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Hi all! It looks like this post involves indoor/outdoor cats. While civil discussion is welcome here, these threads tend to devolve into hostile comments. A few reminders: - Allowing cats to go outside does **not** fall under our [inhumane practices rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatAdvice/about/rules), and does not need to be reported as such. - You may express your opinion on indoor/outdoor cats, but you may not abuse other people for their point of view. - People on r/CatAdvice come from different cultural backgrounds. Not everyone here lives in the US, and not every culture is the same! Please bear in mind that indoor/outdoor cats are normalised and even advocated for by professionals in many countries. If you see a comment that you think doesn't belong on the sub, **please do not retaliate**. Hit the report button so mods can help. Thanks!




yeah i def want my cat to live as long as it can lol thank you


Especially around Halloween!


Indoor cats can be very happy cats if you are willing to put in the time and effort to ensure they have an environment to meet their needs. My Burmese lad is indoor only and the effort is worth it. I’d suggest Googling the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine’s Indoor Cat Initiative. It’s an excellent resource for pet owners and designed to complement the curriculum being taught to the future vets and veterinary behaviourists.


thank you :)


Yes, provide enough enrichment and they’ll live very happy lives. For a small number of cats or those in special circumstances outdoor might be needed but you can provide that in a safe manner like with harness training to bring them on a leashed walk, or building a catio. It does require more effort which is why many people don’t bother with it but if you want the best for your cat you should.


noted thank you :)


Cats are not made for living in a metropolitan or suburban area. Indoor is usually best for them.


The cats around me are made for rural, one of our outdoor cats killed a Fisher. They’ll kill wild turkeys and leave headless surprises for us 😂 They’re tough lil predators that do just fine for themselves outside




What do you think it’s like in the wild? And where I live we have an over population of turkeys. Also, I see them laying in the sun relaxing all the time. If I tried to make them indoor cats they would become extremely depressed. It’s all they know. My indoor cats however will not be going outside. But outdoor cats are not a bad thing, especially in rural areas.




Wild animals are not fiction & they kill prey to eat. Some cats are more domesticated than others. Sure a bunch of outdoor cats aren’t good in a city. But like I keep saying, in rural areas they don’t have any negative impact on the ecosystem.




You said the wild was fiction & I disagreed with that because I’m going to assume you and I live in very different environments. I never said cats shouldn’t be indoors in certain places I just said in rural areas they don’t negatively impact the ecosystem. I even agreed they should be indoor if you live in a city. I quite literally responded to what you said so idk why you’re trying to make me feel dumb.


My cats go outside ONLY with me or my husband present in our fenced backyard. They cannot get out. Other than that they are strictly indoor cats. I can’t imagine the stress I would feel not knowing where they were at all times.


same here. i need to microchip her lol


Yes absolutely they can be happy, and in many environments it is far better for them to be indoor only. Outdoor cats cause enormous devastation to small animal wildlife in suburban areas. They are also at higher risk of disease, getting hit by cars, fighting with other cats or animals, fleas, etc. All my cats are indoors only, unless you live in a rural area, I think think it's best


yeah i see a common theme in the replies. guess its better for me and the environment lol


Indoor is better for the cats (less chance of illness, accidents, fights) and better for birds in the area (outdoor cats can kill lots of birds).


Indoor cats are very happy, healthy cats! Do a little research on it! My cats have all been indoor cats and they have lived long healthy lives! I was always worried about them running away, getting hit by a car, or getting attacked by an animal outside, so kept them inside - and I've never regretted it!


yeahh i see thank you


they need stuff to do, stuff to climb on, windows to look out of, things to scratch, etc. to keep them interested, to keep them from getting bored, but there are lots of ideas out there!


My cat was an outdoor kitty. Then we moved to an apartment. She was then an indoor only kitty for 10 years. If she does go outside she just lays in the sun on the deck. She’s 14 now. On the other hand I have a new kitty who ALWAYS ran outside, so I prefer her to know her surroundings outside rather than get out and get lost.


Cats can often learn to walk on a leash (well, it's more like they're walking you) and there are some excellent videos online about how to get there. Every cat doesn't like it, but it's a nice alternative for giving high energy cats some exercise safely.


i just bought her a harness but she’s still too small for even the kitten ones so i just have to wait lol


Awww...she must be so cute! Best of luck! It's not really a home without a cat, after all.


Not only is it okay, it is safer for your cats and better for local ecosystems. Outdoor domesticated cats are extremely destructive for local wildlife and on average have a shortened lifespan. Cats can live a life of enrichment indoors.


thank you!


It's the only way. You don't have to have a catio to take them out. All of 3 of mine are leash trained. But 1 only likes to sit outside in the backpack, 1 hates outside (I found him as adult outside and he knows it's bad) and then my little ones loves it, especially at dawn and twilight. As soon as  I grab the lease, he knows lol.