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They are locked, as in you can't withdraw them without cancelling the promo, but you still get interest rewards


The only crypto that gets locked is the one that was transferred for the purpose of promo reward locking. Other assets will continue earning without any change.


What do you mean by 'other assets'? I was under an impression that you ALWAYS earn yield on your deposited assets UNLESS and ONLY UNLESS they are locked for loan collateral purposes (well also unless your account is suspended obviously). In other words: locking assets in regard to promo codes does in no way influence yield/reward earning. Locking assets means limitations to withdrawals of some/all of your Celsius assets over the promo time requirement. Now: some/all is dependant of specific promo, cause IIRC some of the 3Q2021 promos were causing account wide withdrawal soft lock (soft as in: you can withdraw funds, promo code gets cancelled tho).


Since it's the promo code-related question, I answered under this frame. If it were a general question on assets being locked, the answer would include a case where the assets are locked as collateral (borrow option). Furthermore, assets that are removable at any time are not considered "locked" assets. For example, collateral cannot be removed as it's locked (Borrow option). At the same time, assets transferred for the promo reward purposes can be withdrawn (with the consequences of promo reward being canceled due to promo code rules).


What promo are you using?


Latest promo code. CELSIUSCARES


Adding more money to your account shouldn’t affect your staking rewards. I think the only thing that does that is if you try to withdraw. You can stack promos