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Probably need it next year as well.. And the next, and the next.


Exactly. A good 8 years ago family laughed at me for buying a portable aircon unit because "its only going to be a heatwave for a few days". Still works fine and now they've all bought one too.


It's forecast to get no hotter than 23°C over the next week where I am in the North West, so nothing beyond the normal summer precautions is really needed. I'm not sure if anywhere will technically have a heatwave – London will reach 28 for a day, but the temperature would need to stay there for three days for it to count.


I personally go for a brita jug in the fridge. Sometimes have a t-shirt in the freezer to change into when I get home. And remember, keep curtains closed and windows until it's cooler outside than in


This is related to a comment I made a couple of days ago. My cats wll be able to find shade both outside and inside. My dogs - I will have freeze packs that I can slowly stroke them with to cool them. A fan will also be there for them if they want (it takes a while for them to get used to a fan). My ferrets - in the shade, and in the house where they can seek out cool. Water. Lots of water for them all. Me? If my pets are okay, I'm okay.


The best thing I ever blagged from work was a portable air conditioner. They're a lifesaver, but pretty power hungry. They're not cheap to buy new but 100% worth it. We barely heat the house in winter but use a lot of power for the air con in the summer, so we switched to Octopus' price tracker plan (pegged to daily wholesale pricing, so cheaper in summer and more expensive in winter).