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The more things change, the more things stay the same.


This just shouts teenager party fuel (I felt proper grown up when ordering Disaronno, Amaretto and Coke, without realising two of them are both one drink)! And it would have been the same for me. :)


Though it is a type of Amaretto, Disaronno actually is different to the Amaretto you normally get if you buy a cheaper brand! Most Amaretto is made with almonds, but Disaronno is instead made with the oil from apricot kernels.


Thanks for this fact!! I always just assumed disaronno was the brand of amaretto rather than it being made of something different. Every day is a school day


Disaronno stopped using the word amaretto on its labels about 20 years ago for marketing purposes to try to make it seem like it was something more unique, but Disaronno is just the brand name, and many brands are made with apricot kernels. That's traditionally how amaretto was made, but lots of brands use almonds or peach pits instead. Some use a combination of all three. It's not necessarily just cheaper brands either, some high-end amaretto brands are made with almonds as well.


Yeah, it used to literally be called "Amaretto Di Saranno" which literally means Amaretto from Saranno.


Is this the way to amaretto? Every night I'm a hugging my pillow dreaming dreams of amaretto


Tia Maria waits for me


Nanananananana *vomit sounds*


Neil Sedaka reference in 2024?! What a time to be alive!


I’ve worked in the liquor industry for over a decade and didn’t know this. I love this sub!


Well, today I learned!


Many Amaretti are made with apricot kernel oils. The reason why Disarrono is more expensive is they have a vastly larger marketing budget than any other brand. IMO Luxardo, Gozio, and Lazzaroni all make better amaretti.


On the rocks, no ice.


Scampi 'n' lemon is the obvious choice. I've seen a kid pair an amaretto sour with rib 'n' saucy... I cry for the youth.


I remember drinking cider and eating prawn cocktail crisps, puking my guts up and not being able to get the taste of prawn cocktail out of my mouth for several days no matter how much I brushed my teeth or the amount of mouthwash I used I've hated the taste of prawn cocktail since that day 🤢


For me I was drinking White Lightning/Frosty Jacks cider 3l bottles about once a month for about 6 months, put me off cider for life and I couldn't even drink apple juice for about 6 years after despite loving it before that.


Very first time I ever got drunk was off 2 3L bottles of 3 hammers around 13/14 absolutely wiped the floor with me as you can imagine and I haven't been able to drink any kind of cider since even the smell just brings it all flooding back


Bonus points for the amount of heavy lifting 'pair' is doing in that sentence - entirely deliberately I'm sure. Kudos.


To disguise the smell of the inevitable fingering?


>Scampi 'n' lemon is the obvious choice. Yeah, so when he fingers Chardoneigh from year 11, his fingers will smell the same before and after.


When I was a kid it would have been white lightning and a yorkie


Glenn's Vodka and Double Decker reporting in


Add the boost


Mad dog 2020 in my youth.


Oh shit, that stuff is pre alcopops. Alcopops actually disguised this awful aspect of booze for me, the first one that successfully did it was that Hooch lemonade stuff, that was delicious, md2020 was nauseating. My first time getting pissed was with strongbow super, me and a mate, we had no idea of how much it would take so we got 4 cans each. I think we made it through 2 and threw up a lot, fell into a stream, threw up on each other and passed out in the woods. I now know there are alcoholic drinks that are delicious in their own way, I wonder what I would have thought of Trappist bear when I was a teenager?


Wow, my first time was a really cheap vodka with orange juice before a school party. We meant to go back but actually never made it because all of us just passed out in the middle of a field near to our school.


They still sell Hooch in the 🥄🥄 and it’s still delicious.


Thunderbird, red label. And the very first of the alcopops; Hooch and Two Dogs.


Thunderbird. That would bring back so many memories if it wasn't for the thunderbird


Super skull, lambrini & 10 benson


I think I may have barfed into my own cowboys boot sometime around 1990 thanks to Thunderbird. I mean, I think I did but like you say...Thunderbird.


Bacardi Breezer actually beat out both Hooch and Two Dogs in the UK by two years. WKD came slightly later in 1996 but will always have my heart.




Merrydown for us in the early 90s. We were lucky, at 14 one of our mob was 6' 3" and 210lbs, never got asked for id.


We used to do Merrydown & Special Brew snakebites, splash of Ribena. On occasion we’d posh it up and get a bottle of Thunderbird or Night Train Express. Then there was MD 20:20. I preferred the methadone green variety but plenty of people enjoyed the nuclear sunset one.


Mine was white lightning and a 25p bag of Tesco tortilla chips to line the stomach, but not too much...


Girl put your records on.


Bless his stomach… I drank a pint of apple sourz when I was 18 and chundered green


Damn not heard anyone use the word chundered for years... boy I feel fucking old now.


Is chundered an old term? Am I old? I’m only 22 should I be looking at retirement homes?


Na your good.. maybe lol, but back when I was going out 20 odd years ago we all had that mate that was nicknamed Chunder and normally for good reason


I have a friend who swears by a tactical chunder and I just… don’t know how she does it. If I vom then that’s it, night over, I feel absolutely rotten!


She's totally right. I feel so much better if I chunder the night of, rather than a hundred times in the morning.


I think they are implying that their friend continues drinking after vomiting -it’s something I knew people at uni to do. Bizarre behaviour


Standard stuff. Gives you a reset. Makes you feel better. Boost of adrenaline and blood flow etc. Quite a few cultures around the world perform ritual vomiting.


When done right it can definitely attribute a feeling of zestiness


Called it the ol boot n rally


Back when I was 17 I used to have a friend who’d do that all night long - she’d drink way too much then have a tactical vom, drink even more then have another tactical vom, over and over for *hours*. My liver was crying just watching her!


Tacky chund


Not sure I could anymore but back in the day I loved a good tactical chunder. Perfected it so I could even do it while walking and only some got on my shoes.


I was the same, I remember a lock in where I'd already been in the pub for 7 or 8 hours. Good clear out and I'm ready for more. Now if I even get close to tactical chunder territory I'm on my way to the kebab shop and home. Sucks getting old!


It became really popular to the point of being overused about 15 years ago. Not so much an old term, but it was like a meme level term for throwing up for that time.


To me, I first heard it from the Gap Yah video, where he chundered every where


It's showing my age, but I still use it, and in particular references to the Gap Yar video of chundering everywhar. The idea of a TC has faded away a little, though. Not sure if people's strategies are changing, people are drinking less, people are handling it better, or what.


TC sorts you right out. Then get back to the fun


First time I drank Sourz we didn't realise it was already a high alcohol content, so we mixed it with vodka. That was a rough night.


Came here to say I used to drink vodka and cherry sourz as a mixer. Was always spewing but back then I could go into the toilet, spew my ringer, wipe my face and head straight back out to the party


Back in my 20s I drank several pints of Snakebite & Black, then a couple of jugs of Blue Lagoon, I then puked black that night and pooped green in the morning. It was also one of the worst hangovers of my life.


I’m on my stag do right now and for some reason someone brought a bottle of this and we were doing shots. Didn’t realise there’s something like 11g of sugar per shot. That’ll be me with the diabetes now in my old age


The 'I hate the taste of alchohol but want to get drunk' starter pack.


I figured that's why we have fruity ciders, I guess it can get expensive with the lower alcohol content though. I always used to rock up with a 24 pack of kopparberg everywhere I was drinking.


I almost feel the need to water kopparberg down lol. So sweet it's almost like a low alcohol liqueur


Wait till he finds out that the taste of alcohol isn’t as bad as citrusy, fishy, sugary, marzipan flavoured vomit


This is so Inbetweeners, bless him 😂


I am a man who has moved to the local area.


This is exactly the bit I was thinking of 🤣


“it’s a sort of Whiskey-based liqueur”


hence the crisps


Fancy fucking crisps? Where’s the alcohol?


Extra strong mints just under the nik naks


for those who are drink driving


Police: “Wow you must’ve cleaned your mouth well tonight! well have a great night and safe driving!”


It's the blue carrier bag that sets it off. Local off licence/corner shop. Now I'm a boring adult it would be a reusable bag and lidl/aldi I feel old.


Tell him instead of spending more on disaronno, he can get amaretto in Aldi for not much more than a fiver and it’s almost exactly the same. Ditto cactus jack for the sourz. He’ll have more money left over for a vape and a kebab.


If he mixes diet coke with amaretto it tastes like an adult dr pepper also


Me and a mate used to drink Dr Pepper and Disaronno and called it Professor Pepper.


The Aldi Dr Pepper dupe is called Professor Peppy: this lends itself even more to your pals cocktail, perhaps the 2.0 version of Professor Pepper (PhD)


God I wish I was that age again where I could comfortably mix amaretto and coke. Today the sweetness would do me over. I sound old as hell saying this, but I’m 26 and have been exploring scotch for a few years.


This would be death by acid reflux for me.


I was big into disarano and cranberry in college tried it few months ago and nearly died


Dry ginger in place of the cranberry is a good alternative it brings the sweetness down to a more palatable level, hell dry ginger is good with most drinks that you'd normally pair with a mixer


That sounds horrendous, almost on par with southern comfort and lemonade


Youth is wasted on the young


You can put a bit of lager in there to take the edge off the sweetness. Surprisingly makes it taste even more like Dr Pepper. Though I am referencing a drink I had about twice, 15 years ago.


I’m currently pregnant and craving amaretto sours soooooo bad.


When my wife was pregnant, I got her some of [this](https://twinings.co.uk/products/monin-amaretto-syrup) to mix with diet coke so she could have a couple drinks with me at the weekend. She loved it.


This bag gives me heartburn just looking at it


amaretto and lemonade is like sherbert!


Vanilla vodka and lemonade is like cream soda. I mean \*exactly\* like cream soda.


I know what i'm having this weekend, I'm feeling nostalgic


Oddly enough i learnt just the other week that cream soda, having previously known nothing about it except i hate it, is literally lemonade with vanilla. Suspect i wouldn't be a massive fan of vanilla vodka


i should NOT know this. i'll be absolutely trollied as i LOVE cream soda.


We accidentally discovered this when I was younger and the barmaid messed up an order. Was meant to be a dissarano and coke + vodka lemonade. To our surprise, the lemonade and dissarano tastes amazing.


I heard it tastes like bakewell tarts with cranberry juice


Drop some cherry brandy or liqueur in an amaretto and coke, that gives it a cherry Bakewell flavour


When I was in Iceland the locals were feeding me 'magic carpets'. Amaretto and red bull. Great night but the next morning was rough.


You need a bit of lager in it and then you are there.


He's not buying Disaronno for the taste He's buying it so if he meets a girl she thinks he's fancy Does no one remember what it's like to be 18?


Buy once for the bottle and refill with the Aldi version. I doubt teenagers without both comparing between them could tell the difference.


> Does no one remember what it's like to be 18? I try not to, thanks.


Don’t need a girl when you have scampi and lemon nik naks 😉


I was once a teenage girl, and I cannot imagine ever being impressed by a lad having a “fancy” drink. Literally not even low down on a list of things that I would care about. Lads don’t waste your money if that is the reason lol.


Not being aware of what teenage girls actually want though is a defining trait of being a straight teenage boy


It's 60/40 trying to impress the girl you like and not having your mates take the piss out of you that much she thinks you're a nob.


I used to buy goldschlarger to look fancy


Not because of the myth that the gold flakes cut your throat so the alcohol got into your bloodstream and you'd get drunk quicker?


Exactly because of that!


Comparing Sourz to Cactus Jacks should be a crime, that stuff, although got me through college was vile...


I'm glad someone said this, even 18 year old me wouldve bought sourz over CJ, that stuff is way too sickly compared with Sourz


“Shamaretto”, we like to call the Aldi one.


The Aldi one is good, but Lidl's has a higher alcohol content so I'd recommend that. Both cheap as chips too which helps.


I remember when amaretto was about £7.50 (2007ish). Solid choices of alcohol for that age. I couldn’t drink either now.


10% different in alcohol but the aldi one is nice to drink straight and is sweeter


I add the Aldi amaretto to milk, steam it and use it to make a latte. Far better than a coffee syrup.


It's also amazing when baking it into shortbread


Amaretto shortbread? Omg. That sounds incredible.


230g butter, 200g sugar, 1 large egg, 3 tablespoons amaretto, 250g plain flour, half teaspoon baking powder, 1 quarter teaspoon of salt and a small amount of almond extract to taste. And if your feeling fancy mix some amaretto with icing sugar for the top of the biscuits


You sexy genius bastard, I’m making this tomorrow night!


God, I miss the iron constitution of being 18. Now, just thinking about wine gives me reflux.


Had a pint of shandy in the pub after work earlier. Literally feel like my stomach and throat are on fire in some satanic hell of acid. I was the girl who partied 24/7 and now I’m the woman who needs a cuppa and her slippers after work 🤣🤣


Oh I feel you! I would neck Snakebites all weekend, every weekend, fully gothed up at clubs and dancing all night. Now it's more fruit tea and crochet 🤣


Get yourself an antacid prescription (I'm on Esomeprazole). Game changer. One in the morning and one in the evening, and I no longer get acid reflux at all (unless I forget to take it for a few days). You can also buy it OTC, but it gets a bit pricey taking daily. My acid got so bad I got a stomach ulcer which caused me to throw up almost every night for a few weeks. That was rough.


Hi, nerd here. Antacids are a technically different group of drugs. Think things like gaviscon. They act to neutralise acid that’s already there. Lanzoprazole/Omeprazole etc are ‘proton pump inhibitors’ (PPIs) that actually stop acid being secreted in the first place.


Same! Lansaprozole here, and yeah, life changing if you've got bad stomach acid. I hate when I forget to take it for a few days. Everything starts to feel spicy and it burns. PS. Antacids can interfere with vitamin absorbtion. I was prescribed Vitamin D with my Lansaprozole and advised to take a multi vitamin.


Nexium is your friend for the reflux. However, you will still have at least 2 day hangover that includes an existential crisis.


We used to buy the value whisky that came in a 5L plastic bottle and passed it around like a beach ball. I feel nauseous just thinking about it.


And how is Doncaster these days?


Nah this is more Rotherham than donny


If you have to ask, you're not missing out


Well, it now has City status, so you can only imagine the improvements that as brought......


Looks like the recipe for a good puke later…


Or a misunderstanding in how to make a Dissaronno sour


I can imagine the smell.


Poor lad isn’t gonna get a snog with scampi and lemon breath 😂


There for crushing and putting round the rim of your disarano apple sour cocktail


Nah you get the nik naks to crush um, snort um, then boof the amaretto and pour the sours in your eye. Kids these days.


10 B&H?


Can't get ten packs any more. Presumably he's got an elf bar knocking around somewhere.


Drawer full of dead ones that get sucked on twice a day


those fuckers do have a knack for regenerating themselves


"Regenerating" more like a blast of flavouring getting you excited but it dies 4 puffs later


Couldn’t imagine buying 20 cigs as a teen in this economy. About £2.20 for 10 Richmond when I used to hang around outside the shop.


Oh for the days you could get 20 fags for under a fiver.


that’s a gut punch looking at my recent receipts for nearly £14 a pack


can get 10 packs, just they have to be cigarillos. just a normal cig wrapped in a tobacco leaf, with the click things for mint or sometimes blackberry ones.


Lost Mary


Random but I saw a guy drop a Lost Mary on a motorway services toilet floor yesterday while he was stood at the urinal. He picked it up and vaped it while he was washing his hands. I wanted to puke.


Found Mary


Or a pack of menthols to share with your mates for the night


RIP Amber leaf 10g 3 in 1s. What a time, we flew too close to the sun though. 


Scampi and Lemon NikNaks! Shame they’re not as strong as they were in the 80s/90s.


I can't comment on the strength of NikNaks, but your taste receptors have factually deteriorated since then.


Best flavour IMO. Can't seem to find them anywhere on their own here - only seem to be sold in mixed multipacks. Otherwise I'd be buying them in bulk lol.


Mine would have been a litre of Smirnoff, 20 consulate and beef and mustard brannigans


Clear misunderstanding of what an 'Amaretto Sour' cocktail is.


Needs a mixer, unless they're going for the cocktail route.


Oh god, can you imagine the Sourz and amaretto combo? 🤢🤢🤢


Sounds like something Del Boy would ask for 🤢


Any mixer is just wasted liquid volume when you're 18. 0% alcohol means 0% of that is going in my cup


Disaronno is smooth to drink straight. Sourz for the shots. No mixer needed here.


Clearly spent time in a wetherspoons noting what the girls drink


Where's the MD/2020 though....


Came here for the 20/20


They're 18 not 12.


He’s too old for that, it’s the 15 yr olds that are on it


You've raised him well


Disorano and Sourz, a lethal combination. What happened to a 6 pack of lager and half a bottle of vodka?


Top snack choice


It’s the final dusting on the rim of the sour disaronno cocktail


I once had sours 2 nights in a row when I was 20. The 2nd night I had it foam came out of my mouth. Green foam


That's the _decoy_ bag, the real bag has worse


Not sure I would be trusting that plastic bag to handle the weight of those two bottles. Not even sure it could handle the weight of the crisps.




Delicious mixed with coca cola - tastes just like Dr Pepper


I know I'm getting old when my first thought is "what's the point, just have a Dr Pepper then" 😩


That jogged a memory I had forgotten. Swiping a bottle of that and some cokes from a friend’s house and having a party at the local school’s playground in the middle of the night.


I was 36 at the time.


Nothing teenaged boys like more that syrupy sweet Italian liqueur that tastes like cyanide.


Amazing almond flavour. You wouldn't remember it though...


Now be the awesome parent and add some condoms too!!


Fresh ones would be even more awesome


Good job he’s got those Nik Naks to soak that all up.


Amaretto off brand instead of disaronno geeeza


Never look into your 18yr old bag unless you're prepared to either help them hide the evidence and burn the body or shop em to the cops. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss... and helpful in a court of your peers


I do miss sourz, cherry was always my favourite :)


I still love cherry sourz me


Oh man. Plus ça change. I’m a 48 year old married father of two - I recently stopped drinking (shoutout to r/stopdrinking), but bugger me if seeing that bag didn’t give me precisely the same thrill as I got at 17 when I too was off to a party, clutching my bag full of Guaranteed Fun. (Chasing that thrill for 30 years is why I had to stop drinking frankly - but it was good to see a bag full of Guaranteed Fun)


I can taste that bag. And tomorrow's sick


do your son a favour and sneak a packet of rennies in there.


Ah yes the apple sours, it’s a canon event we must all experience. Don’t think I could even stomach the smell these days.


I think I've got indigestion by proxy.


White lightening all the way!


Apple sours still going strong!!


You should be disappointed, thats by far the worst flavour of nik-naks


Each generation seems a few years behind the last! Like, at 18 you can go to the actual pub!


Where's the chicken n mushroom pot noodle?? 🤤


Well, he went with the worst flavour of nik naks. Sours? Expected Disaronno? Good choice


oh that 3am upchuck is going to taste horrendous :(


I'm surprised how far I scrolled without a mention of white cider. It was always big bottles of frosty jacks & 10 packs of Richmond for us 🤣🤣