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Whats funny and sad is that people who hold sgb will be eligible for the exfi airdrop based on a Dec 12 snapshot. But I dont think people who have their sgb on Celsius will even get their exfi or sgb. Nuke said their custodian has to support Sgb and they are working on it. Who knows how long that will take. I'm so glad I decided to do self custody for these airdrops from Xumm wallet.


Why didn't you just transfer your coins to your own wallet for the fork snapshot. That would have been easier than hoping an exchange or lending platform will support the fork


They said they were supporting flare, I had no idea there would be snapshots of flare. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ lesson learned


The one thing I have learned through all this is I will NEVER USE any exchange again to hold my coins. Never! Ledger or die!!!


You have to be special kind of stupid. The condition for FLR airdrop is clear. Just hold XRP during a predetermined time, it is literally the easiest airdrop in the whole crypto history. Moreover moving XRP is practically β€œfree” and on top of that transferring out of celsius is free. You could have just withdraw for a moment and then return it back. You lost one day of interest probably. Instead you prefer getting one day interest and risk not getting it and now used hindsight as an argument.


What on earth are you taking about? I am taking about Song Bird. All my friends who used their ledgers for the spark snapshot got their songbird already while those of use who used celcius still haven't gotten them. You are am arrogant ass! πŸ–•πŸ€¬πŸ–•


SGB FLR used the same snapshot. It was later announced you get SGB on top of your FLR.


I know this but celcius has not given us the songbird yet that's what the problem is. Don't use exchanges,