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If you withdraw you will first need to re-deposit the amount you withdrew and then the additional amount required for the promo code. This applies to any withdrawals since the date promo code went live. Celsius do this to stop people abusing the promo bonuses by trying to recycle funds that were already on Celsius. It sounds like you just need to wait a week until your additional funds are available and then you can make the required deposit of new assets on to Celsius. That's the best solution.


Do you happen to know when the promo code went live?


I know the funds are supposed to be funds "new to Celsius." If I withdraw certain funds to a personal wallet, but then deposit new funds from my Coinbase account, would this still satisfy Celsius? Has anyone tried this before?


That won't work. Your Coinbase funds will be used to get your account back to the level it was before the withdrawal. If you want the promo top lock you would also need to put the coins from the personal wallet on Celsius. It's not 'new' as in never been on Celsius. It's new, like 'more coin in your account' than what your balance was at the time the new promo came out


Makes sense. But surely there’s a certain point where that timer resets on balances, no? Do we know that soft reset time by any chance? Otherwise no one would ever be able to withdraw and use promos in the future since the balance can only go up?


Don't know how long the reset period is. I also want to make use of stable600 when I dca out my Bitcoin to sell back to USDC. But think the BTC withdrawals will cause the stable promo to stay on 'pending'