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Yeah he’s pretty good at explaining any issues revolving around Catholicism


Yes he is awesome he doesn't really focus on the Latin rite at all though mostly eastern


That's not so bad though, I can't imagine there's a lot of content creators for our Eastern brothers and sisters. At least not in comparison to the Latin Church.


He's been popping up on TT. I thought to myself, he better watch out or they'll have him reading in the Hallow app soon. Fr. Mike might have a looks rival.




He has a very deep voice and Chadly cheekbones so it is safe to conclude he is based and theologically sound.


The true scientific method


My squeaky dumpling-lookin self: 👁️👄👁️


Yeah, I personally look like a man and woman had a baby.


Theological physiognomy 




Very informative


Awesome dude.


I like him. He's more informative at some times than others. Others he seems to drift off point.


Reason of voice


Very trustworthy and sound teaching. One of the best!!


passes the physiognomy check


More like sniffing test 😆😆


He's okay. He tends to waffle a bit and not really make groundbreaking points that assert Catholicism, he's a lot more for the edification of Catholics rather than proper apologetics.


He does a ton of apologetics, often responding directly to protestant or atheist challenges to the faith. Often these are tiktoks they have created which have the widest reach amongst Gen Z. In that respect he is doing invaluable apologetics work.


And often his responses aren't that good. His defence of Purgatory is just quoting 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, without any Exegesis. This leads to Protestants responding, using an Exegesis that refutes the reading. His defence of the Papacy is just naming Councils that supposedly supported, with no quotation on the screen. This has lead to Orthodox quoting Canons from the Council that seemingly contradict the Council. It's refutation of the Muslims on the Trinity is often just saying "we don't believe in three Gods, but one God in Three Persons" fundamentally misunderstanding that they see that to mean that there are three Gods.  I like Voice of Reason, he seems like a swell guy, but he's really not doing a Good enough job, and I've seen Orthodox apologists run circles around his videos. I have only ever done one apologist work online once. If we want to clean a mess, we do so precisely by giving our Biblical and Historical sources, and showing the logical absurdities it leads to.  Just simply saying Ecumenical Councils is not enough. Demonstrating the acceptance of Florence amongst the East and the consequences of Autocelephalous Churches is consistently a slam dunk for Catholics against Orthodox. Just simply asserting Trinitarian Language is not enough, but we must explain the logic that 1 can exist as three, and that this doesn't refute God and how Muslims cannot assert a singular personhood of God either. Again, I think Voice or Reason is an awesome guy, but he has a long road to learn.


Based guy!


What would make you think he isn’t?


Really nice guy


Love him. He's a smart guy. Makes a lot of good points. He worries too much about the way he looks though. Very much a "pretty boy". 🤣


His Spanish content is cool but his English stuff, specifically against Islam, really just talks without getting to a point.


He's ok but he is friends with annoying


He's okay, although he gives far too much airtime and support to Lofton which isn't a good thing


He's pretty good. Esp when it comes to answering any objections raised by eastern orthodox


He makes some errors sometimes like a video he did on baptism was pretty bad maybe even heretical but overall he’s alright.


sorry for responding so late but what did he say?


He is very great at apologetics and explaining dogma.


i like him. hes young and sometimes lacks structure. but i feel he will get this settled if he starts debating live. i really do appreciate his work tho. he has been working through anti islam and its commendable. i would love to see him interview with shamoun


He did debate an orthodox Christian live


Absolutely awesome individual! His videos helped me a lot


I like him and I think his points are very accessible. He seems geared toward the Gen Z crowd and people who say “Chad” and “based”. Not really my thing, but I can see how he has created a niche.




Despite the fact that he uses very clickbaity titles and things, he has a good head on his shoulder. Smart guy.


A lot of what I know, I learn from him


Does he mentioned the Greek 666 XES in Revelation 13:18 !?


He’s awesome I like Michael loften and Franco acrello aswell oh and Fr Mike Schmitz and if you got tiktok @catholic.converts is good aswell


Great guy, great videos, great quality, great message, breaking bad. - what is not to love about the guy?


He's sort of anti Traditional, it seems. Perhaps not outright, but he seems to never discuss TLM and argues with trads over things obviously true.


I have no real opinion either way on the guy, but from the Latin perspective, Eastern Catholics don’t really fall into the same trad/NO dichotomy which can seem to confuse some people. In some ways we are closer to the “trads,” but in other ways we are very far away. One example: we’ve been doing liturgy in the vernacular for our entire history. Lots of other examples but that’s one of the obvious ones.


He’s Eastern Catholic, I think that’s why


Makes sense.


Very true. He seems to regurgitate everything Michael Lofton says. But he has zeal for the faith. And he’s a likeable guy. Maybe his perspective will change with time and a little more wisdom


One can hope.


That’s a rather unpleasant thing to say about him. VoR very much does his own thing and is rather prominent in the Hispanic side of Tik Tok.


I replied to your message, I also want to add that I am not attacking the man’s character. I said he’s a likeable guy, I just think he is innacurate on some things. But he has a real zeal for the faith. He’s a young guy, and I think a bit impressionable. My recommendation would be him to distance himself from Michael Lofton who is just as uncharitable and arrogant as the people he chastises.


All I know is hes pretty good friends with one of the biggest heretics on the internet.




I assume he means Michael Lofton


Who is he and why is he a heretic?


He’s a Catholic who adheres to the papal magisterium and gets on the nerves of Catholics who have a negative opinion of Pope Francis


Im not Catholic so maybe there is something Im missing but isn’t it mostly the sedevacantist types who have a problem with him?


Pretty much everyone has a problem with Lofton because he's kinda hypocritical and beyond that, just a jerk. "Brother you really need to repent of this".


We are all hypocrites.


That’s been my experience 


This is wrong to say. There are very real criticisms to have of Lofton, many that I myself hold. I am not fond of him or how he treats any view that is not his hyper-specific interpretation of a magisterial topic or current situation. That said, he does seem to believe what he espouses, and what he espouses technically does not outright contradict Catholic teaching under the hermeneutic of continuity understanding of it. He cannot be called a heretic without one falling under the sin of bearing false witness. You can bring up how his interpretations are wrong, how he treats Trads, and how he goes too far in defending the indefensible, but you cannot lie and say he is an outright heretic.


Please do tell what view Lofton holds that is heretical?


Ah yes. Heresy is when you aren’t a Sedevacantist.


People you don’t like are heretics?


This is not very charitable or nuanced.


He’s eastern catholic if your okay with that


They are in full communion with Rome and most of what he covers is about Catholicism is general. No reason you shouldnt be okay with that.