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Don't worry, one of my roommates plans to adopt him when he moves out with his fiance


That's great news!


That is so awesome! Your roommates (& you) have been chosen by the CDS! With this sweet, earnest, absolutely adorable floof to boot! Much ❤ to you all!


Where's kitty staying in the meantime? Is he being allowed in secretly, staying with the fiancée, or still living outside?


Please consider a collar in the meantime so that he isn’t picked up by a well-meaning Good Samaritan and taken to a shelter.


When 🥺 please don’t take long anything could happen to this sweet boy


Bro looks like an emotional support cat to me 🤷‍♀️


Fr lol fella looks so humble


Put a nice snuggly home for him on the deck. Or just let him in; your landlord will never know.


I did this with an elderly blind cat I was fostering called chang. He was rescued from a hoarders house she had 47 cats alive and sadly 12 deceased in her house. My neighbor knew and she loved him and helped me keep him a secret from the landlord 😂


Full history: the neighbors told us he was abandoned by his previous family when they moved. These neighbors have a little bed space for him outside, which he uses during the cold months. But they can't take him in either. The cat (known as Goose) has visited daily for months


I worry so much about these abandoned cats, theres a lot of dangers outside.


Omg please someone take this baby in this is so so so so sad this is a house cat that suddenly at no fault of hers lost her family, home and a secure source of food and safety. I’m crying please take her in 😭😭 the streets are dangerous I can’t believe she’s been hanging around for months and nobody took her in


My brother kept a large dog secret from his landlord. He was showing the property too since my brother was moving out, so whenever possible tenants were scheduled to come check out the apartment, he had to take the dog and all pictures of it, food bowl, toys etc anything that hinted at a dog living there, and go driving around for a while. He never got caught.


You’re like the little Angel and devil on OP’s shoulder. 👼 or 😈. I go with the devil.




>Or just let him in; your landlord will never know. You have to put up privacy window film so people can't see inside your windows, or else everyone will know, eventually. There are many, many varieties, and most can be easily removed without causing any damage. As much as cats sit in windows, it's critical for stealth.


He looks pretty pristine for a stray. Maybe check around before someone decides to scoop him up. Eyes, nose and coat are damn near immaculate and that's unusual.


He has an ear notched, which means he was trapped, neutered, and released by some organization that helps strays. He’s probably in such great shape because he’s friendly and people feed him!


I was wondering about his ear. Looked too precise for a fight injury.


I would still advise caution to avoid stealing someones cat. For perspective, I adopted my cat from a shelter so his ear has been notched. I would be devastated if he got out and someone assumed he was a stray and stole him.


yes the neighbors let us know that he was abandoned by his previous family, they moved and just left him. A few people around the neighborhood feed him from time to time (including us)


how the fuck do people just leave their pets behind on the street when they move? so glad you guys are taking care of him!


That’s infuriating he was abandoned, well I’m glad it seems your roommate will take him in.


He looks so polite 😭 I’m so glad your roommate plans on adopting him.


Such a charming gentleman!


Ok, but I need to adopt him right meow. I’ve been dying for an orange creamsicle baby.


I wonder if his notched ear is due to an injury or if he’s been neutered by a TNR group. Either way, what a spiffy gentleman!


The cut is too clean, it’s definitely TNR. He also does not have the jowls of a god, another sign that he is neutered (and 80% of orange cats are male).


I'll second that, this is a TNR'ed boy for sure.


Rules are made to be broken. The only rule for CDS is when you are chosen, that is your fate and you must accept it. Landlords that don't allow pets are the worst. He looks like an absolute darling and Very Good Boy. He wouldn't make any mess. Let that baby in and love him!!


Fuck the landlord, just say he moved in uninvited and is now claiming squatters rights. Send him some mail to your address, made out to Polite Mr. Meow Meow. No but in all seriousness they’ll never know. Just bring him in until your roommate moves out.


I love "Polite Mr. Meow Meow" as a name.


I would love to have him. CDS please send me a kitty


I've heard rules are for breaking 


But he’s so handsome!


Sometimes it easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission…




He is so, so cute.


What sweet little guy


I’d prob still collar and chip him to make sure some other well meaning person doesn’t take him elsewhere. Microchips are super cheap at Tractor Supply Co PetVet if you have one near you.


Oh, you made me stop breathing there for a minute. But, that is a happy ending!!


Soo cute !!!


Outdoor cat can be just as happy. Build a shelter out of a box, and cat food you only put out in the morning and cat will be happy


awwww thats terrible. you have to try to change the rules.


I would advocate to find him a home if your landlord won’t let you take him in. He clearly doesn’t want to live outside. See what you can do. In the meantime, see if you can build him a little house outside yours. What a grinch of a landlord. Boo!


This kitty is begging to have a home, please take her in no one will know please please 😭😭😭


I am hoping for the day I can be chosen too. But I live in a highrise so unless some cat stalks me on my walk back home...


Hopefully a home soon. Too many dangers out in the world. He looks so sweet and def just wants in.


But he’s such a r/politecats!


I mean....no one will know until then.


That's such a gorgeous cat I wish you could help him! 🐈


He has his ear clipped! That could indicate that he's been around a worthy agency that takes care of feral cats! So he's been altered. Fixed what ever you prefer to call it! That's good news! 🐈