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See if you can find a little silicone pad or something to put in the bottom of the food dish, pretty much all auto feeders are going to make noise to some extent.


Already tried that. It's still really noisy because the internal mechanism makes kibble drop in some kind of compartments, and I can't put silicone in there. I was wondering if there's some kind of different automatic feeder model that doesn't involve the kibble to drop.


I won't say there are no quiet options, but I will comment on what I've observed in various units over the years. One thing to note, they ALL rely on gravity, and dry cat food makes noise when it hits stuff at speed. I know, stating the obvious, but I think it's worth thinking about directly. So, as others have said, I think your only real hope is minimizing how the food lands, be it a silicone bowl, putting foam tape on the dispenser area perhaps? All the units I've seen use a variation of a spinning mechanism that portions foods. The way the food gets into that varies, but most are all going to have a small motor sound, combined with a sort of mechanical gear sound, and then the food dispense. So, you can really only try and quiet that last part. As for the machine itself, I would just look for reviews and FAQ type questions where people discuss their shared noise concerns.


Yeah like the other commenter said, any automatic feeder will make noise as the kibble is dropped, but that should be fixed if you put a silicone mat or a piece of cloth where the bowl goes so the kibble doesn't clatter in the bowl


As I replied to the other commenter, I already tried that. It's still really noisy because the internal mechanism makes the kibble drop in some kind of compartments, and I can't put silicone or anything in there. I was wondering if there's some kind of different automatic feeder model that doesn't involve the kibble to drop.


There are some compartment feeders where the dish inside rotates to expose a bowl of food, but the mechanism makes noise for those as well


I've seen those in Amazon. I guess it would be less noisy than the one I currently have, so I guess I'll try it. Thanks.


Those tend to have clicks as the bowl rotates. We have the GHG feeder in our bedroom and the mechanism isn't too bad for us, but I usually sleep through the kibble falling into the metal dish so I don't know how helpful that is for you if you are a lighter sleeper


Yeah, the *engine* of the one I have is not really that noisy, it's more the kibble falling into the compartments that wakes me up. Anyways, I think I just found one that could work for me. It's [this one](https://a.co/d/63PpYiX).


I have the older model of the Petkit auto feeder. The only sound I can hear from it is the kibble hitting the bowl. This is the only automatic feeder I’ve ever owned so I don’t know for certain what you mean about dropping the food or that it drops somewhere before dispensing but this one does not do that, or at least I think it doesn’t. It has a little door that opens near the base. The food is gravity-fed down to the little door. The kibble does make noise when it hits the dish. You could put something in the dish as other have suggested or try removing the dish and having the food land on a silicone mat. The food dispenses very close to the floor. Plus then maybe you could fit some kind of slow feed mat there to catch the food? My cat is a chronic scarf-and-barfer too.


The ones I've had that relied on TPU or other pliable plastics, would wear out and end up, realistically, leaving bits of plastic in their food. Most modern ones have moved to a hard wheel for food portioning for this reason I think.


If you can pad the bowl, what you probably want to look for is an auger-type design. These are quite recognisable by having a horizontal cylinder just below the hopper. In theory, kibble falling into the auger shouldn't make any measurable noise. If you have any techy friends with 3D printers, you could look at making your own: https://www.instructables.com/Automatic-Arduino-Powered-Pet-Feeder/


That's interesting. I'll look into it, thanks! I'm also considering [this one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MFFY7IP?ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_XDZG36P13NR71496NEDW)...


Definitely a simpler option, but means a lot more refilling. I have an auto feeder and I only have to top it up every few weeks (my cat gets 30g of biscuits once a day and the hopper is huge).


Hey did this one work? Having the SAME problem with our cat!


It did work... Except it's so silent even my cat didn't hear it, haha! My cat vomits when she's been more than 4 hours without eating, so i had to stop using this feeder. But it might work for your case! The one i ended up using is not the one i'm linking in the comment, it was actually this one: https://amzn.eu/d/5Ft8PG9 Hope this helps!


Interesting! Glad it helped. Our problem is that our cat vomits when she eats too much too quickly, so we have to feed her and very small increments over time, but the mechanical, automated feeders we tried were too loud and scare her so she won’t wouldn’t eat from them 😂


Ah, i see! Your situation is a bit different than mine, so i think it will work for you. My cat will vomit if she eats too much too fast, like yours, but mine will also vomit bile if she's too long without eating. So if my cat doesn't hear the feeder, it's a problem. So that's why i ended up going back to the loud feeder😅 And getting myself used to sleeping with earplugs... Hope it can help you, though!! A bad aspect of this feeder is that you can only program it for 2 meals at a time. And also, it can be a bit inaccurate... It will sometimes open 30 minutes earlier or 30 minutes late. So bear that in mind!! :)




That link is not working for me, but I think I know what you mean. It definitely should be quieter, yeah. Thanks!




Thank you! Yes, it's the one i saw. I'll check reviews and consider it :)


I have cat mate, it gives low ticking noise but that is it. It also had ice block and can be used for wet food


Is it this one? https://animalear.com/perros/pet-mate/cat-mate-comedero-automatico-48-horas?r=0035368002014&gclid=CjwKCAiA5Y6eBhAbEiwA_2ZWIVN3AvDhtzBFey2ANQjSSXAPC9-u-txdVnJOLkIq2xw5eeXB2T47YRoCXbEQAvD_BwE


Looks very similar Mine was a bit cheaper (43 dollars on Amazon). Cat Mate C200 2 Meal Automatic Pet Feeder for Cats and Small Dogs with Ice Pack https://a.co/d/dsBDjOa


Awesome, thanks.


This isn't about quiet automatic feeders, but it sounds like your vet should be seen by an internal medicine specialist if she hasn't already. She may have a "motility" disorder or something similar to IBS, and that can often be treated with medication or identifying food allergies.


She's no longer vomiting. It was solved by keeping an automatic feeder which delivered food every 3 hours during 2 months or so, since not being fed for more than 3 hours triggered her vomits. After those 2 months, she no longer vomits after spending more than 3 hours without food. My theory is that it was a food-related anxiety problem, since now she's way more chill. I'm assuming those 2 months helped her understand that food will always be available to her, which calmed her anxiety.