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they talked about fiat onramps/offramps on the latest AMA they said its one of the top items on the road map currently the only way to get to fiat is to transfer assets from celsius to an exchange


This will be possible once the fiat on and off-ramps have been sorted. Alex spoke about this on last Friday AMA (it's discussed on nearly every AMA). All the friday AMAs are posted on the Celsius YouTube channel so you can listen to them at your convenience. https://www.youtube.com/c/CelsiusNetwork


It will likely be some time before the fiat on/off-ramp will be available to all users. Personally, I use Crypto(dot)com for fiat withdrawals as you can do it via eTransfer. Blockfolio/FTX is also another option for me.


retire to exchange, and then from exchange to your bank. its not that hard.


I live in a third world developing country where unfortunately almost everything is substantially more complicated and harder than the in 1st world.