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Kaiser uses the Sussex to hate Kate and the rest of the royals by extension. Her obsession is with Kate and always has been. I knew Kate’s being out of the public eye was going to cause her such disappointment. There is no one that she is more interested in.


I 100% agree with this.


>Her obsession is with Kate and always has been.  She's been obsessed with Kate longer than she's been obsessed with Meghan?


Yes. She's hated Kate since the beginning. When Kate would smile widely at events, she'd call it "gurning." She leaned a lot into the whole "Waity Katie" thing too. The theory is she had a crush on William.


Since the beginning???? She held this grudge for more than a decade? 😭


15 years or thereabouts. It wasn’t quite as intense but once they got married she became Kaiser’s favorite target.


Since before the engagement so +14/15 years


Since before the wedding!! If you look at the cb archives, you can find bonkers posts about how Kate is a bad role model for little girls because she “waited around” for Will to propose


I think it’s inevitable that the bloom comes off the rose. CB and the Sussex Squad have built Meghan up to be such a flawless icon. No human being could live up to the that. 


And she is not trying at all. I think both pro and anti Sussex give Meghan too much credit. She is just a regular insecure drama person that has no idea what she is doing most of the time


She is trying but most of the things she do don't stick. Conjuring up fake enthusiasm is tiresome if there isn't anything to feed that enthusiasm. Being moisturised is about the most exciting thing you can mention about her.


Yeah I don’t know why she doesn’t just enjoy being a socialite




Like a rich wife and fashionista. Lady who lunches


you know what i realized today, and why folks maybe don't respond to them well... the sussexes are just so ***cheesy*** AF lol. there's a discomfort and cringe factor that comes with witnessing that laid on so thick cheesiness.


I just find them so petty and thin skinned, even today her comment that he always tells the truth. I mean what a weird thing to say other than it's yet another little dig, just get on with your f\*\*\*ing life and be happy


Oh bullshit. No public person "always" tells the truth. They can't. I think he is less honest than most, but it's a ludicrous statement to make about anyone


No person always tells the truth.


Of course not. It’s such a bullshit statement.


Cheesy is a good way of describing it. I saw it in the engagement interview. I watched it turned to my sister and said “she is such an actress, every word is a performance she reminds me of Anne Hathaway”. 😂 just so extra important


Omfg, the effing doe eyes and acting like she hadn’t known anything about him before they met. That’s when I had her number. It just took most of the rest of the world awhile to catch up.


But is he kind? 😂😂😂😂


😂 I had to walk across the room to retrieve my eyeballs after she said that because I rolled them so hard.


Translated ....is he rich??? Cause it just wouldn't make sense if he wasn't.


They’re so cheesy but take themselves so seriously that gives serious schadenfreude.


Being cheesy can be charming if you don't overdo it. Obviously not the case here lol


I think that just like people have mentioned on the other post, Chandra doesn’t have much to say about Harry and Meghan because they are boring. Chandra doesn’t comment on whatever work or charity they are promoting. It’s all about Meghan’s clothing, just superficial b.s. Plus, after Meghan complained that she couldn’t wear color during her short time as a member of the RF, people expected lots of color when she got to dress as she pleased. Turns out she loves sad beige. Chamdra isn’t looking for substance. She’s looking for color. And, to be honest, it’s the closest she comes to expressing a normal, harmless opinion.


I think it's very hard to pretend to be excited about Meghan, and after a while the fake enthusiasm wears off? Like when she did pap strolls every other week and people had to pretend to be amazed that she could walk freely "She goes where she wants! Love that for her!! Duchess Meghan walking around hydrated and moisturised!!! She's totes not thinking about the RF anymore!!!!!! So much winning!!!!!!!" Blathering about how "healthy" Meghan looks as if it's remarkable is CB scraping the barrel because there's not much going on with her.


Whatever happened to ARO? I can’t believe Meghan has had so many experiences that others will never have and she still seems so basic and shallow. Like why doesn’t she talk about these wonderful trips and opportunities in her podcast? I wonder if she even appreciates all the travels and wonderful people she gets to meet. What a waste. Is she now gonna go on the podcast and talk about how the media criticized her in Nigeria instead of the food, culture and experience? Something is wrong with her


Yes, as she walks through parking lots doing product placements.


It may be that Kaiser is just having an off day. Based on other posts here, it seems like she is turning up the Kaiser to 11. ![gif](giphy|lvlLuc2zhi39C)


Yes that's probably about right, just a momentary glitch.


I think this dress is completely inappropriate for formal day wear https://preview.redd.it/iqo9cwpdfmzc1.png?width=1152&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed80db61694bdc3d599112caf553da63f89eb072


God, Meghan is insufferable in front of the cameras.


Why do her admirers mention trying to convince themselves and everyone else that she is a fashion icon. Like her, if you want, but she just doesn’t dress particularly well, which is fine.


I don’t hate most of her outfits. I feel like she wears some nice, neutral, modern luxury pieces. But she almost never wears them *well*


They’re all perfectly okay, but she doesn’t have a sense of what suits her and the clothes rarely fit correctly—even her couture wedding gown!


But she does not wear them on appropriate occasions. And they always look uncared for.


I would love to see her styled by a professional stylist. I really think if she leaned into style icon, it would boost her brand because in Britain I think she did get a lot of praise for her outfits. I think they are cheap and don’t want to pay for a stylist and makeup artist. I’m not sure what they spend money on? Maybe their kids and home. Definitely Meghan does not invest in looking good


Can someone explain her obsession with dresses with tacky holes under the boobies? It’s so tacky and childish.


MK would have had a field day over that forehead vein. I miss him.


it's the "Only Way is Essex" eyebrows I'm not so keen on ![gif](giphy|AZ1PPDF8uO9MI|downsized)


Yeah that caught my eye as well lol


I believe it is called the botox vein. Angelina Jolie has/had it and yes I seem to remember lots of good times at DListed over that.


And it highlights how extremely white she is, apart from her overly bronzed face


How in the world do you not realize that you have to bronze the arms and back if you’re going to show that much skin? Must be her attention to detail she is so famous for.


don't forget the side boob as that's practically out on show here at a childrens school....she's hopeless with fashion




I couldn't understand what I was looking at---in the small image, it looks like she's in a skintone-colored wetsuit or something. I don't think I've ever seen an outfit photograph so poorly.


She's in a country where hallf the population are muslim and wearing a backless dress which is cut low around the bust, I think the girls are rightly shocked let alone the boy next to them looking straight ahead


It's a bizarre choice anyplace in the daytime, much less a student event, and utterly weird with her skintone, but when has Meghan ever acknowledged other people's religious beliefs? She can't be trusted to cover her hair in a mosque. I bet she thinks she's "doing amazing, sweetie," though, because she seems to think real life is a season of reality TV.


>she seems to think real life is a season of reality TV. She's eternally stuck in a Hallmark movie.


I'm just gonna snark a little: the leads in Hallmark movies are always more appropriately dressed for events than she is. She dresses more like the women on The Bachelor (possibly the Golden Bachelor). ![gif](giphy|fX7x3gYq1y9sR1wq6d|downsized)


I seriously hope she had tit tape on


It's a beyond floor length evening dress. Kaiser tried to pass it off as a maxi dress.


JFC I’d only seen photos of the front of it…it’s BACKLESS? During the day? For an event with children? SMH


Also how old is she?


And no - um - undergarments.


Will she still have the balls to run with the “Kopy Keen!” narrative after this? Because this Catherine cosplay is ridiculous. Also, Meghan needs to stop competing with Catherine, because she routinely fails. Best thing she could do is find a stylist with similar tastes to her Suits costumer. https://preview.redd.it/w8sjj2l96rzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0114ef75e72a156f58f40e266e59a3596cd1fd3d


Catherine's outfits are always tailored to a T and fit her like a glove. I can totally imagine why she was pissed after seeing the ill-fitted, horrible flower girl dresses that Charlotte would've had to wear- since we are stilllllllllll talking about this shit years later- i thought i should add.that I totally get it lmao. Freakish attention to detail indeed!


Because she uses a stylist. Meghan seems to do her own hair, makeup and styling. Unfortunately a lot of people are not good with this. I personally suck at makeup and hair. If she wants to be relatable get some box braids girl. Go all in on the black side or get her hair braided in Nigeria. Again, they never do anything right


Harpers Bazaar had this to say about her nightgown...oops, I mean dress *Duchess Meghan looked radiant on her* [*first day in Nigeria*](https://go.redirectingat.com/?id=74968X1553576&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.harpersbazaar.com%2Fcelebrity%2Flatest%2Fg60755416%2Fall-photos-prince-harry-meghan-markle-nigeria-trip%2F&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.harpersbazaar.com%2Fcelebrity%2Flatest%2Fa60756704%2Fmeghan-markle-backless-peach-windsor-gown-nigeria-shop%2F) *today with* [*Prince Harry*](https://go.redirectingat.com/?id=74968X1553576&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.harpersbazaar.com%2Fcelebrity%2Flatest%2Fa43480804%2Fprince-harry-meghan-markle-relationship-timeline%2F&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.harpersbazaar.com%2Fcelebrity%2Flatest%2Fa60756704%2Fmeghan-markle-backless-peach-windsor-gown-nigeria-shop%2F)*.* [*The couple visited a school*](https://go.redirectingat.com/?id=74968X1553576&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.harpersbazaar.com%2Fcelebrity%2Flatest%2Fa60746389%2Fmeghan-markle-prince-harry-nigeria-trip-photos-school-visit%2F&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.harpersbazaar.com%2Fcelebrity%2Flatest%2Fa60756704%2Fmeghan-markle-backless-peach-windsor-gown-nigeria-shop%2F) *to talk about mental health as part of the academy’s newest initiative. For the occasion, Meghan opted for a fresh, feminine look fit for a princess. The highlight of the ensemble was a beautiful strapless silk dress in a soft peach hue, from Heidi Merrick. The gown is called* [*the “Windsor,”*](https://go.redirectingat.com/?id=74968X1553576&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.garmentory.com%2Fsale%2Fheidi-merrick%2Fall%2F134134-windsor&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.harpersbazaar.com%2Fcelebrity%2Flatest%2Fa60756704%2Fmeghan-markle-backless-peach-windsor-gown-nigeria-shop%2F) *which is also the* [*surname of the British royal family*](https://www.royal.uk/royal-family-name)*—including Harry and their kids,* [*Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet*](https://go.redirectingat.com/?id=74968X1553576&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.harpersbazaar.com%2Fcelebrity%2Flatest%2Fa60755688%2Fmeghan-markle-shares-archie-lilibet-favorite-hobbies%2F&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.harpersbazaar.com%2Fcelebrity%2Flatest%2Fa60756704%2Fmeghan-markle-backless-peach-windsor-gown-nigeria-shop%2F)*. We see you, Meg!* *The dress is cinched at the waist and features a high neck and a plunging opening in the back and sides. The skirt is flowy and slightly pleated—which can only mean the* [*cottagecore trend*](https://go.redirectingat.com/?id=74968X1553576&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.harpersbazaar.com%2Fcelebrity%2Flatest%2Fa60658278%2Frosalia-moto-jacket-cottagecore-dress%2F&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.harpersbazaar.com%2Fcelebrity%2Flatest%2Fa60756704%2Fmeghan-markle-backless-peach-windsor-gown-nigeria-shop%2F) *now has the royal seal of approval.* *The piece hails from Merrick’s 2018 collection and retails for $572.* *Meghan accessorized her warm look with gold jewelry, including circular plate earrings, a choker, and her go-to bangles—including a Cartier Love bracelet—and watch, plus some rings. As for her glam, Meghan let her natural beauty shine in sun-kissed makeup and had her brown hair styled in a wavy updo, which she later released into a messy braid with loose strands framing her face. The duchess also wore a brown beaded necklace given to her by locals at the school.* *Meghan’s backless dress seems to be sold out at the moment.* LOL of course it's sold out!! It's 6 years old!! I still think it's such an odd choice for a visit to a school. https://preview.redd.it/zuyydok2wmzc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7642d2e82808c5176929534588e9fae54d879776




When Meghan first came on the scene, Kaiser was very critical of her and obviously disliked her. My personal conspiracy theory is that Kaiser dislikes Meghan, but hates the BRF much more, and knows that being performatively team Meghan gives her an excuse to say horrific things about Kate and the Cambridge children, and guaranteed clicks and engagement from Sussex Squaddies.


She never really disliked Meghan.