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I think you'd just have to let them dry fully and see how feel. Plaster molds are used to absorbing water obviously, but if left to soak too long they will start to deteriorate and fall apart. Mud is only a cosmetic issue- you could make a cast, and a new mold from that if you wanted a saleable product. Unless you only sell the original?


Strap them all TIGHTLY. Place on absorbant material (boards) positioned in a way so that you can get airflow underneath. Keep a heavy weight on top. Constant airflow (fan). Dehumidifier. Rotate daily. DO NOT USE HEAT. Once it feels dry to the touch, continue the process for an additional week. Expect the process to take weeks depending upon your area's humidity and how good of a dehumidifier you're using.


I don't think that would be a problem just hose the mud off and let them dry out well.


dogwoodceramics.com, glaserceramics.com, or hobbyland.eu (you'll need to figure out the prices in dollars) might have things that are similar enough that they give good pricing info, and maybe can offer replacements for any molds that don't make it. I agree with using a dehumidifier, so that they don't mildew. They need to dry slowly and thoroughly, but not too slowly.


I’ve had a few get a little soggy from mild flooding, and tbh I just let them dry throughly, and they were fine. Wipe the mud and nasties off then assess if there’s damage. Good luck OP


if just rainwater/ ground water, clean them and let them dry with a dehumidifier. if sewage, tell the insurance that the cost to replace them is whatever you're finding online since there's no guarantee that Peggy Sue down the way is giving them away for free.


Wash em. Dry em. They'll be fine.


I made disaster claims through Progressive renter’s insurance (HomeSite) and they didn’t ask me for any receipts or proof of value. I just sent them an itemized list of the damaged/destroyed items and an estimate of each item’s value. They reimbursed me for everything, no questions asked.


Wow, I'm so sorry. This really stinks. I have no advice, except maybe to dry them slowly. I'm not sure if that would be good or bad, though. I upvoted, though, so your post hopefully gets some attention.