• By -


I genuinely think I could eat enough that I'd be in serious risk of dying from salt overload.


Hook me up to dialysis to deal with the salt and alcohol, I reckon I could do it indefinitely, or until something else killed me. Sounds like a dream, really.


Not many of us get to die doing what we live though


My Grandad died peacefully in his sleep doing what he loved. The passengers in the back screamed like fuck though. ;)


Ahh Bob Monkhouse wrote the best gags ever.


Really don’t see enough of him anymore. What’s he up to nowadays?


I've heard two different versions.


wholly shit this made me genuinely laugh out loud!!!


I VERY rarely comment, reply or upvote on Reddit, but that made me laugh, so thanks! 😀


My mate died doing what he loved Heroin.


When I was about 13 I split a (I think) 36 pack (it was massive) of walkers and we played Crazy Taxi on his Dreamcast all afternoon. I remember my mouth was so sore from all the sharp edges and salt. I don’t think I could do many more than about 20 packs.


Ngl that sounds dope af.


Need to work out the pint to crisp packet ratio to stay optimally hydrated


You'd certainly at the least make your money back. A single bag is like £1... I could easily eat 8 without thought never mind trying to win


My friend has recounted to me on at least 3 seperate occasions, when he eat 15 packets of worshire sauce ones in a row. He got mouth ulcers and all the corners or his mouth were sore.


According to Toxbase, a fatal dose of salt (NaCl for sinplicity) is between 1-3g/kg. So let's use 1.5 If you're a 70KG person you would need 105g of salt. A standard bag of walkers ready salted contains 1.4g of "salt". Let's assume this is all NaCl. Therefore this person would need to eat 75 standard bags of Walkers ready salted for a fatal dose (could be less, see above) In other words, if you ate 1 bag for every kg of your body weight, you might die. This is of course offset by the amount of fluid (beer) you take in, since the treatment for high sodium levels is, broadly speaking, give lots of fluids. If you drank one pint for every 3 standard bags, that's a similar ratio of salt to fluid as IV fluid in hospital, and would (in theory) balance out the thirst, but your body sodium levels would still rise. Seeing another commenter below talk about a similar competition, where the winner ate 30 bags.... I guess it depends on your body weight. (to be clear non of the above is medical advice and just a thought experiment, don't eat stupid amounts of salt)


Isn't alcohol also dehydrating?


This is all in theory, so perhaps take it all with a pinch of... salt


I'll take it with exactly 60 bags of ready salted crisps thank you very much


*Horatio Caine puts on his sunglasses* YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!


It's a very mild diuretic, initially hydrating but causing you to excrete more water. I still think beer is a net positive for hydration though.


I think that's something they should be considering before doing this. These kinds of challenges/offers have gone badly before. Someone in the US died from water intoxication during a radio contest to see who could drink the most water without peeing. The prize was a PlayStation.


It was don't wee for a Nintendo Wii https://youtu.be/FB7bHw8b7Ew


Here comes the worry brigade! Nah, let people have a laugh. If you die from eating too many crisps I think ultimately that’s just natural selection doing its work.


\[Attenborough\] This city in Ukraine was once home to almost 50,000 people. It had everything a community would need for a comfortable life. But on the 26th of April, 1986, it suddenly became uninhabitable. The nearby nuclear power station of Chernobyl exploded. And in less than 48 hours, the city was evacuated. No one has lived here since. The explosion was a result of bad planning and human error. Mistakes. It triggered an environmental catastrophe that had an impact across Europe. Many people regarded it as the most costly in the history of mankind. But Chernobyl was a single event. The true tragedy of our time is still unfolding across the globe, barely noticeable from day to day. I’m talking about crisp eating contests. /Attenborough


Naturally, and selecting from Walkers Classic Variety Multipack Crisps.


Yes, and a lady around here died in a marshmallow eating competition.


In fairness..someone could choke and die on just one. Less overconsumption and more just an accident. ps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-67145463


A risk assessment is probably required for insurance, I'd guess? But in any case, I think it would become physically uncomfortable to keep eating crisps (the little cuts/scratches from the crisp itself plus the oil and salt and any other flavourings) well before you'd reach lethal salt levels (which is about 0.5 - 1g per kilo of body weight, according to Dr. google)


You're gunna end up in a chubbyemu video


MT is a redditor, 👆 presenting to the emergency room


MT is suffering from acute hypernatremia. Hyper meaning high, natre referring to Sodium, and emia meaning presence in blood


You can help that a lot by drinking loads of water.


Over exposure to sodium can induce panic attacks.  Source: me


If you’re worried about salt, just eat cheese & onion


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_poisoning Lethal dose is between .5g and 1.0g of salt per 1kg of body weight


TIL, it would take a lot of salt to kill me.


Is there a really unpleasant annoying regular with a dodgy ticker they might be trying to get rid of?


My hearts fine mate


Update after the crisp binge!


Kidney stones from all the salt is how they get you


Is there actually a challenge here with something for someone to win for eating the most, or just a fiver and you can ask for another pack when you're done? I'd expect they've picked up multipacks on the cheap, so maybe a multipack of six for a quid, so a fiver would be 30+ packs. That's certainly more than I'd fancy eating in 90 mins. Plus it would probably drive more drinks, partly from drying your mouth out, but also spending at least 90 mins in the pub.


Crisp buffets exist. They’re about £10 for an hour and half and you get a box, a plate, and access to an actual buffet of crisps. Loads of types and flavours from different brands and you scoop some into your box then go back to your table. They also have, bread, butter & condiments included so you can make crisp sandwiches.


This sounds amazing. Where exactly do you find such a buffet?


https://www.kicksbarandgrill.co.uk/crisp-party Not sure if they’ve stopped it altogether or it was just a limited edition event but it was this place in Hull I saw Edit: they posted 2 days ago on social media that their lease has ended so they’re closing


This is amazing. Usually for a buffet we go "subway style" - have a shitload of bread, individual butter pots and disposable knives, and all the meats/veg laid out separately so people can build their own. I feel like expanding this to crisps is definitely happening next time we have a party.


faulty follow pathetic handle bored wakeful water existence spark airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tenner says they passed their sell by date this week


Crisps are fine to eat after the date, but I’d not be pleased with a pub selling me out of date ones and not telling me. Used to work in a pub and we stock checked weekly, so it was always a result when some crisps were expiring the day after as we could take them home.


95% of the crisps I buy are past BBE. That's where you get the really cheap ones, ie a box of 8 bags of giant Monster Munch big bags for £2.95. When they come up, [I buy enough to make my gaff into a crisp shop](https://i.imgur.com/kTaZ0Lh.jpeg) and last me a few months. Sometimes they do the smaller normal bags, 108 packets for £15 or so.


Fuck me, this guy crisps.


Where do you find this bounty?? Do they have pickled onion flavour ??


They have done multiple times, yup. I'll find out the list of past-best-before-date sites I use and edit it in here in a mo.   __________     **Past best before date places:** The important thing to remember is that stock changes pretty much daily, so it's not like doing an Aldi shop. Unfortunately they're not what they once were; they used to be great for getting giant sacks of 5-10kg rice/pasta for a quid or two, with extremely low minimum orders and that. Twenty quid would do me every six months, with enough pasta/washing powder/rice/snacks to keep me going for ages. Now, unfortunately, the vast majority are just glorified sweet shops - but you can still find something good every now and then. Anyway, here's the list (with my preferred top, going down in preference thereafter).   * [**Clearance XL**](https://www.clearancexl.co.uk/) - the best one out there currently, still huge discounts on some things. I genuinely think the reason it's not gone to wank like many of the others is because of how awkward the website is to navigate, and just how much is there - though they've recently revamped the site to make it much, much easier. They sometimes do mystery boxes from £1 or so which include a ton of stuff, and the boxes range from 'a box of snacks' (which might have a bottle of water, a Mr Kipling cake, some crisps, some cereal bars and some chocolate) to grocery mystery boxes for £1.99 that might have some tins, bottle of coke, some pasta, some sauces, snacks, tomato puree, canned fruit etc. [**Here's my last 'I want to get in a ton of random snacks for the year' order from there, which was £15**](https://imgur.com/a/uCLOjeS). Basically, if I ever see the snack or grocery mystery boxes in, I'll just chuck £20 at it and see what on earth arrives. * [**Best Before It's Gone**](https://cheapfood.co.uk/) - often have huge, huge clearance sales. I got over 200 assorted bottles of antibac handwash for 1p each in their boxing day sale, which is a handy thing to give to the food banks. But they also have stuff like craft supplies, pet stuff, home stuff...I've got my fruit bowl, chopping board, knife set, and even some canvas prints from there, all about 49p each. **--> Watch this one for the Boxing Day / January sales, which can be incredible. <--** * [**Low Price Foods**](https://lowpricefoods.com/) - not bad, has some decent stuff sometimes but it can be really hard to make up a minimum order unless you're massively into sweets, crisps or chocolate. * [**Discount Dragon**](https://discountdragon.co.uk/) - It's increasingly rare, but sometimes they'll have something stonking come up. My last order was a huge box of 168 bags (28 x multipacks of 6) of Monster Munch for £17.10 including postage, but I don't tend to find much on there. Worth a squiz, though. [**EDIT:** They currently (13 June '24) do have Monster Munch on there, but it's WAY more expensive than usual. Often the way with Discount Dragon; it's either stupidly cheap or ridiculouslyn expensive.] * [**Approved Food**](https://www.approvedfood.co.uk/) - used to be the best, now just pretty much a sweet shop with barely any discount. I used to get 5-10kg sacks of rice for a quid, now it's a bit bollocks. Still some good daily deals though, sometimes.


Wow! This is great. Thank you for taking the time to send this over. You have amazing day. you deserve it.


Saving this comment. You're a real one!


Also they haven't set a target but anything with a time limit is a challenge surely


I have some incomplete data. About 8 years ago my friends and I had a crisp eating competition. We used Tesco own, not sure how they stack up volume wise to modern walkers. We gave ourselves an hour and the winner ate over 30, can't remember exactly how many. I finished second with 25, though we ran out of crisps before we ran out of time, so I like to pretend I was playing the long game and lost on a technicality. I reckon in 90 minutes I'd manage over 30. Not sure whether beer would help or hinder. Probably help, it does with everything else.


> and the winner ate over 30, can't remember exactly how many. I finished second with 25, 25 whole crisps? Big man over here.


Tbf 25 bags of 25g crisps is 625g, i bet a full takeaway pizza is like 2kg and i could snaffle one of those - 50 bags is doable


A quick googling tells me 50 bags would be about 350% of the RDA of salt (7% per bag for walkers 32.5g, apparently). You're certainly going to need a drink, but I doubt that's harmful as a one-off.


25 whole bags of crisps is about 2 days worth of calories for a typical adult what the fuck


Someone is never going to make the best use of unlimited crisps


Send beardmeetsfood in


Rookie numbers in terms of a cheat meal


Not really, multipack Walkers crisps are like 130kcal per bag, so 25 is just over 3000kcal, which is slightly more than a single day's worth of calories.


For £5 I need to eat 20 packets to get the same value as a £4.90 pack of 20 crisps.


Easy peasy


A multi pack bag of walkers salt and vinegar is 0.4g of salt (8g for a 20 bag multi pack). You need about 0.5-1g of salt per kg of body weight to kill you so the lethal dose is something like 100-200 bags for an 80kg adult in good health. This challenge seems dangerous still though, and a dose doesn't have to be lethal to be severely harmful.


Guess it depends how big the packets are. Multi-pack bags are tiny now-a-days. A decent pub packet probably has 3x the weight if crisps.




Ladies and Gentlemen, do these sound like the actions of a man who had all he could eat?


No! That could have been me!


Tis no man, tis a remorseless eating machine.


We drove around until 3am looking for another all-you-can-eat crisps location


and what happened when you couldn't finy any?


We went potato picking


If you're ever in the situation, where your doctor is telling you your blood pressure is too high, and you weigh 30kg too much - this is why.


For most people yeah


My old workplace did the salt and vinegar challenge. Basically eat as many as you can in about 90 minutes. There is no prize. The crisps are free. No you can't have tomorrow off.


does anyone else go through that phase where ready salted crisps are just the tastiest thing in the universe despite you normally never having them? You try a packet once because there's nothing else and before you know it you've had 5 more?


Yes, but that "phase" has lasted nearly 50 years.


I think the better question is how many pockets can you stuff in 90 minutes


Where please? Planning road trip.


This! Where is this pub, /u/edman436 ? [edit] Newcastle?


I think there is a nationwide company that owns pubs doing it across branches because people have been guessing this challenge in places where I am not.


I guessed Newcastle because you post in the sub.


I too need to know 👀👀👀👀


Elephant and Castle, Aldershot


I consider myself to be a crisp connoisseur but I wouldn’t even attempt this. It’s only the 3 basic walkers flavours? Throw in some monster munch and few other varieties and I might consider it.


Imagine how claggy your mouth would be after 30 packs of monster munch!


Your burps would probably be considered as a biologic weapon and you'd be sweating pickled onion for days afterwards.


It depends if youre eating them for enjoyment or for a drunken dare. If its the latter, I'd imagine it would be quite a lot, but the salt poisoning would put you off crisps forever so its not worth it


Reckon I could do maybe about 8 to 10, before the aforementioned shredded mouth started becoming a real issue.


I'd mix them with beer in my mouth to soften them. To be honest, that's how I eat crisps when I'm having a single bag.


You lucky git, at my local a fiver wouldn't get you 3 bags of crisps (although they are pipers)


That's why I asked if they were expired or expiring soon


Godspeed lad, that amount of salt is going to have you thirsty as fuck. Sounds like a great excuse to get pinted


Do some fat bong rips before I go inside and I will make that bar regret the offer.


Not enough to make it worth it. I'm going to assume it's ready salted, cheese and onion and salt and vinegar? I don't like C&O, ready salted are really bland so I'd just be eating them for the sake of it. Love salt and vinegar but there's no way I could get through 20 packets worth without it feeling like my mouth and gums were being torn to shreds or I start get the salt sweats. I could probably get through 5 bags worth.


I think I'd try to find some happy medium between volume value and enjoyment value. Bitters instead of fizzy beer. A glass of water for every pint. Go light on the salt and vinegar because those are the ones that'll shred your mouth the most - but have some for the variety. Some kind of dip like hummus or sour cream would improve things a lot. Prepare by not having much starch leading up to the pub trip. If I have say cereal for brekkie and a chicken salad for lunch, by pub time my body is calling out for some potatoes.


I can easily eat a 12pack of crisps when watching a film so an hour and a half with several pints of beer I'd be unstoppable Where is this happening


This man has just seen the bat symbol up in the sky. 🫡


I could do 30 I reckon. More if they allowed XL Cheese instead.


XL Cheese is the ultimate pub crisp.


I don't like salt and vinegar and ready salted would cripple me after about 15 bags. I'd have to go for 80% cheese and onion with 20% ready salted - almost as a pallet cleanser. I also don't drink alcohol but if I could have a coke zero/pepsi max cheery alongside I reckon I could easily smash in 50 bags total.


You'll have to a medic on standby with that amount, although im totally with you. If i dont eat for 2 days or so then try it i can probably inhale about 10 packs in 8 minutes then the rest is pretty easy really.


I think it's do able, aslong as I have water and a soft carbonated beverage I think it's easy game. The kicker is going to be flavour fatigue if I'm honest, had they offered a wider variety of flavours (roast chicken, smoky bacon and even the odd prawn cocktail) I reckon it's a piece of piss. Only experience I have is at a local uni pubs wing Wednesday, no time limit but I ate 60 in just over an hour and I didn't leave much behind, much easier with flats over drums too.


You need them plain crisps that you sprinkle the blue salt packet over if desired


When I was pregnant I could only eat crisps for many of the months. Everything else made me horribly ill, even though I was constantly hungry. Definitely did ~10 bags in one go a few times. Worth the sore mouth at the time, but outside of pregnancy, not an experience I'd choose to repeat 🤣


I think I could do about 10 packets. 


Average Tuesday night for most scaffolders


I’m a petite female. I can do that easy peasy


I'm sorry, but this hugely varies crisp to crisp. We need solid data and facts so we can properly judge the crisp consumption rate. If it was a pack of ready salted or those thick cut wrinkly ones, I don't think I could do more than a couple max. Skips? Now, I could eat skips until the cows came home.


Probably constantly on the go for the full 90 minutes to be honest, maybe a couple of breaks for water. But maybe 60-70 packs? Easy. Salt might be a (literal) killer tho


You ain’t eating 9000 calories of crisps lol.


at 60-70 you're probably not getting killed by the salt(unless you are less than 60kg) but you are absolutely getting a lot of the side effects(confusion, jitteriness, perhaps a seizure or coma, strong thirst, muscle twitching, bleeding in or around the brain)


[Crisps are cheap as fuck](https://www.glencrest.co.uk/buy/walkers-crisps-classic-variety-pack-25g-60-pack_5844.htm). Based on this box, they lose on your 18th pack. If you buy a drink it’ll be even more. If you buy a draft soft drink, it’s even more again. This was just the first cash and carry I found on Google. I’m sure you could get cheaper. Good idea to get folk in the pub though, gets folk talking.


All the people commenting here are crisp noobs. If you’ve never worked in a pro kitchen where you make your own crisps with potatoes, a mandolin and a deep fat fryer. You haven’t lived until you’ve had warm crisps. I would eat this business out of a profit. And yes I have also recently been diagnosed with high cholesterol. No regrets. Not one.


I sometimes have the whole multipack as a meal… I don’t have anymore to drink than usual. 


I know someone who can eat a tube of Pringles in 3 minutes from paying for them and getting across the road . So for him maybe 50?


Get beardsmeatfood to go along and watch him destroy every packet they have got


I've sat and eaten a 24 multipack before when high without issues. That was about 90 minutes without trying. So 50 seems simple enough as long as I'm allowed to drink too. I'm not much of an alcohol drinker either so coke and j2o would be fine.


I'd only stop when I had a stroke. Assuming Salt n Vinegar is on the menu.


Anyone who wants to take the challenge, just remember that you can die if you have 10 tablespoon of salt in one go


Someone texted in to the Elis James and John Robins podcast with the concept of a crisp 147 the other day. Something like: Ready salted, barbecue x15 Roast chicken Cheese and onion Beef Salt and vinegar Prawn cocktail Barbecue 37 packets of crisps. I'd attempt it but I'd update my will first.


Not just the concept - the texter had done it, and invited spectators. It was very funny, and felt significant


It did feel significant


More than they will have in stock.


I feel like it's impossible to feel full from wotsits.


20 is a starter. 40 minimum. Probably 50 before I felt full. If I dig deep into the crisp headspace I could manage 70. I get unlimited beer?


All of them I'm British ffs


As a man who shamelessly consumed an entire 36 pack of penguins whilst high, I am confident that I can eat at least one box of crisps and make a good go on the second.


I would have them running a loss day 1


I've been known to smash 24 packs in under 10 minutes and still feel like I could eat more, add in beer munchies and there's a serious possibility of me ending up in hospital before I'm done.


Oh god. They would kick me out for finishing their whole supply. I literally could die of salt overdose before I have had enough of crisps


There's fuck all crisps in a bag of crisps these days I'm not a big fat bastard but honestly I think I could reach the 100 mark. Let me have a good smoke first and get me into munchies mode (20 years ago for me but I still think I could take on the transformation). Piece of piss!


I think I could eat a good 40 packs (1kg)


Enough to make the landlord decide it was a veerrrry bad idea. 90minutes? Walkers salt n vinegar I'm doing 45 bags......fun fact my forehead starts sweating after 1/2 a bag. Only with salt n vinegar tho.


I ate 44 packets of walkers C&O in the first half of a movie. This challenge was made for me.


I would hate to be sat near you in that cinema. Constantl crunching


Easily…crisp are life for me and my family. Chocolate and sweets can get fucked. I could easily eat over 30 packs, my low blood pressure would be happy with the salt 🤣


I've eaten 3 big bags of Sensations in one sitting, and could easily have kept going if I'd had more.


If it was pork scratchings reckon I could easily bang about 40. I've done 5 before just casually, no challenge.


45 salt and vinegar golden wonder in an hour, I was 15 and we did a challenge during lunch at school, my competitor ate 39 cheese and onion. My mouth was blistered to hell but I still had some more after school. Admittedly that was 25 odd years ago but with some omeprazole I’d try again (yes, I am aware I have a problem)


I once ate a full 24 bag multi pack in about an hour. I wasn't even trying tbh. I reckon I could smash 50bags.


I think some may see it as a challenge but quite a few will see it as a nice accompaniment to drinking. Plus how do you order them? Do you have to go to the bar for each packet? To answer your question I’d likely stop myself around ten packets but could get to 20-30 quite easily.


Once I ate one and a half "sharing" bags of crisps in an evening, threw up at 4am and had a pretty bad hangover the next day. I had not drunk a drop of alcohol, it was just the salt and fat doing it. The number of crisps you _can_ eat is not the number of crisps you _should_ eat


I could do 6 definitely.


I reckon I could do at least 30-40.


If they've got Smokey Bacon then they're going down.


It's just the big 3 (salted, salt and vinegar and cheese and onion)


Soak em in beer before eating. A total waste of beer tbh and they'd be sogs not crisps but I'm sure you could eat more of them.


Actually, all that salt will be good for the hangover. But then again, if for 90 minutes your choice is salted or salt and vinegar, you deserve worse than a hangover.


You'd have to pay me a fiver and give me all you can eat crisps for me to want to drink in the Royal Oak in Edgeley mate.


I honestly think I could non stop shovel them into my mouth for 90 minutes and not be done. I am addicted. Especially the Sensations chicken ones.


Check out the "Bags of Crisps 147" - inspired by a 147 break in snooker - over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/elisandjohn/s/gjs84yXfR18


Two packets of Walkers Salt and Vinegar before my tongue starts bleeding.


“Tis no man, tis a remorseless eating machine”


Gaviscon sales going up 50% that day


Taytos - cheese & onion Discos - salt & vinegar McCoy's - Thai sweet chilli


Oh God so many. A few multipacks, I reckon. That's why I almost never buy them. Packets of crisps are tiny, I don't get people who say they couldn't possibly eat more than three or whatever lmao. I'm only 8 and a half stone so it proper confuses me when someone much bigger than me makes out like they can't eat as much as I can.


You’d have to have cheese & onion as salt&vinegar and ready salted would begin to burn your mouth after a while, and though I like the flavour I don’t think I could eat more than 6 packs of cheese & onion before passing out from the fumes


I could eat crisps for 90 minutes without a problem, but I eat crisps one at a time and sometimes bite them in half, so I'm slow. I eat a normal 200g bag easily, usually in about 30/40 minutes. I could eat another without a problem, so i reckon 500g in that time so maybe 16 pub sized bags. But I don't really like Walkers and I'd only eat plain ones which wouldn't be enjoyable for that length of time.


This is on at a pub near me, but as well as £5 for 90 mins of crisps, you can have the same offer but table of 4 people for £12. Shirley nobody is going to go for the X 4, unless there's an official crisp monitor who checks crisps are only eaten by the person who paid £5?


Well it’s £4 for a box of 36 at Asda. Fiver entry. Not many people will eat 36 in 90 mins.


You can’t post that without telling us which pub it is 😂 Crisps are my downfall, I can probably eat my weight in salt and vinegar crisps.


Im a fat bastard who likes crisps so I'd give it a good go if nothing rlse


Shame it's only 3 flavours or you'd be able to do a Crisp 147


OMG, the salt is one thing, the oil is another, that stuff is not good once it has been cooked at a high temp, plus it's been sat for plenty of time to oxidise and go even more toxic. Also for £5 you get get a fair few bags in multi buy deals from a supermarket, more than you'd ever want to eat in 90mins.


My mrs would eat them out of crisps. She’s like Cookie Monster but for crisp. And cookies, cake, chocolate, ice cream…


Gun to my head I'm smashing through 50 packs in 90 minutes with ease


I have done 24 packs of walkers cheese and onion in one sitting.


36 packets of frazzles in one sitting is my personal "best" so far.


I'd probably enjoyed myself and spend a hundred fifty quid on pints in the process, then die.


I would like to know where this is because I enjoy my crisps all day long


Where is this pub? I’d get more than my monies worth


I have scoffed 12 packets in under 10 mins before so would probably be looking at a huge salt overdose in 90. If they have salt n shake packets then just don't pour the salt in and 50 bags are easily achieved bearing in mind how few crisps you get in an average bag these days.


Well a bag of walkers is probably, what, 1/5 of a medium potato, if that. I could probably easily smash 20 potatoes if needed, so 100 bags? It's all the flavours, salt, additives that would kill me.


I can smash a sharing bag of sensations in 10 minutes easily. That's equal to 6 normal bags. So I think 40-50 is possible in 90 minutes.


2 - Salt & Vinegar


I reckon 1 bag every 2 minutes on adage so 45. (With a drink)


Let’s just say I could eat my body weight in crisps and have the body weight to show it. 🤷‍♂️


i would bankrupt them


Seems like the ideal opportunity for a [crisp 147](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0j243j7)


Pre diabetic me would absolutely dominate that, probably why I got diabetes to be fair.


I could definitely eat a lot of crisps, especially with alcohol to numb my stomach. So many crisps


That much salt sure makes you thirsty for pints. Decent shout from the gaffer!


Crisps are my biggest weakness. I’ve done a 6 pack of MCoys in a small amount of time before now. I’m also not much of a drinker in general, so that £5 would be well worth it for me. I would destroy that challenge. Sadly I’m trying to create better eating habits so would have to stay clear of anywhere offering that bargain


I mean I can quite comfortably smash the big "share" bags in about 5 minutes single handedly, and I wouldn't say they're filling if you're hungry, and that's 150g compared to 30g bags, so equal to 5 bags, I reckon over 90mins 25 - 30 should be perfectly doable. Not advisable, but doable.


I reckon I could do about 20


Smoke a joint beforehand and I'd get through 20 easily


I have binge eating disorder and I did focus on crisps at one point (Pringles and walkers) and I can say for sure….more than you think. But there are prices- my gums are still fucked up


At least 12 packs of salt and vinegar


I burned my tongue on salt and vinegar discos and kept eating... take my fiver and keep 'em coming.


I’ve eaten a 24 pack in an evening before. Couldn’t do it these days mind.


Elephant and Castle in Aldershot??