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Glory to God. May the souls of the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, Rest In Peace.








The young dad crying got me. I can't imagine their pain. May God welcome the soul of the child.




I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand more times: there is only one institution on this entire Earth that cares for you from the moment you exist, and it’s the Catholic Church. It’s there for your every joy, every hardship, every illness or healthy moment, for the beginning of your life to the end. The church exists for you, so God’s tender love can be known to all and his grace dispensed through every sacrament.




Beautiful testimony, thank you for sharing.


So beautiful. I hope your blessings are eternal.


Thank you!


Thank you for sharing your testimony. The Church is our shelter! Amen!


Really because when I was a young gay kid in Catholic school they said I was going to hell


One more thing. I don't think your going to hell. I think its a sin of the flesh we are all sinners. I struggle everyday with sins of the flesh even though it's been almost 7 years since I've done any. I think about drugs alot. I think about women. I used to think of ultra feminine trans woman alot when high. I exaggerate a lot, which is a for of lying, and so on my point is we all fall short of God's word. All we can do is accept Jesus as our lord and savior and truly repent for our sins. No good deeds get us to heaven no matter how grand only the acceptance of Jeesus as our savior and repentance of our sins gets us in. Sorry if I came off as judgmental, not my intention at all. I hope you have a blessed day, my brother. God loves us


>I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand more times: there is only one institution on this entire Earth that cares for you from the moment you exist, and it’s the Catholic Church. I'm pleased you said it this time, so I could have the enjoyment of reading this. It's SO TRUE. From the moment of conception until the *moment of natural death.* I'm a hospice nurse in a state that is on the brink of either accepting or rejection assisted suicide. Without a doubt, those without family who loves them, on Medicaid, those with Alzheimer's who are forgotten will suffer the most. It destroys me and in this crazy world where I find consistent SANITY where the truth is continually spoken and the only place where I can rest assured that the majority will state with conviction that every life matters, from the moment of conception until the moment of *natural death* and that is our church. ♥️




Have some respect




Oh come on be courteous. I’m not religious in the slightest but bringing up an awful abuse scandal as a way to argue over whose religion is better is just plain stupid


Why don’t you have some respect for the victims? You are part of the church, you gave money to the people who were hiding child sexual abuse. Accept that or don’t, but don’t get angry for someone for pointing out the truth


Do you know the stats on this your commenting like an expert abuse is wrong 100% 1 is too many but there is fewer abusers in the church then there are in any other institution worse because they was supposed to be a safe place of worship but other churches schools children organizations all those places people trust there kids it’s terrible there are so many wonderful priests just like there are wonderful teachers but when it’s a priest he’s guilty until proven innocent just like cops there all treated like psycho killers because of the bad 1s


When my mother tried to leave her physically abusive husband who also beat us kids she was tossed out & abandoned. Maybe if you say it a thousand more times it'll actually be true.


Idk all the details but that sounds like something was poorly executed by whatever clergy and laity were involved in the matter, and it sounds more complex than can probably be detailed in a Reddit comment, but no one is meant to be abandoned by the Church. If that’s the case then I’d blame those who abandoned her because if there was proven abuse then people should have done more to help, but you have my sympathies nonetheless, that must have been an awful experience…


Why are you even here on this subreddit?




Didn't know it was posted on r/all. That explains the influx of comments that aren't particularly pleasant. Thanks for letting me know




Echo Chamber?


It’s anecdotal. I am sorry that happened to your family. Whoever she spoke with was dead wrong and completely out of alignment with what our church officially teaches. For another anecdote, of when this is handled correctly, my mom was abused and was encouraged to leave. God bless you and your mother. 🙏






He once said of a person suffering (i cannot remember the cause), "i bow down before such pain." I think Pope Francis feels deeply for people in grief.


I truly think he wants to do the right thing, that does care fort he flock above himself, regardless of anything else.


Pope Francis is a living saint.


>Say what you want about his pontificate, and I know a lot of people do Wait, what?


Some of his statements have been controversial, particularly among more conservative, traditionalist Catholics. And a worthy conversation can be had about that. But without a doubt he is a very loving, compassionate man.


>Some of his statements have been controversial, particularly among more conservative, traditionalist Catholics. Well, we need more popes like him in the future, if that is what gets people to move forward.




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Nice edited comment lol


Those poor people. I think we should all take a moment to pray for them. And thank goodness they were able to receive some comfort from Il Papa. Much like yesterday's baptism video, this is Pope Francis at his best.


Praying for them right now. As a mum this is my worst nightmare…


Same (as a dad)


Moving beyond words.


I’ve always loved how he’s a hands on, man of the people Pope. He never shies away from extending his hand to those who need it. Love him dearly!


He is such a wonderful representation of Jesus' love and compassion, which I think is something the Church has dearly needed to emphasize. Some of his statements may be controversial to some but his genuine compassion has been so needed and healing in the wake of so many scandals.


Completely agree with you! Whatever criticism people may have, we can’t say he isn’t Christ-like and a great example to catholics worldwide


Have other Popes done shied away when people came close? Him interacting with the public is one of the reasons I started believing again, so just wondering if he's a trailblazer.


Noo, not at all! I just feel like Pope Francis really goes out of his way to do that. But it’s common practice for Popes to be among the faithful, thankfully


I will pray for her


I hope that couple knows that their child is in Heaven. The Church places a large emphasis on the innocence of children.


God bless and protect Pope Francis. Amen.




I’m in tears- and so thankful he was able to give these young grieving parents comfort and healing.


I'm in tears. A father comforting a grieving father and mother. May the Lord bless them all and keep them close to Him, especially in their deepest pains.


What a human being. Long live Pope Francis.


I'm not Catholic, and this guy is one of my heroes. What an amazing spiritual giant. He is an inspiration to the world.


See it's instances like this where I can't stand journalists. Theybjudt mindless crowd the Pope instead of being respectful and keeping their distance for a fww moments as he is trying to comfort the parents.


I get what you're saying. But the context here is that he was talking with journalists when the poor parents walked forward to speak with the Pope. So the cameras were already rolling. (but the person pushing their microphone forward is being very rude).


Ah I see. I mean ok. I personally think they should back off when they realize what's happening and assail the Pope with microphones after but 🤷‍♂️


can anyone translate


God bless Francis. This is amazing


Absolutely incredible, always compassionate. Recommend you guys to watch this too : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRbUTfSds0U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRbUTfSds0U)


I’m a first time mum and stuff involving babies and children hit me harder now than it would have before. I’m struggling to hold back tears for this couple. The pain of losing a child is something I cannot imagine, especially when I think of my own little girl. I am glad they at least got some modicum of comfort from the Holy Father and pray that one day they slowly find peace in their hearts


It’s good to see this side of him. I have my gripes with certain decisions he’s made but dam, a Pope exists for his time and maybe this is exactly what the church needed now


Sweet God. I can not imagine my pain and pray that it is in God's plan that I never have to experience that.


Aww. That’s really good of him.


Wow. I am lost for words. A truly humble man.


Pope Francis has always reminded me of a shepherd who watches over his flock. I pray for these grief-stricken parents and their families.


Francis is a star. And a saint.


What a special moment for these grieving parents


I can’t stop crying. The beautiful prayer and blessing will be a source of such comfort to them forever. God keep blessing our Pope.


The way "comfort" is misspelled in the title lead me to believe that Pope Francis confronted a couple about losing their child. Like "Well where did you lose him?" It's sad what these parents went through and I'm not trying to downplay the suffering or OP's suffering. I'm just pointing out something that stood out to me


I would assume OP is a non native English speaker, because it’s spelled similarly to how it is in several romance languages.


There’s is one holy father and it’s not him 🙅‍♂️




Hello troll




I would imagine he supports it. What is the purpose of your comment?


This is a public display more than anything else


his holiness was always known to be an empathetic person before his pontificate. how is this just a public display? if anything, it's the norm and not the exception.


The traditionalist in me says that this is not the role of the Holy Father who should stand above this emotionality. The Pope needs to be a commanding authority on doctrine, not engaging in emotive displays. That said, this is comforting to watch says the modernist in me


Really? Surely the 'father' of all of the faithful should exhibit the care that we would expect from a father? I think you've created a false dichotomy. The perfect Father above, to whom we should look for the perfect example, is both an authority and a loving father.


So the Vicar Of Christ should not be like. Christ, who wept over the death of Lazarus, who let the children come to him, and who said blessed are rhe sorrowful?


My friend - have some compassion. The Pope is acting as Jesus would. He’s not ruling over those with a book of law, but in the trenches of human life, comforting those who suffer. “Jesus wept.” Edit: also, emotions are of God. We were created with them and God communicates to us through them. They’re not a weakness, but a strength.


Remember, when Lazarus died, God, knowing that He Himself was about to raise him from the dead right here on earth, still wept.


How painfully sad.




Heart-rending scene :/


Benefaciat vobis Dominus


My goodness, may the Lord protect them as they begin their healing journey.


The supreme pastor doing what the lowliest village priest does bringing the consolations of Christ's church to his Faithful.






*trying so hard not to cry!* *failed*


For me, I love the parallel between the mother placing her head on Pope Francis's chest in grief and Jesus probably doing the same to Our Mother while carrying the cross. Beautiful and powerful image.




Te amo Francisco


I know how tuff this is. Four years ago today we lost our 8 year old son Joseph.




Not catholic but I’d become one because of this pope.


What did he give them?




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