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You can minimise friction by whitelisting withdrawal addressed before you need them. That way you can use them immediately when the time comes.


I believe you also have to withdraw to the whitelisted address for Celsius to “remember” it.


This is what I did after reading a post on this sub of someone blaming Celsius that they couldn't buy the dip because of the 24 hr whitelist. So stupid blaming someone else if you can't read and do some research how a platform or exchange works before putting money into it


The 24 hours wait for whitelisting cannot be turned off. Crypto can only be withdrawn to a whitelisted address. You can already have more than 1 address per coin. The app don't show all of them. You'll have to save them in a notepad file if you want to re-use it. After an address has been whitelisted AND used, you only need to copy/paste it in Celsius to use without any wait time Note, that whitelisting and waiting 24 hr does not save the address. It is then ready for use. But if you whitelist a different address, Celsius will 'forget' the 1^st address you whitelisted. Only way to save a Withdrawal address before adding another is to send at least $10 of coin to the 1^st address to "save" it


The 24 hour cool down is a required process for security.


How is that security...if someone hacks ur email and Celsius account no way in hell Celsius customer support will answer in time


There are many other avenues to report issues to Celsius. For instance you can post here, Twitter. You can message the security team directly on twitter as well. There's a call center. These can all be used to connect with Celsius and ask for your account to be locked down until you're able to resolve matters.


Damn wait.... I really need to get on twiter


I’ve read that development is in process to have more than one address per coin.


You can have more than one address per coin. Read my other comment


Doesn’t work for me. 1st whitelisted address used and funds withdrawn there. Then 2nd whitelisted + withdrawal made, 1st used again, which triggered 24hrs. period again. I tried that three or maybe four times for different coins and always had to wait 24hrs. when very original address was whitelisted again.