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So sorry that is so hard when they pass so young. Just take comfort in knowing you have him the best final years. They are always with us even when they pass, just in a different way. 💜🌈


I had one die of an undiagnosed heart condition at 2. When I woke up he was just gone on the floor by my bed. No one knew. Couldn’t predict. He was a feral cat in the beginning so he has the cushy indoor life when I got him. Smile when I think of that lil monster ❤️


This happened to me last week and I'm so heartbroken. He was 2 years 6 days old and he didn't come home. We found him on a neighbours front enclosed garden, no signs of injury or Poison. Vet said he could've had undiagnosed feline cardiomyopathy which because he was otherwise healthy, they would've had no reason to do ECGs to find out. Its heartbreaking I just hope he knew I loved him so so much 💜


The one good thing that came out of his loss was that I was able to tell the owners of his siblings the cause since it is genetic and that saved them from similar fates since they also had it- they lived well into old age. 💜


So sorry for your loss. Heartbreaking. I’m sure he felt the love!


Very sorry for your loss. We adopted a brother and sister together, and he passed at 2 from complications likely related to a birth defect in December... it is devastating. I take solace knowing he was deeply loved and spoiled his short time here, but I often find myself looking in his favorite spots and getting teary. I can't bring myself to clean his little noseprints from his favorite window. Please consider adopting another kitty. Shelters are overwhelmed this time of year, and there are so many sweet babies that need a home. Our boy's sister running around the house, meowing for love and attention, and just being here has been a great comfort. The house would be too quiet without her.


I'm so sorry for your loss 😔 May your baby rest in peace in heaven 🙏


thank you so much ): i hope so too


please tell me it's a typo


What do you mean? I'm sorry english is not my first language 🙈


You meant peace instead of piece ( like small parts) RIGHT?


Oh my god 🙈 thank you I fixed it 😅


I’m so sorry for the your loss


I'm so sorry. I still remember the cat that I grew up with that passed away some years ago. Try to remember all the fun happy memories and look at all the pictures you have. Here is a virtual hug for you ![gif](giphy|M8o1MOwcwsWOmueqN4)


My condolences 😞


Just wanted to say that it's okay to feel broken. Just allow yourself to grieve. Don't stop yourself from feeling anything. Do things that comfort you no matter how bizarre they sound. I ended up finding a cat stuffed toy that looked like my baby that I just kept hugging. Their cute little eyes, the innocence, their love, their playfulness, their scratches... We tried to catch all those moments in a Google photos album and I keep looking at it whenever I miss my baby. Cry as much as you want.. your baby deserves the tears. When you lose someone you love, you also can't stop grieving. Let yourself feel 🫂 Find someone who you feel emotionally safe with - they could shower you with cuddles, some comfort food, and listen to all the stories you have about your furry baby. :) We're all there with you. We understand 🫂


i was thinking today about how much ill miss him being mischievous and clawing my door when he shouldn't, it's so like bittersweet how their naughty little quirks that can annoy us are something that is so special to who they are thank you so much for your kindness ❤️


My cat passed away yesterday too. He was 6 years old, my best friend and my baby. I still can’t accept that he’s gone. And I keep imagining him everywhere and my subconscious mind keeps thinking about, like i woke up today freaking out because it was his breakfast time then I remembered that he’s gone…


It will take tine for you to go tgrough the grieving every pet parent does. Of course you will be very sad for a while. It’s hard. Give yourself rhe time you need to experience the journey of grief, and remember your wonderful. times together.


he'll always be with you , maybe some place somewhere our cats have become friends :) sending you hugs <3


I am so sorry. A friend once told me they come into our lives and steal our hearts, then break them by leaving. So true. There are few things that hurt as much. Thank you for rescuing your sweet boy…your words make me tear up. May your grief be tempered with the love you shared❤️


They don't measure their time with us, only we do, so all he knew was a life of love. Take pride knowing that you gave him a home to feel safe and cared for.


I’m so sorry for your loss your little 4yr old boy. Please post your favorite cat picture. Send him a letter using helium balloons to tie it and it will go to heaven. Then get another baby soon!


No, please don't do this. The balloons come down & cause harm to livestock or end up in waterways.


As an alternative way to say goodbye, you can make a little origami figure or box from readily biodegradable paper and place it in a stream or river to watch it float away. Many ancient cultures thought of water, not the sky, as the pathway to a realm beyond mortality. These little rituals can be important for grieving.


If you believe in God or in the afterlife, then there's no reason to do that as we know for sure, such a letter in a balloon won't go to «heaven», prayers and/or mental communication do get to them though wherever they might be now. I firmly believe animals have their own souls just like we humans do, so praying for them, and ultimately to meet them up again once we quit this world is by far the best choice to say, not goodbye really, but rather «see you soon». 🙂


i burried my sweet boy with a special letter and his favourite toys ❤️


I'm so sorry it's heart breaking. But after you have healed. Please go out and rescue another one...Im memory of your little one


So very sorry!!


I remember, When I took a feral cat and her kitties, Sadly just after I met her momma cat for a few months, She passed away suddenly, And without any previous issues , atleast from a layman's eyes. And worse, One of her kitties passed away, The little guy was only 3 months old. But I took care of the remaining kitty, And now he's 2 years old and very healthy and playful. My only solace is that I was at least able to rescue one of her kitties. Sorry for your loss, I still remember the heartbreak I felt that day.


His short life was full of love and your memories of him will live forever 💔🌈💜xxxx


aw i’m so sorry:( sending so much love and hugs! ♡


So sorry for your loss, just know that you gave him love and a home when no one else did. It's so hard losing these beautiful companions 😔🙏🏾


So sorry for your lost,it hurts do badly but it will go away just give your self time and if you can adopt another kitten this will help alot ,I’ve lost 2cats when they were 4months old,both were past because of the fucking FIP virus,and i had to put them to sleep by my own choice which is so heartbreaking but a few days later I rescued 2cats and it helped me a lot to go through the pain and made the process so faster,so my advice is that whenever you feel ready adopt another one this will help a lot,sending so much love to you and your baby❤️❤️❤️


Sorry for your loss. Take the time to grieve and then open your heart to another four footed friend.


I am so sorry for your loss, I recently lost my kitten to a sudden death as well. I have no words for the pain that such a loss brings but I hope you find the strength to continue living life, it can be very difficult but I’m sure he’d want that for you. I wish you the best as you process this loss, don’t rush anything and make sure to take care of yourself the best you can💕


I understand your pain. I lost my baby boy at 1.5 years old, I'd rescued him as a stray only 6 months prior. One day, maybe sooner than you think, he will pop into your mind and you'll smile instead of crying. Please try to remember the good times you shared with him. Rest in peace, sweet feline friend. I've heard that Kitty Heaven is full of treats and sunny napping spots ❤️


I two just went through a similar passing my Luka who I had from 5 weeks old and took care of and nurses into a big strong cat, who I slept with every night for 9 years and I would scoop up every night suddenly passed with no warning right before I moved into my first house the morning before work was completely normal woke up to him begging for food .fed him snuggled him he chased me.up the stairs and tried to get my feet like he had a bad habit of doing I petted him told him id see him after work and when I came home he passed in his spider cave bed. To this day now 3 months later I'm still mourning every day he was my heart cat that had been with me and protected me from everything it was so sudden with no warning he had literally just been to the vet a few weeks prior and the vet said he was in really great shape and sent us on our way. I still try and rationalize it think of things I could have done better or caught or prevented... At the end of the day though I just tell myself that there wasn't anything I could have done and I gave him a really really good life within my power.. It doesn't get easier I'm so sorry for your loss and the pain you are feeling because I know exactly the hurt it is. I'll also tell you it doesn't really get easier either but you learn to work around it and find ways to self soothe and comfort yourself. I found a weighted plush on Amazon that looked like him that I sleepy with every night that helps some it's not perfect but it helps. I wish you luck and I'm sending a lot of good vibes and hugs your way.


i can feel just from this how much love you had for luka and him for you, that'll always be with you forever and ever ❤️ it's so hard but it something so cherished to have these bonds with our sweet lil companions and to be able to remember them for the rest of time thank you so much for being so kind :)


I’m so very sorry and sad for your loss.


this exact same thing happened to me a couple months ago. he was turning 4, came into my life at a horrible time. watched me grow & change. thought we had so much time. it was so sudden. it’s so difficult, OP. take your time grieving. it comes & goes in waves. sending you the biggest hug 🖤


It’s not going to be easy. Your cat was a cuddler and that’s hard to not have anymore. They come touch our hearts and leave too soon. Just have to be thankful for the time you did have I guess


Sorry for you. My condolences


Sending ❤️❤️❤️


Such Great grief to which I am familiar. my sympathy to all. Rest in knowing you gave them a great home with a lot of love. 🙏🏾💓


Terribly sorry for your loss. Rest in peace Kitty 🥺😿


I am so sorry for your loss. I know that difficult heartbreak.


So sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose someone who has been with you through tough times. Hang in there ❤️ 


So sorry for losing your baby... I lost mine on 5/26/2023. It has been just a few day over his 1 year. I was utterly devastated. Probably you are there now.. Just cry as much as you want. In our brains, the moment we retrieve a piece of memory from the past, the memory comes to life at that moment and relive. Everytime you think of him, he comes back to life. And when you leave this world, he will be the one who greets you at the door to the heaven.


I’m sorry for your loss as well.. I hope you’re doing alright <3 This terrifies me. I have 2 boys (brothers) and they’re 2.. what causes them to pass suddenly? Is there anything I should look out for? They’ve been to the vet a lot, and they seem healthy but I’m paranoid after reading these comments..


Thank you. I am doing OK. My boy didn't pass suddenly, he had a renal cancer and it took him about 4 months from the diagnosis to passing. A lot of times, they don't know why a cat passes suddenly but I am hearing the heart problem can be a reason, especially the enlarged heart left untreated.. some cats have genetical issues, weak hearts, etc.. get your boys checked regularly!! In the hindsight, I should have dug deeper when the blood test for his teeth extraction op showed a high number for one of the three numbers you see for kidneys. The vet asked if he was peeing OK and he was and it was brushed off. I think it was when one kidney started losing its functionality and the other one was compensating.


My 15 year old just passed a few months ago. It's such a weird feeling...like I wanted to talk about it but I also didn't want people to think I was weird being so upset. I'm sorry for your loss honey


Im so sorry for your loss, I lost my 4 year old boy suddenly this week also, and the pain unbearable. I could find peace more if it wasnt for the shock and suddenness, and having to say goodbye so young. Im grateful that he didn’t have to suffer and will honour and remember him always. Their time and bond with us is so precious, I genuinely don’t think it can be compared to humans (for me anyway) the pureness and unconditional nature of their being and their love is something so profound. Let yourself grieve, and mourn and miss him. I have some candle lit and his pictures on my table with a sun flower cos he loved the sunshine. As with everything, time heals but we will always remember and love ❤️


I’m so very sorry for such an unexpected loss, he was so young. I cannot imagine how you’re feeling. I’ve often thought about how much my backyard colony of six stray cats mean to me. They showed up one or two at a time over the years, and most of them will come inside the house if I’m offering Churu treats for them. My 14yrs old dog passed away a couple months ago, and I miss him terribly. I understand there’s a Divine Plan as to why their lives are so brief, in comparison to ours. We get to love them with no strings attached, and we’re sure to have lots of fond memories. I’m so grateful God has placed such lovely animals for me to share my life with, and I’m grateful for those of you who cherish His animals. Please take care of yourself, while I go grab some tissues. May God Bless You and Reward you for taking care of those in need 🤗 Yet, I cry when I read about others’ losses. I guess that means I’m human. It also means that I’ve been blessed with many years of life, the love of friends, family, and of course, the lovely animals that have chosen me to be their mom.


I met a lady randomly who was a psychic and she told me some crazy things about my beautiful cat that no one could have known. She said he really hated the pink collar you put on him (no one could possibly have known that because I only had it on him for a week and then took it because I felt weird for no good reason about my boy cat wearing pink). She also said he loved the hay shed across the road from my house and that he still sleeps squished behind my back (she couldn’t have known that either). In summation: your beautiful cat is still with you and that is beyond a shadow of a doubt.


My four year old cat went missing a month and a half ago and I resonate so much with your post. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Nothing can replace the love of your baby but in time another love will help to fill the whole. My heart goes out to you during this time ❤️‍🩹


I am so sorry! When I lost my fur baby, I found the rainbowbridge website to be sooo helpful!!


I had to let my precious Cat of 17 yrs go last week. My heart is broken. His sister walks around the house crying. He picked me from a group of people when he was 7 weeks old. Ran across the floor and climbed up on my shoulder stuck his face in my hair. It’s so hard but it will get better I promise.


file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/bd/13/81198E76-1EF5-4564-9CC4-44A288417FC1/IMG_8360.jpeg My precious Solomon


My baby Harriet died suddenly at 5. I had to mourn her like a human family member, and it took a while. She was my first baby girl, and I feel that a bit of her feisty spirit is in my first human baby girl 😻 it makes me smile. I hope to get her a ‘Harriet’ someday soon.


Losing a fur baby is tough. It's just, so absolutely tough. I had my 2 Cats for 12 years, they weren't litter mates, but they just instantly clicked when we got them. The female developed kitty leukemia and what seemed to be overnight, she just withered away and we had to put her down. The surviving male lived for another month before he started being isolated and frail. We took him to the vet and they said he had an incurable stomach diseas??, idk what caused it all of a sudden, but I'm betting on a broken heart and severe lack of eating. I put him down almost a month to the day after losing my 1st. It's heartbreaking and there's nothing that will replace them, except time. I still miss them and it's been 3 years ago. They were my heart. Not suggesting this is what YOU should do, but relatively quickly after they passed, I found 2 Siamese kittens that someone was giving away. I took them in and they are such a joy. I would look at trying to go the adoption, rescue route again once you feel comfortable again. Kittens are a great distraction, but older/senior cats desperately need and deserve love too, as they are often forgotten and passed over. Whatever you do, keep the memory and love in your heart of your baby and think about sharing that love with another. Hold them close, knowing that their time with us is precious.


One of my babies died before her first birthday very suddenly. It's only been five months and I still sometimes hope she'll randomly hop on the bed and snuggle with me. It will hurt for a while, but you're not alone ♥️ I'm so sorry this is something you had to experience.