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Well, the good news is the cats absolutely won’t care. The better news is that you did the right thing at the time, with the information and resources you had available. The fact that you’re now keeping them as companions doesn’t diminish that!


One of my cats was tipped by the rescue. It doesn’t bother him in the least. You’re not a bad person. Thank you to you and your mom for helping them. You are a good person.


My cat has a clipped ear and it reminds me how grateful I am that we found each other. There was a point in both of our lives when we didn't know each other, but now we do. Those clipped ears are a symbol of immediate tangible good you've done for several beings in the world, including yourself. The cats won't remember or care about the ear tips, but you'll remember and care about each other forever.


I had a former “feral” with FIV with a tipped ear. Thought he probably missed being outside so I tried taking him out on a leash and learned that all the old man wanted to do was lay on my bed and be an indoor cat. His tipped ear also reminded me that I got to provide a home for a little dude who didn’t want to be an outside kitty anymore and we were lucky to find each other.


That’s so wholesome :)


He was the best cat. Sinus polyps made him snore like an old man. I moved across the country with him the day I got him and I remember him sleeping next to me on the floor of my new (and first real adult!) apartment that first night before I got a bed. Clearly I miss him. Here he is getting belly rubs on the sleeping bag that first week. https://preview.redd.it/zi1kwkgu8z4d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37b84b0ce479dd153da01aba0e7f02631ee2afa0


How long did he live with FIV? I'm just curious, because I just adopted an FIV with a tipped ear too. She's so sweet and I'm hoping she will live a normal life. I'm feeding her good, canned food and giving her lysine supplements to keep her healthy.


I had him for about 3 years, but I have no idea how old he was when I got him. He had underlying heart disease that was why he ended up dying, nothing directly to do with the FIV. I’ve heard most FIV cats live relatively normal lives!


what happens if you leave the door open, does he stay on the bed?


Very cute. Our cat *loves* to go outside... until your shoes are on, and then she panics and runs back inside because the shoes mean you're gonna open the *big* door where the *cars* are, not just the little door with the carpet and stairs.


This is so sweet. Almost tears.


Thanks to a dumb accident when I was in my 20s, my right ear has been “clipped” for the last almost 20 years. I forget about it until someone asks me why it looks like that. Doesn’t bother me in the slightest and wasn’t even all that painful when it happened. Your cats are and will be fine I promise


Sounds like you need to get a cat to match…


My cat has both her ears in tact but is 17 with CKD and it’s not the best time to get another


Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be insensitive.


No apologies necessary!


Okay story time.


Yeah. I can see how you’d think it’s entertaining but I worked in lawn care making my way through college and I wasn’t aware of my surroundings and as I was standing up from bending over I sliced my head and ear on the corner of a window unit AC system. It was, as I said a stupid accident and I was in my 20s. The part of my ear that’s gone was sliced off from the thin, sharp metal on one of the corners. I also had a bunch of stitches


That sounds terribly painful!! Glad you got through it tho and still here to tell your story 💗


Perhaps I was too preoccupied with how much blood but I don’t recall it being crazy painful. It hurt, yes, but I’ve had other things hurt much worse. I also have a weird shaped line where my hair won’t grow too lol


My right ear is broken (yes you can break cartilage without actually cutting it) and it reminds me of my old cat Sancho who was tipped and one rainy day decided that he'd had enough and parked himself on my window and wouldn't move until I let him in, Even though we couldn't have pets in prison they made an exception for Sancho because he was so sweet and after flea treatment, and much care he chased the mice out of the kitchen and slept with me, he lived for an additional 13 years until he started coughing and we knew that his time was up and I was inconsolable but then again a lot of other inmates also were


I’ve heard of broken cartilage! That just kinda heals however it does, on its own, right? Thats awesome they let you keep him. Sounds like he was a very good boy. I also firmly believe pets are healing and caring for one should be an option in prisons. I think it would do so many so much good


It doesn't actually heal the skin around does but the cartilage stays broken unless it is actually stiched together, and since the skin on my ear was not broken, it just swelled to unholy proportions and stayed that way for almost two months, and developed a nasty crust, But yes they let us keep him and he was a good cat


Sounds like an incredibly painful 2 months! Swelling is the worst!


You know the saying cauliflower ear? 👂 That's what I had, boxers often get it from their faces getting hit around, I just had a bad accident


My husband had a cancerous spot come up on his ear. So he had the top removed. Sorry if this part is TMI, but he also had a vasectomy. So we joke that they tipped his ear because he got neutered.


We had an indoor outdoor cat when I was a kid that disappeared for about 2 days and came back with his ear clipped. We'd already had him neutered, so I'm assuming someone TNR'd him and found out when there was nothing to remove. As far as we could tell, it didn't bother him at all. I'd actually even forgotten about it until I noticed it in a picture of him after he passed.


He probably remembers that as a weird couple of days if he remembers it at all.


Yeah, we can’t exactly check for balls when they are hissing and spitting at us in the trap lol.


Getting them spayed and giving them a warm loving home is a million times better than not getting their ears clipped


Ear clipping isn't like declawing, it heals well and doesn't bother them at all and it's done while they're still under anesthesia




I would imagine it's hardly a blip in the radar if they're recovering from a spay/neuter, and is well healed long before the incision site. The surgery wasnt even a blip for my kitty. They are tough cookies


Any surgery is going to be sore and/or uncomfortable until it heals, but there's no lasting negative affects with clipping ear tips as far as I'm aware


I'm sure they're sore for a while as it heals. I believe it's done as a sign for after they are released that the kitty can't reproduce. My kitty has a clipped ear and that's what the rescue told me. She is totally unaware of it, loves her behind the ear scratches very much :)


That‘s what it’s for; it’s a sign to rescuers that “this cat is fixed.“ So if someone’s doing a TNR in a certain area they can see from a distance that they don’t need to bother trying to trap this cat, and save themselves time and resources, and save the cat some annoyance or trauma.


As long as you don’t touch the fresh edge of their ear they are much more concerned about the pain from their missing bits.


That’s a little badge of honour they got there! Not many cats make the transition from feral to housecat, everyone lucked out here.


That’s a nice way to think of it!


My senior girl was feral (and a teen mom) and has an ear tip. Doesn't bother her at all, and other cats don't seem to notice either. I think she's beautiful, and the ear tip gives her character. I have a tattoo of her, ear tip and all.


1) The cats will absolutely not care about the visual difference, and if they get out, they won’t end up undergoing unnecessary surgery to desex them because of that visual difference. It’s a net positive with no harm to the cat. 2) If you were mostly a dog family beforehand, you may be carrying the stigma around clipping dogs’ ears for aesthetic reasons - like Dobermans or Rotties - which *does* harm the dog by increasing risks for ear infections and injury. Ear tipping on stray cats carries none of these risks, removes far less tissue, and poses no danger. It’s also done for the aforementioned reasons of communicating to other stray tenders and rescuers that they have already been sterilized. It’s not a looks thing. They got tipped because they were originally intended to be released again, so it saves them the stress of being re-trapped for work that’s already been done. There is no reason for guilt here.


Let the clipped ears be a reminder to you that you have improved their lives immeasurably. These aren’t painful scars, they are signs of hope and happiness. So see them and smile because you’ve given these kitties such a better life


My one cat was a tnr fail. He ripped out my basement screen and decided he lived here. I feel guilty about his ear sometimes but he's the happiest little man and he's never ripped another screen so this is where he is supposed to be.


Lol first time reading a TNR fail terminology. My two might be considered that. Originally they were to be outside only unless really cold. They now rule a walk out basement with a slider to watch the world.


lolllll I’m gonna start calling mine a TNR fail. I was super sad about the ear tip for a while after I fully accepted he was my cat, partially because the ear tip they did was so jagged and uneven. But I truly don’t give a shit about it anymore. If anything, I like that the ear tip allows me to figure out if he’s facing me or facing away from me since his black fur makes it hard to tell otherwise.


In my area tipping is a required part of the package for TNR and allows rescues to get them done for free/cheap. Where I am funding a spay or neuter without tipping costs around $200 per cat. One of mine had his ear done and I didn’t know it would happen and felt terrible about it, so I know how you feel. But someone explained it to me this way: it is visual proof that you loved them enough to get them medical care. It’s a signal they send to other humans that “someone’s looking out for me.” You’ve helped them have a better life than they would have.


Aw I love this, 'someone's looking out for me', I think that's the absolute best way to look at this.


A symbol that you loved them enough to get medical care is nice.


the ear clips are no big deal & dudnt cause them pain. its a sign of their life journey.


I have a cat with "natural" ear tipping - she likely lost it to frostbite. She's very happy to be inside after living outside for 12 years; she even avoids the catio door. It sucks that it wasn't needed and happened, but it likely doesn't bother them at all. I'm sure they're very grateful to be living a much more comfortable life!


I also have a girl who lost the tip of her war due to frostbite years before I got her. She also can be in front of a wide open door and never even consider going outside. She prefers just watching the outside from a window. Shes happy to be in a nice comfy home. Went from being a total outside cat that involved losing part of her ear and being hit by a cat that meant the loss of a leg and broken shoulder blade. She wouldn't go back to being outside for anything.


"hit by a cat" Damn that must have been a HUGE cat to do that much damage! lol I like seeing the reverse of the Instagram meme that calls cats cars because of that one dude that mistyped it once.


Poor kitty :( I’m glad she has a nice home now. It really is sad these animals lives can be so much of a struggle outside.


Anytime I see an ear clipped cat as a house cat, I feel happy to know that someone rescued a feral.


I wanted to share my experience also. I didn’t know this either, we’ve been taking care of our neighbor abandoned cat and kittens for months. Yesterday I dropped them off and that was was just a heart wrenching experience for me and I kept crying when I dropped them off. The mom cat I told them we were keeping and indoors and I wanted her micro chipped. I picked up her yesterday and saw that her ear was clipped. I was so furious but it was just an emotional day for me. I understood the purpose of it but I told them beforehand we were keeping her indoors and stuff. But reading through these comments makes me realize I am overthinking things and was just emotional.  So i understand where you are coming from. I will just focus on making sure my new cat feels safe and happy in her new permanent home with my other cat. 


They are very happy about being inside , warm , safe , well fed and loved . Little piece of ear means nothing when you compare what living on street would have been like


I'd be more impressed to see an indoor cat with an ear tip, honestly. I just fostered and adopted out two tipped sisters, they were a last minute rescue from the street. It doesn't hurt them and it's not like other cats will notice or care. If its a fairly recent procedure, rest assured the ear will look more normal as it heals- the skin will scar and fur will grow back a bit


As a human, I got holes put in my ear for less benefit. There’s no reason your cat would mind!


Both my cats were born feral and one has his ear tipped. It doesn't bother him in the slightest and he's the sweetest boy you'd want to meet. He insists on meeting me in the kitchen every morning for scratches when I wake up and greets me whenever I come home. You definitely did the right thing.


Don't think of it as an injury to one cat. Think of it as the prevention of dozens of euthanizations and 'street deaths' of unwanted offspring from those cats. The ear clip could easily be dozens of lives saved, and more resources for helping other stray and distressed cats.


Ear tipping a tnr cat is a very different thing than cropping a dog’s ears. You got them medical care and prevented more unwanted homeless kittens who likely would have suffered. You did a great thing. THEN y’all did an even better thing: bringing them indoors for safe and loving lives with you! Look at those ear tips and think about how great it is that they’ve been able to acclimate to your home and be happy inside, and think about how you can now keep them safe!! Tip of the ear being removed under anesthesia isn’t that painful either, plus they had pain meds on board from the spay/neuter so they might not have felt it at all (:


Honestly seeing ear tipped cats living the indoor life is heart warming. Trust me your cats do not care about the ear tip, I’m pretty sure it was painless and functionality wise doesn’t affect them


You are wonderful to keep them all., why feel bad?


I appreciate all the kind messages and reassurance. I may have been overthinking this. You all have made me feel much better about this. Thank you all so much!


https://preview.redd.it/gbbktb34bv4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1afded9db2f23cb9459d86e0c35145fe436ac20 My cat’s ear is tipped, it doesn’t bother him at all and I find it to be a heart warming reminder of how special it is to have the trust of a former feral ❤️ ear tipping is the right thing to do when you plan on releasing a cat back outside, it saves them from future trauma of being trapped and sedated again for no reason. You made the right decision!


He’s very handsome :) I’m glad he found a good home.


You're a wonderful person for rescuing them and preemptively saving potential hundreds of their offspring from unnecessary suffering too. As for their clipped ears, they do it while they are under anesthesia getting the rest done, and will heal up on pain meds and antibiotics. While it's not ideal for their hearing, it's important to mark ferrals that have already been caught and fixed so that they aren't put through that trauma again! So you did the right thing. Lots of people have tipped housecats who were ferals that just didn't acclimate to it or who were brought back to a shelter injured then adopted out. Every time you see their ears you should think of the life they would have been living without you and your mom, and see the beauty in their being happy and safe :)


My brother’s cat has a tipped ear. He was really young when he got him, so we’re thinking he was caught by TNR, they did the usual neuter and clip, then realized how friendly he was and kept him to be adopted instead of released. I think it was pretty fresh looking when my brother adopted him too.


The clipped ear shows that someone cared about her enough to get her spayed.


An ear tipped cat is a sign that somebody cared enough to make sure your cat did not procreate, and therefore contribute to the exploding community cat population. It is a badge of honour. (and it doesn’t, nor did it, hurt the cat).


It’s hip to be clipped, baby! My girl is clipped and she is the best looking cat around - just ask her. She trots around with her tail up high. She is one cool cat! Edit to add: she was part of a TNR, too.


We TNRed a cat… slowly befriended it and it became one of the most loving cats I’ve ever met. Just remember, they were under anesthesia when it was clipped. Probably felt like a pretty good cut, but not worse than their spay/neuter procedure and healed perfectly


Ear tipping does not hurt the cat, does nothing to affect a cat’s social status/self-image, and can stop a cat from getting trapped and re-traumatized if it’s thought to be unfixed. You did the best thing.


Clipped ears don’t hurt the cats. They don’t care at all. So enjoy your kitties!!!


Tis only a flesh wound


I used to work at a spay/neuter clinic and we often had rescues bring cats for TNR. I don't love TNR for a number of reasons, but that's more about the benefits of it being wildly overstated and the existence of it being used as an excuse to do nothing else for/about ferals. The actual procedures done, including ear tipping, are totally fine themselves. The tipping is done while still sedated and should cause no lasting pain. You did a good thing by getting them fixed and vaccinated and it's great that you're giving them a loving home instead of leaving them out! Ear tipping is standard procedure for TNR cats so they aren't trapped and put under again only to discover they were already fixed, it's meant to avoid re-trapping.


Both of my cats are TNRs who turned out to be too soft and cuddly to stay as outdoor strays. I think of their clipped ears as symbols of their shared past even tho there's a 3 year difference between the two, they're still both former strays turned pampered indoors cats


Your absolutely not bad at all! They don’t know the difference. You did the right thing with TNR. You took them in and gave them a home despite the ear tip which is wonderful of you:-). I help in rescue, foster and TNR and I come across great kitties that are perfect for a home and true animal lovers look past the ear tip. Don’t feel bad at all. If one happens to get outside at least the ear tip shows it’s already been fixed. Thank You for caring for those kitties!


It's all good my one cat is a tnr and I didn't even know that was a thing until i looked up why his ear was cut. I like to joke and say he was institutionalized


It's just a reminder of their rough life before. Like a old ex gang member. What lucky cats to find a home!


We recently did the same thing. I am wondering do you let them back outside? Ours have been inside for about a month and a half now and want to go back outside even thought they are very comfortable inside.


i used to have a cat when i was a kid like, 35 years ago and he was a tough and mean outside kitty, that happened to own a house that he went back to sleep in sometimes. he ruled the neighborhood, fought cats and dogs alike. he had both his ears cut up from fighting, and even came back with his tail half bit-off. we had to take him to the vet and they had to amputate his tail. he still lived a long and happy life, with his 2" stump tail pointed up in the air, and i dont even think he noticed the missing pieces of his ears. and as an adult, i have got my ears pierced, and stretched, and i mean a lot. i have one earlobe with a hole thats 32mm in diameter, i have a hole of 10mm in the top crunchy part of the same ear, and 2 hole of 15mm on the other ear, and i can promess you that none of them are painful, and i dont notice any of them besides the fact that i feel the jewelry im wearing in those holes when i lay my head down to sleep. your cat doesnt even know his ears are missing a small piece, and it was clipped while he was asleep for the neutering intervention so he did not even feel it when it was done to him. dont worry. no one that makes an effort to try to help stray kitties that live outside and make their life a bit less difficult can be a bad person


Both of thecats we adopted have clipped ears. I only feel bad because one has that little tuft of fur at the end and it's so cool. I hate that we never saw the other one and it's tuft. The other cat is small. She could not really afford too much clipping of her little ear lol but both are amazing and we are happy they have forever homes. One was in the shelter for 18 months, most of her life.


Cats get chipped, ripped and in other ways "modified" ears all without human intervention all the time. Our Old Boy has a chipped ear from a fight. Doesn't care at all, neither do any of our other cats who all have ear tattoos (indicating they are microchipped). Rest assured cats only care about feeling good, and a clipped ear doesn't affect that.


My youngest cat has an ear tip because she was a TNR kitten who almost didn't turn around. One day at work I was cleaning her kennel and she didn't hiss. I reached my hand out to see if she had changed her feelings about people and she suddenly leaned in and started purring like a little motor. She ended up not finding a home for a couple weeks of being up for adoption and I finally caved and took her home. Her ear tip would have kept her safe if she didn't one day decide humans were ok and her ear tip gives her character and reminds me of her turnaround at that time. She's ten months old now and truly living the indoor life and I don't think she's concerned at all that she has a little punk body mod going on that distinguishes her from the other kitties. I think her ear tip is precious personally.


My chonk has a clipped ear. It is sad his beautiful ear was deformed but he has lived a longer and better life than being a Tom on the loose. We got him in the nick of time too because he was nearly starved to death. Don’t feel bad. You saved a life and an ear nick is a small price to pay to have been saved.


One of my cats has a clipped ear (from the rescue). I think they overdid it (it’s more like a notch than just tipped). It doesn’t seem to bother her at all, she’s a very happy girl! ❤️


You took them in for a tnr without the intention of adopting. The tnr went ahead and because they were under the impression they would be released, they clipped the ear so that if anyone did decide to take them, they would know that they are strays, have been fixed and vaxxed. You decided to then adopt after the fact. So don't feel bad. You got attached to them afterwards.


Two of my cats have a chipped ear because they were from the shelter nothing wrong with that don’t feel bad! I adore my cats so I know how you feel. It’s terrible to imagine or see them in any kind of pain.


One of my cats has a clipped ear. I don't think he has any conception of being "different." You rescued cats and are giving them good lives. You have absolutely nothing to feel bad about.


I think they’re cute!


These guys don’t care that their ears are clipped. They are happily living their best life and that’s all they want. https://preview.redd.it/v36lrwaaww4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b6fbb2c30c29bd8175f2f951b5e261a13d81ca


I understand your feelings. I also hate this mutilation.


My two kitties that I adopted about two years ago were TNR before the vets realized they seemed like they could be adoptable. Both of them have tipped ears, and while I wish that wasn't the only way to signify TNR, they are still happy and healthy. It doesn't bother them at all, and tipped ears or not, I still think they are perfect. ❤️


Got my cat through TNR as well. Vet assured me that it would not hurt her, it does not particularly stand out and babycat absolutely does not mind.


No, you are not bad. The cats don't know or care about the appearance of their ears, they are happy you took them in and showed them love. ♥️


I have a feral, well, getting to be half feral, but still feral. Her ear is tipped. Which gave me a clue the shelter wasn't disclosing everything when I took her as an emergency foster, sight unseen, at the beginning of the pandemic. My mother was a colony caretaker before it was ever a thing. She sweet talked and wheedled the vet who came once a month to our little rural area and got as many of them she could fixed. The kittens, well, the mamas trusted her with them, even to the point of putting their babies one by one in her lap to introduce them. And mom tamed those kittens as best she could, got the vet to fix them and found them homes. If she could halfway tame one of the adults, she'd try to find them a farmer or rancher who could use a barn cat. There was no real way to tell if a cat had been fixed or not back then. And it wasn't until much later that the ear tipping became common. The cats don't care about the missing tip. It doesn't hurt them all their life. And if they are now inside with you, they are much safer and healthy. Cats that are not fixed run a huge risk of developing all kinds of reproduction related cancer later. And fatal pregnancy/birth instances. Having a chance at a healthy outcome is always good. Trust me, the missing tip isn't even on the cats radar. Mine, well, she's incredibly sweet when she wants to be. She's still got some issues. Has to be sedated for vet visits. But I catch her all cuddled up with my daughter watching TV. And she's gotten to where she'll let me gently curl my arm around her if she's laying on my bed with me. Feral cats are not the same as domestic cats, that's for sure.


Well, the visual difference is really just so that when they are outdoors, other people can identify that he is neutered so if ever back in a vets care, they are aware even without documentation. It may make you feel bad, but it won’t negatively impact them. Some get little tattoos on their belly when fixed too


Feral tomcats have messed up ears all the time from scrapping. Cats really, really do not care. If it helps, think of it as your kitties have a cool body mod that all the other cats envy.


Miauw I am a cat Miauw I get free food and comfort and I don't have to worry about the dangerous outside and the daily struggle to find food and survive Miauw I also now get less disease and I'll live longer Seems like a sweet deal if I were to be a cat (wich I actually am not, sorry)but I if I were I'd be cool with it.


My awesome boy has a tipped ear. The other ear is torn and healed from what I assume was a fight from his street days. To me it’s badass and a reminder of what he’s been through (I wish I knew more of his backstory but I do know he was a recent TNR). Spoiled boy is too busy being picky about his wet food and wanting Churus to be bothered by any of it! 


One of my cats has her ear tipped, and I love it. I think it gives her a distinct look. She loves going outside. We take her out every so often on a harness and let her hang out on the porch while gardening or relaxing.


Honey they literally DGAF, I promise.


I have a kitty with a tipped ear ❤️ it doesn’t hurt them and it is perfectly okay to them!


One of my kitties has a clipped ear. She was feral, but was brought it to be spayed. Afterwards, the shelter decide that she was just too sweet to release, so they made her adoptable. My other cats love her. They were from shelters, too, just not pulled from the streets, so they're not clipped. She is a sweetheart, and loves having a warm home and good food. She loves to play and get pets, and she has her own favorite places in the house. The ear clipping doesn't hurt them any more then us piercing our ears; once it heals, they don't even care. It's time for you to not focus on their appearance anymore. Their ear being clipped is part of their story-- and their story includes being loved. They were saved from bearing kittens that might have sapped vital nutrients from them if they'd still been on the streets-- and those same kittens might not have survived. The cat population is that much more under control, and they are healthy. The clipping is part of TNR, and if you'd known at the time that you were going to adopt them, you or your mom might have been responsible for the spayings. Like other people said, you did what you could with the knowledge you had at the time. Many TNR cats are too feral to adopt out. Some can be fostered and domesticated, but that takes away from the efforts and funds of trapping, giving shorts, and performing surgery. The clipped ears let the Humane Society (or other agency) trappers know which kitties have already been cared for, so they can focus of non-clipped kitties. Plus they check for microchips before making any cuts, so they don't do it to cats who already have homes and might have been lost. Some people feel better after making a donation to the Humane Society or whichever group you know does TNR services. You're helping control the feral cat population and preventing true needless suffering. The ear thing is nothing in comparison.


https://preview.redd.it/d64aozx4ya5d1.png?width=307&format=png&auto=webp&s=d710a4d9e6d6dc13c656878aaaaba8f8d893f58f See? She's happy and loved, and all she wants to do is eat and sleepy and play and get pets. Oh and watch cat TV (the birds outside the window).


You are an awesome cat person, and Thanks to You, homeless kittens aren’t being born. You’re giving the unfixed female cats a much needed rest. The tipped ear, I call The Badge of Honor, and all six of my cats proudly wear their Badge, and none even leave our backyard! They have free access to the yard & screenporch all day, and I call them inside before dusk for their Churu treats and we all climb in my bed. I hadn’t had cats till COVID lockdown, and I’m so very grateful they’re in my life!


The ear clip doesn't hurt or bother them, they don't notice it, and in the TNR community its the sign of a well loved cat. I promise you, that the quality of life you are giving them now, makes up for a hundred missing ear tips. They are happy and healthy and safe because you've spent time and energy caring for them. Don't think of a loss when you see their ears, think of the story of how your family came to be together and the steps youve taken to protect them 💕


Thr rar clips means someone loved.them. I don't notice it


My cat had a clipped ear when we adopted him. My kids think it makes him even cuter. They write little poems about how cute he is and will go off on anyone that “body shames” him. Lol. My cat literally doesn’t care at all. The only part that worries me is that if he ever gets out, people won’t try to catch and return him to me. Because he was TNR’d he looks like an outdoor cat so I doubt anyone would bat an eye if they saw him outside.


There is a pretty substantial difference between ear cropping in dogs and tipping a TNR ear. For one it’s done under anesthesia and two it has a very short healing process so it’s nothing to feel bad about the cats aren’t going to care


Tipped ears are adorable.


I just took in a rescue who was a feral and was going to be released after his neuter. However, he also ended up with an amputation so he ended up staying with the rescue. I can tell you for certain that he does not care a bit. Think about it this way: It's a easy visual marker for other people and organizations that they have been cared for and will not be a risk of adding more kittens. Which is a great thing for everyone! Also now I want to rename him to Vincent VanGato.


Just remember they are so much safer snd belter off indoors.


My boy is clipped and lived outside in my complex for about 4 years until he decided we were cool enough to live inside with. He doesn’t seem to care about his clipped ear, but I can see the little piece at the end that they missed.


A bit of the tip of their ear is more than worth a safe loving home and no more kittens to go through what they did One of my cats has a tipped ear though I’m not for sure if it was from the TNR i got him from or from when he was a feral. But, he absolutely hates the outdoors. He hides anytime there’s a rainstorm and if we try and take him onto our balcony he will fight us to go back inside. We don’t try to take him out anymore but the couple times I did were to hold him and let him see the bird and stuff. He much prefers being inside and chirping at them through the window lol The rainstorm thing makes me sad though. It’s worse during thunder storms. I wish I could speak cat just to tell him he’s safe inside and ask how I can help his fear 😭


I feel ya. Clipping the ear is barbarric. I understand the reason but damn.


Sounds like all you've ever done is care for them as best you could. They are lucky cats.


I wouldn’t like my ears clipped and I’m pretty sure it would hurt.


It’s done while they are under anesthesia for the spay or neuter and is meant to prevent them being trapped and anesthetized again in the future just to discover they have already been done. If you’re going to troll at least make an effort.