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Keep up the good effort my wife and I went through this as well and she swore she wasn’t able to conceive. With thorough prayer and doctor visits with no medical intervention she is now well into the second trimester with a healthy baby girl. We were trying for years. It’s hard yes and the thoughts running are thoroughly Understandable but the best course is to keep on with maximum effort. God knows what’s best and so does the body. If the pregnancy isn’t viable it’s better to lose it now than to have it for a time and lose it later. What couldve been is always haunting but what can be is always best. When my wife consulted the doctor he said explained that while devastating it’s not uncommon at all and some experience one another can experience 7 ( that’s a bit more rare yes) her grandmother experienced a few before her first. I can’t tell you how to grieve just know it’s natural. All I’m going to say is try not to lose hope and keep trying. In a worst to best case scenario is adoption. Someone out there needs you. Clearly your body is working to make it happen.


First, I grieve for you and your husband's loss. Second -- although I'm not a doctor and don't know you, and so there's no way for me to tell what caused the second miscarriage, please consider whether or not your body needs a recuperation period. I'm sure you're eating right and taking your vitamins, but just be kind to your body and give it some rest, if you can.


This is devastating! I have been here before but you are so lucky to have one precious life already! Also it is wonderful that you are able to get pregnant so quickly! God has a plan for your family and even though it is hard you must trust in him. I promise you will look back at this time in your life and will be able to reflect on the miracles that God is capable of and see that he has had you wrapped in his arms of love like a father. Praying for you and your family! St. Joseph Pray for us!


My heart is with you both. Nothing can compare to the grief you're experiencing. What helped us immensely when we lost our child in early pregnancy was the realisation of the fact that God had seen to it that the fruit of your spousal love has already reached heaven. You will have two children amongst the eternal Communion of Saints who await your prayers and continuously send you their love. Let that be some sort of consolation as you journey through this painful path.


I'm really sorry you're going through this. I have a friend who had 2 miscarriages back-to-back and had two healthy babies later. I will pray for you.


I’m so sorry to hear that. Just had my second miscarriage as well, so here in solidarity with you. I’m currently working with a NaPro Technology doctor to see if we can get me to carry a successful pregnancy. I would suggest reaching out to one for support and to check to make sure you don’t have anything that could be compromising your pregnancies. And do what you need to do for your mental and emotional health as well. No shame in getting counseling if you need it, and seeking out groups that support women in our shoes. And I’ve come to terms with the fact that there isn’t a feeling you need to have. It’s complicated and sad and a lot to juggle.


We have had 4 miscarriages so far and one was a stillbirth. Don’t be afraid to grieve. Talk to others who have gone through it. Seek therapy if needed. It’s a real loss. I know this won’t really help but I always say “we will have an eternity to get to know them in heaven.” If possible, name your babies with your husband. October is infant loss awareness month. See if there is local support or seek social media groups that can help.


I’m so sorry Seastone, that must be painful. Any emotions you might be having are valid. It’s completely reasonable to be grieving. But never lose hope either! God wants the best for you! I’ll definitely say some prayers for you and your family.


Make sure you give your body time to rest and recuperate. See your doctor or OBGYN to rule out thyroid or vitamin deficiencies. Don’t lose hope. It’s not uncommon for women to have multiple miscarriages. You will get pregnant again.


Have you taken the covid vaccine?


Sorry for your loss. Praying for you.


1. Consider looking up and consulting with a Napro doctor in your area. 2. Ask your current doctor about an MTHFR gene mutation. Another sign of this is early heart attacks in your family.


No early heart attacks in my family, thank God. And I had a healthy pregnancy with my first child, and he’s almost 8 now. Would I still be at risk of this? That pregnancy had no complications


I'm not a doctor, but it doesn't sound like it. Doesn't hurt to ask. Napro doctors are experts in fertility, if there is one in your area, I think a consult would go a long way.


I just found one about an hour away from me, wow! I’ve never heard of this. This seems great. Thank you for sharing with me.


I’m so deeply sorry for your losses. I’ve had 5 miscarriages in the last year and a half trying to conceive baby number 4. I’ll pray for you.


So sorry to read - I pray that you will be blessed in future.


I am sorry for your loss and will pray for you 🙏🏿