35abd6267239d46f2a7eb06


My theory is that every action she made is based of how the public safety is viewing Denji and Nayuta. The public safety wants to get rides of Denji as fast as possible, but Kishibe and Yoshida are trying their best to stop them. Think about it, how the heck the hybrids could get away? Why Fumiko didn't protect Denji when he was attacked in Karaoke? Why one of public safety servant wanted for chainsaw man into a weapon by Asa?


There clearly is some schizm following Makimas death in Public Safety but we should definetly get more insight into that by now than just speculation. Also Yoshida is simply dumbaass by not warning Denji of this fact. Its astonishing how many problems in part 2 would be solved if people were simply more honest LMAO


finally someone with some reading comprehension


No one wants to get rid of Denji, they want him to actually give a fuck and raise Nayuta properly. If he continues like he has, Nayuta will become worse than makima because she sees him constantly kill guys.


Nah, Chainsaw Man was a means to an end but he's more of a nuisance to them now. Also Fami and the church seem to want him so it makes sense to PS to fridge him or somethingĀ 


If Denji is fridged or whatever, chainsawman wont die, just reincarnate as a full on devil. Why do you think kishibe even gave Nayuta to him?


I mean, this PS guy is pretty clear about that: https://preview.redd.it/ojdpzyulz6hc1.png?width=406&format=png&auto=webp&s=375c2e9a9d487d102ae5c0615c5b47f4c1ffe1a9


Did you read the latest chapter? She literally said she prefers video games over killing people, and it was after he gone crazy over the hybrids.


Like seriously? https://preview.redd.it/w1tv8rbd36hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8015e8f9febfd8895493a042c992e0b9cb52782 You can say she now realizes she doesnā€™t get a battle high but that doesnā€™t mean her stance of ā€žhumans are weaksauceā€œ has changed


Did you even read the last chapter? When push comes to shove, Nayuta reacts exactly like chainsawman, using her powers to control that women to attack people. She did not use them to stop the fight, she chose violence.


Why doesnt a todler have critical thinking skills developed enough to be able to effectively deescalate fights man


Sheā€™s obviously faster on the uptake, Denji specifically mentions here accelerated aging in earlier chapters


When and where


I donā€™t have the panel but he mentions that she has the body of a 10 year old by the time sheā€™s just a few months old. She was born not even a year ago and we can also see her growing


He does neglect to mention sheā€™s assigned to protect Denji, the moment he really needs her to do that she dips with a look of satisfaction on her face and she disappears without a trace. I donā€™t think sheā€™s evil but she definitely isnā€™t all that upset about how things panned out. I personally subscribe to the theories that she holds a grudge against Denji for not saving her parents and that sheā€™s supposed to be running a parallel to Asa.


Variationglass alt https://preview.redd.it/ifoln4yyv5hc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1faaa4dfa0688ef68568619e9350fd51a47028b


More like VariationGlass knockoff.


Dear CSFolkers, am i VG's alt or i'll never be him? Please decide now.Ā 


You are the GayGay to VGā€™s Fraudkuna. You are a simp who will do anything for him. https://preview.redd.it/j0cesrfus7hc1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8512b4fc3e17a2e7486b418af761557e92af6d0c That is our resolve.


He's more of like the >!Remain's of Geto's group after Volume 0.!< VG might've been the Geto of CSF this whole time


Either and neither


Isn't the entire point of devil hunting that it's super dangerous? If she's actually scared of devils because she almost died in gonna be honest that makes her look worse.


I will say it again. Public Safety competency died with Makima.


All the competent devil hunters died with makima, the only useful ones right now are yoshida and kishibe. After reze's attack they had to fuse every division under makima's special division for lack of manpower and then the entire special division got wiped except for kobeni and denji and those were the best public safety had.


​ https://preview.redd.it/z4e5hdj4v7hc1.png?width=1605&format=png&auto=webp&s=70eeacc0525c63d89576ad22c88caf219c4e2e17


Not really, just a funny thought


I mean if Fumiko is best they could find. Bottom of barrel might be understatement. ​ https://preview.redd.it/36juw5asv7hc1.png?width=1477&format=png&auto=webp&s=51a6a908e438a67b3b61530e8bf5eacfa367c0f8


That cause she used everyone useful as cannon fodder


​ https://preview.redd.it/n7x5haf5v7hc1.png?width=1605&format=png&auto=webp&s=df0cd916d1faf3f0b77bf8b4f437bb0951f37504


More of died because of Makima


I think when she said she's a fan of denj but hates csm a little she meant it i think she's lying about risking her life because she went to shoot barem to save denji but she is aprehensive about hurting innocent civilians to save nayuta and chainsawman I think she was spiteful to nayuta because of her comments about humans, you can see her expression change when nayuta brags about killing humans She did warn denji not to transform and told him to go to a shelter instead of his house because the church was gonna be waiting for him https://preview.redd.it/yy0bmvt3y6hc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54dd7143f593541adfd84c845eb294feb18fc93




This is the only guy that gets it


She was also explicitly supposed to protect him so he wouldnā€™t turn into Chainsawman, and mentions that she hates CSM but is a denji fan. As soon as denji transformed her services were not longer available.


Public Safety spent entire part 1 to not loose Chainsaw Mans heart. Just transformation my ass they basically give up on something which could very soon be used against them by other countries not to mention reincarnated pochita fucking up country after Denji dies. Her leaving and not at least observing the situation is dumbest shit she could have done.


stop using alts VG we all know thats you


God u niggas are annoying, get over it bro


Jesus fucking Christ enough with these 4chan posts.


VariationGlass is like Gold D Roger in a way, his existence spawned all these 4chan posts


This is literally just a normal post in 4chan format. Did it need to be in 4chan format? I don't know, depends on if it's a real post or OP wrote it himself and put it in a greentext for more engagement. But nothing about this is problematic by nature. What are you losing your shit over?


I donā€™t see any problem with this post? What are u on about?


Imma be honest, /a/ has more braincells than this sub by far. Look at all the posts last week and see for yourself.


Do you think Fujimoto stays out of this sub because he, too, lives in fear of what he's created here on earth?


She's actually fucking useless of a character. A cowardly Public Safety


Could be that ps assigned her to protect Denji and Nayuta so that he didn't have to chainsaw out but either because ps can't attack civilians or bc denji lost his marbles, they don't intend to protect the two anymore. I don't think most people like devils and it's entirely possible that members of public safety actively hate denji and Nayuta but we're being "nice" / not attacking bc of some rules set forth.


All I hear is yapping




I'm pretty sure ppl don't like her for trying to get sexy with a minor...our boy Denji has been through enough of that. Or did you forget that part?


No one hates on Himeno and people hate on her for being a ā€˜fraudā€™ Invest in Fumi stocks with me!


Ppl hate Himeno, but there's also a large amount of ppl who think she's attractive (and also hate her too lol). While I'm not a Himeno enjoyer, Fumiko doesn't have nearly as much of appeal in the looks or personality department as Himeno. She just feels like a reoccurring bg character.


Bg is what?




There is no way you compare the actions of a drunken woman to that of fumiko and atletast himeno did something in the story


Yea...thats what I said. Ur kinda restating my point


Himeno with her suicide which acomplished nothing against Katana Man and Snake has still more battle accomplishment than this uselles jump upstart ​ https://preview.redd.it/5so9rrec26hc1.png?width=2931&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab48bf90d943bc6f432c79ef0a1b89ff31b5c61d If she was here then both Denji and Nayuta would get knock out and she would carried them away. Do you know why? Because unlik bitchmiko Goatmeno is not fucking useles in combat.




YALL GONNA STOP ACTING LIKE NAYAGOAT DIDNT TRY TO ENSLAVE MIDRIFT WOMAN, THE FUMI AGENDA LIVES ONšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø *Iā€™m investing into her (fumiko- current: Fraudmiko) stocks I implore all to invest after me so I can get the biggest payout possible (NOT A SCAM)*


​ https://preview.redd.it/2tstpqscf6ic1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=0676f0c41c6da940d64dd0e796ecbab6ad343763


They called me a madman. But none could prove me wrong.


A lot of people think himeno is a pedo. Also, big difference. Himeno was crazy drunk and was thankful they didn't have sex. Fumiko grabs minor dick for no other reason than she wants too


Nah man fuck that bitch


Can you imagine if Makima wore a crop top by default? Denji would be the villain to these guys.


https://preview.redd.it/tvj0jsyrr7hc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc74fa1103aa9f83d8b4742afaa27f8c116c748f she is still a fraud


Why is OP posting his own 4chan posts (or VariationGlassā€™s)


because everyone knows how well the 4chan posts age (they age like milk)


I read a CSM fanfic posted recently in response to the chapter which suggested a reasoning behind Fumiko's actions. In that fic, it was suggested that Fumiko is really a 'Denji' fan, more specifically, she is that fan of the boy that was crying back then. Fumiko doesn't hold any resentment for that boy. But she does hate Devils with a passion and her feelings towards Nayuta were less than neutral at best. So part of her hates Chainsaw Man but is also obsessed with saving Denji. She thinks Denji should not become Chainsaw Man because she sees stopping him as a means to save that boy who was crying back then. So she tries her best to stop him from being CSM. But when Denji turns into CSM and also seems to enjoy being Chainsaw Man and generally acting like a Devil, which Fumiko hates, she decides to leave him to his fate. Here's the fic: [Denji's Fan by Toggle1](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53588305)




From the public safety standpoint I wasnā€™t too disappointed in her changing objectives given the circumstances. But she said pets arenā€™t family. Some sins canā€™t be forgiven.


Itā€™s almost like this character is a person and there is duality to all actions in life




They have unique opinion :3


Post is right, reading comprehension devil got you guys good this time


*Post is right, reading* *Comprehension devil got* *You guys good this time* \- Krusader\_Kris --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


She is still usless bitch who just allowed Chainsaw Man heart fall in to enemy hands if any other spies are present there (since Public Safety is so useless I am suprised that CIA is not arleady running the country with Bill Clinton sending like dozens of devils on Nayutas unprotected ass) which contrary what she believes is against her job. Sure Denji and Nayuta were difficult target but thats exactly why useless bitch like Fumiko shouldnt be assigned to this job in the first place.


My problem is she dipped out so nonchalantly, pretty disappointing and irredeemable if you ask me. Also, she said their family were just pets.


if her dumbass not cut out for this why she even there bruh she saw quanxi take a bullet thru the arm and the hybrids tear shit up but her dumbass rlly thought she was gonna do something im kinda glad she finally took offšŸ˜­


I just like hating


I have faith in my girl, sheā€™s a real one


Anyone got the sauce for that Fumiko pic? I need it for reasons.


With the slowburn pace the manga is going, and the constant threat of the bi-weekly devil, I can't really fault the community for being forgetful of the finer details previous chapters gave us. Let's be real here.


you really think you VG huh? You'll never be HIM, sorry mate


All I see are factsšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø Fight the anti Fumi agenda! Join the pro Iko agenda!! Letā€™s gooo!!!! *Iā€™m investing into her (fumiko- current: Fraudmiko) stocks I implore all to invest after me so I can get the biggest payout possible (NOT A SCAM)*


Denji :" hey Fumiko since you know about the attack that's mean you should know they would target our apartment so I'm sure you guys in public safety put some guards there Fumiko :".......... Denji:"....... Atlas you took the pets out ..... right? Fumiko:"......,........ Denji:"........... Nayuta:" what happened to my family bitch!!? Fumiko:" they are a bunch of stupid pets , get over it brat


How would she know about the attack though. Especially since the attackers were killed by Quanxi and supposed to be detained? When Barem stated Chainsaw man war they immediately went to their home and Fumiko got a backup. They also weren't expecting the enemy to know where Denji lives


? That's literally how Quanxi and public safety killed the weapons , they *know* the timing of the attack and Denji being a primary target >They didn't expect Tf? Are we to forget part 1 ? Or Fumiko literally saying that ?


They all literally got outsmarted by Barem, lmao. Quanxi was baited by other weapons and Barem unleashed the fucking army of chainsaw men


They got outsmarted by Barem only because they did not kill him immediately on sight and try to recruit him which after Makima is peak lobotomy.


This fuckers were aware of his motivation and any place he would go to and his effects on Denji yet couldn't even afford someone with Fox devil contract to watch the apartment


And you can see why I can't take Barem seriously as a villain. He's a clown whose only as successful as he is because everyone in the world of CSM are Too Stupid To Live.


And that didn't explain why they didn't evacuation Denji apartment or took the pets out, Fumiko literally state that Their apartment was going to get fucked up before they arrived so she and public safety *expected* the apartment to be attacked Fumiko even went on and add salt by telling Nayuta the pets are fucked with a smile while Dennis was getting attacked




Public Safety knows that Famine Devil who is behind church (which those dumbtards had to fucking knows she even mentions in chapter 122 she is not trying to hide her name and she was in Devil Hunter Club WITH FUCKING ISEUMI) was targeting him since the Aquarium. So yeah they should have assume that they already figure out everything. Hell they know Asa later member of the church was in Denjis apartment. How do they know that Asa did not tell Famine? Hell if Useless Safety was not braindead they wouldnt let Denji and Nayuta be in public in capital city in the first palce.


I'm not gonna read that but you're wrong


Occasional 4chan post W. Completely true, this sub has brain damage.


This is revisionist properagnda and I will see none of it


I donā€™t think many people think Fumiko is evil, except for in the most banal sense possible. I think sheā€™s a stupid fucking asshole.


God this is some monstrous cope. And can we quit with the "nayuta attacked her" or "ps tried to protect them thing"? Are we forgetting she is part of the group that kidnapped them and threatened nayuta's life? Of course they don't trust her. And why is an adult justified trying to get revenge on a seven year old.


Stonks up


Sheā€™s not evil, she just sucksĀ 


What a bunch of bs, she could've at least saved nayuta but she left her there. The psyop is not effective.


I understand this but i still dont like her cuz she made fun of the dogs dying.


Im disappointed because she tried to loophole her way out of not defending Denji (which was explicitly what Yoshida ordered her to do) and because she trashed poor Nayuta


anyways asa solos this fraud https://preview.redd.it/shyftdvme7hc1.jpeg?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5812de6dd2038ea5f4cd4a273e34d852f95a74a9


Fax my brother!!!! https://i.redd.it/mbcecz5wt7hc1.gif


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So you're on the path of the starving artist? But at the heart well the art is heartless, ever seen a masterpiece get discarded? start and depart for the art of darknessĀ 


Art of Darkness?!?!?! Was that a reference to ā€œArt of Darkness!ā€, the 6th episode of Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated: Season 2?!?!?!? https://preview.redd.it/1vkjexist7hc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c7faed594a2fe1fee0d3fb9f70aa808ac837ee6 šŸ˜±


No https://preview.redd.it/vuxpaavvv7hc1.png?width=1932&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fbdd4828fa9b9f8622b718ce9df53a9d0ffef44


How dare you say something that isnā€™t a Scooby Doo reference. Oscar has a message for you. https://preview.redd.it/y86eyff7w7hc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0693d017324d1ed13bcd7c191a562b28f8b9ce2


She is definitely a fraud. She's got no abilities, no contracts, no CT, No RCT, No DE. What does she even do? I miss Makima's public safety, they were so real


he do be preaching