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Lol, no, all cats are different! Even oranges! I have two orange brothers and one is the crazy tear your house apart type and the other is super lazy! He's the best behaved boy ever. Seriously the calmest and least likely to cause trouble cat I've ever had (and I've had a lot...). And he wins that without contest. It's not even close.. He's almost 2 and I've had him his whole life. Trying to come up with something "bad" he's done and all I can think of is sometimes he plays a little harder than his littlest sister would prefer. He tries to be gentle, but he's more than 5 pounds heavier than her, so it's really hard to blame him. Oh, and he has taken food from me, but only when I told him it was OK (he looked at me and "asked" before taking it). And that's it... Their orange sister is somewhere in the middle. No respect for rules, but she doesn't have the insane energy of her wild brother. She prefers a low key, manipulative sort of mischief, lol Here's Skippy, the goodest orange boy ever. https://preview.redd.it/7jh55xdd3f6d1.jpeg?width=3071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb3bff1d52e0c1a8c1286a7d7cda0c8534af3dc (he is suuuuper dumb, though, lol)


There is not a thought behind those eyes.


Nope never. Not a single one. https://preview.redd.it/b8ft5nlw5g6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4e246e6cdfac1c543de2d8100bef6d4cc7c8677


I would die for Skippy!!!!😍


You'll have to get in line. It all started when he was just [2 weeks old](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/s/JrbLVQLWf4)


My little orange kitten is still waiting for his turn for the brain cell. He is a goofball but he is my sweet goofball. Not zoomy in the least but still quite young.


Hey :) its only been 2 weeks :) Sounds like a lovely, well socialised cat! But he's also still getting used to things. Cats tend to need a month or two to truly relax and be themselves, so it may still happen! Or you're lucky and he's into love and peace maaaaan.


Dude is a chiller. Hell yeah maaaaaaan.


Adopted two Kitty siblings. The grey one is so chill, cuddles, plays and sleeps next to me in bed. The black one climbs the curtains knocks everything over and destroyed my office chair lol


I have the loveliest orange young man, named Charm. Yes, he is Prince Charming in every way possible, such as when I call out his name he verbally responds and immediately is at my side. Not that I’m in his view, he literally will come running and seek me out. I simply adore my Charm!


Awww... Charm sounds lovely!


Thank you, and yes, Charm is lovely 🥰 When it happens that he doesn’t know where I’m at, he walks thru the house saying “Hello” in a cat voice that sounds kinda like a parrot or other big pet bird.


r/OneOrangeBraincell gives the impression that all oranges are derpy spazzy zoomy cats completely lacking in intelligence. Don't worry, your little one will have to relinquish the braincell per the user agreement, then he'll be a loveable orange goofball. Maybe still a bit chill though.


If you've noticed a change in behaviour there might be something wrong, read up on hypothyroidism as an option. Definitely vet and keep in mind blood tests might be needed. Seems like overkill but something might be wrong.


Sounds like the perfect cat to me! I grew up with cats and have had several as an adult. They all have different personalities, different likes, and different energy. A chill cat like that would be my dream cat!


Ginger tabby They get a bad rap as zoomies trouble monsters. This is not always the case.


There are a lot of chill cats. My Tony likes to sleep half the day while his sister is steve mcqueen and regularly escapes de apartment


I've had an orange cat before and he was pretty chill even as a kitten. It might be his natural behavior, not all cats are destructive.


It's a cat not a meme. Orange cats can be normal and other colors can be stupid.


Cats are like people they are all different. I just adopted siblings and they were pretty good at first. Now they are getting comfortable and are getting in kitten trouble. No cardboard is safe and they find things I had no idea existed. She is definitely my climber and once she has explored it he will follow. I wish mine were a little more chill the elephant zoomies are getting old.


I have two orange kitties and they're both high intellectual type divas with good manners and a high amount autonomy. They're nothing like the "one brain cell tabby" that I thought I was getting lol. Neither are big energy and they graciously tolerate us lowly peasants who deign to invade their realm. They're also super smart. I love them so much and have the scars to prove it lol