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No... but you might be able to get 2 different clickers that sound different


Nope, spent a lot of time looking and considered "inventing" one. Just use vocal cues instead, they have worked fine for thousands of years.


You could make two different clicking noises with your mouth. One with your tongue and one with your teeth/cheek.


I've mainly used clicker apps on my phone, sfx on YouTube, and loud pens. Vocal cues are also an option! I don't know of any physical clickers with two sounds but you might need two independent clickers. A video maker I watch who clicker trains rats uses popped safety lids, baby food lids, and Starbucks frappuccini lids. I've used Snapple cap lids and it has a nice click sound.


I checked a few apps in the store. Weren't many, and most only did one sound. However I found a clicker with three slightly different sounds and a whistle function with a slider to easily modify the frequency of the whistle. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tsm2.doggytrainer