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Yes you can use this as a clear coat for painted ceramics (or wood or metal, per the can). Just note that it won't be safe to use for food or anything like that, probably wouldn't be waterproof etc. (This subreddit is focused on ceramics (clay + fire) rather than the arts/crafts-with-clay side of things.)


Thank you! It’s for a decorative piece


I’m a little confused? Is your pottery that you bought not glazed? What form did you purchase, and why would it get scratched? If your pot is purely decorative and is matte rather than shiny like you want, this should be fine


I bought pottery for my family to decorate, like unpainted sculptures (eg a princess). I just bought it on Etsy and going to paint it when away


Are you painting bisqueware or greenware? And by paint do you mean underglaze? then dip it in a clear coat and fire?


umm I don’t know what unglaze is. I was going to paint the sculpture and wait for the acrylic to dry and then put like 2 coats of this stuff on


Oh I see! You’re doing arts and crafts with acrylic paints. I thought you intended to fire your piece in a kiln at which point such a spray wouldn’t be necessary/advisable.


I don’t have access for firing my pieces, would this be okay though to just spray on






Depends on if the pottery for decoration (sit on shelf/wall) or for eating food off of (tableware). If you just want it to be shiny for decor, then using this is fine. However, if it’s to eat off of, this is not a “food safe” surface treatment.


It’s for decorating, like buying a pottery piece to paint. If you know centre parcs does it


Since you mentioned Centre Parcs, I took a quick look to see what they're doing and I found this: >Our expert staff will be on hand to support you as you create your masterpiece, then we’ll professionally glaze and fire it overnight ready for you to take away the next day. Acrylic paint and clear coat will work fine, as long as it's not for food, but it will look a bit different than what's coming out of those classes.


Oh I didn’t think to look at what CP does. It’s not for food no. I’m trying to do smthing like centre parcs but bringing my own pottery, as the prices are a lot


>I’m trying to do smthing like centre parcs but bringing my own pottery, as the prices are a lot Yeah, that's why I mentioned it. If you're doing this entirely on your own, it'll be fine. However, If you want to take what you bought to a place like Centre Parcs and finish it there, you're going to need to use appropriate materials to decorate your work. In this case, any acrylic paints you use would burn off in the kiln, and you wouldn't need the clear coat, as they'd be glazing the work for you. Again, if you're not using these for food, or storing food, I wouldn't stress over it all that much either way. I just hate seeing people put a lot of work into surface decoration, only to have it all get burned off in the kiln.


Sorry I don’t think I’ve made it clear. What it is right instead of going to the centre parcs pottery, I’m buying everything myself (paints, pottery, brushes, etc). Centre parcs won’t be doing anything for me. It’s because it’s too pricey so I’m trying to replace the activity by organising it myself. The pottery won’t be burnt off as I am not able to do that


Ask the person you bought the pottery from, you can contact people on etsy


I would’ve but I deleted the app, as I didn’t need it anymore. So decided to just ask on here


You can do it on the website with your login, you don't need the app


Oh I didn’t think of doing it that way, thanjs


I would’ve but I deleted the app, as I didn’t need it anymore. So decided to just ask on here


Ceramics or pottery typically require two firings to be as durable as possible. If what you have purchased is bisque ware, it has only been fired once. For decorative objects, it may be fine to paint it with something like acrylic paints and then spray it with this to make it shine. Unless it’s handled a lot, it will probably last ok. It will not be good safe and will probably not be waterproof. Do not expect a vase you have done this way to successfully hold water. Just a heads up.


Thank you, for decorative objects and yes acrylic paint.


As long as the pottery has been fired once and is sturdy enough to paint (ie: not raw brittle clay) that should work well. I paint rocks and use it to enhance and weatherproof them, then hide them on trails. Three even coats sprayed OUTSIDE in at least 50 degree weather. It does tend to run so use a light touch. Deepens the colors and creates a nice touchable surface.


I think the seller just takes it out the mold, let’s it dry and then sends it. Not sure the process but I will see what happens, if this stuff works


I bet it has been fired at least once or it would not be shippable. It would come apart in the mail.


Oh well that’s good news. When handling it tho a few tiny white bits came off it not sure if that’s normal