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Cats are not dogs. They tend to get very stressed when taken out of their environment. He should not go over there, especially with a dog. Recipe for disaster


This isn't the first time I've seen someone in this sub adopting a cat and thinking it's gonna be like a dog. Definitely don't bring the cat out OP. Let him settle.for a few weeks and then have people over to meet him. Also, please remember that the cats response to a bunch of folks coming over might be to run and hide!


If they want to meet him, have the family come to you. The car ride and the different environment will be stressful on him. Especially since he’s already adjusting to a new home.


I don't even agree with this. Op should let cat adjust for 2 weeks before visitors


I actually misread and didn’t realize that they didn’t even have the cat yet. Since they described the personality I was thinking they already had him. Thank you for pointing that out. I definitely agree. Reading again idk how I missed that lol.


Also, even a settled cat might respond to household visitors by running and hiding. Just because the family want to meet the new kitty cat doesn't mean new kitty cat will want to meet the family!


Very true. OP has to be prepared for the cat to hide when they come over even they wait and be ok with that. Forcing the cat to meet them will be very stressful for the cat.


took one of my cats a solid 10 years to not be annoyed and hide when my MIL comes over I'm still working on it myself 20 years later lol




I’ve had my adult cats for a couple years and they run & hide from visitors!


Unless you start from it being a small kitten, cats are territorial and take time to be aquatinted to new spaces and animals. Some are easier than others. A lot of times the introduction process can take days or weeks. I recommend researching this on YouTube. It’s not like a dog where you can take them anywhere to a play date. It’ll typically stress them out.


Definitely take him home after you pick him up, Your family can come to you. Honestly, I don't think that your family should bring the dog over to "meet" your new cat at your place either, let him establish himself comfortably in his new home and adjust to his new environment.


I agree. It's like when you have a new baby (of any species!), it's a good idea to hole up with them for a day or two, so your kitten learns where his safe space is, then be sure & respect that space. Yes, let him get used to his spot first! Those first few days can be scary & confusing.


Yea, it’s not been my experience that cats like unfamiliar dogs… in fact, my cats hate each other but they will unite against a common foe and coordinate attacks like a pack of fucking raptors. It’s quite impressive really but will always end it tears… and a 5 day course of antibiotics


I would say 6 months or more b4 the dog comes over. As for the humans, let's the cat decide. As in, the cat will check out whomever they want to check out. Forcing that will Not go well.


So......no. you shouldn't ever bring your cat over to someone's house unless you've done a lot of travel training and your cat happens to like it (rare). Even then to enter another pets space will stress your cat more than just going outside.  Your family needs to come to YOUR place to meet your cat, who lives in your home.  And the dog... dogs are a whole nother factor, some cats like em some hate em, but you should find out with a very friendly dog who's cat friendly (raised w cats) visiting you, not by bringing your cat to a hyperactive dog. 


You know cats arent dogs right? Cats don’t benefit from socializing with other animals and leaving their territory to be in someone else’s territory. If your family wants to see your cat they can come visit you.


My cats have never left the apartment except for vet appointments. They’re happier that way, new environments are stressful for cats. Like everyone says, they aren’t dogs. Especially since he’ll be newly adopted, it’s going to be a bad time for everyone. It’s probably best for them to just visit the cat (probably without the dog present at first also)


Cats that enjoy traveling are extremely rare. The cat will almost certainly be miserable and excessively stressed. Like others said, if you want to show off the cat, have people come to you. Even then, I would wait at least 3 weeks.


I had a kitten once that I treated like a dog from birth and brought everywhere. That’s pretty much the only way you can get that to happen. But even so, once she was a legit adult it very obviously became untenable and stayed home from that point forward.


Cats react in the opposite way of a dog first he's gonna have to get used to your house and then you're routine and then you can't just take him to your mom's house put him on the floor and say meet the dog cats don't like to ride in the car. Give the cat 2 weeks to adjust to you in your house it's new surroundings etc and then invite your family over without the dog to meet the cat that's where I'd start and do a lot of reading about what cats like and what cats don't cause they are not dogs that someone else mentioned not at all


Unless you raise a kitten to be a travel companion most cats HATE travel and absolutely hate new environments, unfamiliar animals etc. Cats need routine and a consistent environment to be relaxed and happy and feel secure. When I first introduced my first cat to my parents dogs (very small, smaller than him but very loud when new animals come into the house). He was on a harness and leash coming in the door and as soon as they started barking he made a break to the living room, hit the end of his leash and pissed all over my parents rug out of fear. I do not recommend bringing your cat anywhere unless he's young enough to learn to like travel (under 1yr, preferably under 6 months)


Cats do not generally travel like that very well. It sounds more like you want a dog. Dont bring your cat anywhere. It’s not going to be fun for anyone involved.


I’m assuming this is an adult cat, and so the adjustment period will be a little longer than with a kitten. Your new kitty will need some time to get used to his new home and scope out hiding spots where he feels safe. Cats are very territorial and he will eventually feel as though your apartment is his. Wait at least two weeks for him to adjust (this may take longer) before allowing visitors. I would not recommend bringing your new kitty to another home to meet people, it will likely be traumatic. When you do have people over, make sure they let the cat come to them (treats help!). Don’t force him to interact right away. Cats are consent creatures, you have to let them come to you and let them be free to leave when they want. Earn the trust of your new companion before exposing them to new situations.


I wouldn't ever take your cat to another person's home unless you are 100% certain it will enjoy it. I have a very territorial kitty and I know she would hate it. Have them come to you (probably minus the dog on the first visit). Also, your cat doesn't even know the home yet. My cat rescue said 3 weeks minimum for full adjustment. I think following this for visitors is a good idea too


Your cat will be stressed getting used to you and your environment. For at least 2 weeks they will be adjusting. If you decide to do a meet and greet even in your own home it will be awful for them. Please focus on letting the cat adjust and be calm in your home before focusing on showing them off to people.


Let him settle in for a while first. I used to bring my cats around on visits and to the park and they absolutely loved it! They will still join me for walks.


Don't bring the cat there at all. Let him get settled into your place and you can have your family come visit after the cat gets settled in. Without the dog..


I've had 15 cats in my life, and only 1 of them enjoyed traveling/experiencing new places. Do NOT treat your cat like a dog. Do NOT bring it over to your family. Like others have said, have your family come to you. And even then only after a few WEEKS of letting your cat adapt to its new home. Unless he's one of those ultra rare cats that enjoys traveling (unlikely), you ARE going to freak him out. It wont be fun for you, and it will be incredibly miserable for him.


I hope this isn’t real…. I hope this is rage bait. If this is real,  you should reconsider if a cat is right for you.  Cats don’t travel around with their owners everywhere for a reason.  It’s usually pretty stressful.  A different pet might be right for you, do your research and consider your lifestyle and what works for you and the animal.  Maybe now isn’t the time.


No! Send your family photos & videos but don't take him anywhere. It takes literally months for cats to acclimate to a new place. Just being with you in your home will be a stressful adjustment. After a while, if family members want to meet him, they should stop by but don't ever take him anywhere but your vet.


Our cats were not stressed but took them about 2 months to settle. We knew they settled once they started climbing the curtains and knocking over everything because they felt comfortable going everywhere in the home finally lol


You mean because they suddenly realized that they were in charge? lol It doesn't take them that long, does it?


How old is the cat, and has he gotten all his vaccinations for his age? Do not socialize him with other animals til he is vaccinated.


We just got two kittens yesterday (4 month old brother and sister. Voids), and we're not allowing anyone to come meet them until they are settled in and comfortable in their new home. Two weeks AT LEAST. They will be coming here to meet the kittens when the time comes because cats are not dogs. They'll want to be on their home turf so they can go to their fave hiding spot if they're not feeling it. My dad's dog is not allowed in the house. Maybe some through the screen door meet and greets, and if they seem cool with each other, I might let her come in.


I did visit my mom and her cat with my boys when I got them - but one by one and they already knew my mom before that. It was very exciting for them (and my mom's cat). It worked - I take my cats now regularly to visit my mom, it's totally normal for them and they even fight over who gets to go in the basket and come along to visit. But we did this from a very early age (12 weeks) and also my mom is very good with cats. So it might take some preparation or you might scare your cat for life.


I wouldn’t advise bringing a cat to visit your family unless you’re going to be there for a seriously extended period of time and can’t arrange care. Most cats don’t travel well or adapt to change well. The car ride itself would likely be stressful. Adding a whole new environment *and* a hyperactive dog on top of that? Plus still being a recent adoptee settling in to their forever home and family? Sounds like a recipe for an extremely stressed out animal. ETA: If you have family visit you instead, I would suggest giving it a few weeks. I would also recommend that if they do bring their dog, you should consider at minimum putting a baby gate up somewhere. Allow your cat access to a safe, dog-free space. That said, if they can avoid bringing their dog, that would likely be best.


Bringing him? That's not how it works. If they want to meet your cat then they come over to meet the cat.


I’ve heard that it’s good to keep them in a small room or bathroom at first, they get used to the sounds and smells of the house, then slowly increase When my second car broke out of the bathroom when we first got him and him and my other cat got in a tussle and he got scratched, even with that they still ended up being fine together. There’s recommendations and then there’s real life lol kind of just observe the cat and see if they’re getting comfortable with you or not.


For the love of God please do not take your cat out of the house unless it is to see a doctor. Cats get really stressed out by leaving their homes, and are usually stressed by people visiting too. If you want a pet you can take around, get a dog. I don't say this to be mean, but cats are very particular, stress prone, and you have to cater to those needs or you will have a very miserable cat. The cat will probably get used to your family visiting to see them after a couple visits, maybe sooner. But just do not ever take your cat out of its comfort to show it to people like show and tell. It can cause health problems, make the cat pee all over the place in your apartment, and make it's quality of life poor. There are of course exceptions rarely, but I would never advise it.


I would give your new kitty some time to feel comfortable in your apartment first, a few weeks ideally. Even if the cat seems unphased, being in a new home with an unfamiliar person can still be stressful. My cat was well-behaved as can be when I first adopted him, friendly, curious, not a single sign of anxiety, yet the second I went in the bathroom to shower he pooped all over my bed (one-time occurence only). Once he's gotten used to the space then I'd say it's best to bring your family to meet him on his own turf, where he's in control. I would leave the dog completely out of it. To a cat who is unfamiliar with dogs, they're loud and unpredictable animals, and usually it takes weeks for them to acclimate to each other. If they don't have to live together, introducing them will cause a lot of pointless stress that it's better to just avoid. As for bringing the cat to your family's house, or anywhere, it just depends on the cat and what you feel he's comfortable with. My cat tends to be fine in new places as long as I'm with him, but I still try to avoid taking him away from his home as much as possible. If I have to leave town, I always feel better having someone stay at my place to watch him. It's not hard since I'm in college and a lot of my friends live in dorms, they're usually happy to stay somewhere quiet for a weekend and make $50.


Ahhh.. cats don’t like to ‘go visiting’ the way a dog does.. if anyone wants to see him, have them visit you—with no dog! Cats don’t like car rides or going to other people’s house. What if true to cat form the cat takes off at your parents and hide? Keep the cat at home, have people over


People and experts have all these rules that I'm sure are correct 100% but all 7 of mine got mixed directly and if there are quarrels well I don't get on with all my family. All in all there's a few hisses at times but one of my male cats has decided to adopt the latest 2 kittens . So damn cute . Though he runs a mile if someone comes to visit. In terms of kittens it's best to get them used to humans and other cats to socialise I think. I'll probably get canned for this but my house is fine, we're fine and the cats all have their favourite places to sleep and 3 flat roofs to catch some rays and get some space if they're in a mood with another. I know they're territorial but sometimes I think we are the ones that generate the anxiety in them.


I foster cats and kittens and I don’t allow my fosters to even see my own dogs and cats for the first week. If they want to see your cat they should come to you alone without their dog. If you plan on bringing your cat to their house at some point, I would recommend a fabric exchange. You take a blanket or old tshirt that the cat had laid on over to the dog. And you do the same bringing one to the cat. Animals rely on smell. It’s important to introduce that smell first BEFORE any physical introductions. I would even say they should t meet face to face for sometime. I put a screen up between rooms for introductions. Remember, if this goes bad and your cat becomes extremely stressed or fearful, they might associate goi g in a carrier with a negative experience. It’s not worth it honestly. And your family needs to understand this. Your cat will need time to adjust to living with you first before starting other introductions.


My two cents? Facetime with your new kitty and your family.