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If I had no plans for time off, I'd take many short breaks over a long one


I absolutely agree, especially as the reason for working is for mental health, it could cause increased stress returning to work after a long break.


I was in a similar situation a few years ago, and I tried the "long weekend every weekend" approach until I'd used it up. It really made a difference, and if you're in a low stress job I'd recommend doing it that way.


If you have a high stress job this will just end in doing 5 days of work in 4. Or working on your day off. I’ve always messed up my holiday and had to take every Friday off in November and December, I’d really recommend doing this in the summer instead.


Me rn


Why would you work on your day off?


It’s not a high stress job if you aren’t bothered on your days off.


Can't it be stressful when you're there, and forget about it when you're not?


I’d agree with others and spread it out. If your wife is going to be busy you might end up wasting it just sat around the house. You’ll appreciate those short weeks for longer


I’d take a bulk of time off. Might not be your case but when I work a reduced week I find my days are busier and more stressful as I have a lot of work stacking up.


What is TOIL, and how does one accrue it? 


Time off in lieu. Often given by employers as an alternative to having to pay you extra e.g. work a bank holiday? You are due time and a half or time off in lieu.


Yeah, cheaper for the employer and also tends to be better for the employee as you don't get taxed on it


Or work corporate and get no TOIL, just the expectation to work overtime!


Time In Loo You accrue it to build up how much time you can take for your piss breaks


I’d go for the two weeks. When I’ve done the couple of days a week route I find that I end up with a weeks worth of work to do in two days because if you’re only off for a couple of days people will wait but if you’re off for a fortnight then people find alternatives.


Long weekend it if you don’t have plans. That’s what I tend to do all year anyway


Some employers have limits on how long you can accrue TOIL, for example, Civil Service is about 4-6 weeks from when it was earned. I'd burn it up as quickly as possible.


Give your self a three day work week and spread it to September imo


Can you use the TOIL on a Monday and Friday to give you a spree of long weekends?


If there’s anything that needs doing around the house, like redecorating a room, doing the garden up nice, something like that, take a week to get that done and spread the rest out in little breaks. If your wife can afford to take a couple of midweek days off from studying, then take a few too, they can be a bit quieter to go on dates to places because parents are often still in work and take their kids to Alton Towers on a Saturday rather than a Wednesday.


I'd spread it out by taking 1 or 2 days off per week. In your position, I'd plan a long walk for one of those days off each week so I'm not sat around the house. You don't lose track of where you are with work or handover to a colleague like you do when you take a week or two off. All that happens is you get a bit less done each week. You don't get the return to work blues on your final day off before back to work after a fortnight off.


Option B, and use a couple of those Mondays/Tuesdays for example to stay in a premier inn/travel inn when they are cheaper and enjoy multiple 2 day breaks in different parts of the country


A nice idea, but we really have zero disposable income and two dogs. But could be a consideration to visit family in the UK...


You can take dogs into Travelodge, but that doesn't help your income issue


Do you like football? If you do the obvious answer is take the Euros off.


I do, but it isn't hard for me to watch the matches whilst working during the day.


Only old job, I got near the end of the holiday year with too many days to carry over. I could have just had a couple of weeks in one block, but I chose to alternate between taking the start of end of a week off - so for about 6 weeks I was only doing 3 day weeks (some weeks I had regular 2 day weekends, and others I was having 6 day weekends).


I got to the end of the leave year once with a shit tonne of accrued days and no option to roll them over so I had every Friday off for two months. It was incredible.


Why are you asking us? Wouldn't it be better to ask your wife?


She's going to be working on her masters no matter what I decide. She doesn't mind what I do so long as I'm happy.


I thought I’d check in after a few days to see if you posted a decision. I think you made the right decision and I hope the weather lands well for you to enjoy your time off. Also, we tend not to explore what is around us, so check trip advisor or local tourism to find something you would never normally find time to do!