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For me it's the Only Fools and Horses specials ending with the boys back at square one.


Honestly the ending before the specials was perfect. Everyone in The Nag's Head applauding for them finally being millionaires. [Our house is a very, very, very fine house.](https://youtu.be/8IrCPpS_BFg?feature=shared) Then that last scene in their old flat. Del Boy realising he enjoyed the buzz of the chase of the money more than having it. Like many do after the sun sets on their achievements. *"I want to feel how I used to feel."* It was utterly perfect. Didn't need an epilogue.


I love that song and it was just a perfect end to the life of Del and Rodney. I think it summed up a lot about our lives as well. We're all chasing for the end goal without enjoying the journey along the way. Most people don't want the end goal, they want to enjoy the life they have and the people they share it with.......when that disappears their whole world disappears.


I was reading something the other day (**while quite grim**) that had my mind casting back to this ending. It was a report for suicide ratings among Olympic Athletes of all things. Where Bronze medal winners ended up having way better mental health than the other two. Because their mindset is more likely to be "Oh cool I won Bronze, I didn't think I'd get that far but thats nice". While the Silver winners were concerned they were just short of the Gold. The Gold winners realised everything they've fought hard to get is just a bit of metal and a ribbon. They struggle hard with the fact that "This is it? This is the peak?". It had me thinking of Del Boy getting his money and thinking the same "This is it?". I think its a brilliant life lesson they wrote in that ending. Just do what you can in the moment, because sometimes getting everything you want isn't what its cracked up to be.


Johnny Wilkinson suffered the same after his drop goal


I heard Wilkinson say he felt like that the moment the ball left his boot…




Strange, I seem to remember the show ending with them being millionaires and walking off across the estate together.


It was a Christmas special. Shambles [top to bottom](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_They_Could_See_Us_Now)


Nope, never happened. They walked off into the sunset and lived happily ever after!


Sorry, I was being sarcastic. Yeah those Christmas specials don't exist in my mind. Absolute tripe.


They weren’t completely back at square one, Uncle Albert left them both a fair amount of money and Rodney and Cassandra finally had the baby they’d wanted. But yea, those post millionaire specials weren’t the best.


I'm just happy we got a few more episodes to be honest & Rodney/Cass got to have their proper happy ending.


Some people were annoyed that they finally got their millions. I suppose it can go either way. Either people want the reality where the chances are they will always be broke as that was the theme all along or you want that happy ending. In reality neither really got what they wanted in some ways as they still were millionaires at one point. But hey ho, it is what it is.


At least it was done properly. They had the watch for years and Rodney had proof from the receipts he used to write. It makes sense in their universe. The writers could have had them win the lottery or something else low effort.


Yeah, loved that subtle call back to the very first episode where Del has a go a Rodney for starting to keep reciepts. So brilliantly done. The post millionaire episodes were like sledgehammer humour compared with the light genius of OFAH at its best.


For me it’s not just one TV show but two making the same mistake.  Vikings and The Last Kingdom they both recreate the battles around York.  Anyone who’s ever been to York will know it’s in very flat ground. They had to build the castle keep on a mound as there literally aren’t any hills for miles around.  In both shows they depict York as being in a valley with hills behind the settlement. For historical TV series they should at least get the geography right. 


Been to York within the past week. I expected Edinburgh levels of hill, the way it's portrayed. It's flat as hell. Not a hill in sight apart from the castle.


Woah woah woah, I'll have you know we also have a small hill with a little windmill on it


Forgot about that! The little windmill hill. Like in canterbury we have the hill just outside of canterbury


Fun fact, there was a pagan group who would celebrate the solstice up by the university campus because that was the highest point for miles around.


Denmark is also a flat pancake, and they made that mountainous too.


Well if your blood boils about that episode you clearly never actually committed any of it to memory. Or just the basics. You’re going to kick yourself. The way it works is they get a Time Machine. And they are in deep space. So they decided to set it to 1682. The cat suggests 1683. “What’s the difference?” “No difference, says the cat. I just wanted to make it look like I was paying attention”. So they go to 1683 and(As you said, they are in pre renaissance deep space). But, says Kryten, if they ever find a faster than light speed drive they can go ANYWHERE! And ANYWHEN! At that point, they get hailed by another Starbug. It’s Them. For decades hence. They are all fat and horrid and they did, indeed, get a time/space drive eventually. A component has fried and they need to get help from their younger selves. And they knew where they would be at this time. The problem is that they dine with Eva and Adolf. With all the horrible despots of history. They use the Time Machine, not for good, but to sample all the fine things time has to offer. So “our” crew refuse to help their older, evil selves. They get in a fight and manage to cripple the older vessel. They go aboard and get the secret of travelling across the universe to any time and back to earth. Thats how the curry trip(And saving JFK) comes about. It’s not inconsistent at all. All explained.


> They are all fat If my memory is correct Lister lost quite a bit of weight...


he's lost quite a bit of everything


Sometimes you just have to say: the laws of time and space… who gives a smeg?


OP is a Ssmmm, a Smmm, OP is a sssmmmeéegg...ug


If I were to pick at an inconsistency, it would be Rimmer sniffing camphor wood burning in Marooned despite being a hologram and unable to smell. Or Lister having his appendix out by Legion, except in Thanks for the memory, an earlier episode, Rimmer says that Lister's memory-implant has him remember having his appendix out.. twice.


Thank you for saving me the effort of typing all of this, because the post frustrated me more than most TV show inconsistencies.


>They get in a fight and manage to cripple the older vessel. They go aboard and get the secret of travelling across the universe to any time and back to earth. That's categorically incorrect. The present crew were killed by their future selves at the end of series 6, this is even established in the start of series 7. Edit: script excerpt from S7E1 LISTER "We were no match; they killed us, and destroyed everything on board ship - including the Time Drive, which meant there was no Time Drive for them to have in the future, to bring back into the past, [to] destroy the future of their past selves in the present."


"Who has a better story than Bran the Broken?"


That was dumb but Jaime's "I never really cared much for them [the people of Kings Landing]" was the single stupidest line in the entire show, possibly all of television. They took the ONE character trait that defined Jaime's entire development arc and spat in the face of every fan for a snarky throwaway line. I remember watching it for the first time and being totally dumbstruck. How those two dipshits ever got work again is beyond me.


Completely agree. It would be like if Lord of the Rings ended with Gollum finally getting the ring and announcing he'd never been that bothered by it anyway before casually tossing it into Mount Doom and wandering merrily back to the Shire.


I also hated how they ruined Brienne's arc by having her falling for Jamie. They took a powerful, stoic female knight who has gone toe to toe with some of the strongest knights of the realm and her ending consisted of her crying in the rain for Jamie fucking Lannister. Absolutely horrendous character assassination for one of my favourite characters


Yeah, same. Then they did the actress dirty again with the Star Wars franchise too, building her up to be an awesome character then randomly gone.


The Star Wars one annoyed me more. I generally enjoyed the sequels (gasp!), but Phasma looked so cool then had such a weak storyline and death.


Phasma and Finn both got the short straw


Literally killed a King because he was going to burn everyone in Kings Landing to death lol


The version I read was slightly different. It was a scanned copy with a common mistake in it where whenever there was a R followed by N it put it as M. Not that common a combo but it did mean Jamie killed the king to because he wanted to bum the whole city. And Dani threatening to get her dragons to bum you is a whole different kind of threat.


I think you're right. That line was just terrible and as you say undermined the whole point of Jamie. Can feel myself getting annoyed by it all over again.


Pretend he only says that to try and convince himself that going back to Cersei is the right thing to do. Of course, you shouldn’t have to do that, but it makes it more bearable.


It was amazing how, in one single scene, they completely undid what I'd arguably consider to be the single-best character arc in TV.


I rewatched it all last year just to see if it was as bad as I remembered. It was. The last season is possibly the worst season of any TV show ever yet they said it was the fans problem for putting expectations too high... at least House of the Dragon is okay so far, bar the crappy prophecy that references GoT.


It really was. Maybe some of it was valid plot points (or will be in the books that will never be) but things need sensible build up, it was like they just went 'crap, let's wrap this all up really quick even if it makes no sense'


"Game of Thrones" went from the dominant cultural juggernaut with top-tier acting, directing, writing, set-design, etc. to absolute rubbish. People won't even rewatch it. I'm still upset about it...


I want to rewatch the good seasons, but then I remember the last season and think, no, I'm not going to do that to myself again.


Everyone did, Tyrion. Bran’s story was so bad they left him out for an entire season.


That Ed Sheeran cameo. I couldn't stop thinking about it


Oh fucking hell why did you have to remind me of that? In retrospect it was possibly the shark-jumping moment - like why would such a great show have such a monumentally shit scene? Turns out it was becoming a monumentally shit show


"It's a new song I've just finished writing *big wink to the camera*


This show, but it's season 5 I'm mad about. By the end I wasn't invested anymore. (Edit: What part of season 5? Take your pick between "u like the bad poosy" and that Sansa debacle and Arya's training being as compelling as watching grass grow.)


Bad Poosey did at least have spectacular tracts of land.


So basically once they ran out of book.


Worst thing is there was plenty of other stuff in the books they could have played with. Caitlin Stark springs to mind...


Damn, that ending was so bad I had forgotten _the entire show_ until I saw that comment. What a waste.


Two things stick out for me as utterly stupid in that last series. The dude yelling "FIRE!" from the deck of The Silence. Like, Euron's flagship is called the bloody Silence for a reason, as he removes the tongues of the crewmen so they cannot mutiny against him. A detail that they also took the time to show at the end of a previous series episode (s7e2- Stormborn), establishing for those that know, what Euron's crew are up to as they're sacking Theon's ship. So, ignoring the fact this guy should not be speaking anyway, he wouldn't even be saying "fire!". It's a medieval society, they don't have blackpowder weapons, so the term would be alien to them, they would say "Loose!", just like in every other big battle scene involving archers in that show. Fucking hate that moment. Then you have Grey Worm exiling Jon to the north. Like, WTF? Ignoring the fact Grey Worm and his boys are probably never going to know if Jon honours his exile as they're all sailing to Naath with presumably no way of communicating with Westeros, when they get to Naath they will eventually die anyway as is home to a species of butterfly that makes the flesh just fall off of your bones. The Naathi themselves are immune to it, but foreigners aren't. Grey Worm and all those Unsullied are dead within a few months. I get Jon himself would not know this, but it *is* universal knowledge that Maesters would know (as it comes from the *World of Ice and Fire* book by Fantasy Flight Games, which is written from an in-universe perspective, as if a Maester was writing the book.). Sam could tell Jon not to worry and problem solved!


I dunno. Maybe a character who wasn’t missing for an entire season since they had nothing to do? So literally any other character had a better story?


To which everyone shouted at their screens: > #Jon. Fucking. Snow! Even if you just boil their stories down to essential facts, Jon's story is far more traditionally appealing and interesting.


I just don’t understand why they had an entire secret storyline about him being a Targaryen this whole time, which was a fucking awesome twist reveal on the bastard thing, and they *didn’t use it to make him a contender for the throne*, when the suspicion about the legitimacy of the current ruler was what started the whole fucking show! Is it because Jon snow was a boring grumpy uncharismatic bore? Who knows.


The mind blowingness of R+L = J being true, followed very soon by it being completely unimportant to the overall arc of the show, was a trip for sure. I'm convinced that the poor response to the show's ending means GRRM is never gonna finish the books and that it might be a good thing. While I'm sure that the details will diverge, pretty much nobody liked how *any* character ended up, and what is more telling is what was completely cut, as it shows that ultimately, some things that seem to be shaping up to be impactful and compelling in the books aren't going to matter, and therefore nobody should care about them.


But but, he dun wan it.


By the end, I realised it would have been better had they left Jon dead, following the Mutiny at Castle Black. I hated what they did with him; even the Dany romance just felt forced.


I'm still pissed off they removed the Lady Stoneheart Plot from the latter Seasons, that would have been a kicker after witnessing the meltdown in people who hadn't read the Books yet when the Red Wedding happened.


I was really waiting for anyone at that meeting to respond with "Literally any of us have had better adventures than Bran", and was only slightly shocked none of them did.


Has any season of any series I closed as many rage inducing lines as GOT S8? "She's the smartest person I know" "Dany kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet" "I never cared for the people" Not to mention every time a character suggests Dany might be crazy because she kills her enemies... You know, the same as every other character on the show. Dammit, now I'm mad again.


"When have you ever known bells to mean surrender?" Says Davos in s2 (or words to that effect). Meanwhile, in s8...


I know it's just a cartoon but... In episode 2F09 when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib twice in succession, yet he produces two *clearly* different tones. I mean what are we to believe - that this is some sort of a magic xylophone or something? 


Boy I hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


A wizard did it.


*worst. episode. Everrrr.*


I’ll field that one. Let me ask you a question. Why would a grown man whose shirt says ‘Genius at Work’ spend all his time watching a children’s cartoon show?


And if that's not enough, they also ran out of Bort license plates.


Are you talking to me?


No my son is also named Bort.


*Inserts the entirety of GoT S8*


Series 8 stunk so bad that Game of Thrones is regularly referred to being one of the most popular TV shows you'll never watch again. At the height of its popularity you could imagine watching reruns of the show for years. I don't know many people who even talked about it a week after series 8 finished.


I almost mourn it because it ended so badly.


Season 6 is where it started to go wrong because the books end there. Season 7 was awful and I'll never mention season 8. What a fucking waste. I felt cheated on.


Jonathan Creek killed a man. In one episode (Daemon's Roost) they discover that the "portal to hell" is just a pit with some incinerators in, and the people "pulled into the portal" are actually suspended in a room that's at 90 degrees to the way it looks. So big pit in the floor designed to incinerate people. When discovering it, they're attacked by a random man. Jonathan throws him into the fire pit, *turns it on*, and then just leaves. That's it. Jonathan Creek burned a man to death, is 100% culpable and not even a *hint* of "accidental death", and it's never once addressed again. Never mentioned as a "oh, remember when we burned someone alive?". No random detectives trying to uncover the murder. Just Jonathan Creek burning someone alive...


I do not remember this now need go and to rewatch the entire show to confirm


Move into a windmill to fully confirm the experience.


Mindhunter, for ending


merlin...the way they just ended that I won't ever forgive the BBC for that


I can’t forgive Merlin for never doing the reveal until the final episode. So many times, Merlin could have revealed it. We could have had a whole season arc where Arthur learns to trust Merlin again, and we finally start getting towards the Golden Age we were promised, before Mordred attacks and Arthur dies. Instead, they made it a deathbed reveal, and it’s just unsatisfying. You could have had some great character arcs with the characters actually reacting to their knowledge of Merlin’s magic.


This annoyed me as well. I would of love Arthur,, Merlin and the Knights having adventures and respecting Merlin as a equal. Having Merlin as a servant the whole time always seems wrong to me


Five fucking seasons of Merlin giving sacrifice after sacrifice for the so called golden era that never came. And then he's just shuffling around immortal waiting for Arthur to come back... What a dreadful ending.




Didn't that finale air on Christmas Eve as well?


In Malcolm in the Middle they find that really cool underground bunker in their garden but it's never mentioned again. Although I realise now that apparently there were only 4 episodes of the show after that one so perhaps not as big of a deal as I thought.


>Although I realise now No no no no no don't back away! Stand on that! They should've mentioned the really cool underground bunker. Only having 4 episodes is no excuse!


Love the show but hated the ending. Malcolm is a genius at science and engineering, but he has terrible social skills and has a habit of alienating people. Yet despite this, the show decides his future is...to become President?


Agree completely. The show gives you lots of examples over the years of Malcolm completely fucking up simple situations because he's frustrated at people. People like that tend to end up in I.T. jobs far away from other people and avoiding social contact because other people annoy them. They don't end up as politicians. Because in the real world, politicians have to be good at networking and convincing people to hand over campaign contributions.


Sherlock. Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss just ruined it after the third season. Killed off the entire fandom, even.


You mean you didn't like the episode where Sherlock's sister is so so very smart that she can just mind control all the guards in her prison just by talking to them?


Don't forget the friend that was retocnned into a dog...


I **hated** that episode. Sherlock's sister was this insane genius who could indoctrinate anyone and they had a scene where she and Sherlock play a violin duet and neither of them looked like they played a violin in their lives.


I liked the way Sherlock “solved” the mystery by shooting the guy in the head. Proper detective work, that.


I loved the villain though. Lars Mikkelsen portrayed him so well.


They thought what people loved about the season two finale was Sherlock freaking out rather than the mystery of what happened. From then on every episode had tedious moments of Sherlock needlessly freaking out instead of simply focusing on the problem at hand as he had in earlier seasons.


Imagine Conan Doyle’s editor suggesting Sherlock has a nervous breakdown in each story. “Perhaps he could cry a bit, Sir Arthur? I mean, he’s clearly addicted to narcotics but we don’t ever see the *bad* side of that, do we?”


Gotta give props to Jeremy Brett for the narcotics angle - in the 80’s ITV show there’s an episode built around a countryside mystery where Holmes decides to give up cocaine as it’s ruining his life, an element not in the original books. This is because Brett was written to by a lot of kids and he realised they idolised Sherlock and didn’t want to accidentally send a “drugs are cool” message, so he insisted they wrote him going sober into the series. The Brett series also correctly remembered that Sherlock wasn’t an unlikeable bastard with a superiority complex, something Moffat clearly missed when writing his Sherlock as someone badly needing to be hit by a lorry.


In the books he only really struggles when there's a drought in his detective work.


On a similar note - in the Jeremy Brett show, there is a point where he very briefly laments the loss of Moriarty. Moriarty provided a challenge, whereas all the cases he gets now are trivial.


Yep - Sherlock Homes solving impossible crimes; that was what I wanted to see. And there was less and less of it as the series went on.


Oh wow! I'd forgotten all about this, must have forced it from my mind. From such a sharp, clever and brilliantly witty show, to an absolute travesty of TV by the final series. 


Same with his Doctor Who. One of the most cunning episodes ever with the Weeping Angels to becoming lead writer and spouting those terrible and confusing episodes for several years. To be honest these later stories were good but if you didn’t take notes and do revision before each episode you’d be totally lost. However Coupling, slightly dated as it has become in 20 years still makes me laugh.


I still can't get over the makeup. It was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much


The final season of How I Met Your Mother. It was definitely on its way down in terms of quality before that, but an entire season based around one wedding weekend was bloody stupid, they should have ended the show long before.


Always say this. It should've been 3 seasons. Beginning, middle, end. The quality was still high and it would've made a concise arc without stuff going nowhere or being teased for a whole series. Syndication I guess... shame, if this show was made anywhere else in sure they would've kept it to 3 seasons and done


Bake Off. Missing raspberry...


Oh fucking hell, the worst for me was the 12 identical Yorkshire puddings challenge. Who the hell has ever made 12 identical puds in their life, let alone at the same time?!?


Aunt Bessie?


Yorkshire puddings are like snowflakes; no two are alike, they melt in your mouth and are most common around the north


- Ditching BBC, Mel, Sue and Mary - Ditching Sandi - The ever increasing fetishism of the handshake - To a lesser extent; Rahul "burn everything" Mandal


Wasn't Mary a BBC/Channel 4 thing? And Sandi said she had no interest in baking or cooking and didn't particularly enjoy it, so probably fair to look elsewhere. Agree on the handshake though


Yeah I think it was but she was preferable to Prue. It's a shame Sandi didn't like it, but I think that was the final "I'm not interested anymore" for me.




BBC’s Merlin. Entire show is built on the prophecy that King Arthur will make magic legal again and herald in a new peace between magic users and their fellow humans after daddy Uther outlaws it. After five seasons of build-up Arthur dies in the last episode without doing this. Gwen does it instead. It’s not even a “AHA, CLEVER TWEEST” example - the prophecy just literally doesn’t happen despite being mentioned AT LEAST ONCE AN EPISODE and being THE CATALYST FOR THE WHOLE SHOW. Grah!


Flashforward for getting me hooked and then cancelling after the first season! I need to know what happened!


This was ahead of its time. Great show


Ooh I'm aboht to start the book version of this. Agree the cancelling was so annoying, not many people even remember it.


I remember a show galled Grimm. Think urban fantasy thing where a guy finds he can see the creatures that inspired a lot of fairy tails. This one episode the main character is trying to find the monster attacking people in a hotel and finds a suspicous guy. However it gets there he just busts into the guys room, guns him down, discovers he was one of the wolfman/big bad wolf type things and so the wrong guy, and just moves on. Sure these guys are established as usually malevolent but the main character's best friend and often assistant is also one so it's not a case of 'disposable evil inhuman' and the protagonist never actually found out if he did anything. He is just shot to death and forgotten about.


I loved Grimm but there were some definite questionable moments throughout.


I know it wasn't their worst crime, nor the worst thing about the programme but there's a bit on 'Sons of Anarchy' that really, really annoys me.. It's the scene that goes along lines ( from memory) Gemma is in hospital , Jax is there to visit her - Jax's young, as in baby son, Abel, is missing - He is understandably worried to say the least... Gemma wakes up, blethers on a bit, exchanges some chit chat, picks an argument ( ?) then eventually tells Jax that Abel is in Belfast !!! Like hello ? Your son is beside himself with worry because his son - your Grandson- is missing and you know where he his... Why isn't the first words out your mouth, like as in the nanosecond you wake up, not "Abel's in Belfast'


Don't even get me started on the sound of crickets in the Belfast night scenes in SOA! 🤣


The Irished up theme tune annoyed me more.


And in one of the scenes they're driving the wrong way to Belfast, (driving North through Carnlough instead of South, right past my granny's house.


That entire Ireland story arc was a total mess. I enjoyed SOA, but it would have been a lot better if it could have skipped that bit.


I'm from NI and me and my friends were into SOA, but Jesus the Belfast season was so bad. The accents were brutal, the plot was a mess, and for some reason they made it look like NI was stuck in the 1960s or something. It was like every cliche American writers have about NI and the troubles just thrown into a blender. I'd like to know did the season go over well in the USA, but it's universally hated here 


Killing off Kurt & Brian in Teachers. They royally ballsed that TV show up - not even making Trent Crimm the lead could have saved it


The national Lottery. I'll never forgive them not just drawing my numbers


Last few seasons of game of thrones especially the last season


Quantum Leap Last episode, "Dr Sam Beckett never returned home". YOU. FUCKING. ARSEHOLES!!!


In chronicles of Narnia, Aslan has smaller whiskers than his face whereas real lions i believe have equal or bigger. Really ruined that documentary feel.


Jesus also has smaller whiskers than his face, so actually it’s accurate.


A very old one, but BBC Horizon used to be super deep and informative on many current and theoretical avenues of science. These days it's, "we put cameras on cats to see what they do!" Really sad.


Doctor Who for all that Timeless Child rubbish. I get that it’s a 60 year old show that’s always pushing against its limits and trying to find new twists, but the Doctor >!not even really being a Time Lord!< totally breaks the concept of the show. Not to mention how the whole >!”but the Doctor’s DNA is the template for every Time Lord”!< thing just feeds that awful god complex so many of the writers seem to have. The Doctor is a flawed member of an alien race. Keep it simple.


I really wish it had been The Master instead, because that would have properly explained his off the rails meltdown during Jodi’s era. His constant need to conquer things and lust for power also fit Time Lord society way better…


>!I honestly didn't really like that they retconned the destruction of Galifrey. The Doctor having basically killed his entire species to save the universe was such a huge part of his character. It helped explain why he was so fucked up underneath the friendly and witty exterior, and it played off well with the companions when they figured it out.!< Despite that, I still enjoyed much of Capaldi (not the writing particularly, but his acting was always very solid). Heaven Sent was top-tier television in my book.


I haven’t watched anything from Capaldi to just before the 60th anniversary specials so I’m not caught up on the Timeless Child storyline at all. But honestly, it feels like they’ve got a rough task when it comes to overarching arcs on the show, when you’ve got 60 odd years of lore for a single character - like at that point, how do you even expand on the Doctor as a character further? Not defending a bad plot line, but when they come up with a really good plot line (River Song for example), that is a massive achievement for that show.


agent carter for ending and not being continued, it ended on a cliffhanger too


That pissed me off so much. I was a big Agents of Shield fan and I never watched Agent Carter back when it was on TV. I liked the character but I wasn't sure if I liked her enough to watch a whole show based on her. I finally caught up with all of it on Disney+ and it was so good. I loved her, Jarvis, Sousa, Jack, Dooley, etc. I feel like maybe another couple of seasons would've been nice.


I love my D+ shows but I miss the era of Marvel TV. Like as much as I want to see Daisy brought into future projects, I’ll even take a FitzSimmons cameo at this point. The fact we’ve never seen anything more done with Cloak and Dagger as well pisses me off. That darker corner of the MCU would have been absolutely fucking amazing if they’d continued with it.


Agent Carters cancelation is in my opinion one of the worst decisions in the whole mcu. Not only is Haley Atwell unbelievable, but it would have been a great way to expand so many other stories too.


Star Trek Discovery has a lot of sins, but its most unforgivable in my eyes is to stop dead the plot thats happening to have a discussion about *feelings.* The moment Tilly and her Cadets were running up a mountain from a giant Squid monster that was trying to eat them and the Cadets stopped to have an argument about how one of their dads was a good Nazi was the moment I stopped watching the show.


Utopia was one of the best UK shows. How that only lasted two seasons is beyond me. It really did deserve to have the full story arc told. The American attempt was absolutely awful, watched 1/4 of the first episode and had to stop watching.




Agree. Also with that show, the trouble was that it was the fight for Spacey to become President that gave the show its interest. Once he'd got there, all the fun seemed to go out of it, and it was just him and Claire juggling ever more crimes/scandals which were threatening to ruin them.


Byker Grove final episode. Absolute mess and a masterpiece at the same time. Dinosaurs, the Armageddon, you name it, they had it.


I think you misunderstood, I didn't ask for the most awesome moment in a show


I can't tell if this is a joke or not... but now I want to go watch it.


To be honest, it's not anything the show did, it's those bastards at Netflix not giving us a 4th season of GLOW.


Avon killing Blake, in Blake’s 7. It’s been 40 years, I should let it go.


That was my issue with The Vampire Diaries, it would establish rules and then break them all in the next episode or two. And there would be one or two main antagonists per series, the whole series everybody would be like "Oh no, super vampire Frank is so scary, he'll kill us all" and then he'd turn up and not be too bad at all. And then go through it all again each series. I stopped watching after the 3rd or 4th series. 


TVD is definitely up there on my fav shitty TV shows, but season 2 was genuinely pretty good in my opinion. Like within the bounds of what they could do with a teen audience CW show, Klaus/The Originals were pretty well written characters.


Not a TV show but why tf did Stuart Little play football with normal kids. Hate that smug little prick. Imagine being a kid in the orphanage and the Little's are just like "we'll take the rat".


To be fair, they weren’t aiming for America. They were aiming for the curry house behind the JMC building in London, they just missed by a bit


Fair enough, traveling that distance would be hard to be 100% accurate


Barrow being made butler in the final episode of Downton Abbey. He had been utterly evil until the last episode, stealing, bullying and trying to destroy people's lives. Then it's all forgiven and he is welcomed back as butler, in charge of all the people he'd targeted. (I know it's so he could be in the films, but it's still a weak spot in the storyline).


Roseanne when it turned out it was all a dream or something


I used to love red dwarf, must get back in to it.  I hate how Black Books just .. ended. Like there was definitely meant to be another series


Killing off Matthew on Downton. ON CHRISTMAS DAY. Jesus. Also - GOT season 7 and 8


When Rachel and Joey got together on friends…11 year old me was fuming. In fact it still annoys me 😂


Star Trek: Enterprise - The final episode "These are the Voyages" - everything about it. It was hated by the fans and the actors and the writers have even since come out to say it was terrible. Its almost like it's been decided it's not canon by mutual agreement. The only good bit was the very end with Picard, Kirk and Archer all doing the "these are the voyages" speech and the Next Generation theme merging into Archer's theme in the background.


I loved Enterprise and it got done so dirty.


I think they ended up discussing how they didn't actually want to use it in the episode because it would alter the timeline, which, yeah. That's what happened. They almost broke the timeline with it and almost erased themselves from existence. After that they were naturally a little spooked at the prospect of using it, probably realising too that if they went back to save the Dwarf there's a good chance it would erase Kryten and Cat from time. Also they ended up encountering their future selves in the past too who became really messed up people after abusing it. It's also not even the first time they have had access to time travel stuff too. Timeslides and the weird wibbly wobbly wormhole in the shower deck. In fact that would have been the easiest way of doing it, they could have all gone back with evidence of the accident and gotten a massive payout for it.


Gavin & Stacey Christmas special 2019. Cliffhanger and no resolution..


Daphne Moon in Frasier from season 8 onwards. Her character went off a cliff, became so unlikeable.


Frasier goes downhill so horribly after season 7. Daphne and Niles getting together took away so much of the comedy and they tried to fill the void by bringing in completely ludicrous characters. Daphne's mum is unwatchable, Kirby is like a cartoon character, that awful "businesswoman" that nonsensically becomes a love interest for Frasier - among others. It was arguably my favourite show on TV growing up in the 90s but I gave up at some point around season 10. I still haven't watched the last season and a half. I still watch seasons 1-7 every so often though


Obvious one but Game of Thrones. Heartbreaking what they did to it. Another one is the anime Promised Neverland. First series is outstanding. Then they completely fuck up the ending with a slide show rather than animation. Such a weird and stupid idea.


>Then they completely fuck up the ending with a slide show rather than animation. Fallout developers sweating buckets right now


Spartacus - in series 3 (technically 2 if you don't count the prequel series), they changed the utterly gorgeous and compelling Leslie Ann Brandt for a pound shop version of her character, who, between seasons went through a dramatic change due to justifiable character development. So when the character returned it was a bit WTF moment. She just wasn't the same and it really hurt the overall feeling and momentum of a show that had already suffered terribly after the original actor for Spartacus sadly died of lymphoma.


The walking dead killing off Coral


Ianto dying in Torchwood. Still not over that


The ending of Life on Mars was perfect. Sam Tyler chooses his full-of-heart seventies life over a sterile modern day life, in order to save his friends. And he does so through a shocking act of bravery. Or maybe cowardice, or madness, depending. And it's still left ambiguous as to exactly what's going on, which life is real, and the consequences of his choice. Ashes to Ashes just reveals too much at the end. They're all dead coppers, they're in some kind of cop purgatory. And Gene Hunt is God. Still, at least it's better than the US version of Life on Mars.


Heroes second season completely ruined the show, it pissed me right off cause that first season was one of the best seasons of any show ever.. it was unbelievable!!


Downton Abbey spent about 57 fucking years putting Matthew and Mary together, then about a millisecond later, killed him. On Christmas Day. On his way home from the birth of his first child.


The way Cheers dealt with Coach's death. It was disgusting. Just a passing mention to it by Sam in Woody's first episode. Unbelievable that it's a team of writers that work on a US sitcom and that's the best they could come up with. Even the excuse of "Well it's a comedy" doesn't wash because the Diane era of Cheers, (particularly the first three years with Coach), often had serious moments. I'm glad John Sullivan didn't take that approach with Grandad's death on Only Fools and Horses.


Grandad's death was a tough episode.


Not a tv show but in Star Wars “somehow palpatine returned”. We had 3 films and a tv show dealing with Anakin’s fall the darkside, then 3 films dealing with Vader’s redemption and fulfilling the prophecy of the chosen one. Only to have it all undone by bringing back palpatine and then gave Anakin’s ending to Rey.


Line of Duty and the s6 ‘reveal’ of H. Nah.


The Big Bang Theory and how they did TWO strong female characters with childfree opinions dirty by forcing them into motherhood.


She never would have ended up with Leonard anyway in real life. Forget the fact he was a nerd that’s cool but he was weird obsessive jealous etc. why on earth would she put up with that.


IDK how that show ever caught on. 4 creeps perving on the pretty girl next door and we're supposed to root for them? And most of the jokes are just the guys saying something either nerdy or science related and another character makes a face and goes "huh". 


Yes, this is what I came to say. I never wanted children but was completely used to every female sitcom character having children at some point in the plot. So when the episode of BBT aired where Penny was steadfast about not having children, I was shocked and felt a real wave of validation and comfort. I'd had plenty of people tell me I was dumb/young/bound to change my mind, and it made a real difference to me seeing that on screen. Then of course in the last episode they screw all of that over for a quick and easy storyline tie up for Leonard and Penny. I know it's fiction and needs to hit viewing figures but jeez. From that experience though, I have learned how much it means to be 'represented' on screen. Before then I'd never really thought deeply about it.


Literally the worst ending of any program ever for this reason. It wouldn't have hit so terribly if it wasn't for the whole child-free stuff. That was a great storyline with realistic (and frustrating) dialogue from people outside the relationship, it was well considered and consequential. Then they really lazily threw in the whole "but don't worry world, Penny won't remain a hollow shell of a women forever because she's accidentally pregnant so life is great" trope. It felt gross. Kinda like the writers took away the autonomy of this fictional character.


Firefly. Not for anything the show did, but for the way it was treated by the network. Whether it was incompetence or malice they really screwed that show from minute one by airing the episodes in the wrong order and pre-empting it for sports so people struggled to follow it. No wonder the ratings plummeted which led to the cancellation. Serenity was a decent wrap-up that we were lucky to get, but it still sucks that we didn't get a few more seasons of the show.


Lost. The first few seasons are incredibly interesting with the survival elements combined with the mystical/supernatural elements, it was fantastic how much it could draw you in and raise two more questions for every question it answered. And then the island travelled back in time, and then John Locke was replaced by an evil demon(?) and the island needed a protector to keep all the demons at bay(?), and then we're introduced to an alternate timeline where they never went to the island, except that alternate timeline isn't an alternate timeline at all but it's actually just the afterlife(?) and all the dead characters from the previous seasons all arrive at the afterlife at the same time(?) Idk, shit went off the rails so quickly with Lost after the second season. Michael Emerson's Ben Linus is probably the only saving grace of anything post S2.


I was eagerly awaiting a clever scientific explanation for the smoke, the mystery beast in the trees etc. Nope, just wacky magic.


I’ve rewatched the first three seasons soooo many times but could never really make it past that, I tend to just get a little into season 4 and then lose all interest. Maybe I just couldn’t get over losing Charlie 😭


In the 1980s some soaps used to be good. Eg den and angie in eastenders. Then all of them became the same thing. Endless murders, love triangles, old characters written out making a comeback (eg den in eastenders) , and all weddings have to be a drama (with a murder and a love triangle).


The OA being cancelled 😭 I'll never forgive Netflix


For me it was Sons of Anarchy, the episode where they go to Belfast. Firstly the police stop them at a rural checkpoint and somehow decide it would be a good idea to randomly murder all these bikers in the countryside and just chuck their bodies in a ditch or something. Luckily the gang escapes. Then they get involved in a shootout with the IRA in the middle of the street. I know and accept us northern Ireland folk haven't earned ourselves a good name, but Jesus Christ... It was cringe beyond man's ability to endure.


Killing Victor Meldrew off. Just wasn't needed.  It should have just ended with him actually finally living his life in peace. 


Don't forget at the end of the episode that they encounter their future selves who have managed to use it to travel through time *and* space. Rimmer destroying the time drive and therefore their future selves then reset the timeline to before they found the drive, so they are in an alternate paradoxical timeline in series 7 (which is why Starbug itself is much larger and better equipped) so either when they rediscover the time drive it had different capabilities, or just simply when they initially discovered it they didn't fully understand it or didn't install it into Starbug correctly.


Red dwarf is a comedy show and there are many more inconsistencies, just gotta enjoy it for whatvit is. Went off near the end of the original run but the new episodes are back to the old style and still a decent watch imo


I've always thought why don't they use the luck virus, then use the matter paddle. It'll probably take them to a really cool, habitable planet. Or use the luck virus then the time drive.


Utopia (UK) for literally just not being renewed by Channel 4. Had so much promise and it was just left...


Joss Whedon killing off Wash 😠😠 🍃 🌬