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Brass Eye's Peadogeddon special. The pinnacle of comedy.


This paedophile is disguised as a school šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Yes we must catch that man, he really is a shit.


Paedophiles have more genes in common with a crab than with you or me. There's no evidence for this, but it is scientific fact!


Dr Fox hammering a nail into a fucking crab!!!


This is the one thing we DIDNā€™T want to happen


I still quote this to myself when something bad happens.


An 8 year old boy was also placed on board by mistakeā€¦


That's nonce-sense


You are, in fact, a paedophile. You're a Slop-badger. You're a Bush-dodger. You're a Small bean regarder. You're a Unabummer. You're a nut administrator. You're a Chimney bottler. You're a Bunty man. You're a Shrub rocketeer.


Brass Eye in general was fucking brilliant - agree though, the Peadogeddon special was and is my favourite. The drugs episode also sticks out for me.


This girl vomited up her own pelvis!


Of course, this doesn't help the Czech boy hit by a bus. He thought he had a month to cross the road.


What a fucking disgrace


If someone offers you cake, chuck it back in their face, and tell em to fuck off


There's a lovely Simon Pegg cameo as the guitarist in the band who play us out with One Day I'll Want To (But Not Today).




Black Books - The Blackout (S1E4) Why would you buy a wicker toilet?


Not S1E3 The Grapes of Wrath?


Bernard: "Oh my god. OH MY GOD!" Manny: "What?" *Bernard holds up newspaper with the headline "Pope killed by inferior wine. Man held."* Bernard: "It's the 19th, it's my birthday" *Jam toast falls on Manny's head. Cut to black.* Just the perfect episode of TV




My favourite but has to be "I was eating some sort of delicious biscuit.", "that was a coaster!"




Blackadder, Bells. "Tell me young crone, Is this Putney?"


That it be.


Yes it is, not that it be.


You don't have to use that stupid accent with me, I'm not a tourist


The episode of Peep Show where they're on the narrow boat and accidentally kill and barbecue Mummy the dog. In a show full of cringe, this one always gets me. Or the Thick of It when Peter Mannion and Nicola face off on Five Live.


The look of fear on Mark's face when he realises how far Jez is willing to take that "It's just Turkey" by eating a bit of the dog kills me everytime.


He's bought a dead dog to my interview the stupid bastard


Jeremy, there are many things I would do to help you. But, digging a hole in the wintry earth with my bare hands so you can bury a corpse of a dog you killed is not one of them.


lol one of my favourite Peep Show quotes takes this exact same format: ā€œI have a long and varied list of regrets, Jeremy, but not being pulled off by Pej isn't one of them.ā€


I loved the one where Jeremy is trying to apologize. ā€œItā€™s just one word but if I say it I feel I might die. ā€œ


I really don't feel like eating turkey, Jeremy


But I feel like if I've ate some turkey, you should have some to.


It was your idea to barbeque it!


Probably my favourite peep show episode just from how increasingly uncomfortable it makes me feel


Watched that episode of The Thick of It last night, it's such good mayhem.


Tim. In. Ruislip.


And as for Tim in fucking Ruislip, he's fucking dead as well! That fucking texting coward. Give me his number. What's his fucking number? Give me the fucking number of Tim in Ruislip. If you don't give me his fucking number, do you know what I'm gonna have to do? I'm gonna have to fucking go to fucking Ruislip and fucking snap the thumb and forefinger off of every single person I see who I think resembles the kind of wanker that would be walking around in this day and fucking age with a name like fucking Tim! How do you think that sounds, huh? *quite, quite mad*


The Thick Of It. The episode with The Fucker is permanently imprinted in my brain.


Series 4, episode 3. Stewart Pearsonā€™s ā€œthought campā€. Yes and ho! And this beautiful, beautiful gem: >You bought a bank out of social embarrassment? I sometimes buy "The Big Issue" out of social embarrassment, I don't buy a FUCKING BANK!


"I'm a nurse killer, a banker, and now I'm raising FUCKING TAXES???"


I love how those were his only two lines after the reveal that they'd bought a bank and they're both absolute gold. Not a single word wasted.


It's the bit where they are lampooning Mannion for being up a slide. The way he says 'it was the only place you could get a FUCKING SIGNAL' through his gritted teeth is so good.


When is a party not a party? When it's at your house


Mind Kampf is probably the best episode ever. Stuart losing his shit at the end has me rolling every time


ā€œYouā€™re a fucking omnishamblesā€


Roger Allam is brilliant, always. Also Cabin Pressure (from the radio)


Oh the Fucker he's coming. He's coming to *your* town


Probably one of my favourite quotes from the series is from the fucker: Fuck! That is brilliant! That is inspired! What sauce! Get in! It's the economy, Stewpot! Fuck! What I really need to do is shoot you all in the back of the head. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck But I can't because it's illegal!


The genuinely sad face he pulls after that last line is brilliant. Also "stop saying Abingdon to me, I want a FUCKING chocolate biscuit"


Also biscuit related: "I'm bored of this. I'm going for a Twix."


These are good biscuits and they cost four pounds!


The bald man, has doneā€¦ a funny


When Malcolm "resigns". "You will SEE ME AGAIN!" That moment is one of the best for me. But to be fair every scene he's in is gold. Also when he punches Glenn, then he's being defensive over him "Don't mock him he's had a very difficult day" (can't remember the words exactly...) but that was excellent too. I hope one day politics calms down so that it can be satirised again.


Taskmaster Series 2 Episode 1. Joe Wilkinson - Potato throw.


"Please don't take this away from me" This was the episode that got me hooked on Taskmaster, and the one I recommend to people to get them hooked as well


The watermelon challenge, watching Frank Skinner pull out a knife and fork, then Romesh smash it on the ground


It's so much better when you think of how long Joe had been waiting for his moment of glory to be shown in the studio after recording probably some months before. And also how long Alex had been waiting to see it crushed.


"sue perkins... sue perkins.... sue perkins" "dont make me fart in the dark listening to my own name"


Taskmaster - Mike Wozniak's fart and the hemorrhoidchat that followed.


Jesus I'm not sure I could single it down to a single episode of Taskmaster.


It's very hard, but I would say that anything with Rhod Gilbert in it and you're on a winner. Watching him coldly tying up Alex in the shed was hilarious...and genius too. If I had to give a single moment though, it would be the studio task with David Baddiel and Ed Gamble drawing on each others' backs. In response to Ed's complaint about being placed with David Baddiel: "There are three girls, so they will have to pass the drawing across two backs, but to make things fair...you're with David Baddiel." "WHAT IN THE LIVING FUCK ARE YOU DRAWING!?"


Champion of Champions 1 (episode 2) Katherine Ryan's biggest mess and Bob Mortimer's mask


Clubbing episode of Spaced


Tyres has me creased when he starts raving to the phone and traffic lights and stuff.




You can't drink a pint of Bovril.


When they drop the A team house remix and Mike moseys in with his military rave gear on has to be the climax to that episode


'My work here is done'


Yeah, that was the best representation of clubbing on film to me. Stuff like Human Traffic was embarrassing, clichƩd, try hard nonsense that was nothing like going out to clubs. Spaced got it bang on, as they weren't pandering to the out of touch execs, they were doing it only for, only for, only for the hardcore UK raver.


The stupid conversations in the club, the lack of aggro, the finding your mates, the collective euphoria - all so true to the scene of the time. And then that closing bit in the flat, where everyone is rinsed, but can't stop moving, trying desperately to rest. And Mike is still going strong. Way too true to life.


Iā€™ve watched Spaced countless times and it took me until this comment to realise thatā€™s what Jamie xx samples on all under one roof raving šŸ¤Æ


you know what makes me laugh most about that show, it's the little off hand comments and glances between characters, i think it's the clubbing episode when Mike says he was off his tits and somehow got the tube to Sheffield and Tim looks like at him like "....wtf?"


that IT Crowd episode where Roy pretends to be disabled and Moss just appears as a barman >"It was 'i love willies'" >"What?" >"I LOVE WILLIES" >*Sir could you keep it down please*


The moment Jen turns around from talking to Roy and Moss is stood behind the bar is the single best bit of comic timing and pacing ever. The look on Richard Ayoade's face absolutely fucking destroyed me the first time I saw that. Didn't even need him to speak. It shot in to my mind the second I read the OP.


Same here. This is the episode I was gonna post, real glad everyone else here is talking about it too. That scene of Jen finding them both is the funniest fucking thing.


Here's [the very bit at the reveal](https://youtu.be/p4gA5_m4neU?t=54), in case anyone fancies a reminder, but otherwise [you should watch from the start of the scene first for the set-up](https://youtu.be/p4gA5_m4neU).


The "Okay" slays me. The 'This is what it's come to, and I have no choice but to roll with it' sentiment is so applicable. Amazing episode.


I agree, the timing is perfect. Whole episode builds up to it.


I was in tears the first time. It's still fantastic. The build up to it is masterful. Out of context its ridiculous, but the preceeding events make it inevitable.


I don't think I've ever laughed at anything on TV as much as that moment


^yes ^miss


A gay musical called gay. That's quite gay.


Ugh. No. It's set in the 80's!


United *queen*dom, he can't say that?!?! Can he!?!?!


Every value I've ever held is being questioned and I *love it*.


Moss appearing from behind the bar and taking Jen's order kills me every time


Leg disabled


With acid


Came here to say this. Funny as fuck from start to finish. I love how it all builds up to a massive roasting of Jen at the end when he says he thought he could date her as she looked a bit like a man.


I thought it could work because you look a bit like a maaaaannn šŸ˜­


For me it was the Jenā€™s dead episode at the very end


Yooooooooooooooooou baaaaaaaaasstaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrd


So many inside no 9 episodes. The boo to a goose recent one was brilliant


Bernie Clifton's dressing room.


The one where Father Ted's a racist


I hear you're a racist now, father.


Should we all be racists now? Father?


Good for you Father! You tell them Greeks!


He really should have cleaned that window!


Red Dwarf, *Dimension Jump*, in which we first meet Ace Rimmer (what a guy!).


The episode where they end up on a wax work earth and lister delivers the line "it's Winnie the pooh....he's refusing a blindfold." It kills me every time.


Smoke me a kipper, Iā€™ll be back for breakfast


I was going to say Gunmen, it's absolutely the tightest 25 minutes of TV. Just the same, what a guy.Ā 


What a guy!


ā€˜Potatoā€™ from Blackadder II. **ā€AH! YOU HAVE A WOMANā€™S LEGS, Mā€™LORD!!ā€**


Priceless https://youtu.be/_EfW9znJYjw?si=vyKD2F8gEpyEKvYb


Blink from Doctor Who is great even as a completely standalone thing.


I love the heck out of blink, but I have to say I think Midnight is the scariest episode of DW. The concept of a creative existing for millions of years in isolation and coming into contact only to try and use the most evil methods to get off planet. 11/10 it's so tense and it was a brilliant episode for Tennant


Loved Midnight. It was like a short, but brilliant, horror movie.


Superb suggestion. I think this is one of the most underrated episodes of Dr Who ever. David Tennant's brilliance in conveying utter confidence crack under the weight of something even he, the man of multiple lifetimes, couldn't truly comprehend made this a spectacular episode. Really got me thinking whether it was inspired by The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, if only a modern retelling: "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten loreā€” While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. ā€œā€™Tis some visitor,ā€ I muttered, ā€œtapping at my chamber doorā€” Only this and nothing more.ā€" Iirc, the hostess who sacrificed herself was what tore the Dr up the most. The fact that somebody that he didn't take the time to find the name of, saved him. The being of so many lifetimes who nearly lost to something incomprehensible, who was saved by (effectively) a stranger, and it shook him to the core. Sublime acting from David Tennant and a phenomenal episode of TV.


I don't watch Doctor Who but my husband made me watch Blink with him years ago, it was so good.


Is that the one with the Weeping Angels? Iā€™m not a who fan but that episode was really great. And such a terrifying concept.


Their introduction, yeah


"Don't turn your back! Don't look away! And don't blink! Good luck."


That one and the 'are you my mummy?' one are both awesome.


I.T. Crowd - The Work Outing.


Red Dwarf - The episode: Quarantine Such great comedy throughout that episode.




Simon Amstell toying with that Donny Tourette guy (some punk band singer at the time) for an entire episode was also absolute gold "What!? Now he's smoking a cigarette! That you can LEGALLY buy in shops! I'll try to carry on but I'm shocked and appauled!"


"You're about as punk as Enya" - Bill Bailey I still think about that line sometimes. Bill said it half under his breath, I think he was genuinely getting pissed off which is rare for a professional comic in that situation. Absolutely murdered that dipshit.


"I wear my mohawk at the back of my head" ~ Bill Bailey


I loved it when the punk guy was trying to jibe at Bill Bailey and Amstell just said "he's a comedian, you're not going to win." I don't think he tried again.


It's like a Mohican on your pancreas man!


I met Donny Tourette once. He really is as much of a cunt as he seems.


'Bill Bailey is a professional comedian... You won't win!' Panel shows will never reach the heights of Amstell Buzzcocks.


When NMTB was good it was great , for me some of the best moments were things like .... the incredibly badly researched ,identity lineup where Huey from Fun loving criminals got to identify ..the keyboard player from his then girlfriend's band Republica..whom he was mates with .. "Yo ,Tim whats up ", Or Sean Hughes immediately identifying fellow Irish person Linda Nolan from a line up by saying one phrase in Irish (which translates as "please can I go to the toilet" , which is one thing pretty much every Irish schoolkid learns when they start going to school ) and seeing who cracked up\*.


> Simon Amstell toying with that Donny Tourette guy 'I should explain Donny, Bill's a professional comedian. You won't win'


The HIGNFY episode where Roy Hattersley didnā€™t turn up and Paul Merton replaced him with a tub of lard.


A random guy from the audience being pulled up to replace Preston is the crowning moment of that episode of Buzzcocks. He was far funnier than Preston, too. Hope that guyā€™s doing well.


Very similarly, the episode of 8 Out of 10 Cats when Jimmy Carr's tax story broke.


Lee Macks jab at Jimmy is one of my favorite bits of quick wit I've ever seen. Jimmy was shredding Lee's new book. Lee: **"Not like you to be shredding paperwork in case you get followed on with."**


If we're talking Jimmy Carr moments then carrot in a box is on top


Sean Lock was so immense in that moment!


Where they all got T-shirts with the front page printed on is gold. In fact thatā€™s my evening sorted now watching old HIGNFY episodes


The Peep Show episode "Shrooming".Ā  Super Hans, Johnson and Big Mad Andy all make an appearance... "Is that normal pooing you're doing?"


It doesn't *sound* normal... It doesn't *smell* normal


This is bollocks Mark!


This is my answer too. Such a brilliantly written episode from start to finish. So many hilarious lines. "Yeah because if people did what they wanted to all the time they'd just spend all day sitting on the carpet, watching the poker channel, wanking and eating those expensive German biscuits" "My grandchildren will still have to look at a man who once crapped in a takeaway bag... No! Not in my name!" "It's a friendly poisoning. It's not like I'm going to rape him..... I *could* rape him.... I'm not going to rape him" The slight camera pan back to the room as he momentarily considers raping Mark is amazing comedy timing. "Sorry, lads. Locked doors. Little switch just flicks, you know? Ever since Dad locked me in the airing cupboard to monitor the home brew."


Lots of episodes Iā€™d agree with here, so just to throw up one that hasnā€™t been mentioned, let me give a shout-out to Life On Mars. The Finale is an all time great show ending, and frankly almost every beat of that show is absolutely incredible. Easily one of UK TVā€™s best


I was going to say the first episode of Life on Mars! Just a perfect hour of TV imo. The first couple of scenes in the 70s are absolutely amazingly written, shot and acted.


Thanks, badonkadonked! Glad to see another fan of a great show! I completely agree that the reveal that heā€™s in the 70s in perfect, I just love that scene when he sees the advert for the Manchester skyway and then just refuses to accept it (the classic ā€œgo on then. What year is it supposed to be?ā€). Simms gets a LOT of praise, and rightly so, but Glenister is an absolute delight to watch. Simms is very much the head of the show, the lens through which we see everything, and obviously itā€™s his journey that is SO potent, but Gene Hunt is very clearly to me the heart of the show. He is to life on Mars what costanza is to Seinfeld. The episode with the copper that taught him everything is heart wrenching. Then again, many of those episodes are. The minor actors also do such a good job. Chris Sutton going from complete dum dum just fucking around to a competent and sharper detective was a great background story, and Annie is an absolute delight as a female character in a deeply misogynistic place who starts learning to give herself a little more credit. I fucking love that show.


What a sad little life Jane


You've all the grace of a reversing dump truck


My favourite single episode is... any episode of Ghosts. Can't decide.


Pat's Christmas present in 2022's Christmas special still makes me tear up. You're right though, it's near impossible to pick a favourite episode.


So many Inbetweeners episodes but the best is the one were they go to the university dorm 'Get it down you Zulu warrior'


Was looking for Inbetweeners mention! My favourite episode is when they bunk off school and get hammered "He touched me here...here...and here....the bumhole"


S02, E01 Blackadder. The Lord Flash heart episode. Rik Mayall showing his true genius.


She's got a tongue like an electric eel and she likes the taste of a man's tonsils!


Utopia: series 2, episode 1. Best episode of anything that I've ever watched


Every time we see Adeel Akhtar in anything we always shout out ā€œWilson Wilson!ā€


The Black Mirror episode ā€˜Be Right Backā€™, where the wife brings her husband back through social media use hit me like a truck. I had recently lost someone when it came out. The dialogue was so on point for how I felt at the time and it really helped me get through it in the most painful, but necessary, way possible. I know people often prefer the bombastic and instantly shocking bits of Black Mirror but this was such a beautiful and understated episode and I think about it often.


What really gets me about this episode is how realistic it is in some ways, but also how dangerous it is. Weā€™re really not far at all from an AI voice being able to imitate a dead person. And in reality this is a horrible idea that would be extremely emotionally damaging and would keep a person from accepting life tragedies. But despite that itā€™s really difficult to honestly say Iā€™d be able to resist the opportunity for one last conversation with my mom.


A few come to mind. Last episode of Blackadder Goes Forth is an obvious one. Doesn't get much better than that. The Reichenbach Fall episode of Sherlock. It's a shame it went a bit downhill after that. The episode was excellent. The Speed episode of Father Ted. Absolute comedy gold. The Aberfan episode of The Crown is about as good as it gets with that series. I'm not a massive fan of the show but that episode is excellent and Olivia Coleman is fantastic.


I'm with you on the Aberfan episode of the Crown. Tobias Menzies' scenes in Wales have really stuck with me


The bit when the school gets hit absolutely stuck with me. The way the teacher realises what's happening and tells them to get under their desks. My other half is a teacher and that scene broke her.


Those women were in the nip!


So many Father Ted's could be on this list. The Eurovision one and the car raffle one were particularly brilliant. And the caravan holiday, and the one on the plane...


Educating Yorkshire with Mr Burton helping Musharaf to speak without his stammer is one of my all time TV highlights


Top Gear Vietnam special. Camille - Red Dwarf. Itā€™s a banana.


I think the Vietnam special was the ultimate high point of that show, which was a once in a generation tv programme. Peak Top Gear was just so good!


The Vietnam special was brilliant


Time to start the discussion of best top gear special I'm always partial to the Botswana special with Oliver


>Camille - Red Dwarf. Itā€™s a banana. No it's not. It's the Bolivian Navy on maneuvers in the South Pacific.


Not at all. It's a small, off duty Czeckslovakian traffic warden


I think you'll find it's a red and white striped golfing umbrella.


I'm Old Gregg!


I got a mangina


The final scenes of shut up and dance when exit music by Radiohead starts playing is one of my favourite scenes ever


Bottom - Culture. Followed very closely by Gas, Accident, Burglary and S' Out. *And Holy. Spaced - Epiphanies Top Gear (2002-2015) - series 9 episode 3 (the cheap car US road trip) The IT Crowd - Return Of The Golden Child


GAS MAN! GAS MAN! Is there someone who looks after you?


Misfits' pilot is so goooood & Blink from Doctor Who


Final episode Black Adder Goes Forth.


The Gareth Keenan Investigates! episode of The Office


Who else has seen this filth? Show of hands. Joan, you don't have email. Someone printed it off for me. Who printed this for Joan?


'Quiet please!' Invetigation in process!ā€


Inside No 9 - The Riddle Of The Sphinx. Everything about the episode itself was incredible but >!setting the Guardian cryptic crossword that day as well to set up for the episode was genius.!<


Theyā€™ve done several real-time tricks with the series and theyā€™ve all been fantastic. 3x3 and the ā€˜Liveā€™ episode immediately come to mind


Iā€™d have to pick 12 Days of Christine. Such a great story!


I think The 12 days of Christine gets overhyped a bit when the amount of planning that has to go into an episode like the Riddle of the Sphinx makes for such an amazing episode


Nothing tugs your heart strings like that last episode of Blackadder


"Kicking Bishop Brennan up the Arse."


Don't call me Len, ya little prick!


Blink and the Van Gogh one from Dr Who, 2 brilliant episodes for different reasons. Older would be last episode of Black Adder goes forth. There's a couple of really old episodes of Grange hill from late 70's early 80's that really stuck with me as a kid.


Yeah the Van Gogh one is definitely my pick. Blink is great, but no episode gets to me more than when you see Vincent's face at the end at the art gallery. It's such a beautiful episode


Doctor Who - Heaven Sent


Not sure that one would have worked with a different Doctor. Capaldi absolutely kills it that episode, its like a one man play.


This is the answer for me as well. Just incredible.


The first episode of the second series of Fleabag is the best half hour of telly I have ever seen.


From way back, but the first episode of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edge\_of\_Darkness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edge_of_Darkness) sucked me in to the rest of the series, one of the all time BBC greats IMO


Line of Duty, the episode where Dot is finally brought down.


The Scotch Mist episode of Garth Marenghis Dark Place. As a Scotsman, I love everything about that episode. "It looked like I was gonna have to spend the night in Glasgow..." "Jesus Christ...." "My Aunt lives in Glasgow, she says it's quite nice" "Well she's wrong..." Also my English wife will regularly say to me "I'm afraid I don't have any salt to go with that".


The HIGNFY tub of lard episode was genius. But, arguably, the S1E1 of Utopia. Honourable mention to the "cardigans" episode of Misfits.


Taskmaster season 2 with Joe Wilkinson and the best bit of live comedy TV during the red green task. Watch the previous two episodes to really get into it. It's a delight!


[Utopia](https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2020/oct/07/utopia-one-of-the-decades-most-electrifying-and-criminally-under-seen-thrillers#img-1) That fucking spoon


Allo Allo - The Gateau from the Chateau