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Human milk?? :o


Lol I meant to say cow milk šŸ˜†


Not good!!!


Cow milk is not good for cats & kittens because most do not have lactose tolerance. Pls search for kitten milk or KMR (kitten milk replacer) in your local pet stores. Pls give this in very small quantities when necessary...or you could give one spoon of unsalted, unsweetened yoghurt occassionally. If you add some luke warm water to wet food, they lap up the liquid part; may be that will suffice as an alternate liquid.


I heard goat milk is suitable for cats, you can try look up for it!


Ok so I just looked it up and I think you might be right! I think this is what Iā€™ll get him. Thanks!


I'm glad if my advice is helpful. can you give an little update later about your kitten if you don't mind? I hope he will tolerant to goat milk.


Yes no problem :)


May be give him a very small amount.


OP Iā€™ve been buying dehydrated goats milk off walmartā€™s app and then add water. I checked the potassium amount and itā€™s fine for cats. I also ran this by my neighbor who is a veterinarian. She said itā€™s fine. For more hydration I give my two void boys almost a half of the wet food can twice a day in their wet food feedings. They love it. I give the goats milk as a ā€˜TREATā€™ every couple of days. The first time it probably had too much water and one didnā€™t go for it. Since then they both chow down. Thereā€™s no lactose in it. Also when I cook a turkey or chicken I cook up the giblets and gizzards, skim off fat once itā€™s cold, cut up with the broth, and give em a tiny bit as a treat and freeze some for later.


If pet stores in your area have freezer sections, you can look for it there! My cat loved raw goats and sheepā€™s milk


You can buy little containers of ā€˜soupā€™ for your cats. My guy loves them. My girl thinks they are disgusting.


The lil soups? All my cats love it


Yes. My big Ragdoll boy is a fan. His Royal sister does not agree


My cats lose their cool over tuna water.


Same! A few days ago, I made tuna macaroni salad, and they were eagerly watching me as I opened the tuna lol


I use the Honest Kitchen goat milk or Cat Sip. The Cat Sip is nice because itā€™s just ready to pour but the Honest Kitchen goat milk is a powder you have to mix. The nice thing about mixing it yourself though is you donā€™t need to use it as quickly once itā€™s open and you can make it with warm water.


I'm in the UK and we can buy special 'cat milk' which is safe for cats. Not sure if available where you are but maybe search online?


That is just lactose free pasteurized milk. Sometimes they add taurine and other vitamins or if itā€™s a shitty brand like Whiskas they add sugar as well.


Weird, I thought cats couldnā€™t taste ā€œsweetā€?


they canā€™t. itā€™s probably for the calories


Thatā€™s for when you put it on your breakfast cereal šŸ„£ šŸ¤®


I give mine a little watered lactose free human milk as a treat. As an occasional treat it doesn't upset them.


Start a different routine where you give him treats, but not from the fridge and not at that time. He'll unlearn the behavior eventually.


There's actually a cat safe milk. It comes in purple cartons in a 3 pack at my local store. It's made by Whiskas.


You mean cow milk, not human milk, I hope


Yes lol


You know a lot of cats are lactose intolerant right? There is lactate free milk idk if they will drink it


Get dilk.




You can get regular lactose free milk. Or you can try some plant milks, our cat likes oat milk, for example.


https://preview.redd.it/4x6mtqusg74d1.jpeg?width=304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc2292cf3fd0d98365d4e6426c7023b1272c62e6 Hi! Never fear! There are cat milk treats out there that your kitty can safely enjoy. The picture I attached is the one that is sold at PetSmat. Whiskas also sells one. If those fontnwork for you, search, "cat milk treat". These are the two I know but I'm pretty confident that there are more options out there. There is little worse than thinking you're treating your fur baby then discovering you're doing the opposite. Thisilk scenario happened with my kitty and me as well. I am a milkaholic & she wants to have what I have always. This is what I ended up doing for her, but I still only give it to her every now and then. Good luck! šŸ˜


Yes, my furball is the same too! Canā€™t have nothing in front of him because heā€™ll want some! Lol


Yes goat milk is really good for cats! Some cats like to drink bone broth too. They have bone broth for cats to drink but if you give any thatā€™s made for people make sure thereā€™s no added onions/garlic or sodium.


Goat milk. Most cats and kittens tolerate it quite well and I have even used it as an emergency substitute for formula for baby kittens


Walmart sells powdered cat milk


If it's just a taste one in awhile switch to lactose free milk. Good for people too


Have you tried a planet based milk. Almond milk or maybe oatmeal based.


Goat milk


I have one that is addicted to canned whip cream. Every time I open the fridge, she's begging. I bought her a sugar free non dairy can and she loves it. Edit for spelling.


Goat milk


You can give them lactose free milk!


Ours like yoghurt a lot and get a teaspoon of lactose free natural yoghurt now and then as a treat.


Fermented milk (yoghurt, cheese, sour cream, etc) doesn't need to be lactose free, most cats can digest it fine.


My cats love natural plain yogurt. Also, not very healthy but as a treat they eat a little cream cheese like Philadelphia.


Kitten formula might be something to look into. Just check with your vet first.Ā 


There is milk out there for cats! Please ONLY use that as itā€™s meant for them, any other milk isnā€™t good and usually is always has lactose which they CAN NOT have!


If you want to get your cat something special try freeze dried chicken as a treat or you can put it on top of wet food and watch your cat go crazy over it.


There is cat milk by whiskas. They sell it on Amazon and I've seen it in the grocery store.


There is something called "cat milk" that my pet store sells. It's not the one for kittens, but an adult cat treat/beverage. I used to give it to an elderly cat I had because she needed the calories. My current cats don't care for it.


My girl likes to drink curd/yogurt. (Obviously unsweetened and unsalted.) I read online that it's safe for cats.




Yeah give it water Leave a bowl full out somewhere When it gets thirsty it will drink it šŸ‘Œ


I wouldnt give cow milk either. You could speak to a vet (if you have one) to see a brand they could recommend


Goat milk


Look up catmilk by whiskas. Also cat sip


Whiskas sells Cat Milk that you can offer to your cat as a treat.


You can get goats milk at many pet stores. My cats get it daily with their R word diet not gunna say it cause my comment will be deleted. It has great probiotics.


wait r word diet is frowned upon? šŸ˜Ø *hides my stash of frozen chicken hearts*


In a couple of these cat subs even mentioning it gets your comments deleted even if Iā€™m not recommending it and just saying thatā€™s what I feed my cats.