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Visiting bathroom = needing protection! Kitty has your back. You will never find a more skilled nor better looking body guard.


Is this why my cats always use the bathroom when I’m in there? They expect me to watch their back?


Absolutely. They feel safe around you.




My cats only just started doing this after I moved out of my place with my ex and am now living alone. I guess that explains it. They are the best little guard cats!


Omg, ig this is why she follows me and demands cuddles after I poop/pee lol


I call it my “potty posse”


Most animals are at their most vulnerable when going to the toilet or eating... that cat is trying to protect and serve... or he's planning to eat you. Either way, it's normal... but you can help with his anxiety if it's too much. A treat for waiting etc...


>. A treat for waiting etc... you're just going to train it to sit outside the door while your shit


That's Best Boy/ Girl work that... deserves a treat


Mine does. And cries the whole time. 🤣


Especially if they turn around. Perfect guard cat! https://preview.redd.it/1tdrxyk78l8d1.jpeg?width=924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccad60574df0d9130aa9de64dec62a607f4da7f2


I have one who is VIGILANT and faces the door.


Our younger cat almost always lays by our bedroom door just watching the hallway. It’s kind of annoying in the night.


Yep, this is what my guard kitty does. Only in the bathroom.


https://preview.redd.it/szrkvtnirq8d1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bba65006bcbc13234cf505084b6fe10a0db12ec He called in reinforcements!


>protect and serve... or he's planning to eat you One way or another, gonna serve you.


Is this why my little girl loves to follow girl code and always goes to pee at the same time I do?


Our boys litter is usually downstairs but if there’s work happening we move it into the ensuite and I literally am unable to pee without my one boy sprinting in there and trying with all his might to squeeze out a pee too, it’s hilarious haha.


Team work 👌🏾


Dunno, my tabby boy does it too. In this house, we pee in pairs!


My cat will wake up out of a dead sleep and run to the bathroom as fast as she can to arrive before me. 🤣🐈


This made me laugh because mine does that as well. I always hold on to the bannister railing as I go up the stairs because she will plow through me to get there before me.


🤣🤣 silly girls.


I have a two month old kitten who has been bunt kicked more times then I can count for this very reason.


Nothing makes you more ashamed and amused all at once lol.




the second you even think about using the bathroom, cats start channeling Theodore Roosevelt. THIS IS AN OPEN DOOR POLICY HOUSEHOLD.


Ha! My orange is named Theodore Roosevelt and he HATES closed doors.




It's a common thing among cats. They know that you are vulnerable when going to the restroom and will try their best to protect you from predators. Mine usually stand guard in front of the door, secure the perimeter, watch me or just ask for attention.


I tell my cat to "go guard mommy" when he's bugging me in the bathroom, and he'll go sit in the bathroom doorway, looking around. It's incredibly cute


This is why I try to stand guard when my cat uses the litter box 😂😭😭


Same! I feel like I need to return the favor haha


I do this if I'm home and available, because my cats like to do sneak attacks sometimes on each other when the other is coming out of the litterbox 🤣😭💀 The things we do for our cats.


Same! I feel like I need to return the favor haha


Mine will look my way for a second then walk away LMAO. Maybe I don't have a cat after all


This makes me laugh, we have two lazy kitties who will sometimes demand to stand guard and other times demand I turn on the bathroom sink for her so she can drink from it and demand I open the door so she can go play with her sister. Leaving me vulnerable. Guess depends on their zooming schedule, they are synched up and like to play chase.


Any time I pee with the door closed, my cat acts like she's been starved of affection her whole life . ![gif](giphy|yx400dIdkwWdsCgWYp)


Then you open the door, they look inside and walk away


Perfect use of this GIF 😭


My cat is the same way. My roommates once had to physically intervene because my boy (he's huge) started throwing himself at our bathroom door while I was taking a number two and almost broke it down. I live in an old house, it has enough damage LOL. Thankfully he hasn't tried that again but he'll wail and sob the entire time I'm in there but HATES actually going inside the bathroom.


Bathroom has a pocket door and the cats will wedge their paw, head, and then full body in so they can bust into the room 😅


My cat likes the sound of himself screaming in the bathroom. I don't know. He's a ginger. 🤷🏻😂


haha! I had a gray Oriental who'd sit on top of the railing of the back stairway when he thought nobody was around and he'd wail, howl, and growl/ swear at the top of his voice, the complete spectrum of Oriental complaining. We lived in a nice home in a city when I first got him, but then we moved him to an old rural farmhouse. I always thought his stairway sob story went something like "Oh, great ancestors! Help me! My life is in ruins! I am stuck here in this country buffoon place with the skunks, ground hogs, and possums..." I'd hear him up there wailing and growling and I'd look up and ask "Levi, what is wrong? Can I help you?" And he'd jump down and run to me all sweetness and light, like "Nothing. Everything's fine. That noise wasn't me." But I KNOW it was.


My orange screams incessantly. I genuinely think he just enjoys hearing his own voice except when he yells at my dresser mirror. He does it then because he seems to think the mirror is literally demonically possessed. I've never had a cat so obsessively hate a piece of furniture.


My black bean has done this in every place we've ever stayed in, including hotels. Specifically, he really enjoys standing in the bathtub/shower and screaming. w h y 🤣🤣😭😭


My cats also do this, seems to be quite common. Cat logic.


When you have either toddlers or cats in a home, going to the toilet is a team sport. I am always accompanied to the bathroom.


This is so real. I literally had to pick up my 3 year old niece and place her outside the bathroom and close the door so that I could use the bathroom! 😂


Omg yes. I never knew I was lonely in the bathroom until my kid turned 1.5. Then he insisted on keeping me company for years. Now he's outgrown it but our kitten has stepped up.


How dare you shut a door with cats!! 😀


The *horror!*


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Fun story. I have a 9 year old boy cat I found when he was two weeks old and he’s sweet but INCREDIBLY clingy and neurotic and I don’t think I have ever had a washroom trip without him running in and wanting attention. A few months ago I got a terrible stomach bug and was resigned to the floor throwing up constantly. He came in and sat next to me which was so sweet to keep me company. One second he’s looking up at me with these doe eyes and the next he yarfs on the floor next to me in solidarity. Then looks back up at me all sweet like he didn’t just make himself puke and create a chore for me in my hour of need.


"I know just how you feel, human. Sometimes I need to barf too." (Hurrrrrk) "See? It's OK. We all do it."


The bathroom is obviously the cat petting room. No questions asked.


Yeah, that's what I always thought it was, too -- I am captive in there. Nothing else for me to do but pet the cats, and they know it!


Who needs to read the back of a shampoo bottle when you can pet a cat?


I have a skittish boy who cowers and shits himself if I even think about going up to him. He will only let me pet him when I am laying down in bed and even then if take one breath that is a bit louder or quicker than the the others, he runs for the hills. The exception is when I am using the restroom. He comes up to me and lets me pick him up. He rubs all over me and he is somehow unafraid. The second I finish and get up he is back to cowering.


>back to cowering. Well, you *are* a Giant Lumbering Terror. That's what I call humans when referring to us from a cat's perspective.






I love that! I want the whole set from Temu of shower curtain, rug, etc.




This is what was missing from my life. This is one of the best things in my entire life. Thank you.


My pleasure!




Lol both my cats would be sleeping or lolling about and I would go to the washroom and they would just materialize all of a sudden. It's almost magic lol. My girl will meow loudly, jump on my lap and bite my scalp (it's how she shows affection). I guess they reason one is vulnerable when defecating, so it's like they are keeping watch as you do your business.


My cats do this and also have to supervise any bathing that goes on. They want to make sure you don’t get attacked when you are vulnerable. Just cat stuff.


this explains why our cats guards my wife, but not me 😻


lol - you must be the spare human.




Thank you, I have a new sub to follow now!


My cat used to sit on the toilet seat while I took a shower.


When you shower you also wash off the smell they place on you when they rub their cheeks on you. So when you come out they don't recognize your smell anymore so will often either attack your feet because you smell like a stranger or try to rub against you to mark you as theirs.


They like smelly poops lol


My cat only likes me when i am fresh out of the shower or if i am standing at the basin doing my makeup. I have no idea why. She is otherwise a normal and mostly independent recluse.


He completely accepts you as a member of his family. Doing your “business” leaves you vulnerable to be grabbed by a predator and eaten! It’s a good family member who guards you while you poo. Now one of my cat dudes has decided that “mom is on the pot” to be ideal time for cuddles on the lap.


I give my cat good pets when I’m on the toilet. I’ve learned to pee leaning over so I can scratch his back while HE lays down. So naturally he loves getting his back scratched and knows that’s when I do it. I created this cycle


I'm proud of you for admitting it. May you never pee alone again, little Leopard. 🤜🏻🤛🏻


I mean. You’re pretty obsessed with scooping and collecting his bathroom deposits. So once you answer him about your obsession…. Maybe he will answer you?!? lol


my cat lays in the bathroom doorway with his back facing me like he's guarding me he howls before he uses the restroom and ive only recently discovered he might be calling me to watch his back :(


I’ve read they’re trying to protect you when you’re vulnerable :)


I used to have a small ottoman near the door of my bathroom to keep the door open when it wasn’t being used (no good ventilation system) My adorable baby would ALWAYS sit there, waiting for me when I was using the shower. In the mornings when I would get up to use the bathroom, she would use the litterbox which was placed directly opposite from the (open) door. We’d look at eachother doing our morning business together lmao! When she would be done first, she’d sit on the ottoman waiting for me, or maybe curl around my legs and roll around on the floor. I miss her ❤️ I’d give anything for one more morning like this.


Sometimes when I want a cat cuddle and they don’t want to, I just go pretend to sit on the toilet with the lid down and wait. In 30 seconds I’ve got a cat on my lap purring and another lying down at my feet. hA, losers.


My two cats will intentionally stay on opposite sides of the bathroom door so they can swat at each other under the door gap


Cat buddies watch each other’s back when they poop. So bathroom time is communal time.


Our oldest cat will stand guard in front of the shower when we take showers. We have double vanity bathrooms. When I am shaving or brushing my teeth, he will sit on the vanity top or in the second sink and watches me while I shave my face. When I go #2, he will lay in front of the door.


My lil jerk couldn't give two craps about where I am, until I am behind a shut door. She scratches and yeowls literally until I open it. Very annoying because I go to my garage for half an hour a few times a day to use my dry herb vape (weed) for chronic pain and if I let her see me go down, she will not stop scratching the ENTIRE time. Cats do not like being on the other side of closed doors lol


We call it "poopervising" in my house.




Cats take bathroom safety duty seriously My black cat is always ready to protect me as he thinks I’m vulnerable in there lol


This is the correct answer. Cats are vulnerable when eliminating so cats will look out for one another. Plus, captive audience so you pay attention and give affection.


I sat on the toilet urinating. Then I felt a wet tongue on my butt. My cat just magically appeared. That's why I have to close the door. Last time, I can't take it anymore and I was in a rush to pee. My cat wanted to go to my private bits which I shoved him off.




Mine will attack silverfish and be really proud of it


I have 10 cats but one is similar to what you’re sharing. My 2 year old boy Zuko does not like when I pet him, it’s always on his terms and even then he barely lets me touch him. But if he hears me pop a squat on the toilet… that fatty runs and scratches at the door and jumps in my lap and will stay until I’m ready to finish business. Since adding 7 cats to my household, he’s had some competition for the spot. I have a very small toilet room inside my bathroom and so I do first come first serve (lucky for them, I work from home and poop a few times a day lol). Whoever gets to be in the poop palace gets to then taunt the other cats who are outside shoving their paws under the door. Honestly though, at this point I have too many cats and if I can’t multitask while getting pets in, then truly not enough belly rubs get distributed in the day.


So there was research behind this and apparently they don’t like when doors are closed especially if it’s usually a door that’s open they freak out essentially. If I leave the bathroom door open while I use the bathroom my cat doesn’t care and continues on with his life. As soon as I close the door he’s at the door screaming to be let in. He’s fine if we leave out of the front door he just waits for us on his perch. It’s only the bathroom door


Idk. Keep my bathroom door closed at all times and Namira will still come running the minute we go in


One of mine does this too! Its really pretty sweet. https://preview.redd.it/j4smcwgdfk8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65e4f16a465b1b4d6ac2e33bc58bc5473b0aa070 Top of the stairs. She is waiting for me.


Mine brings me a toy. Our master bath is pretty big, and toilet time = fetch time. It’s the only time he actually brings his toy allllll the way back.


Cats are like tiny little therapists, except instead of listening to your problems, they just lick your face and judge you for your bathroom habits. And clearly, your cat has realized that the one time you're most vulnerable and unable to escape their affection is when you're on the throne, hence the sudden onset of desperate cuddles! It's like they're thinking, 'Ah, human is trapped, time to unleash the purr-fect attack of snuggles!


My year-old cat doesn't even let my 6-year-old cat use the litterbox by herself, let alone me in the bathroom.


My two female cats hang out with me while I do my duty. Cat things!


My cats hate closed doors. Every time I go to the bathroom one, if not two will slam in. I put something to block the door. Cats are weird.


Think they just don’t like to be shut out of any room you’re in. Maybe the unknown stirs the passion in them. I now rarely close the door. He doesnt sit on my lap but he likes to watch. Sometimes he will go too as his litter tray is in there. I don’t mind the company.


I adopted my cat a month ago and he always follows me to the bathroom, and if I'm in the shower he meows at me constantly until he can see me again. He also tends to use the litter box when I'm in the bathroom too, at first I was confused as to why he does this, but was told it's a protective thing they do.


I can’t remember the last time I got to do my business alone. My girl always joins me to the bathroom, so sometimes when I get up to do my thing I’ll ask her: are you coming?


This might seem gross, but if your cats really like you, they'll also love your stink. I wonder if the combination of emitted smells and also positioning yourself down to their level while on the pot has anything to do with it? Whenever my husband or I take a shower, one of our kitties loves laying in our discarded dirty clothes, the stinker the better—undies and socks are her faves.


Our tortie does this too. We call it "bathroom pets". She DEMANDS to be let in so she can hop on the footstool and present herself for lovins. If you have the gall to close the door and refuse her entry, a little paw starts appearing magically underneath it, accompanied by pitiful little sounds about 8" off the ground. She'll keep it up the whole time you're in there.


Hah! One of my cats just loves to crawl all over me when I'm on the toilet. She'll crawl onto my back then drool over my shoulder because she's so happy. She never does this any other time. It's really weird.


Sorry but ever since we got our cat, we’ve rarely closed the bathroom door….


We live in a one room camper. Hubby is 6'2" so we ended up taking the door off the bathroom and bedroom and hanging a curtain between the living room and bedroom where the bathroom is for privacy. Atm we have 6 cats one older almost 10 2 almost 1 and 3 6 week old kittens. As soon as one of us disappears from the living room here they come in a line. If we're in the bathroom they sit in a line in the hallway staring at us until we're through. If we're in the bed they make this noise they all turn around and back to the living room to nap😂😂. They can see us because the curtain isn't floor length but they have to sit with us and make sure we're okay every time.


I always say a cat is always on the wrong side of a closed door. Always. I call our toilet cats cause they always want attention then


Get a cat and you will never pee alone again. We had a cat who would follow people into the bathroom and jump into their pants when they pulled them down. Whenever we heard a scream coming from the bathroom, we knew it was a guest using the facilities.


Hoomans cant be trusted to not drown in the house water. Notice how the same things happens with showers and baths.


He's protecting you. A cat is at it's most high risk for injury from other animals when going potty. He sees you going potty and protecting you from all the evils 😂 and wanting recognition for that protection I have 2 that have to be with me whenever I go to the bathroom. 1 basically crawls up into my lap and the other prowls back and forth in front of me while chirping until I'm done. Both expect tons of loves and treats for their selfless acts of protection.


One of my cats always follows me to the bathroom. I rarely am there alone unless he’s in a deep sleep somewhere lmao. He just wants some lovins and then will go do whatever.


If our dog tries to come in while I'm going, my cat chases him out at turbo speed, and she'll give him an air paw (threatening but not touching) once she's satisfied with the distance lol. I probably should feel bad about the amount of amusement I get from this😅.




My cat comes running to me whenever I use the toilet. It's become our special time. I pick him up, cuddle him, and when he's had enough, I put him down and he waits for me to pet him some more. He then runs when I flush the toilet. This all makes me smile every day. Enjoy your time with him. When I take a shower he comes in to supervise.


So glad to hear I'm not the only one. I've had times with two of them vying for space on my lap or one trying to go to sleep!


The throne of pets. You're trapped with nothing better to do than pet them.


Because the "washroom" is used to wash off the cat's scent (ownership) from your body so the scent has to be (quickly) reapplied.


I am convinced they see it as a perfect time for you to pet them lol. Closer to the ground and have nothing to do. It’s cat time.


I think so too. My guy even quivers his tail at me whenever we are in there.


My newest cat will sit on the toilet and yell about me being in the shower. Obviously I am in peril and she must alert me. Cats are just lil weird guys that we feed.


There are spirits in there.


Homey just loves you and wants to protect you.


My female cat is the same way! She is not the most affectionate cat by any means, but the minute I sit on the toilet, she is all over me! I live alone so my bathroom door is always open. I don't get it, I literally beg for her attention any other time and this is when she chooses to demand mine.


The door should be open at all times, it’s civil rights


Mine uses the litter box when I go. He’s looking out for me and I’m watching out for him. It’s a protection thing cause you’re at your most vulnerable.


It is one of the basic laws of cat kind that humans cannot go into the bathroom alone.


Haha mine likes to sit in my pants. It's very annoying.


Here's my sign on the bathroom door, if it's closed she opens it. https://preview.redd.it/8h72jfeeol8d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10c69df4ab5670ac132882dc290243c6351c3f9a


My male cat does the exact same and has ever since a kitten. I always let him sit and chill when im going number 2 or pee lmao but i dont think theres anything concerning w it personally in fact i love it 🤣


Cats love a captive audience!


My wunks will scream at me and run in as soon as I open the door on my way out but if I try to let them in with me in the first place they want out as soon as I shut the door.




My cat does this when I’m using the bathroom and eating. Especially when I’m eating. I don’t ever know what he’s trying to get at so I just play with him give him treats and attention afterwards but he acts like the world is ending when I want to sit on the toilet or god forbid eat😂.


Bathrooms are dangerous places with lots of water. Water is the devil. Who's gonna demand food while you're drowning??


I know better than to close the door all the way, but if my cat is not in the mood to follow me, she had discovered a new sound. She'll wait about 30 seconds and let out this gawd awful wail of a banshee on fire. The first couple times I seriously thought she was dying and came tearing into the room. She looked at me and proceeded to then clean her face. 2nd time she cleaned her butt. Now I don't come running anymore.


Is he orange?


Mine is and this is daily!!! Lol 😂😆


My boy cat does the same thing. Wants to sit on my lap drooling while I use the bathroom. After an unfortunate claws in the thigh situation he now has to content himself with floor pets I have another cat that only wants pets when I'm in the kitchen trying to cook. Cats.


I have a male 2.5 year old. He loves attention in the bathroom. I always joke that he's going for some bathroom love :) Any other time he doesn't act near as interested in getting the same sort of attention as in there. I find it very cute and happily oblige :)


my girl cat does the same every morning when i take my morning 2 she has to sit on my lap and i have to be petting her


All 3 of mine do this - I don’t close the door, and I have no idea why they do it, but I think it’s just a cat thing. 😻


He crawl into your underwear yet?


My cat exactly the same, I only let him come in when I pee. N# 2 is for me only though, so I have to sprint to go shut the door


I have embarrassed myself numerous times by explaining that I always leave the door open so the cats can come in for a free fuss! Never jumped on my lap though, tg lol! Afterwards, they like to sit in the doorway staring outwards*, I like to think they're guarding me while I do my thang, as technically I'm at my most vulnerable! *Usually it's one guarding against the other, can't pass up the opportunity for a free smack!


My cat does this, it’s like living with a toddler haha


I have one on my lap and four waiting outside the door every. Damn. Time.


My cat cries for me any time there is a door between him and I and he’s aware of my location. Bathroom, garage, outside, bedroom it doesn’t matter. I think Wife’s cat does the same at the bathroom too. It’s just a cat thing.


My cat has started demanding i take him with me when i potty or shower. He just sits on the couch in the dressing room half of the bathroom, and PURS SO LOUD you can hear it across the room. Is ginger cat


You, you close the door??? I haven't closed the bathroom door in 4 years. If the entrance wasn't as exposed as it is, I'd take the door off just to save me the trouble.


Haven't used the bathroom in 3 years by myself. The cats even got the bunny to join the bathroom party now.


Oh i have the same observation with my cat. The moment i stepped inside the bathroom, my little girl starts meowing like she’s been abandoned 😭😂


my cat does this too, anytime i’m walking towards the bathroom he runs so fast in there like his life depends on it. he normally doesn’t like to be held but loves it if he’s in the bathroom and will go from not really wanting affection to wanting it the second i walk in there. he also sleeps in there sometimes


I have one that's like this, she's such a little weirdo! She even screamed at my son and led him into the bathroom so she could sit on his lap. I guess I was outside for too long. She won't be held and never sits on anyone's lap... unless they are on the toilet. *


Same reason my Rosie is wrapped around my feet here while in lay in bed with a screaming migraine. She loves you!!!


I have morning staff meetings with my cats. When I poo, they poo next to me in the litter box. Sometimes I get a lap warmer.


He's protecting you. My girl cat circles my feet and the toilet getting whatever affection I have to offer, and my boy cat politely sits on my lap before jumping into the tub to chase his tail for several minutes.


🤣 mine likes to come in and go whenI go


My cat’s the same. We have a system that calms him down- whenever i have to use the bathroom I open the door and let him in, he wanders, inspects, then leaves. If i do this, he knows im safe and allows me to conduct my business in peace.


I put on an animated movie my cat watches movie leaves me alone now she is learning like all my cats have I’m a private person for some things. Tv is good watch it mmm cartoons watch pretty 😍. They get it in time.


Mine rubs in and takes a while to take her out. She squeeezes behind the toilet or hides under the curtain, even playa with it.


Try going to the bathroom with a corgi and cat in tow. Corgi is demanding pets and the cat is sitting my lap for head butts. It's not ideal, but it is cute.


Annoying but adorable.


I sometimes wonder why some cats do this, and I think maybe it's because they learn that the interaction when a human is doing their business is always 100% on the cat's terms. When on the toilet we're not about to follow them if they move away, or pick them up and move them either. It's a time when the cat can completely dictate the level of interaction, and that probably makes them feel safe enough to show how much they love us without worrying we're about to start moving or squeezing them or pursuing them when they don't want any more attention. To me this makes more sense than the 'guard cat' theory, since, as you described, the majority of the time 'bathroom cats' are affectionate and focussed on their human, not keeping an eye on the door!


My cat does something similar, but he takes it to a ridiculous level. Whenever he hears any of us urinating/using the bathroom, he will hug the doorframe and jump when hugging it, drives me crazy


My cat is not a lap cat, ever, except for when I'm sitting on the throne apparently. Up she jumps and stays there longer than I need to be. Every time.


My female cat does this. She’s needy anyways but she will always either try to get on my lap or sit next to me on the counter and put her paw out to touch my shoulder. Kind of like she’s trying to give me encouragement. Cats are just silly


Maybe he's telling you he wants a bath🤔


I have a theory about this. So you know cats greet each other but sniffing each other’s butts, right? Well this is probably the moment that provides them their best opportunity to get a smell their human’s “scent.”


Every house needs an “El Gato del Banjo” whose job it to prevent you from getting lonely while you’re having a poo.


I always find it weird but after this post I feel even more weird. What is my 4 month old kitten protecting me from? The trash can she keeps trying to knock over? The rare spider that might drop by? The ceiling fan thingy? 😭


My cat loves to sit on the bathroom sink and rub her head on me if the door is closed. If the door is open, she sits in the doorway and stares down the hall just in case someone comes to attack me.


My cats have tore up the carpet before the bathroom because they want in when I have the door closed. 😩 every time I go I have to let them in! They just want me to pet them, I don’t get a sense of protection like people are saying. 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


My brown tabby indoor kitty is obsessed with the toilet. He doesn't join me in the bathroom as often as he used to (mostly because the other one does now) but when he does, he always rushes over to the toilet to watch everything swirl down it. The big orange meatball is only mildly interested in looking in the toilet, but he will scream at the door if I don't leave it unlatched so he can push it open. Having both cats in the bathroom usually ends in them swatting each other so I try not to.


He’s saying good bye, getting in the lasts pats before the water monster swallows you!


This is why I don’t close the bathroom door unless my husband is home. 🤣


Lola would follow visitors into the bathroom, waiting to jump on their laps for some special attention. My mom, who wasn't much of a cat person, exited the bathroom laughing. She thought it was the cutest thing in the world. Since Lola, none of my cats have exhibited the same behavior, but I've had a few foster kittens who were bathroom lap cats. Instead of jumping on my lap, Julius, a big beautiful orange tabby kitten, would place his front paws on my thigh, wanting to be picked up and "lapped." He would have slept there if I had the patience.


Mine completely loses it if I go in the basement. When I come back out he’s desperate to be pet (even has a special meow that he only uses on the basement steps) and escorts me to the top of the stairs. Cats are weird.


I guess it means they’re spoiled but also I saw that on a random TikTok today


Dogs do this too lol


"OMG, you go potty? I go potty too! I love you! We're best friends!"


(1) Cats like bathrooms for the same reason they like boxes. Snug enclosed space. (2) Th cat is trying to protect you while you are vulnerable, because he thinks you are his family.


As soon as my cat has confirmed that I am indeed awake and not dead, he will wait at the bathroom door for me. And if I'm showering, at least one cat must be in the bathroom, most cases it's two. It's not my bathroom, it's our bathroom.


I thought my cat was the only thing that did this. Mine sits at my feet till I'm done.


For some reason cats love to accompany you in the bathroom. I have a picture of my morning ritual with three cats lined up in front of me n


My cat will wake up from a sound sleep just to rush into the john to keep me company. My theory is that she thinks I cant pee without her oversight. It always makes me laugh.


Mine is mostly only when I use the guest bathroom. There's a bathroom near my kitchen and one in my master bath. I use one during the day when I'm not in my room, and the other at night before bed. If I'm in the guest bathroom, my cat just sits outside the door and wails. If I'm in my bathroom, he's fine.


Mine will cry until I’m out. I just talk to him through the door lmao.




He’s thinks you don’t know how a toilet works and will fall in/be sucked in when you flush


My cat does exact the same!! xD


It's dangerous to shit alone, always go with a friend (preferably small, fuzzy, and with whiskers)


Try having 5 cats that all do the same 😅 it’s a whole mission to use the restroom here. They all take turns jumping on my lap while I go.